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Sorting the Wood from the Trees

A GAME for 2, 3 or 4 players.

How to Play:
Pick up the set of situation cards and give them a good
shuffle. Place the cards face down and take turns to pick one.
Read out each card.

You have to cover a tree on your board with a stump card,

when you pick a deforestation card or take a stump off the
tree for protection cards. If you have no stumps on your board
you can take another tree card.The winner is the person with
most trees visible on their board at the end of the game.

An area of forest in Costa Rica is

cleared to make way for farming
with a new coffee plantation. They
are going to use “slash and burn”
techniques as they want the land
Lose 2 trees

Ecotourism to the forest areas of

Kenya provides money so that
local people don't have to sell their
trees. It helps sustainable
A Swiss company worked to find
new exotic smells in Madagascan Gain a tree
forests and shared the profits with
local communities for conservation
and development initiatives.
Gain 2 trees
Sorting the Wood from the Trees
This activity was developed by Olivia Howe from Channing School in 2010

This activity was last updated 16th February 2015

Collaborative Learning = Oracy in Context

makes challenging curriculum accessible.
improves social relations in the classroom.
provides scaffolding for exploratory talk.
Basic principles:
1. Build on prior knowledge.
2. Move from concrete to abstract.
3. Ensure everyone works with
everyone else.
4. Extend social language into
curriculum language.
5.Provide motivating ways to go
over the same knowledge more
than once.

Good for all pupils!

Vital for EAL pupils!

If you can’t talk it, you won’t be able to write it!

Project Director: Stuart Scott
We support a network of teaching professionals to develop and disseminate
accessible talk-for-learning activities in all subject areas and for all ages.
17, Barford Street, Islington, London N1 0QB UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7226 8885
Sorting the Wood from the Trees
A GAME for 2, 3 or 4 players.

Every player needs a forest of trees board and some stumps
cards (the small ones). Cut up a forest of trees board to provide
extra trees if required.

How to Play:
Pick up the set of situation cards (the big ones) and give them a
good shuffle. Place the cards face down and take turns to pick
one. Read out each card.

You have to cover a tree on your board with a stump card, when
you pick a deforestation card or take a stump off the tree for
protection cards. If you have no stumps on your board you can
take another tree card.The winner is the person with most trees
visible on their board at the end of the game.

The taking away of trees in forests is called deforestation. It is

happening to many of our precious tropical rainforests and trees
are also lost from the UK. There are many reasons why forests
are lost. This game will help you learn many of the causes of
deforestation and some of the bad effects of this such as fewer
habitats for animals. Other cards will tell you how forests can
bemanaged properly for sustainable development.

Here are the web sources (not updated from 2011) used for the
card information:
Your forest of trees
Your tree stumps
Situations cards

An area of forest in Costa Rica is The population of Semarang in

cleared to make way for farming Central Java has increased in
with a new coffee plantation. They the last 10 years and they need
are going to use “slash and burn” to clear a forest area to make
techniques as they want the land way for a new settlement.

Lose 2 trees Lose 2 trees

A small village in Tanzania need There is a national park in Sabah,

to raise some money to buy a new Malaysia on the island of Borneo
water pump. The village elders have to protect trees. It preserves the
agreed to lose an area of forest as habitat of the proboscis monkey.
the illegal commercial loggers have
offered them money for this.

Gain a tree
Lose 3 trees

A new satellite system is being A big tax has been put on importing
used to make sure no illegal loggers some hardwood trees into the UK.
are operating in the Amazon This means it is too expensive to
rainforest. use and not many people will buy
hardwood furniture and fewer
hardwood trees will be cut down.

Gain a tree Gain two trees

Sustainable logging is used in China is a fast growing economy.

Sweden so that any trees that are To fuel its new industries it has a
cutdown are replaced with new ones high demand for wood and is linked
for future generations. with illegal logging.

Gain a tree Lose a tree
Situations cards

A large area of forest was cleared in People in England are being

Guyana for the mining of gold. One educated to tell them the impact
billion gallons of waste water with that their use of paper has on
cyanide (used to help separate gold forests and they are using less.
from the rock) leaked and polluted This means that more trees survive.
drinking water, killed animals and
plants and destroyed farmlands.

Lose 3 trees Gain a tree

Selective logging is used in Ecotourism to the forest areas of

Western Canada. Only some of the Kenya provides money so that
trees in the forest are felled like the local people don't have to sell their
old ones. Helicopter logging is used trees. It helps sustainable
which lift and drag the felled trees development.
out carefully.

Gain a tree Gain a tree

Epping Forest is the largest open

In West Yorkshire, trees are being
space in the London area. An Act
pulled down to build roads for
of Parliament passed in 1878 by
access to a new housing estate as
the Corporation of London took control
the population in the area is
for protecting the trees. These
growing fast.
trees help to take away carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere
and reduce global warming.
Lose a tree
Gain a tree

The World Bank lent money to The tree canopy in Brazil has been
Nigeria to fund a development cut back and more flooding might
scheme but now it has to pay it take place. There is less leaf fall so
back. It is allows logging to make the soil quality is poorer.
money for this.

Lose 3 trees Lose 2 trees
Situations cards

A Swiss company worked to find A mining group has been making

new exotic smells in Madagascan plans to build a massive titanium
forests and shared the profits with mine in a Cambodian protected
local communities for conservation forest. Rural villagers have seen
and development initiatives. bulldozers and trucks building
access roads. There is fear for the
ecosystems of the Cardamom

Gain 2 trees Lose a tree

Indonesia has a ban on exports of The Surui tribe in the Amazon

Merbau. It is a valuable dark thought up a plan so that they get
hardwood used to make floor and rewards for protecting their
outdoor furniture. Illegal exporters rainforest from ranchers. Some US
used false documents to smuggle states may help to finance this.
the rainforest timber into Singapore.

Lose 2 trees Gain a tree

In Tobago the rainforests are The Coalition for Rainforest

protected and local people help Nations was set up to help protect
patrol the areas. This is called rainforests. It started in Papua New
community surveillance. While Guinea.
looking after the trees, the locals can
make money by selling handicrafts.

Gain a tree
Gain a tree

The habitat of the mangrove Native tribes in Peru are forced to

hummingbird is reducing in numbers move from their natural home when
in Costa Rica. Since 1980 1/5 of the trees and land are cleared.
world's mangrove trees have been
cut down for coastal development.

Lose 2 trees Lose a tree
Blank Situations cards to add infomation you find to the game

Gain 2 trees Lose a tree

Lose 2 trees Gain a tree

Gain a tree
Gain a tree

Lose 2 trees Lose a tree

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