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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

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• question numbers next to each of your responses.

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12345678, who has taken their course with a Learning Partner called
GMMTA International will name their submission:
Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0007-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 1 of 9

Task 1: Actions of a labour inspector

Question 1 (a)
The functions performed by the Labour Inspection are as follows:
▪ There should be the inquiry of documents like health and safety policy, accident
reports, risk assessment, emergency procedure, and safe system of labourers etc.
▪ Investigation of the complaints reported by the labourers .
▪ There should be the investigating of the objections against the rebellion workers.
▪ If someone does not comply then labour inspection handed out the compliance order
by using legal authorization.
▪ The aim of the labour inspection is to check whether the reasonable criteria have
been provided to the labourers for healthy and safe working circumstances.
▪ The inspection of the department to observe hazardous rules and circumstances and
to reconnect actions for improvement.
▪ To instruct the employers and employees regarding their privileges and
responsibilities for labour laws.
▪ By ensuring the operation or allocating the compliance orders, labour inspection can
ensure and enforce legal requirements and compliance with an employment law.

Question 1 (b)
▪ Inspectors have the liberty to make judgements regarding corrective actions. These
actions can be put up either through warning or legal action. It is the authority of
inspector to defend the judicial system and local administration for modification and
order the changes that requires:
• The executor action should be taken in the case id coming threat at work
place for the health and safety of labourers at work station.
• The proposed changes for the plant installation or work method layout
must ne accomplished in time frame defined, as it is the legal provision.
▪ Labour Inspector have authority to take corrective actions like modification required
in plants and working method plan and structure in case of any defect that become
the basis of danger to the health and safety of worker at the job area.

Task 2: Effective health and safety policy arrangements

Question 2
It is given in the scenario that the organization is accepting some parts of the agreement
while leaving behind the others. The things given in the policy statement are applied by
the scenario are as follows:
▪ Giving safe and healthy working conditions: The presence of a pneumatic impact
wrench on the ground is an unsafe condition for the workers. The worker miss
stepped over the wrench and got wounded in the centre of the head. This point was
not applied because workers were not wearing helmets.
▪ Discussing labourers: It was given in the scenario that workers were involved in
risk assessment and correlated with the safe system of work and this point is
applied as it was given in data.
▪ Giving safe plants and apparatus for office and mobile workers: According to
the given scenario, there is pedestrian access from the workshop to the front office.
No plant and apparatus are given in the scenario because the accident happened
because of unsafe conditions. Therefore, this point is accepted.
▪ Avoiding accident, injury, and ill health: The commitment to avoiding an
accident, injury, and ill health was ruled out and the accident occurred with skull
fractured and possible brain hemorrhage was mentioned in the given scenario. The
organization is lacking something because the accident occurred in the presence
of a workplace inspection and reporting culture.

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▪ Guaranteeing safe dealing and use of a substance: This point was not mentioned
in the scenario that the pneumatic impact wrench caused the accident because the
worker was unaware and ignored its harms.
▪ Meeting legal requirements: The online report was submitted to inform the legal
authorities regarding the accomplishment of legal requirements.
▪ Examination of the accident and near misses: This point is executed that
manager reaches the accident scene for investigation. He orders to stop the work
and then collect the information by capturing photographs and views of the witness.
Then he tallies these evidence by playing audio and this shows the investigation of
the accident and near misses.
▪ Providing the reasonable Skill and information: It was given that manager should
be honest, trustworthy, an friendly and give all information and training to the
labourers. This was also checked by the labour inspector while checking records
on inspection and this point of policy was applied. Moreover, the accident results
were shared with labourers.
▪ Smart Objective. It was given that the smart objective is the attainment of zero lost
time is measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound and this was also applied
in policy.
▪ Identifying health and safety hazards and risks in workplace. After the
arrangements made by the organization like risk assessment and safe system to
identify health and safety risks involving the workers but still there is a risk of
tripping from pneumatic impact wrench that was not dealt and cause accident and

Task 3: Demonstrating management commitment

Question 3
The most important part of health and safety culture is considered to be a management
commitment. Manager's commitment toward health and safety has been illustrated by
some indicators given in the following scheme. For the efficient management of risk, the
manager should be enthusiastic as he is struggling very hard to attain the legal and
accredited standards related to the health and safety management system. Manager's
commitment is also demonstrated by the use of the latest technology and apparatus for
tyre fitting. According to the given scenario, the responsibility of the manager can be
comprehended by the proof that he does not assigns a work to labourers that is not safe
for them. The outcomes of external audit with zero-nonconformities efficiently judge the
commitment of the manager. The decent and wonderful strategy of manager for the
advancement of positive culture is the further administration of regular workplace
inspection and preface of the positive reporting system. The manager has faith in attaining
the practical objective of retaining a zero lost time accident per year. According to the given
scenario, it is the responsibility of the manager to govern the health and safety concerns.
This duty is gratified publicly when some emergency happened and the manager instantly
reached the accident place and called the first aider to remain with the injured worker till
the ambulance arrived. Labourers are allowed by the manager during the arrangement of
risk assessment and style system of work to put up their questions through immediate
consultation. To prevent root or immediate causes of accidents, the manager should put
up a reasonable investigation policy. The manager understands that investigation will be
beneficial for preventing the again happening of the emergency. The manager order to
cease the work and do not replace anything to protect the scene of the accident. When the
consumer feels relaxed, the manager pleaded with him to share his opinion observing the
occurrence of the accident. We can comprehend the manager's commitment when he sent
the first aider for re-compilation of the data of accident to cover all the evidence and images
from the accident scene efficiently. The manager should be very efficient in commitment
when he carries the consumer to the waiting room and gives a cup of coffee. This deed
depicts that even under distress and violent situations, the manager is not negotiating the
consumer association. He asks the consumer to finalize the car quickly after reconsidering

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0007-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 3 of 9

the emergency place. Manager's commitment is efficiently linked with the inflexible
association between consumer and company. The responsibility of the manager shows
when he calls the relative of the injured labourers to inquire about his health. According to
the given scenario, it is the responsibility of the manager to guarantee the legal compliance
and enforcement action. The manager should be devoted o the prestige as he wants to
prevent any enforcement action like charges, punishments that are published in media6
and imposed by the court. The manager accomplish his responsibility by informing instantly
the enforcement authority by using online reporting method. The manager is also
adequately familiar to the personal accident compensation claim and related expenditure
which is publicly promoted in media. Practical documentation of all papers like risk
assessment, accident report book, emergency procedure, training record, safe system of
work, health and safety policy and complaint from the labourer shows the commitment of
the manager for health and safety. It is the commitment of the manager to finalize the
investigation process in just few days and convey the outcomes to labourers. We know the
manager is devoted to increase health and safety in the organization. It shows his
commitment when he gives friendly welcome to labourer inspector for beneficial guidance.
In this way, he is devoted for the reputation of organisation as he is worried about any
enforcement action or prosecution.

Task 4: Determining organisational factors positively influencing behaviour at


Question 4
, The positive influence of organizational factors on the health and safety behaviour by
scenario are:
❖ The managers talk informally about health and safety issues due to a good
consultation strategy for positive influence on health and safety behaviour.
❖ The splendid approach of “Safety First” allows retaining positive health and safety
behaviour, demonstrated by organization by stepping back for financial benefits.
❖ The health and safety matters assigned to highly capable and responsible manager.
The organization's familiarity with its legal responsibilities prevents enforcement
actions, there must be safety instructions, inductions, and trainings that improve
the positive behavioural approach towards health and safety matters.
❖ The communicated health and safety policy, safety management system, certificate,
and public liability insurance documents at the entrance of building and
communication with the worker are very important.
❖ The hired paid competent, accountable manager, tire fitter, and trained first aider are
required for an organization that reacts reasonably in circumstances.
❖ Zero lost time accident goal is achieved by manager each year for the safety and
health cultures of organization.
❖ Zero non-conformity is the outcome of external audit. The organization is certified to
increase the customers' redibility that positively influences health and safety
behaviour. The manager should aware of compensation and civil claim.
❖ The labourer's consultation for developing risk assessment and associated safe
system of work indicates labourer in healthy and safety matter improves the positive
behaviour of worker.
❖ The positive behaviour influenced by the factors is given in documents like Risk
assessment, training record, Accident record book, safe system of work, safety
policy, and complaints of workers.
❖ To improve the incident reporting and investigating root cause to avoid accident
repetition, there is frequent workplace inspection for positive influence on health
and safety behaviour.
❖ The fire emergency indicates the existence of a fire door within the organization for
health and safety.
❖ The worker behaviour positively influenced by reporting incidents to enforcement
authorities and investigation of accident.

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Task 5: Accident investigation

Question 5 (a)
The security of the accident scene is very important. The reasons that show the
importance of securing the scene of the accident are as follows:
• The significant evidence and the proofs of location are very important for the
investigation of an incident to secure the information.
• Protecting the accident scene is needed by the insurers of the organization.
• The accident scene must be protected for legal observance, supervision of the
scene, and the collection of facts.
• The accident scene can be secured by starting the investigation and taking actions
to prevent the re happening of the accident scene.
• For the prevention of the authorized entry of accident scene that may cause
tampering, substitution, and deduction of proofs from the accident scene.
• For taking actions to make a location safe by taking the remedial actions to prevent
the danger occurred due to the accident.
• We can take possible actions and instant remedial actions just after thinking of the
results by securing the accident scene.

Question 5 (b)
After the happening of the accident, the manager attempted to secure the scene
efficiently by using the techniques are given below:
• The manager captures the photographs of the event and reports the outcomes on
his mobile phone to preserve the accident scene.
• When the manager comes to know about the accident, he instantly arrives at the
accident scene and orders the tire fitters to quit everything.

Question 5 (c)
After the happening of the accident, the manager carried out immediate actions to collect
the information to continue the investigation. These instant actions are given below:
➢ The consumer was recognized as an eye-witness of the accident by the manager.
The consumer was stunned, the manager took him to the waiting room and gave
him a cup of coffee to establish a relationship. The manager asks the consumer
for an interview when he feels comfortable and the customer went to the office
area for the sake of isolation. The customer was feeling comfortable and ready for
the interview because all the provision was attained for the interview. The
customer explained about the accident and manager used his mobile recorder for
recording the interview.
➢ For the preservation of the accident scene, the manager ordered to quit every work
and not to replace anything.
➢ For the collection of factual information, manager captures the photographs by using
mobile phone. Moreover, to tally the data which he observes at the accident with
the interview by consumer, he played recording.
➢ Finally, he sent the first aider to the accident scene for the recollections of accident.

Task 6: Reactive and active monitoring

Question 6 (a)
Reactive (lagging) monitoring measures that used by tyre fitters organization are :

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0007-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 5 of 9

➢ The emergency services called instantly for taking injured person to the nearest
hospital for more treatment.
➢ The accident was notified to the senior administration for valid measures.
➢ The work is quitted and left in its position for some time.
➢ All safety-related documents were checked along with the online submitted report
and suggestions by the labour inspector when he visit the workshop after some
➢ The first aider should be with the injured worker or unconscious worker till the further
➢ The costumer was interrogated and recorded by phone recorder by manager a
private room.
➢ An online report was submitted and notified to the enforcement agencies.
➢ The manager captures the photographs for investigation.
➢ The manger call the next of kin for informing them about injured person and hospital
➢ After the completion of the investigation, the findings were communicated with the

Question 6 (b)
Tyre fitting organization has the following readily available actively monitoring measure:
❖ There is a reflection in the workers that they are working on “safety-first” agenda.
❖ Manager talk informally with workers about health and safety in the workshop.
❖ To attain the certification of organization's health and safety system, manger works
hard beyond the legal and accredited standards.
❖ There is the effective root cause system for reporting the incident and preventing it
from reoccurrence.
❖ Regular workplace inspection is required for the improvement of health and safety
❖ The labourers understood the risk assessment and related safe system of work.
❖ Zero non-conformities were received by organisation in the external audit.
❖ Labourers were provided with the latest technology equipment with sufficient safety
and health information and induction.
❖ There should be a replacement for a manager who performs duties in his absence.
❖ The root cause can be identified by the investigation and reporting of the accident.

Task 7: Emergency procedures in practice

Question 7 (a)
It is efficient to manage the emergency situations in the given scenario. The proofs from
the scenario showing the effectiveness of emergency situations are as follows:
✓ Firstly, the tyres fitter should be a skilled aider to save the injured employer instantly.
✓ The arrival of the ambulance at the time shows the proper arrangements.
✓ The first aid training given to the tyre fitter shows that it is helpful for a labourer for a
recovery position.
✓ Tyre fitters were familiar with the ways of making contacts with all emergency
services like emergency contact numbers.
✓ The first aider was familiar with all the instant actions in the case of emergency,
therefore, he has reduced the trip obstacles such as impact wrench to prevent the
tripping of the other tyre fitter who is helping the first aider.

Question 7 (b)

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The manager is the very responsible person for managing emergency situations for health
and safety, but in his absence, it becomes tough to manage the emergency situation. So
there are arrangements that allow another worker to deal with emergency situations. These
are as follows:
o The assistant is familiar with all emergency contact details like the medical team and
o Competent members like assistant of the manager are courageous to deal with
emergency situations.
o He should know investigation techniques and the methods of communicating
outcomes of the findings with the labourers.
o The assistant manager can deal with labour inspectors and other enforcement
o He should familiar with the methods of investigation containing preservation of
accident scene, like taking photographs and barricading the area.
o Workers know the emergency response plan by manager. He must know to record
the sentence of the eye-witness by using the mobile recorder.
o The assistant knows the method of accident reporting to the enforcement

Task 8: The legal reasons for health and safety management

Question 8
It is the legal recommendation of ILO convention 155 that responsible persons should take
control over the workplace, machinery, piece of euipment and working processes and he
should have to make sure that these euipments or apparatus are not hazardous and have
no link with the health of the labourers. According to ILO, a safe workplace is the legal duty
of the organization. The company has a liberty that it should hire a responsible manager.
The responsible manager is the one who is safe for working at the workplace and apply all
provisions at the workplace. The Risk assessment and safe system must be prepared by
the manager. He is also responsible for inspection, training of the labourer, and finding the
root cause of the accident. Compliance with legal requirements is very important, but not
accepting should significantly damage the reputation and face value. Enforcement actions
are always the result of non-compliance. According to the scenario, the manager is afraid
of enforcement by labour inspector action when he visits the workplace after the accident.
According to the ILO, the provision of safe work types of equipment and machinery is the
duty of the employer just like the latest technology is provided as per scenario. The legal
provisions are given on the laws set by the national or international bodies for the safe
workplace and equipment for the labourers. Being injured by tripping of the pneumatic
impact wrench is a violation of the given workplace as per the scenario. According to ILO,
it is an important provision to protect the worker from injury at workplace. Immediate
removal of the pneumatic wrench after the accident is the application of this provision.

Your total Q No. 1(a)

word count* 159
Q No. 1(b)
Q No.2 478
Q No.3 636
Q No. 4
Q No.5 (a)

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0007-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 7 of 9

Q No. 5(b)
Q No. 5 (c)
Q No. 6 (a)
Q No. 6 (b)
Q No. 7 (a)
Q No.7 (b)
Q No.8

Total word
* please note that this form already has 312 words (excluding text boxes and footers),
which you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word
count function.

Docum Q No.1
ents https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO:12100
and :P12100_INSTRUMENT_ID:312419:NO
source https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_dialogue/---
s of lab_admin/documents/instructionalmaterial/wcms_141403.pdf
inform https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/labour-administration-
used in https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO:121
your 00:P12100_INSTRUMENT_ID:312334:NO
Q No.2
Scenario Based only
Q No. 3
Scenario Based only
Q No. 4
Scenario Based only
Q No. 5 (a)
• https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::
• https://www.ilo.org/labadmin/info/pubs/WCMS_346714/lang--
• https://www.safetywise.com/single-post/2016/08/30/secure-the-
• https://www.hse.gov.uk/toolbox/managing/law.htm

Q No. 5 (b)
Based on scenario only

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0007-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 8 of 9

Q No. 5 (c)
Based on scenario only
Q No.6 (a)
Based on scenario only
Q No.6 (b)
Based on scenario only

Q No. 7 (a)
Based on scenario only

Q No. 7 (b)

1. https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/planning.html
2. https://opentextbc.ca/workplacesafety/chapter/emergency-procedures/
3. https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/osha3088.pdf
4. https://www.ilo.org/legacy/english/protection/safework/cis/products/safety
5. https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-

Q No.8
• http://entirelysafe.com/reasons-for-managing-health-
• https://www.hsa.ie/eng/Topics/Managing_Health_and_Safety/
• https://www.hsa.ie/eng/Topics/Managing_Health_and_Safety/

• https://www.hse.gov.uk/managing/legal.htm
• https://www.techknow.org.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Moral,_legal_and_financ

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website: https://www.nebosh.org.uk/open-book-

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0007-ENG-OBE-V1 Aug21 © NEBOSH 2021 page 9 of 9

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