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The Devious Dead

White paper

Introduction 3
Project Overview 3
Team 4
Core Concept 5
Utility & Perks 6
The Art 8
Final Words 9

The Devious Dead are a randomly generated collection of 6,666

ghosts that have escaped the local prison and are looking to give out
what they stole over 1000 years ago. The deviants have been sending
out letters to their teammates to tell them to help them break out and
meet them back at the safe house where they have their vault of
goods. It’s been a good few thousands years since they have open it,
but if all goes to plan, they’re good to go.

Project Overview

The Devious Dead was formed from the love of all things paranormal
from the founder Jonathan (Jiffany_NFT) and the love of fitness from
Max (U_Misty). What started as a fitness utility project has grown each
month adding more and more utility to the project, with the core
concepts linking back to prison. The founder, Jonathan, has a
background in the UK prison services and saw first hand how little is
done to support prisoners as far as rehabilitation is concerned. This
personal experience grew the 3 core pillars of the project, Mental
Health, Physical Health, and Education. These 3 core pillars and what
make The Devious Dead. Everyone should have easy access to all of
these pillars and The Devious Dead has been set up to enable holders
to get that access. If you have one, two, or ten of our NFTs, you still
gain access to all the perks we have on offer to help you grow as an
Founder - Jonathan Laws (Jiffany_NFT):
Ex Police Officer, Ex Special Needs teacher, and now Creative
Producer in London, Jonathan has spent years within the prison
system and helping others better themselves and has moved to the
Web3.0 space to utilize what the internet has to offer and give that
back to everyone. He believes that everyone deserves access to
mental health services and educational progression. He has been in
the web3 space since 2021 and has been investing within crypto and
the stock markets since 2008.

Co-Founder - Max Henderson (U_Misty)

Avid fitness buff, and fed up with the lack of support for people on
web3.0, Max wants to bring access to anything and everything to
ensure fair foundations for everyone. From Alpha access to projects,
to getting 1:1 support for fitness, even paying for holders gym
memberships, Max believes everyone deserves a fair chance in life
and money shouldn’t hold you back.

Head Mod - Nate Wrenn (natersk8er)

From having personal experience within the prison systems in the US,
he believes passionately on reform and helping people get back on
their feet regardless of what their backgrounds. Single father of 3,
Nate is passionate and determined to push the project as far as it can
go and give back to the web3.0 community that welcomed him with
open arms.

The remaining part of the team is made up of Kuma, Kill3r,

TheBig’Bader’, Metamom, and TonySc. All of our mods are doxxed on
either the website or within our Discord and have been parts of
multiple projects, some big names, some smaller. All are passionate
and driven to make The Devious Dead the best it can be. Mods in the
project are encouraged to do what they feel is best and the founders
want the mods to be able to express freely what they feel will work.
The team is always open for suggestions as fundamentally, other
people will always hold information that you might not know. Never
assume you are the smartest in the room.

Core Concept
The Devious Dead as 3 main core concepts, Mental Health, Physical
Health, Education. Here is a break down of each and the progress that
is made to achieve these:

Mental Health
We want to support holders with their mental health and help keep
everyone in a healthy space. Investing as a whole can be highly
stressful and can be hard to be involved with at times and the same
goes for NFTs. We want to ensure we can support this and give
people the access they need

Physical Health
Exercise can really be a major booster on your course to proper
mental health, believe it or not! Exercise in general, causes your body
to pump out more of the “feel-good” neurotransmitters, commonly
known as endorphins. These little guys tend to improve your mood
and put more “pep in your step” every day, by really increasing those
energy levels! Increasing your bodies level of Endorphins also is
directly linked to stress relief, which we all know can take its toll on
your body both physically as well as mentally. In this space we believe
to truly succeed, a proper balance of both physical and mental health
are essential.
Once you have got yourself to a physically well state and have mental
wellness, what better way to progress yourself than jump into some
education and learn things. With the founder being an ex-special
needs teacher, the drive to give anyone and everyone access to
education was core in what we want to achieve. Everyone should
have access to online learning and with our NFTs, we can make that

Utilities and Perks:

Each of our perks/utilities are broken down into the 3 main core pillars
of our project. Let’s break that down:

Mental Health:
Once we mint, users will be able to submit their email addresses and
wallet address to the team who will have them added to two main
platforms to support their mental health:
HeadSpace: This app gives users 24hr access to wellness
checks throughout the day. From 5 minute meditations, sleep
guidance, and de stress activities, users will gain a years free access
to this and be able to keep themselves mentally healthy throughout
the day.
7Cups/Impact Suite (TBC): These platforms offer users 24hr
access to therapy support, and their families. Similar to HeadSpace,
users will submit their wallets and emails and be signed up to the
platform where they can either choose someone to vent via
messaging services, or link up with a trained therapist for weekly
sessions. Both platforms offer work to do as the week goes on to help
support your mental health and encourage you to track your day to
point areas of stress and how to deal with them.
We want to give users access to the best Fitness Utilities Web3
has to offer. Our Fitness mods include Fitness Trainers/Strength and
Conditioning Coaches certified by the National Academy of Sports
Medicine (NASM). These Mod/Fitness Experts are truly passionate
about current exercise science and helping people use it to achieve
their goals, whatever those goals may be. We are looking at offering
the following: PT support, virtual fitness assistant work, exercise
library, Devious Dead supplements, fitness apparel, gym
memberships, fitness challenges and more.
Second to this, holders will get access to Remote Team
Wellness. This is an online platform that holds weekly or monthly
seminars and events to help support wellness. This include seminars
on nutrition, fitness, sleep health, and many other areas to support
your fitness.

Users will gain access to two main platforms - Skillshare and Short
Skillshare: A website used to develop your skills through self
teaching. From coding and digital educations, through to learning how
to run a business or draw pictures, Skillshare has thousands of online
courses for holders to access. With our NFT you will gain unlimited
access to all courses and can use the platform freely for what you
would like to learn about.
Short Form: An app built around supporting people to read books
who don’t have the time to read. This app breaks down self help
books, educational books, and more into short break downs and
encourages users to answer questions about the book to test their
knowledge. We believe this is core to helping develop people's
knowledge and is tailored to those who need quick reads where life
might get in the way.

Misc: We are developing an ecosystem all within The Devious Dead.

From simply holding a Deviant, you will start to earn $(TBC). This is a
simple currency you gain for holding but doesn’t hold any fiat value.
You will not need to stake to earn, we want to ensure that people have
freedom with their NFTs and not have to lock them away. Everyone's
circumstances change and if you need to sell, you should have that
ability at any time. With this, we will build a marketplace for purchasing
WL spots and NFTs from the vault. This currency will also support
voting rights (along with the amount of NFTs you hold) to help support
changes within the project, we will be using to carry out
these votes. Users will gain access to alpha information through
people we have hired to do calls (current count as of 21/7/22 we have
2 callers). We will look into DAO setup as time goes on, and work with
the community as to what would work best for everyone to ensure all
holders interests are at the forefront.

NB: All aspects of the utility has started to take place, from
researching and looking to hire devs, through to getting quotes from
all of the companies that we wish to collaborate with and get access
for our holders.

The Art:

The art was developed over a number of months with the two
founders directly feeding back to the artist. We had around 5 rounds of
a base design before we broke down the traits that we wanted. The
following is a break down of quantities of traits:
Backgrounds - 15
Skin - 13
Outfit - 19
Back piece - 6
Hands - 18
Necklaces - 5
Mouths - 10
Eyes - 17
Heads - 22
1/1’s - 11

Final Words:

As a project we are very transparent. Although we might not have

added all the information (we have a lot!) Please do ask, and we can
assist. This can be done on a public platform such as twitter or
discord, or in DM’s. We will do our best to answer all questions.

Founders Discord: Jiffany_NFT #1119

Contract Wallet: 0x46AB5DFDC660d76d95F7004AfA8E675dcf15F414
Gnosis Wallet: 0x3ba0A1861AC8572fe3f5b984Fa869BEe81ff67f8
Project Email: (this will be changing once
we move to our minting website)

NB: This is a working document. Each version change will be

uploaded with the date it was amended. We will keep all versions of
the whitepaper live so you can track any changes between documents
- although changes will be made clear within the documents for ease
of reading.

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