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STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION THIRD EDITION ATT DAVID ROBERT C. AQUINO, CSEE, MAED, PHD egal and Pati Conan Peer Le Bask Ath ‘Supreme Court Reps Anette SCRA) Ss commio he Rtn he eo iil re, Ferrer so Sf fice tp Ales Bere Hota of Ropesttoe Foxe incr I~ ra firs Sere TAS) sewn 9s OK: Hanan Rene Meret Service hippine Drug Eton gene? PDEA) el ‘time Court the Maiploes Yoel i, ‘OPS. Serato ip Foc ig frit Ni Gam STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION ‘THIRD EDITION Pips 2020 All Rights Reserved "No pat of his book may be produce any fasion without ‘permission fromthe autor In onder to trace wnnuthorizd Tepradution the author ha include iinet rons ‘hroughout hs materia Cental Bok Suppy 927 hoes Bing eran Avene ‘Queso iy pps FoReworo ‘gro th tcn ley bom pity lore Frerean ne yuna yaa eek a ence ™ teary ccs aoe of te ig ts ftw seas tty ade ‘Renal he bss Bech Ursa, ase Sonctowinawan abe nti Jie ont Dav tun iin on Ted Ein owe pid sande ete st DX Agung an doe tonne whol heson tat ung ta UNIVERSITY OF THE EAST FOREWORD toga) marin that copra the unde tessa forthe en ot {father ut wih cra ned ct be mate Sie Te we {hemo rues ep pemeneutes are presented, cue and sustain tetas aio of Paarl Reser Anes ‘Sk Stator Camerata’ Using ump but hls rosie ng ‘nc "He pou on ie comme poem ae le ls Je ‘epestediy warn pais the pital miacnstction. - Quite tire the writers uneanering eof precedente ak sere Rirene Coe mnt sen orl While stable ae clonroom ttn. bth he Bench and te ‘Bar wal arin nd the ok wl Reales ay, the Say idee ot ed in is commendabe tk, Prof Ain hae mde ae — a MESSAGE ‘The sc ros, depts on 2 ge he rope tration or sett fhe we wh he eon iw Ping sel etre A Inet a pr xe sel greeny a ving tee [et end he tary rmsune th uy and pc ee an ‘Sdbale tee tf fs won cll pon he pple sory cnsetion ating nu tof etig pie onborerser bea Satan centers cms an cn = fh 2 ‘peakwbingeut Be pope splint low a sso "ete ft ua ere oft pl enon tan bing oe wri hs expended nese inal el ko ae Heo ‘heed what tr wer hae fl othe pt feat eit iw apd verona ey teers and fad ‘sh pein! cv om. Reig hs we aa este Tae wee Se uy en 9 «en sins on ates Oneal he Pippin des Asean (1 hr cmgeute snd mend Ay Dre ert Aa rhs se oat ep att we encagy eeyre ised a Lorn tn ok ind tocpmee ity hess natal pene ate competition Aa, FE He spre Ca UNIVERSITY OF THe EAST MESSAGE (tte to ents tty Contec putin by Canta Boks ‘rat Onothcsar © agar, eS ‘Tee subject Statutory Construction may be tohing a hickseat to tne omer sutjc ft law ebtrewun.” Yet, fa imporaree Deyona.moasre Trt, wehoit Sattory Const, laws ave Imereti and moaninglss. witout an nsesanang tte Iepsiatve rant and he spat ein ek enacmert oan (S,fesen, Ay. Das Roba. Aas work on latory Canstucion destves the appracston,recsgiton end tren fhe applause of whoever warts o Undoreand ew oto forte sae ots roby bul he need fr subset eorgince, nn Of eta sea, of te iw sts, aw ets, ant 36 wh eae to si he aw. please neg Or rate ts ota work " a ‘Our Bet wishes and mare ome! ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS “Apion of he pt ey wich mae xcs he rect and en eK Ipoh mons oro eee ire Hei Leen nee ed ml at ‘TOTHETHIRD EDITION on, Abstardo Domonton conse a ton FOREWORD TOMIERIISED EDITION Hon. Dante 0. Tinga Faerie se, pene Cont Former Bro iyo a To THE RENISED EbIHON Judge Ralph ee omer Psi Pipe as Asin Dean Amado Valdez omer haan, Pn Astin ofa Sots "our Doe UE Ca fae irnopuction TOTHETHIRD EDITION IyTRODLCTION DEDICATION STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION cuarrer 1 (Geer Consens Interpretalion vss Contnction Jaca Review Jc Legion Chopra Review cuarren2 ‘The PitpineCoosttuton “The 1987 Coniston ‘Chapter Review cuarrers ‘The Lgialine Pres Legis Tes How a Becomes Lae “The Ervatet Bil Theory (Chaper Review cuarren 4 Kind of Lawes Anatomy ofa Law Chapter Review CHAPTERS vat sont 1. 108 us m 1 Applicable Impl Repesls Chapt Review CHAPTER 6 Inte Ais Initia Considerations Vetta Legs Context Testnent Legsoive nent Four Comers ofthe Statute TheTie ‘he Body Stare Dis xceptons General and Special Terms ro 168 19 wm 2» js Gers Incas Uni [Negative Words Mandatory an Directory Conjnctive and Disunctive Computation of Time Function of Proviso Chopter Review cuarren? Legistive History Contrnporacous Constiction urispeudenee Langa Materials Lega Dictionay and Encyclopedia Law Books egal Teatse fis Soloman nd Oplnione Law Journals Foreign Jristctions Zee 2 236 SUREss od Cchapie Review cuarras: Const an erp Litera and Strict Constretion ena Laven Tax Laws Pott Laws Commer Laws Laker wit Gc Legion ales ofout Adisintative Ries (Chapter Review cuarrers fect dA Prospective and Retroactive Application Garative Application ‘The Chil Code The Revised Peal Cove = 285 "The Local Government Code ‘The Labor Ce (Chapter Review cuarrer 10 CCongraene of Proiions Provisions vr Provisions Laws sais the Constitution Lawes ns Laws (General Laws ee Special Laws Laws ee RS Laws nie sis Ontinanoes ‘Chapter Review ‘cuAPTER TL Legal Maxims cnaprer 12 Pal Comieratine ‘Alty Did Ret ©, Agino xe a aH a 20 &B = INTRODUCTION TO THETHIRD EDITION =U tt i fee od i 1am both honoured ant hurled by the warm exption by rade, students of lawl prfesrors, schol minitrtors ant collages ofthis humble work — which ‘nom begins its metamoephosis into is Thin Edition, “This work began years ago with « slitary thought in mind — lo provide it readers witha simple yet wel reference ‘terial on legal hermenesticr — which {consider bath as a fr and sconce in etng the ue meaning oF Spot of & partial provision, word or phrase — wth the end in vw {hot the purpose of the nw under examination be given the ‘opportunity to execute HS legulative purpone when a8 crated [Now thankflly with he grace of Gos om ts Thi En this humble work says True toe humble Beginnings and ‘xgial pirpose — ploviding reves on the principles ond coneepia of sattory construction, highlighting when "propriate through the use of specially selected ens, ‘Often relegated and viewed a 9 minor sujet in ur the ‘Commission on Hhotien, “Comminson on Audit and the Civil Service CConisson and other Instrumentals or Bodie emted by Interestingly, bea in mind tha concep and principles of statutory constriction may also be applied in the intepretation ‘nd consnton of contrat between persons rom this premise, We ace several pronouncements by the igh Court in tooling contract face sch 38 those in Fist ibSo Lendng Copan Pale where tel that — whe ees he pent avr leap Mees Sepa teeta ned ety iat ot par thf of eral Ml ‘rnate Auge Aatony ts Gogo were cred tat =” serpent ts preons ‘SEM oc frat i ti a i rato bch oer end hg ne ow fc ‘A litle cet however, shoul fist bo Ini dowem at this ‘nty tne — it important ta remember that the laws leat fd unequivocal thae ino nee for interpretation, mich more fer ematcton It nai hen the ln amit of a a meme Smterprstatons or when by is very nature ies vague, when the ‘ed for ether interpretation o construction arias Lhe is 8 soma, ra sonasro 05) clear and unequivocal, the cour has no other alternative but 29 ppl the law and retain from interpreting Construction and interpretation of aw comes only ter it has boom determined that is application is impossible or ‘madeguste without them. Wall Krown isthe rule 0€ tstory corsniction to dhe effec thal a statute clear and unambiguous ‘on ts far need not be interpreted. Thera that nly sate Wi as melgeeet or ttl mearing my bx toe sept Sartor construction’ Moroove words shouldbe read and conser in thet natural, ordinary. commonly accepted ane mest obvious nication, according to. good and. approved usage. and ‘without resorting to forced o ule constriction. Soper in duis bovgniorsprerenta® For words are presumed to have been employed by the lawmaker in thee fedinary and common ase and aecepaton> Although the study of slattory construction in law school 6 not comidered 2 major tubject, howl be “underscore that the discipline learned therein would ass the Jaw profesional inthe proper appreciation, interpretation at ttiatelyappition of hel Ness to a the principles autined inthis sbjec thot more offen than not spell the diference between a proper tnterpetation af he aw ith heen in view of erring ty is serve from that of an eroneous appreciation of the lav ‘which esl na miscarage of aie, ones Manaplipe of San Neo GF Na LOH) "nts rane to nr tbr amdructore) ee ood "People Kote 4S Pa 352/529) Interpretation isan Construction Interpretation refers to the deawing of the true nature, meaning apd Intent of the law through an examination of ts ‘provisions whe construction isthe process of using tot, ad Feferences extant frm the Iw in eer to ascertain is nature, ‘moaning and intent. Simply Pin ictorpetng a law, ono dose rot gocutside the content ofthe atte, len constetion. ‘one as to go outside ofthe language ofthe tatu anid rset t0 fextrinsc ids Although there isa ine distinction between the ‘ere foreign jidictons have deemed this vogue ition et ff Title or no practical value — trating these two terme at Ina sense, interpretation nits the person to what the aw ‘tet provides through an examination of i language words phrases and style Construction, on the other ane, allows the peeson to ‘tae other reference materi tls in order to ascertain the tue meaning ofthe law tis important to noe that consrtion ‘may only be aloes if tho prose of interpretation as os inadequateto the out the meaning ofthe Lv 1 is important to note, however that before one can proceed {0 conte the provisions ofa statute, one must first Interpret theme Iti only when the proces of interpretation fais or He found to be inadequate when one can proceed 0 into the proces of construing the law. apenas ae ee emt tar av ot uy twcery bd ecey hal. Th ‘AUC as ch and nde i ae ‘sth mac ie er ince mse he orate nteoene yu Tbh the Erinn es on tng ut mods ring ow oe, ang te ‘vo sow of hate ate gi hse neo ‘sh artes hd hace get won, Yew meg ‘thi ey ont onary he ei, tieng. a ‘angi ctrng at ln thats le fo ‘sts hr ci fo he mei of» anes ‘St ene a ene a et er it has CConsiruction and interpretation come only ‘beon demonstrated tht appiation i impose or inadeunte Without them. They are the vey lst funtion which » cout should exercise The majority ofthe laws nest no intepeaton ‘rconstaction. They equle only application, andi there were ‘more application and les construction, there wou be mone “tabity nthe law and mare people would know what the lve ‘Ashe by the High Cout ina earlier cave — thse cana prio star corto sats mag at ee eg tut be toned fe gue Spee at rs Sm ety needa 8 mmo In sry constriction, fhe wns of stata alr, in a ‘ve fom anti ttre ote hl le hr ‘ng. 6 Comat Fists cf at, £9 Fa 8 88 "= Unraps emaoe ap Teo, 24H 4,12 sera ona ean. (0m 30 Cx 20 the Sng Pago iano pressed aver by Cala hh wat tha king meyor adoped ond approved Cy Ordon Noe {Sahn graning nth We the Gy Vceyer to ‘gn tr scat for Conan Seve fo the Sitar Seaver morte he hy of Mabon eprecented ty Hon Galan entered ins para Canrace for” Constancy Seis wih Census Subsequnty e Petone, cea we fed Vie avo of Muiston ry vite ft he Sie came the Peng ce the Sagunion at {he coma ine the had he SoaninnSecetanat Or abaary 2008 fhe potion representing eCity Goverment Maifon erred’ 2 conc foe the ‘Gocatacy Series with onsen ho wl ender ons ning me fds of he pt» ing an inpoperdubusonant roting Ut the Petlbner ba eb mae on the al onde tr fies spend tobe dug the former Vice Mayor ‘ele seameny an teming Be nthe protons of Ase 1a Repu Ret No.0 er the [Exar Goverment Cade wih stakes the day of vee ‘mayor canoe ert that tres it mayer a2 ‘or the plese cowie const psd 0 [candace made dong th frtor tm be seid hice aterse provided by lane and under the sion oth coe, tee hohe author on ‘pred vicomayor oan nota ict hee goveromett ut unica proved for Cit ‘Sy mayor anti probed by a ae ee N70 ovement Coser a he ay of be at ‘Sie ti te tine of od ah ‘ern conrad hs? “The High Coot ued in he negative stating fat ‘nmatsory consti ifthe wore se ar at Psinand aero ambiguity whatever wnten unde Ee‘ sll be given Sal canny aos a te as mgt srt rw The Loe Government Code pertaining the dry of ie mayor dary ts hat eB he ayer ‘Seine ice the Snel $f a epoins ‘ppc oot sung ena” ‘Ts the eae tore pow sang 2 “enn abrty 0 otc me bor he fre “hiss contrary toh sf tabstory cmon ta there rom for cnsecton when ett al an ne se es Invocation a thatthe provason mst taken incre al he ‘toda sean and gen hal meng 17 he ech nd incl em drinkin ch mover nation. ‘il Cabrera June, 19,espondent Elen Cabrera ape or inetastion of 218 opt inthe hy a pe foverag ioe supply oe several eunipaies nang. fete Bis Sivas Opus and Lt, Tide certain of Pate Convene to peste ‘Sch = ioson Ke pin oppoed he application te found tt ht ace est fr the mt the July 46 196 Commisiner Ocampo, by or, commision ty Aspe eto te tpl Divs, Side tinny ft Wines’ no teh onda From the nots taken by Aly. Aspilrs, the Commision er be rendered the Becton leeing "Gama. Paar, SCRA Nit 20 185 cam no ats) ‘cabernet pub onrenince #2 ‘pers ibn ce plan inthe Gly of Lape oven ‘fc oppeiton Svauna Opulent Lat is argon mate by te Commision 10 At opr cota? eel me ye he ot epic Act Ri 178 the een of ene Gonos adn ao eng sce Ghat such repton of evidence cms conducting, a ee Pek er pee and ‘ibn up pos ol spc one op Soe oa henge gn in an ing for irpeaton moc move Tar conaracton The ‘rete nd th Sc erat, were decored mall [nt void"and the cue wee raced tthe PU 10 the rule in statutory construction that ifthe words snd phases of sate ore not obscure or ambiguous ts ‘eating and the intention a he lgslature must be determined ftom the lngunge employed. and, where thee sno ambiguity Inthe words theres no room for constuction "The courts ms) ‘ot speculate as to the probable intent ofthe legilture apart from she words The geaon fr the rue e thatthe lpsatre must be presumed to know the meaning of words, to have used ‘Mande Ming Coperation Ler, 206 SCRA Feary 7 198 ‘et nao awe on 2 ena et eh hep a0 = i ‘words advised and ta have expressed ts intent by the use of ‘ich words ate found inthe sate kun te a of tater eprint ft th 2 stant arn gus i fh Bey Te re {eon set hemos okie mening aye aes enoryeonsrat Daan oe. Mina Inge ofS icles tira of te ection rend by the raped [ge March 2 tor npn ops An a Amanda Agsnoy fled pln with he Mung Cut of San Neon een Nore secing ie adept ‘he aars Qui Bana and Won Maron, (Om Apel 22,1971 the mines Redick ant ome! Duo, ised yt thr ad gary a tion foredopon ding tht the spouses Aner ‘Amanda Agony had kts droge named EBrcla Agonoy oppo’ mater who ed on March 171 ond eetore a poses we deal Wo sepeundor ant Sel the Cl Cake hie aris provides tht hase who. hive legate lima acon Sars ln ot Side np con cannot ope ve yes Anew Agony and Amends Ramat Espa le ane peg Vo Ae 5 Fe ‘The words en paragrph ( f Aicl 35 of sepenome ausisen ene Salome mnegiariancnmer out aR no sts Cate wat mlope tchanged te word “dna feand nthe Spm Cl Ceo eich the New Cl (Coden paterson” he dbten thus semoned have a ony etna. mcanng ane and ote (paadren Wi own ie the ale of tatty ‘Seacton io the ect tht tute car and ‘rambpwcus oni aconan nat be api ‘The ree at only statutes with an abiguns sx dub mowing maybe tn seo ary In the present case, Rodeck and. Rama ‘Baoan degree Ao ‘Agonoy and ‘Amare Remct"Ageny cannot smal the Sdopon tin Bons Way Meron byte Agony The Stprome Cou gonad the pion, and cd the ie the Msp Crt tS sos Bee ‘he fie ad fennel dy of ort 16 ay Saber ve amet om 5 March 1982. the National Feeaton of {abo let withthe Misr of Labor aed Employment {Cptton oe dest eviction he se xa Coletive tergning epee of the ently pa {employes a he Layo aattring plant the ‘bangn Wood Pre amon (On 17 Api 1. such groves cared the ton tlre he ae cles stp oy Sargallowsnees (09M 190, the unm onie fatre gla the tm alg ga eration fai, ‘ident ofthe snl os nti kor paca Rese. er sonnet (ana ‘ct trpctin tn oy ser oa ‘pple is npr pn itt tem 2 nonpayment of ving allowances: and emptoyment of Caeteticie portmoet pose alia poges fmt ‘Thesis began an 23 May 192.On 9 ul 198; Zambos» emp wih ie acura {he ole and embers ofthe sn for“ ot ‘So fr papaya poe ey ‘The anon Aad 2 mtn fr the iil ant foe the daton of the rang onder and unten contending tt incidents pcheting re whine exduaive pecion fhe Labor Aver Pursuant to Bas Pamberme 227 (Labor Cade, Arie [and ot tthe Court Fs tance The sion en deed. Hac, the petion for 1 cosration of He ae pio dtemine app anasto ely ingotbleceinstogat without hem racy oth na aie in ad REatatmiceeer arc 6 never pesmi mt be entry ain words tha do ot ad Fou ‘Stetson of court and al fun Scored tly ath sts te ram, he “herfre snc) she orga! wonting a Avie 237 seid the bee aes wh sac ae) Fredano Doce fe novel the recon th fespet to more cine uf werken aime for ‘age alng om amplyer-onplyee laos he Sich frst o the edimay cour a since) hae Pambanat 15) made no ange with rpc the Griginal aod exces jraaton of Laser Acie sahara woke mn ‘ede 217 to be applied the way worded. The ‘ilive win ation ofertas ood ney Plain Meming Rae. — Tis rion aio he “pla ming rae" by Fenn cr cms het eae aso an marae eae Re wring a we Be ars ‘tla ond wag ob ey om eae engage arm ae Cie Mall. — 1 se i” as 4 ‘iain lc sears sn oo mach Boh te sma ‘far neo mami, Aces pre ming cnt fo Isc te nen fhe coin parti. cin mat by then The process of wtpeing otra rinse at ma = tier ing a hte cee tw aban Arig — Aco room abigail of fey ron rats rise the wre a of Be ‘Sri nol wendy Beale og. eu {str he ont mater ff he ota tee fo mtg hh tegen of te ce se ‘Mambo i he br eo Aba Goldony Proper les A meee ft po a cea Mpa Eee my pc, dk rant amo hp st ak ae Peaera te tsa bat Charan Seek Saag est Sedje taes raagaps tare ea a eee ee Papeete cm ne nts, mA 31 ae Due w economic downtime Coldeap wat ove ro scuring needed Hakan jae mage eta tae sacar tc pele mem See eras the eamest money. . einer argue that spon al! tty the te mpenave “omg wer te caput Proviem‘Thay they re blige ot the at fermen land repundents cola right demand the prtormance of he biaton ner ae coun TA SCout aoe ht Pra of he ‘As the al an ppt courts ruled ie the hp alos at nny i wa be rte (orf petione: in ae a espns fae 0 ‘Sver te balay ofthe total comer th et payment would te weir spent “This igaton to eta he et payment can be leaned fo the pt the ute Provan, nichts i part bu he pyc Poy EDUSson lb tral ke her sod ey “heer rl in the interpretation of antec Is embode inthe fst pagan of Ate 130 of he {Gt Code“ th eof Sac! an lee ‘tt po te het of bs oiaing pt a ‘etn of slate St ste ‘hic provision akin wo he “pi mie rae api by Repeal ers tic ot itn tte arto an tan ee ff ‘ing ti se a a ign Ie itr se etic ony fn te peg ists ens the “for ore « rie sehch lowe core sor eases ech besa oe ‘mands for dues toncaning ‘A cout purpose in camining a cost 640 diet te bt oe cay ‘Secely monies them “he procuring 2 contact equi the oust mae 2 proiminary muy sto wheter the entra before ie smo A Conta proviso Simguous i suscep of two. resoable sere nepetins Were dhe writen ems of the contract a ot ambiguous a ca only be al me way. the cour wl {pert the orc mater few ‘hen the interpretation ect! et ee sr, to'resive the ambgulyinhe gh 9 te tole The Hh Cour than rattan ld eg vteeitned at he rl tee te ona of conc itn sed tiga, aang nb ein th nye ei olde Te neni of risa he got ro ta gue fo a Fingunge soe. Sel iret whe the lage of 2 ‘liens ar nd mbps, he cnr mat ie oma twitch pas oa ‘lars gd sonnei hat stows ste under eit se Cats! ‘ke ri pets ar pe peas at thyme he salto nahn rere outs eefy oprah oa ot 1 arto a! ono tl of opty oo Thedernent of ier sy earner on fe oe eet contd Son se Scie reo ‘tues we Ch ead oy Co! tee Rey Cae, 379 PA 386 uit Retees ‘The: Cotton jaa, efit of Bie porn of ‘government. poms? are ape a exten of such ‘The Constitution itself has provided for the sosteumentality ofthe jicary ak the rational way: And when the judiciary mediates to allostecontittional Boundaries, oes not aster any superiority aver the other departments it {doe notin reality nly oF invalidate an et of the Legit, but only asserts the solemn aed sacred obligation asd 10 by the Coatittion fo dternine conicing cats of authority under the Constitution and to eatablih forthe parties in an ‘esl contoversy the ght eich tha instrament secures and unrest them Thin ss teat al that nwo im wha {ermed Juda sipromacy” which propeey is the power of Iecileevieor wader the Cnaitation A provision which hen “eon introduced by the 1987 Constitution ie definition for the First ime in ou fardamental aw af he ter juli per” a Such authority and day of court of futice “ts ste chal Contoversics inoaeing rights which re legally demande nd ‘nforcale and to deere sohther ornate hes born grace hse of cretion, acutingt ak or xcs of urine ert ofanyErnchoratrumertaly ofthe Gonernment™ > Jui reviowe refers to the power of the cuits t heat and resolve contoveesies Erought belo. As pointed oat by Justice Lael, the “maleating par” to “deine fhe pre ‘soto of posers” of the cifferent branches of government and “unc Th couse of gonerumet lng att chan” is inherent in all cours as a newesary consequence ofthe judicial snow Eo Comin OF No ASR 96, 808 ‘kteayny Mer GR No D1, ay 7,108 poner Isl which is “the power ofthe court to ste actual owerses ining igh “aise an lepally demandae and npr As the constitution vests judial power in one Supreme ‘Court and in Sch lower courts as may Be established by a — Juco power, by it nature, isthe power to ear and decse ‘uses pang btcen partes who have the ight te suo and be sue in the courts of lw and equity” Although holsing nether purse nor sword and so regarded as the weakest ofthe Three departments of the government, the” jdilary is ronethlots vested with the power fo anne the acts of thor the Tegsntive othe executive oro bath when aot conformable to the indamental aw. Hence, the only ently empowered by dhe Constitution to inierpeet and coratrue lews, i the ‘adicial bench of [govemment# Thus, we often encounter the adage that ull ower ested ie Suprome Conran uh ower ours a5 may Iesalice by iro Spree Court and all other lower courts have the powor to construe and interpret hela estiner, whore tepeger, myers emer ol he ldPand pos of Catan Law ‘ugh to esa Sader Mine fom peciorming the ‘nctone of he Of of Commoner othe Bure ‘Gators an Caller ‘Cage, a Secretary fhe Deparment of Badge om tec bore Fama = a «1 SONA 48 zm Aang ¥ Cnn, 48 ‘raid tte « Cure, a G80 HH Yt meds oak soa eet tam Pion 2° 8 hl Vt Sex 87 Pg Conan > semen 1.8 Vt 187 Pine Const Ersund tht Mics spposinent at Canarian of ‘Botren ef Crtane nce by moc ct ot having bes cnt by the Comino ‘Appinimans The respendene, on the ter hand, ttnan te cain of Monts appointment ‘The High Court Held ht the Preset asthe autos to appoit Men as Gorumsione of the irc Caste eho submiting hie nominton ‘hs tener cn the fal stot a ecto (the oe and wet al he lara an melee ‘ang tnt Tus_— the igh Court heed fhe Fett well the ptton nero {eclaengas ow 2) Stet fl stad Pine per Seat Pond qui tea mn erat ree of the SP tly te ub ei he ‘oor rosie Yo gre ve cours to fro sd ec stage the ct Frociualgucsion Sof wether Fehon isthe proper emedy 10 tes ise’ iptv be te of minor se Burns of Citoms md of wher ‘he etter haves wanting Big ie 1 contittinat Comat The Serato loge elect whe hia ovine erin ich Erec'in as be given fe Gat which Ie ssrtaed and” exprened he ‘Satter tnereven (alt Set ing o adrue) The Cur tl "hos conte the aplable contin provivans net in rane th ha tho ‘Elcutinc tehepite deprtment my © Ree vi Ge "ha conten serra cates meee Foe lice 1 be el ose wees eee naa Piha tae sem crs oe Se Ta or Spckneae oe vated Hin bo lo Eater Wore te Siena ales pees ast ciate Sipe ea tein ec toy tested oy men peee se (0 ce weer S ee ale rope tes toreaerin he fool ae Commence ‘Sociers, Aunerfsh Sis eect Seana seme de Scotian "Arora fe Polio. of ea eae et Uicay can be me by Be Sot Seis es cad St ber wou fle tat ey those Sri ne ey (Conrmation) of te Coonan on Appointments 2» 2 cain pin pt wb fret adel gf rr bus A entation prvisn rm be pre sehen and an apd ihe These wih sete to em [eps opting» const re omar tn ke previous na exsing os pon ‘and upon which they expres the Bets Slaton seat xn coftatan a iw Comision Conciente Somnition va ‘sty adm the er Hand, he 1973" Contiaon. ait wih he atin tern Sieh ft renal! eal matted by ecosve”"ewendnenin ced fe te lg loci above te the eter i the 173 Contato tt tars ote 187 Contin ae fone aloptagirsinnd awit pa Ep tegen he comma tonto) of ‘he Camino poset or te the Praident wth suck cfr, the appoimment fer fer hoe ‘hose in he foun group tes ocr of lower ras he preci in te 1988 Conon ‘Clounison” suppres (Carat of ‘sa i to ‘et of ioe tings of ‘Sones ome mening Phe word ey hed “i ie mor” wc ‘eng cold str th the wo a” Heed second sence eeu at Be Prendent in adit noarating and Wa tie cooeat of Oe Comes on Spinning tse Spy iow such coment “or ‘Stirs he oe mention de Bane dee ierpresion that the Proident shall Sppant te offers mone in nd tia Sanat te of Sood ais ae th eo ema of ‘Sidaecnd mene the Court aw chonen {S dae spon: fro the at at Stent speis of nomination by the ‘idan al appsnnnt by he Pret ‘win the rae of the Corie om pininantseheren, the second ‘steps yt appsinent ye Iangunge in semen poste to ach ‘her uarcrs 5 deren mecage feneeed and prepress ‘Tuy words a not pike i alan jinapeton 2) Per to spit funanentaly ecioe © rer (athe omebuel toca Toe omer 16 appt houmenaly ‘ection i hare tg or alors af och oer shouldbe‘ saly contr. Sach Friars o quainens mast ey ‘bee the fin serene ot Se 1 Ar MI Slat stated Gat appoiminent he Prendert tthe postions Seren Sumerted ‘agi. he soot of he Communion on sppatement a 1 The we of wort “aloe” er “Psion” (hind seven sm len dro 2 ttl grt dene andl te Cel sly the’ Selene of the {S66 Casttanal Coen oe Court found the we fhe word abc" ter the word “Pree in sad hig eee 8 Sle Arle Vis more than ani {Ss or saan datas i the Pestana "Siponinents rr Appointments, "exapt sppomements to expe mre te Fst ‘eter “Coney fee won no ‘moc na ne Wi sec he end providing that Congr may y lw west {irappanin a mers tee the ser lem rt he corto the hed partment Seine ae ower io appa lize hom te ype sandy vote in him without ‘ead conkraaton by he Carson ‘straw in the rd scent the, light of he sxcond conan Ths ‘any camo! prev ver te dent Sa pele nent Of ths ame othe iota th pent Ba igen a reside arid Conon art of CGstowes Cine ol [ooo of pom ~The pion ot ‘Commissar fhe Baro of Catone a ren hed of toe win the fe grup af appointments woe he Spotnments is ui The, 187 ‘ietaton delay exced he foston ot “het of farms" tom Epmanimenta tat edhe cosent (Gamat) ef ho Consent [Repirtmente Alowover, the Prsent Soe wea omen oa {Repeat No, ant Cate E'S ta rips, Secon ee Senddy Poston 7 Cxnber 172 and a pd rine int eins ft ae Repl At No 95 nd PO St sre approved dung te ect ot tte is Constiaton ender which sdent ay oma awh fe we Goes Buren of Cust Afar eee of [RN nd PO he tb Sdn Irony with See 16, Ae wih the cnmbaonc of he Baca of Catone tne ft derives on te Pree an pein ele ethinyl a Ss a Tonge ‘mie coniroaion dae “This fe the ment for what anme agree the decane of jal supremacy. Even so, his power I ot ightiy ‘sumed of readily exercised. The doctrine of separation of Powers impos upon the courts 2 proper restraint, born of the ‘ature of thet functions nd of thee sespet forthe other Separtments in striking down the acs ofthe legislative and the ‘excetive a unconstittonal!| Note ako that one can only invoke the power of judi review fo intrpret const 3 parclar Lar Hf theres 3 ‘sewal ewe or controversy involving the lw in veton and "here is ambiguity in hat Thus to clcidate, the Court may exercise is power of jc review only the folowing quits are present (yan actual and appropriate case and Contoversy exits (2)a personal ant substantial interest ofthe ‘ary eltng the conan gumon, Othe exercise of juicol eview i pleaded atthe ert opportunity, and (the constitutional question rized the very Heol ofthe ae A jstiible controversy involves a fire and concrete lispute touching on the Tegal relations of the parties having ‘ders Tegal inte” As for the third rogue for ul review, it should not be taken 9 snean that the question of onsitutionalty mist be rsed immediatly ater the execution fof the sate action complined of — that the quextion of onitutionaty has not ben raed before i not val eso Forrefusing tallow ito be risa later 2 Aca Sal aroma ve Saas tan Rt GR No. ‘ee Sy 508 wo Mangan 42 SCRA 36 Sra ani Sey 21 SCRA tags aan Tit Asc evRaos 4 SCA 48 ‘The proper forum, therefore, for interpretation and construction of law to take place i wthin the halls of the Jain No judge or court sl ectne to ender fagment By fason the slence, obscurity ar insuiency of the as Stated diferent it isthe duy ofthe jar to sete etual controversies involving, sights which are legally ‘Semandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or nat there hasbeen a rave abuse of ection amounting te lack oF feces of jriadicion “on the part of any ranch or inaramontaty ofthe government. eee tthe nterptin ft ye SC cis tof tei fom the ae gly pase sine a n> ‘tin may aise the oor ieee! a fhe ‘ere ed eit eloner Accnrcorpraion engaged the kines ol pod management consul, ince sete dovelopment at sing” and/ot ‘icing tsar The mohiy nd’ euarely VAT ‘ume of Acomure show thant ‘Td wanscon apa oupat WAT tne st Todor unalned inpur VAT cede hus, Accenture ed wih the Deptt f ‘nance an siative co fo thereunder the Itiee "i Tn” Crit Wher he ‘fo Acetre cd Ftton fr Reve wh CEA ecto i 187 Cosson OR te. sss) Ahat Accra fl Yo pow ha i tied to 2 ‘eh! Boose clan a ea ally east crdometed ung hat Accent’ serves wo ity for zen uncer the 197 Nasal itr Rewense {Gose't the Thine tly a heii! the fervies was dong bran ule of te Pippin {he Deion of he CTA raed tht since crete hel {ne to prsntenidence to prove tat the foreign cos {0 which he former endeed serves did sins ‘uvidethe Pippin tvs rated sean ‘Acer spl at becuse he cn perf the Seo en ee pen rN ericonni mts Een Papeete cocoon Beet Tea elie ols econ of the dion, Hence th preset pen Hr asthe peat of Im y he $C cms pe tt foe ete egy pate ‘ese la tree) Inept s prising one ee Iteration bec part he le om ms team elective Is cement tat the erst tthe ow by te Supreme Cart etn Pathe Sniomporancous legstaive intent thot the Inept Beene i Tne rund re cmd sly again the ax pave: A'tapayerciming or of? mat sty the Fn fp to eta ach cm. Asean led sod the brn, np se er ey mn ste cemegiey macrneee its Shokee meta eeeeaes Fippines * visa carina principle of statutory construction that the ‘Court smut acatan the legiatve Intent for the purpose of {ving to any tatu. The istry of the ines ana tat of the things exting when the act was framed oe adopted mat be followed and the conditions of the things at the time of the tenactment ofthe law should be considered to determine the legislative intent Judicial Legation ‘When the Judiary gost Beyond is exercise of judicial review ani im efit changes the Taw Brought Before 863 ‘demwed judicial leiltion Such an acti beyond the powers granted ti by the CConsution and is consisered 25 an encroachment oh the powers of lglsation which exelasvely belong within the ambit [OF Congress Courts sould. bf constuction, rewrite ‘Sate neither to enlarge not eontadit Construction Must ‘sche interpolation and evsceration ™ ‘Where a sate, by its terms, is expressly limit to ‘ctaln mater it may no, by Interpretation or construction be ‘wended fo other mater. An oson a he ime of nace, Whether careless oF calculated, cannot be judicially supplied Tonever alter laer widom may recommend incusion — elias iol ele yf Ha oe oe san ve 7 Ph. 280 [120 Gone Oe vs Mpa, 2 Pu atism, berate. cOMELECII95 Ashlin another jurisdiction — te gia tempo de era gone f hh elt ay el f heer of {Et ictal mn sy ds po he ad orton a portion hea at pr ‘and shi hang moe! et of ty ietaag 2 ps a el aie oe ne pet wt tlt tse ch extn Shilton ond “eno onc Courts should not stich the powers devolving upon them by tw and Usurp the. functions of the legislative ‘deparimont ofthe Goveenment. Jui power in nae x the power ro heat and decide causes pending between patos ‘we have the sght to se and be sed nthe court ‘The solemn power and duty ofthe cout to interpret and apply thelr docs not inclu the pore to correc by reading into the lw what isnot writen therein Reverting the law is a forbidden ground that only (Congres may treed upon re maf config — far mpage of saa fe ea ‘tgif We tary earn hie xref ch the te oro a ld eyo os presrons at ply ‘ia ee lle sth sth for» oe 1 tne spr seo etn tin add Sear Oe ‘aks eto Eston ‘ane Pe. 22 45616121 “poe ve Ura, 64 So) ‘nana xo Pay Liv Ema SAY 8 1 st yn ind he rink from Hi “Bee 9 camo gis ng coon ef a a ig at od oom 1 pnp Frente, intrpaton sat be chewed txt icra el Cran Is fe shld ext he ‘Seon wre tc ef th ory ange tt Ropu ow Mite x Commironr of Cato & CTA mxperinte ranubcror of he day ood aoe falas a and ben Ge) ne proceso ling ‘Bing Scertin period in queston. pettont expr fated waifor Wan wc wa lad fer gers ‘Bimgsige "wale egaged Iv forign trae whe The Commis of Cuond se te tio by ony ef wha Sua so ed Elporers wd awa pa By poner ‘dcr pots. The ony te wher oF ct such {Sitch fees stood wih no The iain coiemon of petioner was “tht fet eee mpg pated ed oe ‘Sti whet" On ee “easy v W275 US 2799120 “Scion mz one rt a Cust om (57) as "Sch Dies Tar broncos a bu n'a enone most et SS mm Fg on pet Pope eh ‘est oa nme po ak aa termes ‘Sema a cog a Yon earanangees, mares ‘lean mit ete apne ne Prt ce oe son Torte vee spa agcaey Soran meso net ‘Shey omy cone pores tat chet

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