Questão de Aula 4 - 26OUT22

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Fundamentos de Aeronaves 1, 3 Ano,1º Semestre

Departamento de Aeronáutica e Transportes

Questão de Aula 4_26OUT22

1. In what way is the longitudinal stability affected by the degree of positive camber
of an aerofoil?
(a) Positive, because the CP moves aft as the AoA increases.
(b) Negative, because the lift vector slopes forward as the AoA increases.
(c) Positive, because the lift vector slopes backward as the AoA increases.
(d) No effect, because the camber of the aerofoil produces a constant pitch-down
moment coefficient independent of the AoA.

2. One of the factors that limits the maximum aft position of the CG is:
(a) minimum value of the stick force per ‘g.’
(b) maximum longitudinal stability of the aeroplane
(c) maximum elevator deflection
(d) too small an effect of the controls of an aeroplane

3. The aft movement of the CP during acceleration through the transonic flight
regime will:
(a) decrease the static lateral stability
(b) increase the static longitudinal stability
(c) decrease the longitudinal stability
(d) increase the static lateral stability

4. How does the exterior appearance of an aeroplane change when it is trimmed for
a speed increase?
(a) The elevator is deflected further upward by a downward deflection of the trim tab.
(b) The elevator is deflected further downward by a movable horizontal stabiliser.
(c) The exterior appearance of the aeroplane will not change.
(d) Elevator deflection is increased further downward by the upward deflection of the
trim tab.

5. Aft movement of the CG will:

(a) increase the elevator-up effectiveness
(b) decrease the elevator-down effectiveness
(c) not affect the elevator effectiveness
(d) change the elevator effectiveness depending on the wing location
6. During the landing of a low-winged jet aeroplane, maximum elevator-up
deflection is usually required when the flaps are (i) ......... and the CG is (ii) ...... y
(a) (i) up; (ii) fully aft
(b) (i) fully down; (ii) fully forward
(c) (i) up; (ii) fully forward
(d) (i) fully down; (ii) fully aft

7. The effect that a ventral fin has on the static stability of an aeroplane is
longitudinal (i) ...... ; lateral (ii) ......... ; directional (iii) ......... .
(a) (i) none; (ii) negative; (iii) positive
(b) (i) positive; (ii) negative; (iii) negative
(c) (i) negative; (ii) positive; (iii) positive
(d) (i) none; (ii) positive; (iii) negative

8. Sensitivity for a spiral dive will occur when:

(a) the Dutch-roll tendency is too strongly suppressed by the yaw damper
(b) the static directional stability is positive and the static lateral stability is relatively
(c) the static directional stability is negative and the static lateral stability is positive
(d) the static lateral and directional stability are both negative

9. The effect of heavy tropical rain on the aerodynamic characteristics of an

aeroplane are to (i) ......... . Clmax and to (ii) ......... . Drag:
(a) (i) decrease; (ii) increase
(b) (i) decrease; (ii) decrease
(c) (i) increase; (ii) increase
(d) (i) increase; (ii) decrease

10. In straight and level flight the value of manoeuvre stability is 150 N/g. To achieve
a load factor of 2.5 the increase of stick force necessary is:
(a) 450 N
(b) 150 N
(c) 225 N
(d) 375 N

11. The effect that the use of trim to accommodate a speed decrease has on the
appearance of the aeroplane is:
(a) the elevator is deflected further downward by a trimmable horizontal stabiliser
(b) that it has no effect
(c) the elevator is deflected downward by an upward deflected trim tab
(d) the elevator is deflected further upward by a downward deflected trim tab

12. The CG of a stable aeroplane is located:
(a) at the neutral point
(b) between the aft limit and the neutral point
(c) ahead of the neutral point by a sufficient margin
(d) aft of the neutral point

13. In a sideslip to the right, an aeroplane that has static directional stability, initially
(a) nose tends to move to the right
(b) right wing drops
(c) nose will maintain its direction
(d) nose tends to move to the left

14. With the CG fixed in a position forward of the neutral point if a speed change
causes a departure from the trimmed attitude; which of the following statements
is correct regarding the stick-force stability?
(a) Increased speed generates pull forces.
(b) Nose-up trim decreases the stick-force stability.
(c) Stick-force stability is not affected by trim.
(d) An increase of 10 kt has more effect on stick force at low speed than it does at high

15. Static longitudinal stability is created by:

(a) the wing surface area being greater than the horizontal tail surface area
(b) a large trim-speed range
(c) the CG being located ahead of the neutral point
(d) the CG being located ahead of the wing leading edge

16. An aeroplane is in a sideslip at a constant speed and angle that increases the
geometric dihedral of the wing. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) the required lateral control force increases
(b) the required lateral control force decreases
(c) the required lateral control force does not change
(d) the stick force per g decreases

17. The lateral static stability is decreased by:

(a) increased wing span
(b) anhedral
(c) dihedral
(d) a high wing

18. A statically unstable aeroplane is:

(a) sometimes dynamically stable
(b) sometimes dynamically unstable
(c) never dynamically stable
(d) always dynamically stable

19. An aeroplane that has positive static stability:
(a) is always dynamically unstable
(b) may be dynamically stable, neutral or unstable
(c) is always dynamically stable
(d) can never be dynamically stable

20. The effect that a positive wing sweep has on directional static stability is that it
(a) a destabilising dihedral effect
(b) a negative dihedral effect
(c) a stabilising effect
(d) no effect

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