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Vernacular Architecture in the 21st century

because many people know vernacular as a regional language while architects see vernacular as a
traditional building as a material to know a lot of knowledge in the use of nature and geography
as a form of inspiration in making buildings

The different points of view on the words of ordinary people and architec became the idea of
making this meme.
The purpose is to make many people know the prespective architect about vernacular achitecture
in the 21st century
2.The 4 Major Styles of Architecture in Indonesia

The populare style in indonesian until now is industrial pepeople forgot about the 4

major style in indonesian this meme This meme aims to remind people that the original

architectural style in Indonesia is not just industrial but there are 4 styles namely Traditional

Architecture, Religious Architecture, Colonial Architecture, Post-Independence Architecture.

3.The perfect Home

because architects have to think hard in making perfect homes

there are many factors that must be considered to make the house perfect such as Design,

Function, Space, Science, Guideline, therefore the purpose of this meme is to show

if how difficult it is the architect's efforts in making a home that is comfortable to use for its

4. In this meme, it explains why we have to use materials that are not environmentally friendly

while there are many other materials that are more environmentally friendly, such as the 7 Best

Eco-Friendly Materials for Building.

5.In this meme the meaning is realy simple

This meme explains how beautiful an empaire state building is by using an additional tens of

thousands of LEDs compared to a plain empaire state building, the addition of this led lmapu

also adds to the luxurious impression of an empaire state building so that people marvel at this


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