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Energy of Money
Let’s talk about money clutter and the energy of money (quantum physics).
When it comes to money, you are either feeling joyful, abundant, relaxed, happy,
excited, secure, bountiful, in deep gratitude and deep appreciation ---or you’re not.

We know what the “not” feels like. It’s the fear, doubt, nagging worry, lack mindset,
concern, guilt, embarrassment, resentment, shame, etc. It’s impossible to hold a feeling
of gratitude and resentment at the same time. We’re not wired to do that. It’s
impossible to hold a feeling of happiness and upset at the same time. You may bounce
back and forth rapidly, but you can’t hold both at the same time.

More specifically – I am categorizing the feelings of joy, abundance, trust, gratitude,

faith, relaxation, happiness, security, and all those kinds of feelings under the heading of
expansion (high energy/vibration).

The opposite of that is contraction (low energy/vibration) - fear, lack, doubt, worry,
concern, guilt, embarrassment, resentment, etc. You are either feeling expansion or
contraction regarding money at any given time.

The good news is that you have the ability to switch in a split second (flip it).
You can switch from feeling contraction to feeling expansion, but many are not
conscious of that option. The more you feel expansion the more comfortable you get
with it.
Embrace Your Spotlight™ 2016  - Marla Diann – MBM & SMA Certified Coach – 310-378-1277 –

Here’s the core of all this: we are creating a new

habit. I am guiding you to RECALIBRATE your new
normal in your relationship with money to be in a
higher vibration because when we are in that higher
trusting consciousness – we manifest more of what we

It’s when we are in contraction mode that we are

blocking the flow. There is no room to move energy;
often called a prosperity block.

We want to partner with Universal Law (energy). We are shifting your mindset and
feelings like any habit you create in your life; it’s a consciousness first; then a
commitment to a discipline.

The reason for even doing this – money is an energy first before it’s a tangible item in
your life (i.e., bank account, check book, real estate, investments, etc.). This fact comes
from that everything in life is made of energy – our thoughts and feelings included. We
live in a vibrational universe. Everything has a vibrational quality to it. Look outside at
nature. You are part of the same energy that dictates nature’s growth. We are either a
high energy (expansive) or low energy quality (contraction) at any given time.

Begin becoming conscious that you are either feeling expansion or contraction around
experiences, money, people, etc. This is the basis for the law of attraction – we attract
that which we feel and think; so guard your thoughts and feelings. It’s a very
accountable way of living and very measurable. You can feel it also in your body.
Contraction can reside in your shoulders, back, stomach (solar plexus- power center) or
heart region. The energy of our life is based on quantum physics; scientific tangible
proof. The truth: you attract more good while in expansive energy.

Embrace Your Spotlight™ 2016  - Marla Diann – MBM & SMA Certified Coach – 310-378-1277 –

Here’s the rub…most people are not accustomed, comfortable or familiar with
frequently feeling a state of expansion regarding money.

Our goal here is to increase feeling the expansion energy around money on a daily
basis. I will warn you. At first it may feel weird, strange and uncomfortable, almost
unnatural. That’s only because you’re not used to it. Our natural state is abundance
according to laws of physics and Universal Law. In this program, we are working on
recalibrating and resetting you as to what becomes your new normal.

What causes contraction?

Doubt, fear, worry, feelings of lack, and avoidance. We
can have ineffective experiences with money via the
people who raised us, later in life experiences that left
us feeling less than, and more.

Essentially we may have missed the mark on how to

work with money, make more, keep more, feel good
about it, talk positively about it, and have it be okay
with you.

Money clutter is contraction and is basically avoidance. It could be a variety of ways

we avoid: paying bills in a timely basis and having enough money in the bank to where
you don’t have to worry. It’s avoiding having a potentially uncomfortable conversation
with somebody who owes you money or is doing something with money that is
impacting you. It’s a worthiness issue. It could even be avoiding wanting to look at a
bank balance. It can be avoiding asking for a raise, increasing fees, or not dealing with
your partner in a dignified manner about money (BIG issue for many).

These are all very common. And no fault of your own. But it’s what you do to recalibrate
makes the difference.

Embrace Your Spotlight™ 2016  - Marla Diann – MBM & SMA Certified Coach – 310-378-1277 –

Physical money clutter can look like a pile of clutter; it shows up physically in the forms
of bills, receipts and things like that spread out over a desk, a kitchen table or other

But more importantly, they pile up energetically (your vibe). That pile is something you
are carrying around with you. It’s painful and takes up a huge amount of space within
your heart, spirit, being and head. It takes up time and your precious resource of

So that’s what money clutter is. It’s those things that are not handled promptly or
efficiently or with emotional charge. What we want is that they’re handled easily. The
goal is to handle the money situation where there’s not a lot of emotional attachment
to it or drama. This takes time to recalibrate as we release “stuff” about money.

You aspire to be in a place of expansion.

You aspire to have your money thoughts from a

place of expansion. Self talk like: “I am grateful for
my money. I respect my money. How do I make
more? How do I want to invest it or spend on an
indulgence? How do I want to treat somebody?
What kind of gift do I want to buy myself or

Here are five possible areas of money clutter (of

many) and a few ways to clear your money clutter.
(You may have others not listed here.)

Possible Money Clutter:

1. Practical - people have bills piled up on their kitchen counter or dining room table. I
know people can have bills scattered on their desk or in their stack of to-do work,
they’ve got bills sprinkled all through there. They don’t have one spot to put bills.

Embrace Your Spotlight™ 2016  - Marla Diann – MBM & SMA Certified Coach – 310-378-1277 –

1st action (if this is you): Pull out all of your bills. Create one folder labeled “bills to be
paid” and put them in there. Then you want to clear money clutter around the
frequency in which you pay your bills.

Most people don’t pay with regularity. They don’t sit down once or twice a month at
the same time of the month and pay. They let them stack up. If they have enough
money, they pay them. They pay them here or there. It’s a random type of thing. This is
a form of money clutter. It actually creates chaos and a little bit of drama. Sometimes it
creates a lot of drama.

The reason it creates that drama is because there is a

lot of energy being spent on juggling, remembering
and worrying. All that time and energy being taken
up is contraction.

Many of you know that when you have money

clutter, you have a lot chaos and drama. Things get
missed, they get delayed, and you rack up late fees,
etc. It’s contraction, energy and a lot of adrenalin.
We want to remove that over time by recalibrating and
changing habits.

2nd action here is very simple. The action is to make a decision. You’re not leaving this
to chance or fate. You are standing in your power by making a decision. “How often
each month am I going to pay bills, once a month, twice a month or once a week?”
You decide, but I want you to decide. The frequency actually doesn’t matter. I don’t
think it’s important at this moment. What matters is making the decision, which affects
how you make decisions in all other areas of your life – hence, integration.

The second money clutter is about who owes you money. Most people have
somebody who owes them money. It could be clients. It could be that you are owed
money from an insurance company. A family member.

Embrace Your Spotlight™ 2016  - Marla Diann – MBM & SMA Certified Coach – 310-378-1277 –

Action step: clean it up by collecting your money. Put the money into the flow. Yes I
know this can be a huge boundary and worthiness issue. We will certainly go into depth
about boundaries in your sessions using my elegant, savvy methods.

You know if it is money clutter because it feels unfinished, unresolved, messy and
complicated. It is something you’ve been avoiding.

Third money clutter place to clean up is to gather up any and all unused gift certificates
or gift cards.

Gather up all those unused gift cards. You’re going

to need to look in your wallet. If you have more
than one wallet or more than one purse, gather
them up. I want you to cash them in, use them or
spend them in the next seven days.

Money needs to flow.

The fourth money clutter is very similar. I want you

to gather up all of the loose change.
A lot of people have loose change lying around in
their car, wallet and purse, and under the couch cushions and car seat. It’s lying
around in all different places, like pockets and old purses wallets. Go in there and look.
Money needs to flow and circulate. Exchange it for bigger bills. Then I want you to
spend it in the next seven days, preferably on yourself.

For the fifth one, I want you to take out your wallet and I clear out the clutter. Is it stuffed
to the brim? Old and raggedy? Buy a new one. Keep your money in a rich looking
feeling container.

What matters is how quickly you take care of it, how fully and authentically you are
standing in your power, and how much you can come from your highest and greatest
self to handle the situation.

Embrace Your Spotlight™ 2016  - Marla Diann – MBM & SMA Certified Coach – 310-378-1277 –

This is the beginning of the energy of money and how you are in relationship with it. We
will cover much more in the sessions to come. Please list below what you think your
money clutter is.

In the kick off day, we will go over the energy of money in more detail to help you
begin to recalibrate to a higher energy around money more often – so you can attract
new opportunities, events, people, clients and more to be grateful for! This is quantum
physics combined with action that helps you create more income.

Assignment: On a separate document – create your money clutter list and post 1-2 on
the group FB page and be ready to share with the group on our coaching call.

Possible money clutter could be: (sampling)

 Avoidance of any kind with money
 Relationships – tense or negative energy when talking or dealing with money
 People who owe you money and afraid or hesitant to ask for the due amount.
 No bill paying systems – pay as you go. Payments late often.
 Lack of boundaries around money – easily persuaded to give discounts.
 Paying for dinners, gifts, and more just to be liked or please people.
 Undervaluing your talents.
 Under-earning for years.
 Afraid to increase your rates or ask for a salary increase.

Good effort! We are just getting started!

Embrace Your Spotlight™ 2016  - Marla Diann – MBM & SMA Certified Coach – 310-378-1277 –

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