Service in Events

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Service in events.


Part 1.

Look for the next concepts related to the gastronomic events classification:

-Social: weddings, XV years parties, baptisms

-Internal events: Assemblies, Conventions, Incentive trips.

-External events: Congresses, Conferences, Courses, Seminars, Symposiums, Fairs,

Exhibitions and Presentations.

-Recreational events: sports, concerts, dinner-dances.

Part 2.
What we eat in an event is very important but must be combine with the meeting room
configurations (setting ups/ assembling) finesse as the service and decoration. So we
must settle the perfect scenario for our client.  Add images of the menu and places
Relate the next types of events according to the next room configurations.  
 Tables assembled in E shape (Montaje en E) 
 Cocktail assembled (Montaje tipo cocktail) 
 Tables assembled in U shape ( montaje en U) 
 Assembly in school  (Tipo escuela) 
 Theater style (Tipo auditorio) 
Event 1.  
Mr. Luis Juárez 30th birthday. The topic is the 80´s. The space is small because is his
backyard. Will assist 40 people.   
Room configuration: __coctail assembled __ _____
Type of food and beverage: ___can be two types of service for example buffed and menu
service whit a minibar service  
Services that you will offer to the client: picina, waiters service, recreacional service
(dinamicas), Dj service.
Type of event: ______social event ________________________________________ 

Event 2. 
Family meeting celebrating grandfathers 80´s birthday. 4 families, 30 persons. They like
activities like lottery, bingo, poker, etc. They will celebrate in a party hall for 50 persons
Room configuration: _____cocktail service
Type of food and beverage: _cocktail service degust of some food and the birthday cake _
Services that you will offer to the client: _______________________________ Activity
plan, tour of activitis in different parts of the event
Type of event: ___social event_____________________ 
Event 3.  
Is the launch of a new cellphone company brand ‘Patoo’. With 200 guest. You choose the
place and the menu.  
Room configuration: _____school__________________ 
Type of food and beverage: ______menu whit services of waitters ___ 
Services that you will offer to the client: _____Audio, visual effects, and waiter service
__________________________ __
Type of event: __external events____________________________________________ 

Event no. 4 
A school meeting for 50 teachers to celebrate the end of the school year. It will be at the
school convention center.  
Room configuration: _____E shape______________ 
Type of food and beverage: _____buffet________________________ 
Services that you will offer to the client: __________________________beveraje service,
and service of food dj, picina.________________________________________ 
Type of event: __________internal event____________________________ 

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