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Reflective report for Assignment

Through the digital marketing assignment given by Dr. Safia Anjum regarding digital
marketing reports, I have learned 3 important things. Which are Group leading importance as
a group leader, the possible competitive advantage of having developed digital marketing
strategies, and a clear picture of how successful companies plan and execute their strategies.

My group has done research on Netflix, Inc. It is a subscription-based streaming service that
allows its members to watch TV shows and movies without commercials on an internet-
connected device. We can also download TV shows and movies to our iOS, Android, or
Windows 10 device and watch without an internet connection. I have contributed to the
allocation of Internet resources, Introduction, and Digital Strategies/Tactics for my
assignment. When I'm gathering the internet resources, I had to make sure I am gathering the
relevant and most recent data and information that can give a precise outcome for the report.
Since I was the group leader, I always communicate with my group mates and the purpose
was to ensure everyone is on the same page meaning I prevent any conflicts or
miscommunications and allow everyone to notify any updates or concerns regarding their
parts by having a meeting occasionally.

I voluntarily became the leader as I am aware that good leading skills can bring out the best
abilities in team members and motivate them to work together to achieve a shared goal for the
assignment and future occupation. A good leader is also organized and keeps the team on
track and focused to avoid delays. With this mindset, I have done my topic Digital
Strategies/Tactics which is a plan for establishing an internet presence through online
channels such as organic search, social media, paid ads, and other web-based mediums such
as the company website for Netflix. I found various strategies and tactics that Netflix utilizes.
This is the part where I learned the possible competitive advantage and how companies plan
and execute their strategies/tactics professionally. I was able to acknowledge these findings
as Netflix is one of the biggest streaming companies where all these strategies/tactics comes
crucial to be successful enough to compete with competitors with that being said I am
proudly able to say I am able to identify what is good and bad strategies/tactics when it
comes to digital streaming industry.
Group Assignment Contribution – (REPORT)

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Group Assignment Contribution (PRESENTATION)

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