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Criteria Questions to Answer Ideas/Responsible Member

Project Topic and Objectives What do you hope to change or improve? ● Topic: Using guided yoga sessions within the
What will happen because of this project? Emergency Department to decrease nursing
Who are the beneficiaries of this project? stress throughout shifts.
Has this change project been implemented ● Hope to decrease stress of nursing in acute
already and therefore outdated? settings
● Because of this project, education regarding
exercise and promotion of stress reduction via
yoga will occur
● Beneficiaries of this project would be ED nurses
and patients within the ED (better PT prognosis
with less stressed nurses)
● Evidence for stress reduction through exercise
exists, however, it is not widely accepted in a
work setting

Supporting Evidence Is there evidence for the need and ● Evidence for need (yes)
evidence supporting the intervention as a ○
sound practice? s/10.12968/bjon.2019.28.1.38
○ poor stress management linked to poor
coping in acute nursing
● Evidence for intervention being sound (yes)
Learning Objectives Who are your learners and what will you ● Learners are nurses within Emergency
be teaching them? What do you want Departments
them to be able to do once you have ● Nurses will be taught about the use of exercise in
educated them? stress reduction, improved coping, and improved
mental health and how this is linked to better
patient care/outcomes
● Once educated, nurses should be able to attend
brief (15 minute sessions) guided yoga sessions
during breaks on shift, can describe benefits of
yoga, and can better handle high stress scenarios
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Assessment of Learner Is your learner a college-educated nurse? ● The learner is a college educated nurse that has
Is the learner a patient? Is the learner a a BSN-RN degree and is working in the ED. The
college student? Are there barriers you learner will not be a college student but this type
must consider? of teaching/training can be for college students
so that we start this integrative teaching early on
and they carry it on to their workplace. There are
some barriers we have to consider such as
religious reasoning to not do this because in
many places it is seen as a buddhist practice.
There is also the barrier of injuries or age that
prohibits them from doing yoga.
Teaching and Evaluation Strategies How will you teach the learner? Will you ● We will teach the learner by having an
have a presentation, handout, introductory presentation that will have an
demonstration, or a combination of these? overview of easy-hard yoga and these nurses will
How will you evaluate if the learner has be able to choose what they can tolerate. We can
understood what you taught them? also have handouts in the room they will be
doing this so they can try new poses or exercises.
● Having an instructor come in to help lead yoga
sessions could help do it in a professional and
safe manner
● The teaching will be evaluated by surveys and
interviews about whether they feel more relaxed
and experience less back pain.
● Evaluation methods can be done prior to
beginning the project, during, and at the end.
Then there are checkpoints to see how it
Implementation of Project What barriers might you confront when ● Some barriers that might occur are time conflicts
trying to implement this change? Which for the nurses who want to do the yoga session.
change theory will you utilize to implement Also space for this place might be limited.
this change project and why do you select Another barrier could be the cost of the instructor
this one? How exactly will you implement ● The change theory that we’ll implement is
the change? Over what period of time? Lippitt’s Phases of Change Model. We selected
this model because the change that we’re trying
to make includes lots of communication with the
nurses and this model focuses on the response

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from the people involved rather than just the
● We would implement the change by surveying
the Emergency Department and seeing how the
nurses there are coping and relieving stress.
Then from there going to the hospital’s building
managers and seeing what available space there
is. Then going to the nurse managers and telling
them about the yoga sessions and then providing
the information to nurses on the yoga sessions.
We think the change will take 3 months to
Integration of Integrative Principles All six integrative nursing principles must ● Using mind, body and spirit to incorporate while
be incorporated into the project or focusing on yourself during this yoga session.
represented in some way. ● Using emotional and spiritual levels to self-heal
while going to this yoga session
● When becoming more at peace and balance
within yourself, the relationships between other
nurses and providers will become better formed
● Yoga can be done outside within nature to
incorporate health and well-being while
connecting with the physical space around
● Beginning with the least invasive form of therapy
is yoga which incorporates the mind, body and
● This is one of the most important principles for
our topic because it initiates the nurses personal
health and well-being. Without the nurse being
focused on their health, they may not give the
best care. Nourishing our own mind, body and
spirit is important as well.
Evaluation of Project* Which benchmarks will you use to ● We would need to evaluate and analyze the
evaluate the effectiveness of your project project budget, getting an instructor and how
and if it made the impact you wanted it much that would cost.
to? Are you using NDNQI data from a ● We would not be using NDNQI data due to this
nursing unit? Do you need to create a pre affecting nurse stress and how we as nurses can
and post survey to measure the
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effectiveness? *The evaluation methods nourish ourselves and our own health in order to
need to be specific as if you were already give the best quality care for the patients.
given approval for the project and were ● We would need to have a pre and post survey in
going to follow through with the project. order to measure the effectiveness because there
would need to be some evaluation to see if this
form of therapy is effective for ER nurses
Presentation Quality Slides are organized, clean, not too much
text, and there is a nice use of visuals.
The presentation takes no longer than 20
minutes. APA 7th ed. is properly used.

Participation All students participate in the presentation

and display professionalism in attire and

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