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Fragments and sentences

Grade 2 Sentences Worksheet

A sentence is a complete
Is each line a sentence or a fragment? Write A fragment is just a
(S) for sentence and (F) for fragment. group of words.

1. I waited for the babysitter. _________

2. Parents away tonight. _________

3. They were gone to see a movie. _________

4. Playing games and watching TV. _________

5. She gave a bath to my baby brother. _________

6. Water everywhere on the floor. _________

7. I helped her mop the floor. _________

8. Great night with the babysitter. _________

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Fragments and sentences
Grade 2 Sentences Worksheet


1. I waited for the babysitter. ___S___

2. Parents away tonight. ___F___
3. They were gone to see a movie. ___S___
4. Playing games and watching TV. ___F___
5. She gave a bath to my baby brother. ___S___
6. Water everywhere on the floor. ___F___
7. I helped her mop the floor. ___S___
8. Great night with the babysitter. ___F___

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

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