Cement Grinding Aid Composition

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United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,828,624

Valle [45] Date of Patent: May 9, 1989

[75] Inventor: Jaime Valle, Naperville, Ill. CA 94 (16): 126393q.
CA 93 (14): 136935111.
[73] Assignee: Nalco Chemical Company, CA 92 (6): 46425v.
Naperville, Ill. CA 92 (6): 46339v.
CA 91 (24); l97785t.
[21] Appl. No.: 81,927 - CA 91 (6): 43629h.
[22] Filed: Aug. 5, 1987 CA 89(2): 1091511.
(Under 37 CFR 1.47) CA 88 (12); 780402.
[30] Foreign Application Priority Data CA 84(14): 9461011. 34 CA 84 (4); 21461a.
CA 84(4): 214602.
Oct. 28, 1986 [AU] Australia .......................... .. 64474/86 CA 83 (16): 136330d.
[51] Int. Cl.4 .................................... .. C04B 24/00 CA 82 (16); 10240311.
[52] US. Cl. .................................... .. 106/90; 106/102; CA 80(16): 86847t.
106/ 314 CA 70 (18): 80618r.
[58] Field of Search ........................ .. 106/70, 102, 314 Primary Examiner-William R. Dixon, Jr.
[56] References Cited Assistant Examiner—Karl Group
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-John G. Premo; Anthony L.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Cupoli; Donald G. Epple
3,420,686 1/1969 Sera?n ................................ .. 106/90
3,420,687 1/ 1969 Sera?n ....... .. 106/102
3,865,601 2/1975 Sera?n et al. 106/ 102 Cement clinkers are ground in an aqueous environment
4,375,987 3/1983 Lange et a1. . . . . . . . . .. 106/95 using as a grinding aid, a composition comprising:
CA 101 (22): 197089u. Ingredients Percent by Weight
CA 100 (26): 214564u. A water-soluble glycol 40-70
Urea as a 50% aqueous solution 60-30
CA 99 (18): 1450710.
CA 98 (14) 112672a.
CA 97 (16): 13243511.
CA 96 (2): 10867j. 3 Claims, No Drawings
1 2
To illustrate the invention, the following composi
CEMENT GRINDING AID COMPOSITIONS tions are set forth below:

Weight % Diethylene Weight 50% Aqueous
The invention involves a method of enhancing grind- 5 Compositions Glycol Urea
ing efficiency of cement clinker and reducing the pack 1 40.0 60.0
set tendencies of ?nished cement, using an improved 2 50.0 50.0
grinding additive. Grinding ef?ciency is improved in 3 60.0 40.0
4 70.0 30.0
that the desired ?neness of the ?nished cement can be
achieved with fewer mill revolutions, e.g. less grinding
energy. The additive also reduces the Pack Set Index of The preferred composition is Composition 2.
the ?nished cement, an indicator of the tendency of the
dry cement to compact and become non-flowing.
Below is a laboratory test. It shows cement test re
ADVANTAGES OF THE INVENTION sults following intergrinding of clinker with gypsum
Cement grinding aids have been used for many years, and grinding aid (gypsum-4% by weight; grinding
and it is estimated that U.S. consumption of such chemi aid-0.01% by weight). All additions were closed at a
cals is currently 30-40 million pounds per year. Most levl of 0.01% by weight to the cement clinker:
commercial grinding aids are either waste streams of 20
ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol, or a combination
Speci?c Surface, cmZ/g Pack Set Index,
of a glycol and an amine acetate (monoethanolamine, after Average of Five
diethanol and triethanol amines, etc). Also known are Grinding Aid 6000 revs 8000 revs Measurements
combinations of a glycol and aromatic acetates, fatty
None 3270 3750 13.0
acid salts, etc. 25
Composition 4 3250 3820 10.0
The subject invention can be shown to be more cost Composition 3 3440 3970 6.4
effective than existing formulations. The formulations Composition 2 3400 4030 6.4
of the invention are excellent grinding aids, and also Composition 1 3340 3750 9.4
Commercial 3400 3810 8.0
have a pronounced positive effect on pack setting ten
dencies in the ?nished cement. 30 Grinding Aid #1
Commercial 3470 3980 6.8
Grinding Aid #2
The art in this area shows two pertinent points:
a. Glycols have been used for years as cement grind EXAMPLE 2
ing aids, alone or with other additives. 35
The combination of aqueous glycol and urea appears
b. U.S. Pat. No. 3,420,686 teaches that urea is an to demonstrate some synergism, in that the blends pro
effective grinding aid and pack set inhibitor. vide activity that is better than equal dosages of the
THE INVENTION individual glycol or urea components. The following
‘data typi?es this behavior:
The invention is based on the combination of two
components which individually have been shown to be
effective grinding aids. Speci?cally the invention com Dosage Applied
prises utilizing as a grinding agent an aqueous solution to the Blaine
of a composition comprising: Composition Cement Clinker (cm2/g)
(None) (None) 35 10
Composition 2
Ingredients Percent by Weight 50% Diethylene glycol 0.02% 3740
A water-soluble glycol 40-70 25% Urea 0.04% 3860
Urea as a 50% aqueous solution 60-30
25% Water 0.06% 3920
50 50.0% Urea 0.02% 3650
50.0% Water 0.04% 3570
In a preferred embodiment of the invention the pre 100% Diethylene glycol 0.02% 3800
0.04% 3630
ferred glycol component is diethylene glycol although
other glycols may be substituted therefore such as eth
ylene glycol, propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, and 55 As the above examples clearly show, Composition 2
the like. The criteria for the glycol component is that it results in a ?ner grind, larger Blaine number, then either
contain at least two hydroxyl groups and that it be the glycol or urea component individually. The urea/
water soluble. A preferred composition uses diethylene water’ mixture alone provided very little, if any, en
glycol to provide 50% by weight thereof. hanced grinding, while straight glycol showed erratic
While urea in the form of a 50% solution is preferred, 60 behavior due to clumping of the cement in the grinding
other related compounds may be substituted therfore mill. The combination produced both ?ner grinds and
such as acetyl urea or diacetyl urea. more free ?owing cement in the mill.
The compositions of the invention may be applied in
a dosage rage of 0.0l—0.07% by weight of the clinkers. EXAMPLE 3
A convenient dosage range is 0.2-0.8 lbs. per ton of 65 To further illustrate the effectiveness of the inven
clinkers treated. The compositions are most effective tion, the following are presented by way of example and
when they are diluted to provide about 5-l0 parts water represent the results of actual mill runs in operating
to one part of compositions. cement plants:
1. An
method of grinding
cement clinkers
_ _ wherein the clmkers are ground In an aqueous environ
Effect of Composition 2 on Pack-set and ?neness of ment, the improvement which comprises using as 8
Portland Cements grinding aid a composition comprising:
Blaine 5
CMZ/g Pack-set
T198 1 Cement Ingredients Percent by Weight
020% Standard Additive 3820 8 A water-soluble glycol 4-0-70
020% Composition 2 3800 5 Urea as a 50% aqueous solution 60-30
Type II Cement 10
.020% Standard Additive 3590 7 - . .
020% composition 2 3600 8 2. The improved method of claim 1 wherein the
water-soluble glycol is diethylene glycol.
3. The improved method of claim 2 wherein the di
Having thus described the invention, it is claimed as ethylene glycol is present at 50% by weight.
follows: 15 * * * * *







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