Math Classwork 5

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Math Classwork 5

Ethan-Dale Brown 2-2

1. A circle has a radius of 35 cm. Using π 3 1/7. Find the area of

the circle.

Area: πrr
22/7x35x35=3850 m2

2. Find the Perimeter and area of the parallelogram below.

5 m 1
2 4 m

8 m

Area: 8½ + 4 ½= 153/4 = 38.25 cm2

Perimeter: (8½+5½) x 2= 28 cm

3. Fill in the missing values for the rectangles in the table below
(Show working for each):
Length Width Perimeter Area
7m 5m 24 m 35 m2
8m 4m 24 m 32 m2
5 cm 3 cm 16 cm 15 cm2

4. Find the area of the following triangle:

1.2 cm

3.5 cm

Area: ( Base x Height ) /2

(3.5 x 1.2) / 2
Area= 2.1 cm2

5. The circumference of a circle is 176 cm. Find the radius of the

circle. Use π= 7 .

Radius: c/2 π
176/ (2x 22/7)
176/1 x 7/44= 28 cm

6. Find the perimeter and area of the following trapezium.

Area: (bl+b2/2) h
7x7= 49 cm2
Perimeter: 9 cm + 5 cm + 7 cm + 8 cm= 29 cm

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