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Significance of Queen Elizabeth’s Life 

Queen Elizabeth II is significant for multiple reasons due to her ruling for 70 years. It was significant
that Queen Elizabeth II was a woman and ruled longer than any King before her, which showed steps towards
feminism. She was the longest reigning monarch in British history beating Queen Victoria. She ruled England
for 70 years and was a constant in English people’s lives. Queen Elizabeth II was an impact for England,
“death and taxes and Queen Elizabeth II were the only certainties of life for 70 years, until she died on
Thursday at the age of 96” (Washington Post). Her 70 year reign will always be remembered because of the
impact it made in people's lives.
Cause and Consequence of Queen Elizabeth’s Life 

Queen Elizabeth’s father died and it caused change in the royal family.

“King George VI died in his sleep of coronary thrombosis at age 56 on Feb. 6, 1952.
Elizabeth, then 25 and still a princess, had been visiting Kenya and returned home to assume
her position as Queen.” (

Queen Elizabeth II ‘s speech showed to many people that she was a Queen that cared
about her people. She added a quote at her coronation :

“Therefore, I am sure that this, my Coronation, is not the symbol of a power and a
splendor that are gone but a declaration of our hopes for the future, and for the years I may, by
God’s Grace and Mercy, be given to reign and serve you as your Queen.” (

She was placed in this position early in her life and did not have a choice. Her father
passing caused her to be a leader of her country.
Beginning and during her reign, it started to be televised and her life became public. “To
ensure the institution’s survival, Queen Elizabeth was forced to adapt and, at times, to
bend to public pressure.” (News.vcu). For example, the Queen voluntarily paid taxes
when a fire broke out in Windsor Castle in 1992 because people were protesting paying
millions of dollars in taxes for the repairs. Consequences that occurred during her reign
for the British Institution were many. Such as, “she never acknowledged or apologized
for her ancestors' role in the brutal oppression and enslavement of colonized peoples
across the globe.” (News.vcu). She did not apologize or speak out about brutal acts
during her reign. She went along with horrid things that occurred and it had
consequences for many.
Change and Continuity of Queen Elizabeth’s Life 

Now that Queen Elizabeth II has passed, many countries are seeing change. “Some
critics of the royal family see last week’s death of Britain’s longest-reigning monarch as
an opportunity to re-envision the monarchy’s role and to finally acknowledge the
struggles of all those who were affected by British imperialism around the world and in
Britain itself.” ( Some countries gained independence during her reign and
many countries are now realizing that her reign was built on salvery, genocide and
violence. Many nations want to cut ties with the monarchy. King Charles is now taking
over the crown and is the oldest king to ascend the throne.
The monarchy will continue even though Queen Elizabeth has passed. It will
continue to put the succession of family members into the throne. What will
continue in the monarchy is the dedication from the British Royal Family and
showing their british traditions through King Charles’ reign.

There are many different perspectives of the Queen’s passing, such as; the indigenous
People’s of Canada were happy because the Queen never apologized for her ancestors'
action with the residential schools. Many British reporters said that the British people are
sad that their symbol and queen of 70 years passed. They said it was the end of an era.
Many people had different opinions but she was of big significance in people’s lives and

I think that she was a dedicated queen but did a lot of bad things. She was around for many years
but had made bad decisions by not apologizing to people who were affected by what she did.
Queen Elizabeth II was highly respected, however, there were many accusations of her doing very
awful things. Such as not supporting Princess Diana and alienating her when princess Diana told
the Queen about her bulimia and being apart of colonizing Canada, which was awful for the
indigenous people of Canada. It was difficult to find relevant information about her reign and her
life. Because she just passed away, all the news articles and search engine results were a brief
history of her reign and the Queen’s Death. A lot of the information was about who was taking
over the throne.

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