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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 171 (2015) 330–334

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Sacha Inchi Oil (Plukenetia volubilis L.), effect on adherence

of Staphylococus aureus to human skin explant and keratinocytes
in vitro
German Gonzalez-Aspajo a,b, Haouaria Belkhelfa c, Laïla Haddioui-Hbabi c,
Geneviève Bourdy a,b, Eric Deharo a,b,n
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), UMR 152 Pharma-DEV, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 09, France
Université de Toulouse 3, UMR 152 Pharma-DEV, Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 09, France
Fonderephar, Université Toulouse 3, Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 09, France

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Plukenetia volubilis L. (Euphorbiaceae) is a domesticated vine distributed
Received 17 April 2015 from the high-altitude Andean rain forest to the lowlands of the Peruvian Amazon. Oil from the cold-
Received in revised form pressed seeds, sold under the commercial name of Sacha Inchi Oil (SIO) is actually much in favour
4 June 2015
because it contains a high percentage of omega 3 and omega 6, and is hence used as a dietary
Accepted 5 June 2015
Available online 16 June 2015
supplement. SIO is also used traditionally for skin care, in order to maintain skin softness, and for the
treatment of wounds, insect bites and skin infections, in a tropical context where the skin is frequently
Keywords: damaged.
Sacha Inchi Oil Aims of the study: This study was designed in order to verify whether the traditional use of SIO for skin
Staphylococcus aureus
care would have any impact on Staphylococcus aureus growth and skin adherence, as S. aureus is involved
Human skin explant
in many skin pathologies (impetigo, folliculitis, furuncles and subcutaneous abscesses) being one if the
Keratinocytes cells
Plukenetia volubilis L. main pathogens that can be found on the skin. Therefore, our objective was to assess SIO bactericidal
activity and interference with adherence to human skin explants and the keratinocyte cell line.
Cytotoxicity on that cells was also determined. The activity of SIO was compared to coconut oil (CocO),
which is widely used for skin care but has different unsaturated fatty acids contents.
Materials and methods: Laboratory testing with certified oil, determined antibacterial activity against
radio labelled S. aureus. Cytotoxic effects were measured with XTT on keratinocyte cells and with neutral
red on human skin explants; phenol was used as cytotoxic control. Adherence assays were carried out by
mixing H3-labelled S. aureus bacteria with keratinocyte cells and human skin explants, incubated with
oils 2 h before (to determine the inhibition of adherence, assimilated to a preventive effect) or 2 h after
the contact of the biological material with S. aureus (to assess the detachment of the bacteria, assimilated
to a curative effect). Residual radioactivity measured after washings made it possible to determine the
adherence intensity. Bactericidal effect was determined by colony counting on trypticase soy agar.
Results: Laboratory assays showed that SIO and CocO, tested undiluted, were not cytotoxic on
keratinocytes nor human explants and were not bactericidal neither. SIO was more active as antiadherent
(preventive) than CocO on keratinocytes. There was no significant difference between detachment effects
(curative) of both oils on keratinocytes but SIO was almost 5 times more active on the detachment of
S. aureus from human skin explants.
Conclusion: From that study it can be concluded that the use of SIO on dermal cells is safe and efficient in
the inhibition of S. aureus adherence. Our results tend to support the traditional use of undiluted SIO in
skin care.
& 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Plukenetia volubilis L. (Euphorbiaceae) is a perennial oleaginous

Corresponding author at: Université de Toulouse 3, UMR 152 Pharma-DEV, woody vine belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. It grows in
Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 09, France. Amazonian rainforests at an altitude ranging from 200 to 1500 m.
Tel.: þ 33 5 62 25 68 65; fax: þ 33 5 62 25 98 02.
E-mail address: (E.7 Deharo).
It has a star-shaped fruit, which contains dark oval seeds (Duke
0378-8741/& 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gonzalez-Aspajo et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 171 (2015) 330–334 331

and Vasquez, 1994). Its presence was reported in pre-Hispanic Among microorganisms, S. aureus is the predominant causative
times in Peru, and there is also evidence of cultivation by the Incas, agent of skin disorders. It can be the cause of minor problems,
as some seeds have been found in tombs together with ceramic such as impetigo, or serious ones i.e. scalded skin syndrome, and
representations (Brack, 1999, 2005; Ugent and Ochoa, 2006). can also induce life-threatening conditions such as septicaemia
Seeds are edible, when lightly toasted, or when boiled for a (Krut et al., 2003). Moreover, S. aureus contributes to the persis-
while in water, and are part of many local dishes, sometimes tence and the exacerbation of skin infections due to its ability to be
mixed with the leaves from the same plant (Hamaker et al., 1992). internalized by human keratinocytes (Kintarak et al., 2004).
Seed oil (“Sacha Inchi” oil or “Inca Inchi” oil) is traditionally Therefore, we determined in vitro the capacity of SIO to impair
used as an everyday skin care oil applied regularly in order to adherence of S. aureus to keratinocytes (preventive effect) and also
preserve skin softness and healthiness. It has been also observed to remove S. aureus from keratinocytes and human skin explants
that in some places, the whole seed is ground to a floury paste to (curative effect). Cytotoxicity (against keratinocytes and human
which some pure oil is added, and applied on the skin for skin explants) and bactericidy were also assessed.
rejuvenation purposes (Brack, 1999, 2005; Maxwell, 1990). One
of the authors of our study (Gonzalez-Aspajo, personal commu-
nication) also noted, through a survey performed in the Peruvian 2. Material and methods
Amazonia, that people living in the Plukenetia area of cultivation
(Mariscal Ramón Castilla, Loreto, Maynas, in the Loreto depart- 2.1. Chemical
ment, and Lamas, San Martin and Bellavista in the San Martin
department) used SIO when suffering from a skin lesion, corro- The extra virgin SIO was provided by José Anaya from AgroIn-
borating previous local reports (Correa and Bernal, 1989). dustrias Amazónicas Inc. The vegetal origin was certified by the
Actually, Plukenetia volubilis L. is considered a promising crop in commercial Registration no. RUC 20531294042/RSC1304308N/
Amazonia and is cultivated in many places in Peru and Bolivia, as UIARAA. Batch number: AI-SM-068. SIO is extracted by cold
the oil is said to be one of the richest plant sources of omega fatty pressing of almonds, subsequently decanted and passed through
acids (Chirinos et al., 2013; Guillén et al., 2003). Therefore SIO is filters to remove impurities. The fatty acids composition of the
now sold in Europe for its high dietetic properties, and is also tested oil is documented in Table 1, and was determined in the
formulated in packaged day-care skin cream with other ingredi- MetaToul-Lipidomique center Toulouse (France). Coconut oil and
ents (S.I.P.O., 2012). Phenol were from Sigma-Aldrich (C1758, P5566).
Because people living in places where the Sacha Inchi vine
grows naturally use it as an everyday skincare treatment and also 2.2. Keratinocyte cell-line
when suffering from a skin lesion, we have undergone research
aiming to assess the activity of SIO against Staphylococcus aureus. Human keratinocyte cell line was maintained in RPMI 1640
culture medium supplemented with 10% inactivated foetal bovine
serum 1% non-essential amino acids, 1% glutamine, and 1%
Table 1
Lipid profile of Sacha Inchi Oil.
penicillin and streptomycin at 37 1C in a 5% CO2 humidified
atmosphere. After 48 h, the mono-cellular layer obtained was
Common name Abbreviation Sacha Inchi Oil nmol/ml removed after incubating the cells with 5 ml trypsin-EDTA for
(%) 5 min at 37 1C. Trypsin was then inactivated by the addition of
10 mL of RPMI 1640 medium with inactivated foetal bovine serum.
Saturated fatty acid (SAFA)
Myristic acid 14:0 0 0 The cells were harvested by centrifugation (350g/5 min/20 1C). Cell
Palmitic acid 16:0 5 159,096 suspension was checked with the trypan blue test and then
Stearic acid 18:0 2 71,888 adjusted to 2  105 viable cells/ml. The cell suspensions were
arachidic acid 20:0 0 0 placed in adherence microtiter plates. All chemicals were from
behenic acid 22:0 0 0
Lignoceric acid 24:0 0 0
Dutscher, Brumath, France.
Mono-Unsaturated fatty acid
(MUFA) 2.3. Human skin explants
Oleic acid 18:1w9 9 298,341
vaccenic acid 18:1w7 0 0
Acid 11-eicosenoic 20:1w9 0 0
All subjects gave their consent for the use of their skin explants.
Poly-unsaturated fatty acid 12-mm-diameter human skin explant discs EXP001120AK008
(PUFA) obtained from Biopredic International, France, were placed in 24-
Linoleic Acid 18:2w6 35 1,139,775 well plates with 300 μl of MIL207 culture medium (Biopredic). The
Acid alpha-linolenic 18:3w3 48 1,541,927
explants were then incubated for 24 h at 32 1C prior to being
SAFA 7 230,984 processed. Skin explants are closer to what happens in real life
MUFA 9 298,341 than isolated keratinocytes as they contain all cell types resident in
PUFA 84 2,681,702
Total 100 3,211,027
the skin (dermis and epidermis) exerting their physiological
effects on the tissue and adjacent cells (Yasuoka et al., 2008).

Table 2
Activities of oils on keratinocytes, human skin explant and S. aureus.

Oils Viability % Antiadhesive effect (preventive) % Detachment effect (curative) %

S. aureus Keratinocytes Explant Keratinocytes Keratinocytes Explant

SIO 88.17 5.7 94.2 7 2.6 96.9 73.0 39.2 73.4 33.971.8 33.6 70.4
CocO 88.3 7 7.5 80.8 7 3.0 ND 25.5 72.2 29.1 71.9 7.1 75

S. aureus: Staphylococcus aureus.

Phenol killed 100% of keratinocytes and S. aureus at 0.5% (data not shown).
ND, not determined, experiment repeated 3 times.
332 Gonzalez-Aspajo et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 171 (2015) 330–334

2.4. Bacteria at 32 1C for 2 h more. Then, the explants and cells were washed
three times using PBS to eliminate non-adherent bacteria.
S. aureus CIP 53154 cultures (2  108 cells/mL) were inoculated
in 10 mL of both RPMI 1640 and MIL207 culture media with 30 ml 2.11. Curative effect
of tritium (H3) adenine (Perkin Elmer), and incubated under
aerobic conditions at 37 1C until reaching the stationary phase. 500 μl/well of 2  108 bacteria suspension was added to the
To eliminate non-incorporated radioactivity, the bacteria were human skin explants or keratinocyte cells. After 2 h of contact,
washed three times using PBS buffer (centrifugation 2500g/ non-adherent bacteria were eliminated by PBS washing (3 times).
10 min/5 1C). Then explants or cells were treated with 250 ml of undiluted SIO,
CocO or phenol (0.5% in culture medium) and incubated for 2 h.
2.5. Cytotoxicity assays Finally cells were washed 3 times with PBS.
At the end of the preventive or curative treatment, the human
Determination of cytotoxic effects on keratinocyte and skin skin explant and keratinocytes received 500 ml of a lysis solution
explants were performed as described below with XTT and neutral [SDS 0.1% (w/v) in NaOH 0.5 mol/L] and were kept at 37 1C for 18 h.
red assays, respectively. Radioactivity was measured with a beta-liquid scintillation system
(Perkin Elmer, USA) in the 500 ml mixture of cells plus lysis
2.6. XTT assay solution.
The inhibition percentage of the adherence was calculated as
100 μl of trypsinized cell suspension (1  106 cells/mL) were follows:
plated into flat bottomed 96-well microtiter plates and were ðCPM in controlÞ  ðCPM with treatmentÞ  100=ðCPM in controlÞ
incubated for 2 h at 37 1C with 250 μl of undiluted SIO, CocO CPM : counts per minute
and phenol (0.5% in culture medium). Medium was used as
control. Then, 50 μl of XTT reagent was added to each well and
incubated at 37 1C for 2 h. 2.12. Statistical analysis

2.7. Neutral red assay Statistically significant difference Significance between control
and oil treated groups were determined using one-way analysis of
250 μl of undiluted SIO, CocO or phenol (0.5% in culture variance (ANOVA) through XLSTAT Software (Tukey range).
medium) were applied on the surface of the skin explants for po 0.05 was considered significant.
2 h at 32 1C. Then, skin explants were mixed with 0.4% red neutral
solution for 3 h at 32 1C, and washed 3 times with PBS. Neutral red
3. Results
was extracted using 1% acetic acid-50% ethanol, and the optical
densities were measured at 550 nm.
Chemical analysis (Table 1) shows that the major fatty acids
After incubation, absorbance was measured at 450 nm. The % of
identified in SIO are polyunsaturated linoleic acid (35%) and
viability was calculated as follows:
linolenic acid (48%). These findings are similar to the reported
ODcontrol–ODtreatment fatty acid data on Sacha Inchi oil from China, with linoleic acid
% viability ¼  100
ODcontrol (39%) and linolenic acid (43%) (Liu et al., 2014).
All experiments were conducted in triplicate.
3.1. Impact on viability of S. aureus and cells (Table 2)
2.8. Bactericidal assay
SIO and CocO did not show any antibacterial activity compared
Bacterial suspensions at 108 CFU/ml in MIL207 were mixed v/v with the control group, even at the maximal dose (while phenol
with undiluted SIO, CocO or phenol at 0.5% (in culture medium) killed 100% of bacteria).
and returned to incubation at 37 1C for 48 h. Then the mixture was To discard the hypothesis that the effect of SIO or CocO on
deposited in Petri dishes on trypticase soy agar. After an additional adherence could be due to a possible cytotoxicity on keratinocytes
24 h at 37 1C, colonies were counted and the inhibition percentage cells or human skin explants, assays on S. aureus, keratinocytes
was calculated related to the control dish receiving the medium and explants were performed under the same incubation condi-
without oil. tions as in the adherence test. After SIO challenge, more than 90%
of both keratinocytes and human skin explants cells were viable.
2.9. Oil challenge CocO was also non-toxic but was only tested on keratinocytes.
Almost 90% of bacteria were viable after oils exposure. On the
H3-Labelled S. aureus bacteria were washed once with PBS and contrary phenol killed almost 100% of treated keratinocytes and
re-suspended in 5 ml RPMI 1640 medium. After removing the bacteria.
RPMI, 500 ml of the bacterial suspension was deposited on the
keratinocytes cell layer or human skin explants in an atmosphere 3.2. Pre- and post-adherence inhibition test (Table 2)
containing 5% CO2 for 2 h at 37 or 32 1C, respectively.
3.2.1. Pre-adherence inhibition test (preventive)
2.10. Preventive effect Preventive effect was only tested on keratinocytes.
Undiluted SIO was statistically more effective (almost 40%) than
keratinocytes cells received 250 ml of undiluted SIO, CocO or CocO (25%) in inhibiting S. aureus attachment to keratinocyte.
phenol (0.5% in culture medium) in RPMI 1640 medium and
returned to incubation at 32 1C for 2 h. The explants and cells 3.2.2. Post-adherence inhibition test (curative)
were washed three time using PBS. Then 2  108 of bacterial On keratinocytes. Both oils were able to remove S. aureus
suspension was added in each well (500 μl/well) and incubated from keratinocytes with approximately 33% efficiency at 100%
Gonzalez-Aspajo et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 171 (2015) 330–334 333

concentration. No statistical significance between the activity of keratinocyte model) as it is known to inhibit the transduction
both oils was observed. signal linked with S. aureus virulence and protein surface (Clarke
et al., 2007; Ruzin and Novick, 2000). On human skin explant. CocO was ineffective on the It must also be observed, as reported by Leug (2008), that the skin
detachment process with explants while SIO had the same of patients with atopic eczema shows increased adherence for S.
capacity to remove S. aureus from keratinocytes as from recently aureus, which is thought to be related to the underlying skin atopic
extracted human skin explants (around 33% in both models). inflammation. As long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are often
associated with anti-inflammatory properties (Mullen et al., 2010),
SIO deserve special consideration for topical application providing
4. Discussion supplementary benefit because of its high polyunsaturated fatty acids
contents. To the best of our knowledge there is no reference in the
The skin is an intricate environment where commensal bacteria relevant literature on the minimum percentage detachment termed
protect the host from pathogenic bacteria (S. aureus, Streptococcus as efficient; but, especially in atopic eczema, where the density of S.
pyogenes, enterobacteria), which form an occasional resident flora aureus can reach 107 organisms per cm2 in the acute phase (Leug,
responsible for a wide variety of bacterial pyodermas (Murakawa, 2008), 30% detachment could be very beneficial for patients. In this
2004). These pathogens induce infection through the expression of pathology the classical treatments are corticoids (to reduce inflam-
virulence gene products that promote, amongst other, bacterial mation) and antibiotics. However, prolonged use of corticoids can lead
adherence to avoid clearance from their host (Chiller et al., 2001). to the emergence of resistance to the immunosuppressive effects of
For bacteria it has been demonstrated that the sequence of the corticosteroids induced by S. aureus itself. Moreover, the cutaneous
adherence process starts with weak non-specific interactions with side effects of corticosteroids are numerous, including atrophy of the
the host cell surface, mediated by overall physicochemical proper- skin, telangiectasias and skin pigment changes among others
ties of the bacterial and host surfaces, such as electric charge and (Coondoo et al., 2014). Therefore, a topical non-steroidal preparation
hydrophobicity (An et al., 2000). Adherence, allowing bacteria to containing SIO could be of great interest, as a maintenance therapy in
quickly and efficiently attach to host cells is thus a key process in conjunction with topical corticosteroids for acute flares. In vivo assays
the interaction between a pathogen and its host, and also plays a are obviously required to confirm this assertion.
crucial role in biofilms formation. Biofilms, in turn, have peculiar Moreover, as fatty acids are ordinary constituents of the tissue,
physico-chemical properties able to strongly impact antibiotic it could be anticipated that they would not cause irritation or
sensitivity (Rennemeier et al., 2007). sensitization, which is often the case when using topical exogen-
Therefore, in the fight against infectious disease it is of great ous compounds.
importance to search for substances able to prevent adherence Finally, in an early study, Zurita and Hay (1987) suggested that
between hosts and pathogens. In this context, because SIO was the effect of fatty acids on adherence, between dermatophyte
reported to be used topically on the skin, it seemed us pertinent to conidia and human keratinocytes, could be an important regula-
study its capacity to impair S. aureus adherence on isolated tory factor. It would therefore be interesting to test the activity of
keratinocytes and skin explants, and compare it to CocO. The SIO against mycosis, because skin mycoses are a worldwide health
latter is also widely used for skin care but has a different concern particularly in tropical area (Lupi et al., 2005).
composition, rich in highly saturated fatty acids (4 80%) with In conclusion, for the first time we have highlighted the
almost no omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, while in SIO, unsaturated relevance of SIO in both preventive and curative treatments
fatty acids predominate (80%). against staphylococcal skin adherence in vitro. Our results tend
We showed that both oils were able to prevent attachment of S. to support the traditional use of undiluted SIO in skin care.
aureus to keratinocytes, but this effect was statistically higher for Bioguided fractionation and identification of the most-effective
SIO than for CocO. Also, SIO was almost 5 times more efficient in anti-adherent fatty acid could therefore lead to new safe and cost-
supporting detachment from human skin explants, than CocO in effective strategies for the treatment of, or prophylaxis against,
this model. Surprisingly there was no difference between SIO and certain types of skin infections. Omega 3–6 could be responsible,
CocO in promoting detachment from keratinocytes (around 30% of at least partly, for the detachment effect detected on human skin
the bacteria population was removed with both oils). To the best of explant, but further experiments are obviously necessary to
our knowledge, there is no reference in the relevant literature to confirm this hypothesis and also to determinate the best omega
the minimum percentage detachment considered to be efficient; 3–6 ratio leading to the best anti-adherence effect.
this study is therefore the first to examine this. In vivo assays are
obviously required to confirm the benefit of applying SIO.
Although it has been shown that lipids from the skin possess Conflict of interest
antibacterial activity against S. aureus (Burtenshaw, 1942; Drake et
al., 2008), and that skin lipases participate in the production of The authors have declared that there is no conflict of interest.
antibacterial short chain lipids (Verallo-Rowell et al., 2008), the
detachment effect we have observed cannot be related to any
direct cytotoxic effect of both oils as they did not display any
deleterious effect on S. aureus itself.
We would like to thank José Anaya from AgroIndustrias Amazó-
Unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid (present in high
nicas Inc. (Peru) for supplying SIO. German Gonzalez received Grant
concentration in SIO) are known to increase membrane fluidity in
from the IRD (ARTS). We are also grateful to Nada Matas-Runquist and
S. aureus, interfering with microbial adherence to the skin (Arsic
Elizabeth Elliott for valuable editorial assistance.
et al., 2012), and also to induce significant enhancement of the net
negative surface charge density of thylakoids, a membrane-bound
compartment inside cyanobacteria, thus having an impact on cell References
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lauric acid, the major component of this oil, could be partially Handbook of Bacterial Adhesion Principles, Methods, and Applications.
responsible for the detachment observed effect (at least in the Humana Press, pp. 1–27.
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