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UITING: Writing an opinion essay SS Oe Should people take more PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the environment? [A Another reason is that some of our actions are more harmful than we probably realize. A flight from ‘Amsterdam to Beijing will put around 740 kg. of CO, into the atmosphere: recycling everything for @ | ‘year will not save that amount or anything close to it.'_-___, over 25 milion people travel through New York's JFK airport alone each year. If every one of those people took one less flight a year, would make a big difference, 8 _ we should not wait for governments to take action on climate change. We all have a responsibility towards the planet we live on, We should do our best tottake care of it and, therefore, make it more likely that other people, including politicians, will take care of it, to. € tis easy to fee! hopeless when we think about the huge problem of climate change. Many people think that only governments can make the significant changes we need to prevent it. °_ they don’t understand why they'should take personal responsibility, especially if it makes their own lives harder. Why should they bike to work if everyone else comes by car? However, this attitude is wrong: we all need to play our part in helping save the planet. 1D One reason is that the more we make changes in our own lives, the more we are likely to influence other people. if your colleagues see you on your bike, they might consider riding a bike, too. x ____, the politicians who represent us cean be influenced by knowing what is important to Us, and they are more likely to listen to us if we do things that show we want to protect the environment, Just talking about it. Read the opinion essay and rumber imagine you are answering the same essay question, but have the aragraphs A-D inthe corect oder opposite view. Write the fllowing a 1a thesis statement: 2. a topic sentence for a paragraph arguing that individual people cannot make a difference: F h 3. a topic sentence for a paragraph arguing that governments control what industries do: . 4 the first sentence of a concluding paragraph in blanks 1-5 with formal linkers 4 write an opinion essay on the following topic Should we be prepared to accept a lower standard of thing in order to Nevertheless Scope protect the environment? Consequently + Provide a clear thesis statement. Insum + Start each paragraph with a topic statement. Similarly ‘+ Support your thesis statement with examples, facts, figures, etc + Summarize the key points in the concluding paragraph. + Use at least three formal linkers to connect your ideas

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