Visuth Paragraph

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‘Visuth’ by: E.

Lynn Jacobowitz
Translated by: Eric Furtado, Grace Smith, Mikaela Pingol

Today, I’m going to tell you a story that’s a mix between science and fiction. In the year 3043 on
a planet far away named Visuth where everyone had different skin tones, the few similarities the
people shared were their weirdly shaped heads, their plump lips, 3 long fingers, and no ears.
A couple had just gotten married and went away on their honeymoon, and once they returned
they were so excited because the wife had conceived.

Finally, after 9 long months the baby was born and brought to the hospital where it was placed
in an incubator. But when the doctor picked up the baby he became concerned. Taking her child
from the doctor the mother saw what was wrong and urged her husband to look for himself,
confirming the source of the upset.

They look to the doctor in shared confusion, confirming that something is off. The doctor agrees
and decides that he needs to contact the leader of Visuth immediately. He sends a message to
alert her that there’s something different about the newborn and that her attention is required.

This leader, like the rest of Visuth’s people, had the same oddly shaped head, with plump lips
and 3 long fingers, but was also very regal.When she arrived, she looked at the baby and agreed
that it was different. Turning to the parents, she said, “Yes, these two things on the side of your
baby’s head have a name; ears.”

The parents turned to her frantically and asked “Ears?! What are they for?”
Before answering, she instructed them to wait, needing to inform the citizens of Visuth.
“Is our baby going to be okay?” The parents pleaded.
“Just hold on,” she replied. She then activated special TVs that popped up in the air where all
the citizens of Visuth were able to view her announcement.

The citizens, knowing the screens meant there was an important announcement, impatiently
discussed amongst themselves to try and figure out what was happening.
Then, the leader of Visuth appeared on the screens. “Attention! Something unusual has
happened.” The citizens commenced their confused chattering once again.

“Attention!” She calls out, again, before continuing, “Recently, a baby was born and the myth
that we have told for generations has turned out to be true!” Chatter continued from the citizens

“Myth?? What myth?

“Calm yourselves, please! This baby is different because there are things on each side of its head,
called ears. This baby is the only one of us all who possesses this feature.”

“Ears?!” The crowd questions.

“Everyone!” She paused, “I understand that this baby is different from what we've experienced
before, but what does that matter? The baby will be sent in for some tests so we can assess what
the next steps are. I will update you at a later time.” The crowd bursted into discussion,

“What could it be?”, they asked. “I’m excited to know.''As they chattered, the screens retracted
and a few days later the leader of Visuth was ready to update the citizens. She activated the
screens again and the people of Visuth gathered excitedly amongst each other, eager to find out
what the news was.

“Silence! The tests are complete. We have confirmed that the baby, indeed, has ears and are
sending the child to another planet named Earth by rocketship.” The crowd is immediately
abuzz once more,

“Oh my gosh! How exciting!” One exclaimed.

“There are other people with ears?” Another asked.

“I’m excited to meet them!” A third agreed.

The parents of the baby brought their concerns to the leader,

“If our baby is going to another planet, will we be able to visit them?”

“Of course,” The leader confirmed, to their immediate relief. Then the TV displayed the loving
family and their eared baby as the citizens were filled with delight and happiness. The chatter
continued as the screen retracted and the people of Visuth lived happily ever after.

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