24 July 2011

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Sunday 24th July 2011

Sundays Service: 5th after Trinity

10.30 am - Communion. Readings - Romans 8: 26-end (p1135) & Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52 (p980) Readers - David Sanderson, Emma Parkinson. Intercessor - Andy Vanstan.

Wednesdays Service Trinity 5

10.00 am - BCP Communion. Readings - 1 Peter 3: 8-15a (p1219) & Luke 5: 1-11 (p1032) Reader - Mrs D Gilkes.

Almighty God, send down upon your Church the riches of your Spirit, and kindle in all who minister the gospel your countless gifts of grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Reaching Communities funding Bid for The Well

Mike Royal Today our preacher will be Mike Royal the National Director of the Lighthouse Group. I am sure you will make him most welcome and do ask him any questions you might have after the service. Congratulations to Gavin Budby BA Hons Gavin has achieved a 2:1 in Informal Education from Christ Church Canterbury University! Congratulations to Judith Walker who was awarded the Peter Sunderland Award for Outstanding Higher Level Teaching Assistant for Yorkshire and Humberside. The Building Work on the parish rooms is complete apart from carpeting. Coffee will be served there this morning after worship so we can all enjoy the transformation. Reaching Communities We are still awaiting the outcome of the application. DEC appeal Last week we raised 278.50 for famine relief in North Africa. The

PCC has agreed to add 500 to this and any further donations given today. Kids groups September The PCC has considered suggestions about the way forward for our young people on Sunday mornings during church time. The age groups will again be split with the 0-2 meeting under the East Window to be headed up by Fiona Dracup and monitored by mums and dads, 2-6 will meet in the side chapel with one of the helpers being Cath Staneff 6-11 Meeting in the Parish rooms with Marianne Fernandez. Both 2-6 and 6-11 will require other helpers please speak to Don or the relevant leader if you can help. Ideally we will need two people at each session, but preferable not the same two people each time they meet. Bishop of Wakefield Pastoral Visit will be on 16th of August when he will meet with Don and others in the parish. Newsletter Next Sundays newsletter will be the last until 4th September. If you have any notices for August please give them to Barbara by Thursday morning 28th July. Freedom in Christ A discipleship course to stretch your faith which has blessed many people in church wanting to grow will begin again on Tuesday 6th September. If you want to know more speak to Dawn or Sarah. Alpha For those just starting out as Christians or exploring what it means to be a Christian we will be running a course in the Autumn. Dates to be finalised. Church Walking Group Our next Monday afternoon walk will be on the 25th July - meet at the Parish Church Rooms for 1 pm. Wheelchair Sometimes people coming to church on disability scooters find it difficult to get to the toilet whilst in church. It would be a help to have a wheelchair available for them. If you know of one that could be donated to the church it would be a great help. WoW Ladies The next WoW evening is on Wednesday at 7.30 pm at Sandys house where we will be having a barbeque. There is a list of suggested items to bring on the welcome desk in Church. If you are coming along and would like to bring something, please put your name against the item, or if its different to whats on the list please just add it to the list. If you would like directions to Sandys house, please ask Anne, Rose or Sandy. Were looking forward to seeing you on the night. Please do bring friends with you. John Sayles is doing a skydive next Saturday please sponsor him! After raising the minimum sponsorship of 200.00 for the Air Ambulance all further monies raised will go to The Well Project! Sponsor forms are on the welcome desk every penny counts. If you would prefer you can sponsor him on line at http://www.justgiving.com/John-Sayles. Gala Its a Knock Out The council are looking for teams to enter a professional Its a knock Out competition on Gala Sunday 11th September. Teams are for 6-10 people with a limit of 12 teams in all with free entry. You will need to be available from 10.00 am4.00 pm on the day (Im sure the Lord will understand). Don has the entry forms book early to avoid disappointment! Mara Update I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am fine indeed, and I thank God to continue to strengthen my ministry and bible study groups in the Diocese. At the moment our study bible groups in the Diocese are increasing in number. Our goal is to establish study bible groups from local churches up to the Diocesan level. On Friday last week, I was going to

visit bible study groups at Bunda, Isenye and Mugumu on the road I got an accident and my car totally broken but no one injured. That at the moment I am in the process of maintenance. Please pray for me at the moment of bringing back to office. Thanks and be blessed - Revd Can Jacob.

Worship Rotas Sunday31st July

10.30 am Readers: Intercessor: Welcome/Coffee: Counting: Celebration. Denise Burgess, Elaine Wells. Denise Burgess. Rose Young, Lindsay Kerton, Stephanie & Michael Woodhead. Sally Dinsdale, Debs Atkinson, Gerry Newton.

Wednesday 3rd August

10.00 am Reader:
Tues Wed 7.00 pm 10.00 am 1.00 pm 6.00 pm

BCP Communion. Miss M Carlton.

Weekly Action
The Aftershock in Parish Rooms Traditional Communion in church Mums, Dads and Tots in Parish Rooms Rock Solid High in Parish Rooms Rock Solid Junior in Parish Rooms Youthy in Well@Woodhouse Sunday Morning Kids Groups Service of Thanksgiving-please sit with your family Meet in Church and sit together with activities in Side Chapel Meet in Parish Rooms from 10.00 am for Breakfast Club Meet in Church and sit together with activities in Side Chapel A Crche for under 4s is available at every service under the East Window.

Thurs 4.00 pm 7.30 pm 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday

Vicar: Revd. Don Gilkes 01924 893100 07821 325350

Youthworker: Gavin Budby 01924 220868 07969 089959 gavin@budby.f9.co.uk Community Development officer: Jenny Farrall-Bird 01924 892410 07872 551640


Churchwardens: Phil Atkinson John Dracup

01924 223507 07753 987668

Church Office
Admin: Barbara Teece 01924 220868 office@allsaintsnormanton.org Open weekdays 9.00am-3.00pm except Wednesday from 10.00am Call to book Parish rooms Baptism and Weddings Tuesday 7.00-8.00pm Parish Rooms Registered Charity No 1135324

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