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Classroom Observation Checklist

Teacher name:
Class observed: Grade Level:
Observer: Date:

Respond to each statement using the following scale:

NO= Not Observed 1 = Could improve 2 = Acceptable 3 = Very good 4 = Excellent

4 3 2 1 NO Class Structure
Aligned the identified standards, objectives, and curriculum guidelines to
content and procedures.
Reviews previous day’s course content.
Gives overview of day’s course content.
Summarizes course content covered.
Directs student preparation for next class.
4 3 2 1 NO Methods
Provides well-designed materials.
Employs non-lecture learning activities (i.e. small group discussion,
student-led activities).
Invites class discussion.
Employs other tools/instructional aids (i.e. technology, computer, video,
Delivers well-planned lecture.
4 3 2 1 NO Teacher-Student Interaction
Solicits student input.
Involves a variety of students.
Demonstrates awareness of individual student learning needs.
Actively encouraged student questions.
Waited sufficient time for students to answer questions.
Demonstrates respect for diversity and requires similar respect in classroom.
4 3 2 1 NO Classroom Environment
Maintained a safe, positive learning environment.
Demonstrated warmth, caring and respect to all the classmates.
Clearly communicated expectations as related to instruction and behavior.
Used appropriate strategies for transitions.
Monitored and was alert to student behavior; redirected for productive
4 3 2 1 NO Content
Appears knowledgeable.
Appears well organized.
Explains concepts clearly.
Relates concepts to students’ experience.

Selects learning experiences appropriate to level of learning.

📌 What are the observed strengths of the instructor?

📌 How could the lesson be improved?
📌 Additional Comments:

🎀 Diana Paola Gutiérrez Solís 🎀Jessica Giovanna Palomeque

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