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Writing an ESSAY (Task 2)

1. Introduction (Mở bài) (2-3 câu)

a) Paraphrase question:
Question: Shopping is the favorite pastime for most of the
young people. Why do you think is that? Do you think they
should be encouraged to do some other useful activities?
 Paraphrase 1: Many young people are spending time
shopping. I think they are happy when shopping and I
believe going shopping can help you relax.
 Paraphrase 2: One of the most popular leisure activities
for teenagers is definitely going shopping, since everyone
enjoys buying new things.
b) Thesis statement: (Luận điểm chính của bài)
Nevertheless, there are a variety of other practical pursuits
for them to be doing instead of shopping.
c) Outline statement: (Nói ngắn gọn về các ý sẽ có ở thân
Eg: In my opinion, going shopping is famous because
shopping to incorporate something new into your life is
always necessary but sometimes they need to reduce time to
do other activities.
Eg: This essay will discuss the reality of time spent on
shopping activities among the youth, as well as alternative
ventures they could be doing rather than shopping.
2. Body paragraphs (các đoạn thân bài)
a) Body 1:
- Topic sentence (luận điểm 1 – 1 câu)
- Explanation (3-5 câu)
+ Giải thích cho luận điểm 1 (1-2 câu)
+ Cho ví dụ về luận điểm 1 (2-3 ví dụ)
- Conclude Luận điểm 1
b) Body 2: giống Body 1 (hình thức), luận điểm 2…
c) Body 3: _______________________________3

3. Conclusion: (Kết bài) (2-3 câu)
- Summarize main ideas of your essay
- Always paraphrase
*Linking words:
- On one hand
- On the other hand
- For instance
- For example
- According to …,
1. Static charts (BIỂU ĐỒ TĨNH)

- Sign: No trends, 1 timestamp/year or no timestamp/year.

- Overview = Comparisons (group chunks) and/or Superlatives
(Highest/lowest – be specific) (MAX 2 Sentences)
- Body: (2 bodies)-(4 sentences/body)
+ Verbs: take up = register at = make up; to be allocated to;...
+ The figure for/ the data for
+ The number/percentage/share/proportion of
+ Percentage used as FRACTION (half, two-thirds,...)
+ If the fraction is not a whole number => use words like:
almost/ just below/over + FRACTION
+ Ở overview KHÔNG NÊU SỐ LIỆU
2. Dynamic charts (BIỂU ĐỒ ĐỘNG)

- Signs: Yes trends, 2 timestamps/years and/or above

+ Identify the trend: Look at the 1st + last timestamp/year =>
trend (undergo/ see/ witness/ experience,... +
- Overview:
+ 1st year + last year => Upward/ downward trend
+ Exception: No specific trends (1st year = last year)
- Body:
+ Describe the rise and falls multiple periods
 To remain: unchanged/ the same; Level off (giữ nguyên)
 Before/ after V-ing = Followed by + N/ phrase
 At least 2 things/ sentence

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