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What criteria are used to identify the attractiveness of the retail environment in emerging

countries? List them and add a short description.

Which one do you think is the most important? Would you add any other criterion?

The concept is based on the notion that markets go through four stages of retail development that
are opening, peak, decline and closing, as they grow as a business; so that this process is complete
takes many years, from 10 to 15 The criteria used to identify the attractiveness of the retail
environment are:

Commercial infrastructure.- how well developed and complete is the infrastructure

 Country risk.- The percentage of possible failures in the country

 Market saturation.- How much competition is there in the same market in the country and
in the world?

 GDP, per capita, PPP.- Gross Domestic Product, per capita, in Parity of Purchasing Power

 Population: How many people live in the country today?

 GRDI score.- Global Retail Development Index

For use, the most important of them all is the risk of the country, the country can have everything
that can be translated into a good investment, but if the government does not take good care of
the country's security this simplement will not be able to develop in an appropriate way in many

2. Categorize the top 5 countries by world region, and compare them to

Mexico (page 8). What do you find? What can you say about Mexico regarding the retail industry?
What ideas and actions would you recommend to the Mexican authorities in order to improve and
move up in the ranking?

 India: The once and new retail leader

GRDI rank: 1 (up one position)

Population: 1.33 billion

GDP per capita, PPP: $6,658

Total retail sales: $1.07 trillion1

 Turkey: A country of paradox

GRDI rank: 4 (up two positions)

Population: 80 million

GDP per capita, PPP: $21,147

Total retail sales: $241 billion

 United Arab Emirates: Innovation-fueled growth

GRDI rank: 5 (up two positions)

Population: 9 million

GDP per capita, PPP: $67,696

Total retail sales: $73 billion

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