Unit 3 Notetaking

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Name: _________ Unit 3 Notetaking

3.1 Specialist vs. Generalist Species

 _________________________: Smaller range of __________________, or
narrower ecological __________ makes them

Specialists vs. _______________________________________

Generalists - Specific __________ requirements (bamboo)

- Less ability to _________ to new conditions
 _________________________: Larger range of ______________, broader
__________ makes them _______________________________ & more likely to
be _______________
- ____________ food req.
- High _________________

List at least 3 Characteristics of Each

Specialists Generalists
Specialists vs.
FRQ Practice Identify ONE characteristic of specialist species and explain how that
characteristic makes them more likely to become extinct than generalist

3.2 K-selected & R-selected
 ______________________________- “quality”

 ______ offspring, ____________________ care to protect them

 Usually reproduce __________________________

Quality vs. - Ex: most mammals, birds

Quantity  ___________- lifespan, _______________________ to sexual maturity =
low biotic potential = slow pop. growth rate
- More likely to be _________________ by env. change or invasive

 _____________________________ - “quantity”

 __________ offspring, ______________________ care

 May reproduce only __________________

- Ex: insects, fish, plants

 __________________ lifespan, _____________ to sexual maturity = high

biotic potential = high pop. growth rate
- More likely to be __________________
- Better ______________ for rapidly changing env. conditions

Traits or List 3 traits and how they are expressed differently in K-selected
characteristics of species vs. r-Selected species
r-selected & K-
Trait K-Selected r-Selected
selected species

 _______ biotic potential (rep. rate) = hard for pop. to recover after a
__________________ (env. change)

Invasiveness &  High parental care means __________ of parent = ____________ of

Disturbances offspring

 Invasives (usually r) _____________________ for resources with high

biotic potential & rapid pop. growth

 ______________ likely to adapt & more likely to go extinct


 ______________ biotic potential (rep. rate) = more rapid pop. recovery

after disturbance

 __________ parental care means death of parent doesn’t

______________ offspring

 Not as ___________________ by invasive species since their pop. grow

- More likely to be the invasive

 Larger pop. & faster ___________________ time = higher chance of

adaptation & lower chance of extinction

FRQ Practice Identify ONE characteristic of an r-selected species that could increase the
likelihood of the r-selected species becoming a more successful invasive species
than K-selected species

FRQ Practice

Describe the relationship between Zebra Mussel and Unionid Mussel population
density in the Hudson River
3.3 Survivorship Curve
__________________________________: line that shows survival rate of a
Survivorship Curves cohort (group of same-aged individuals) in a pop. from birth to death
Faster drop in line = quicker _____________________ of individuals
Slower drop in line = __________________________

Type I (_______________________)

 High ________________ early in life due to _________________

 High ________________ in mid life due to ____________________
 Rapid ______________ in survivorship in late life as old age sets in
Type I, II, and III  Ex: _____________________________

Type II (_________________________)

 Steadily ___________________ survivorship throughout life.

Type III (_________________________)

 High _______________ (low survivorship) early in life due to

 Few make it to _______________; slow, steady ______________ in
survivorship in ___________
 Even fewer make it to ________________; slow decline in
survivorship in ____________
 Ex:_____________________________________

Describe the trend in survivorship shown in this graph. Justify which type of
survivorship curve these data represent.
3.4 Carrying Capacity
____________________________ (k): the max. Number of individuals in a pop.
that an ecosystem can ______________ (based on limiting ________________)

Carrying Capacity ★ Fig. 1 is theoretical

★ Fig. 2 is more realistic

★ Pop. briefly “_________________” (k) and then die-off happens

 ____________________________ an ecosystem can support based on

limiting resources:
Carrying Capacity - Food
(k) - Water
- Habitat (nesting sites, space)
 ______________________: when a population briefly
__________________ carrying capacity
- Ex: deer breed in fall, give birth all at once in spring; sudden
___________ in pop. = overshoot
 Consequence of overshoot:
_______________________________________ ex: overgrazing in deer
 Die-off:__________________________________ when resource
depletion (overshoot) leads to many individuals _______________
- Ex: many deer starve with too many new fawns feeding in spring

 Reindeer of St. Paul Island

- 25 introduced in 1910
Die-off Example - Growth was ____________ (10’-30’), then ____________ (30’-37’)
- ________________________ was ____________________
- Sharp______________ lead to pop. crash as food resource (lichen)
were severely depleted

 Real pops. don’t always ___________________ around carrying capacity.

If resource depletion is severe enough, total_________________ can occur

1. Hare pop. ___________ due to low _______________ pop. (lynx)

2. Lynx pop. _______________ due to increase in ______________(hare)
3. Increasing lynx pop. ____________ hare pop; leads to ___________
4. Hare die-off _____________ lynx food source, leading to ____________

Predator-Prey 5. Hare pop. ____________ due to low ________________ pop. (lynx)

3.5 Population Growth & Resource Availability

 ________________: total ________________ in a given area at a given

Population - Larger = safer from _______________________
Characteristics  ___________________: _________________________
- Ex: (12 panthers/km2)
 High density = higher ________________, possibility for
_________________, possibility of depleting _______________
 ____________________: how individuals in pop. are
__________________ compared to each other
- ___________________ (trees)
- ___________________ (territorial animals)
- ___________________ (herd/group animals)

 ___________________: ratio of __________________________.

Pop. Characteristics Closer to 50:50, the more ideal for ________________ (usually)
& Growth Factors - Die-off or bottleneck effect can lead to _______________ (not
enough females) limiting ______________________

 ______________________________: factors that influence pop.

growth based on size:
- Ex: ____________________________________
- All of these things limit pop. growth based on their _______;
Aka: small pop. don’t experience these, large do
 ______________________________: factors that influence population
growth ____________________ of their size
- Ex: ____________________________________
- It doesn’t matter how big or small a pop. is, natural disasters
limit them both

 ________ is a density dependent factor. (also a limiting resource)

- When twice as much food was added to the dish, both species
increased ____________________________ by about 2x

Ex. of Density-
Dependent Factor

 _______________ = max. potential growth rate, with ______________

- May occur __________________, but limiting factors
(competition, food, disease, predators) slow growth, &
eventually limit pop. to carrying capacity (k)
 _____________________ = biotic potential, ____________ curve
 _____________________________ = initial rapid growth, then limiting
factors_____________________, _________________ or sigmoid curve

 Population Size = (_________ + ________) - (__________ + _______) -
Population Change
you will also sometimes see this as BIDE or (B+I)-(D+E)
- Ex: An elk pop. of 52 elk has 19 births and 6 deaths in a season,
and 5 new elk immigrate to the herd and 0 elk emigrate from
the heart

Show work:

Calculate the population size of a 14 wolf pack that experiences 5

deaths, 3 births, and 4 new wolves released into the pack from a
nearby wildlife sanctuary.
FRQ Practice 3.5
Show work:
3.6 Age Structure Diagrams
Video - 7 Billion What trends do you notice?

Age cohorts & growth = _________________________________________

Age Cohorts
 0-14 = ___________________________________
 15 - 44 = ________________________________
 45 + = ___________________________________

 ___________ difference between _______ & _______ indicates

- Larger 0-14 cohort = __________________________________
- Roughly equal 0-14 & 15-44 = __________________________
- Larger 15-44 = _______________________________________


 Extreme Pyramid shape = _______________________________

 Less extreme pyramid = _________________________________
 House = _____________________________________________
 Narrowest @ base = ___________________________________
Practice Reading

Highest to Lowest Growth Rate


Number of 0-14 Individuals

- India = __________________________________
- US = ____________________________________
- Germany = ______________________________
- China = _________________________________

How do population pyramids reflect a nation’s past?

Video - Population
Pyramids: Powerful
Predictors of the
How can population pyramids predict future growth?
3.7 Total Fertility Rate
Global Population Include a 2-3 sentence summary in your notes describing the problem as Hans
Rosling sees it and how to resolve the problem.
Growth: Box by

 Total Fertility Rate (TFR):

- Higher TFR = higher birth rate, higher pop. growth rate
TFR & Infant (generally)
 Replacement Level Fertility:

- About 2.1 in ___________________ (replace mom & dad)

- Higher in ___________________ due to higher infant mortality

 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR):

- Higher in less developed countries due to lack of access to:
 Higher IMR = higher TFR, due to families having

Infant Mortality &


Factors in IMR Decline

- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
 Development (Affluence):
 More _______________________ for women
 More _______________________ for women
Factors That Affect
TFR  Higher access to _________________________________

 Later age of ___________________________

 Less need for ________________ through agricultural labor

 Gov. Policy: can play a huge role in fertility by ____________(forceful)

or ____________________(encouraging) policies

 _____________________________________

 China’s _______________ child policy

 Tax __________________ to have fewer children

 ____________________________ to women without children

to start businesses

Affluence & TFR

 More access to __________________& family ______________

 _______________________________, leaving less for raising children
 __________________ = lower _________________
Female Education

 More ____________= fewer ____________________

 More ____________= more ____________________ for women

- Alternative to __________________________

FRQ Practice 3.7

Identify and discuss TWO of the causes for the trend in worldwide TFR.
3.8 Human Population Dynamics
Malthusian theory (what Malthus theorized):
Does Earth Have a - Earth has a ___________________________________, probably based
Human Carrying on _____________________________
Capacity? - Human population growth is happening ____________ than growth of
- Humans will reach a carrying capacity _________________________
Technological Advancement
- Humans can _______________ earth’s carrying capacity with
- Ex: synthetic fixation of Nitrogen in 1918 leads to synthetic
___________________________, dramatically increasing

 Growth Rate (__) = % increase in a population

- Ex: a growth rate of ____% for a population of 100 means they grow to
Birth Rate, Death ________
Rate, and Growth
 Crude Birth Rate (_____) & Crude Death Rate (_____)
- Births & deaths per __________ people in a pop.

- Ex: Global CBR = 20 & CDR = 8

- Calculating Growth Rate (r)

 Divide by 10 because CBR & CDR are per 1,000 and growth rate is % or per
 Growth rate always expressed as %

 Rule of 70: The time it takes (____________________) for a population to

double is equal to 70 divided by the growth rate
Doubling Time (Rule
of 70) - Ex: Global growth rate = 1.2%
 Practice Problem: A country has a CDR of 9 and a CBR of 18.
- Calculate the annual growth rate, and the doubling time
Population Change

 Factors that increase pop. Growth

- Higher ______ → higher __________________
- High __________________________________ can drive up TFR

Factors Affecting (replacement children)

Human Pop. Growth - High ____________________________ level

- Increased access to _________________ & __________________

 factors that _______________ population growth rate

- High _______________ rate
- High _______________________________ rate
- Increased _______________________ (education & affluence)
- Increased education for ___________________
- Delayed age of ______________________
- Postponement of _____________________

 Standard of Living
- What the ___________________________ is like for people of a
Standard of Living country is based on GDP and Life Expectancy.

 Gross Domestic Product (____) = key ______________ indicator of
standard of living
- Total value of the ________ & ________ produced

- _____________________ GDP is total GDP/total _______________

- So per capita means ___________________________

 Life expectancy = key ___________ indicator of standard of living

- Average ____ a person will live to in a given country

- _____________ with access to


High GDP & life expectancy are both indicators of


FRQ Practice 3.8 Describe one environmental problem associated with a rapidly growing
human population and propose a solution a government could take to slow
population growth.
3.9 Demographic Transition

 Industrialization: the process of __________________ and

____________________________________ from an agrarian (farming)
economy to an industrial one (manufacturing based)

 Pre-industrialized/Less developed
- A country that has not yet made the agrarian to industrial transition

- Typically very ________ (low GDP)

- Typically _______________________ & ____________________

- High ____________for replacement children & _______________

 Industrializing/developing
- part way through this ____________________
- ____________________ death rate & IMR
- ______________________________________

 Industrialized/developed: ___________________ the transition

- ______________________________________
- ______________________________________
- ______________________________________

 High IMR & high death rate due to
Stage 1 -  High TFR due to lack of access to:
- ______________________________________

- ______________________________________

 Need for child ________________________________

 Little to no ________________ due to high CBR & CDR balancing each other

Ex: Virtually no country is in phase 1, but there are pockets or regions in phase
1 within countries who have transitioned to phase 2.

 ________________________________ bring access to clean water,

healthcare, stable food supply

- _______________________________________ decline

 TFR remains ____________ due to

- _______________________________________
Stage 2 - - _______________________________________
veloping - _______________________________________

- _______________________________________

 Rapid ____________, due to high ________________ and declining


 Econ./societal Indicators
- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________
 Modernized ________________ and ______________ increase family
income, so TFR declines significantly due to

- More __________________________________ for women

- Delayed ____________________________ & ____________________ to

focus on ed./career
Stage 3 -
Developed/Indust - Access to _______________________________
rialized  _______________ growth rate as _______ drops closer to _________
 Econ./societal Indicators
- ____________________________________
- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

 Highly modernized countries that are very __________

- TFR declines even further as families become more ___________ and
spend even more time on _____________________________ pursuits

Stage 4 - Post- - Increased wealth & education brings even more prevalent use of

Industrialized/H ______________& _________________

ighly Developed  CBR drops ____________ than CDR & growth becomes _____________
(pop. decline)

 Econ./Societal Indicators
- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________

- ____________________________________
Stages & Development
1 = __________________

2 = __________________

3= ___________________

4 = __________________

FRQ Practice 3.9

Identify the stage of this graph in which population grows the fastest
and explain why this is the case. Describe one economic or societal
indicator of a country in this phase.

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