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Output Created 22-MAY-2021 21:45:05

Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 30
User defined missing values are treated
Definition of Missing
Missing Value Handling as missing.
Cases Used All non-missing data are used.
V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8
Syntax     /SAVE
Processor Time 00:00:00,00
Elapsed Time 00:00:00,01
ZV1 Zscore:    Sepeda Motor (skor)

ZV2 Zscore:    Mobil (skor)

ZV3 Zscore:    Angkutan Kota (skor)

Variables Created or ZV4 Zscore:    Bus (skor)

Modified ZV5 Zscore:    Truk (skor)

ZV6 Zscore:    Asap Rokok (skor)

ZV7 Zscore:    Diesel Generator (skor)

ZV8 Zscore:    Pembakaran Sampah (skor)

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Sepeda Motor (skor) 30 1 5 1.33 .802

Mobil (skor) 30 1 5 1.40 .855
Angkutan Kota (skor) 30 1 4 2.20 1.157
Bus (skor) 30 1 4 2.40 1.163
Truk (skor) 30 2 5 4.23 .935
Asap Rokok (skor) 30 1 4 1.73 .868
Diesel Generator (skor) 30 1 5 2.83 1.744
Pembakaran Sampah (skor) 30 3 5 4.47 .681
Valid N (listwise) 30




Output Created 22-MAY-2021 21:47:28

Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 30
User defined missing values are treated
Definition of Missing
Missing Value Handling as missing.
Cases Used All non-missing data are used.
V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8
Syntax     /SAVE
Processor Time 00:00:00,00
Elapsed Time 00:00:00,01
ZSco01 Zscore(V1)    Sepeda Motor (skor)

ZSco02 Zscore(V2)    Mobil (skor)

ZSco03 Zscore(V3)    Angkutan Kota (skor)

ZSco04 Zscore(V4)    Bus (skor)

Variables Created or
ZSco05 Zscore(V5)    Truk (skor)
ZSco06 Zscore(V6)    Asap Rokok (skor)

ZSco07 Zscore(V7)    Diesel Generator (skor)

Zscore(V8)    Pembakaran Sampah



Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Sepeda Motor (skor) 30 1 5 1.33 .802

Mobil (skor) 30 1 5 1.40 .855
Angkutan Kota (skor) 30 1 4 2.20 1.157
Bus (skor) 30 1 4 2.40 1.163
Truk (skor) 30 2 5 4.23 .935
Asap Rokok (skor) 30 1 4 1.73 .868
Diesel Generator (skor) 30 1 5 2.83 1.744
Pembakaran Sampah (skor) 30 3 5 4.47 .681
Valid N (listwise) 30




Output Created 22-MAY-2021 21:50:35

Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 30
User-defined missing values are treated
Definition of Missing
as missing.
Missing Value Handling
Statistics are based on cases with no
Cases Used
missing values for any variable used.
Processor Time 00:00:00,72
Elapsed Time 00:00:00,68


Case Processing Summarya

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
30 100.0 0 .0 30 100.0

a. Average Linkage (Between Groups)

Pada tabel case procesing menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 30 data yang diperoleh dengan 0% data
yang tidak valid, dan 100% tingkat keberhasilan yang diperoleh dalam pengolahan data yang

Proximity Matrix

Case Squared Euclidean Distance

1:Sherly 2:Putri 3:Farhan 4:Aqilah 5:Syifa 6:Rian 7:Safar 8:Milda

1:Sherly .000 7.426 16.213 65.704 20.237 8.871 9.020 8.285

2:Putri 7.426 .000 17.443 58.634 17.472 15.340 7.911 12.114
3:Farhan 16.213 17.443 .000 36.789 17.716 14.532 17.073 12.786
4:Aqilah 65.704 58.634 36.789 .000 29.612 48.273 56.684 46.926
5:Syifa 20.237 17.472 17.716 29.612 .000 16.329 16.180 14.629
6:Rian 8.871 15.340 14.532 48.273 16.329 .000 14.961 11.490
7:Safar 9.020 7.911 17.073 56.684 16.180 14.961 .000 3.837
8:Milda 8.285 12.114 12.786 46.926 14.629 11.490 3.837 .000
9:Rehan 11.240 5.839 13.226 40.836 6.664 11.084 5.194 9.032
10:Syifa 7.927 7.421 27.778 61.765 15.282 7.888 11.042 12.959
11:Ayu 13.061 10.901 30.260 55.633 9.150 13.023 16.176 15.441
12:Yusuf 11.815 9.972 31.869 57.850 20.030 10.642 16.903 21.473
13:Wadia 12.500 4.431 23.205 54.202 13.698 18.441 3.480 9.970
14:Ida 5.034 7.355 21.925 68.965 22.482 4.995 9.629 11.546
15:Indra 15.364 11.624 9.279 35.364 7.426 18.393 10.666 14.054
16:Bunga 5.296 9.408 16.555 61.692 18.557 19.131 16.275 12.887
17:Lina 4.286 10.419 10.971 64.723 21.588 18.120 10.691 9.590
18:Diva 9.869 12.368 17.900 54.160 11.025 23.703 8.742 9.927
19:Dava 4.614 13.049 12.914 72.599 26.474 15.459 18.567 15.180
20:Kevin 5.362 12.302 13.661 71.852 28.716 19.196 17.820 14.432
21:Amel 8.747 17.885 12.474 75.149 23.044 13.613 21.117 20.016
22:Gigi 8.906 17.503 14.693 58.844 14.947 11.036 24.369 18.245
23:Alvin 7.265 12.090 16.243 74.971 24.840 6.210 18.287 17.551
24:Dila 6.731 8.736 7.287 47.132 9.873 12.866 12.658 8.820
25:Jihan 2.798 11.906 12.443 63.251 17.126 13.643 9.219 8.118
26:Rara 1.487 5.939 14.741 67.176 24.699 13.348 10.492 9.757
27:Bela 2.813 4.612 18.719 71.155 28.678 14.675 11.819 13.736
28:Citra 4.645 19.028 18.863 72.660 20.556 9.510 18.629 15.241
29:Viola 3.288 9.070 14.240 73.925 27.800 14.133 17.241 16.506
30:Tiara 7.604 19.028 15.904 78.578 26.474 12.470 24.547 21.159

Proximity Matrix

Case Squared Euclidean Distance

9:Rehan 10:Syifa 11:Ayu 12:Yusuf 13:Wadia 14:Ida 15:Indra 16:Bunga

1:Sherly 11.240 7.927 13.061 11.815 12.500 5.034 15.364 5.296

2:Putri 5.839 7.421 10.901 9.972 4.431 7.355 11.624 9.408
3:Farhan 13.226 27.778 30.260 31.869 23.205 21.925 9.279 16.555
4:Aqilah 40.836 61.765 55.633 57.850 54.202 68.965 35.364 61.692
5:Syifa 6.664 15.282 9.150 20.030 13.698 22.482 7.426 18.557
6:Rian 11.084 7.888 13.023 10.642 18.441 4.995 18.393 19.131
7:Safar 5.194 11.042 16.176 16.903 3.480 9.629 10.666 16.275
8:Milda 9.032 12.959 15.441 21.473 9.970 11.546 14.054 12.887
9:Rehan .000 8.940 9.767 11.694 4.367 10.354 5.471 14.203
10:Syifa 8.940 .000 3.480 3.209 7.563 2.893 18.984 16.517
11:Ayu 9.767 3.480 .000 9.341 11.042 10.680 19.812 14.691
12:Yusuf 11.694 3.209 9.341 .000 10.771 6.102 19.765 22.399
13:Wadia 4.367 7.563 11.042 10.771 .000 10.456 9.838 18.100
14:Ida 10.354 2.893 10.680 6.102 10.456 .000 20.398 16.451
15:Indra 5.471 18.984 19.812 19.765 9.838 20.398 .000 16.353
16:Bunga 14.203 16.517 14.691 22.399 18.100 16.451 16.353 .000
17:Lina 12.926 19.813 22.295 25.695 16.824 15.440 12.790 3.297
18:Diva 9.630 18.130 16.305 24.012 10.568 21.024 7.207 7.532
19:Dava 17.828 20.127 22.608 26.009 24.700 14.274 19.978 3.641
20:Kevin 18.576 22.369 24.851 28.251 23.952 16.517 20.726 2.893
21:Amel 17.388 21.270 23.752 27.152 27.249 15.417 17.252 10.763
22:Gigi 17.813 15.642 13.817 21.524 26.194 15.576 17.227 8.095
23:Alvin 14.558 11.214 16.348 16.418 21.767 5.362 22.629 13.907
24:Dila 9.091 14.483 12.658 21.023 14.483 14.417 8.193 3.588
25:Jihan 11.439 15.352 17.833 21.234 15.352 12.458 11.303 4.784
26:Rara 12.727 12.389 17.523 16.276 13.972 8.016 16.851 3.809
27:Bela 14.054 11.063 18.849 12.298 12.646 6.690 18.177 7.787
28:Citra 17.859 14.208 16.690 20.091 24.761 11.315 20.009 9.620
29:Viola 16.502 16.148 21.282 19.378 20.721 10.296 18.652 4.967
30:Tiara 20.818 20.127 22.608 26.009 30.679 14.274 22.968 9.620

Proximity Matrix

Case Squared Euclidean Distance

17:Lina 18:Diva 19:Dava 20:Kevin 21:Amel 22:Gigi 23:Alvin 24:Dila

1:Sherly 4.286 9.869 4.614 5.362 8.747 8.906 7.265 6.731

2:Putri 10.419 12.368 13.049 12.302 17.885 17.503 12.090 8.736
3:Farhan 10.971 17.900 12.914 13.661 12.474 14.693 16.243 7.287
4:Aqilah 64.723 54.160 72.599 71.852 75.149 58.844 74.971 47.132
5:Syifa 21.588 11.025 26.474 28.716 23.044 14.947 24.840 9.873
6:Rian 18.120 23.703 15.459 19.196 13.613 11.036 6.210 12.866
7:Safar 10.691 8.742 18.567 17.820 21.117 24.369 18.287 12.658
8:Milda 9.590 9.927 15.180 14.432 20.016 18.245 17.551 8.820
9:Rehan 12.926 9.630 17.828 18.576 17.388 17.813 14.558 9.091
10:Syifa 19.813 18.130 20.127 22.369 21.270 15.642 11.214 14.483
11:Ayu 22.295 16.305 22.608 24.851 23.752 13.817 16.348 12.658
12:Yusuf 25.695 24.012 26.009 28.251 27.152 21.524 16.418 21.023
13:Wadia 16.824 10.568 24.700 23.952 27.249 26.194 21.767 14.483
14:Ida 15.440 21.024 14.274 16.517 15.417 15.576 5.362 14.417
15:Indra 12.790 7.207 19.978 20.726 17.252 17.227 22.629 8.193
16:Bunga 3.297 7.532 3.641 2.893 10.763 8.095 13.907 3.588
17:Lina .000 6.256 2.630 1.883 7.467 11.391 12.896 4.598
18:Diva 6.256 .000 14.132 13.385 16.682 15.627 24.398 6.547
19:Dava 2.630 14.132 .000 .747 4.133 7.251 7.276 5.733
20:Kevin 1.883 13.385 .747 .000 7.870 10.988 11.013 6.481
21:Amel 7.467 16.682 4.133 7.870 .000 5.404 5.430 7.580
22:Gigi 11.391 15.627 7.251 10.988 5.404 .000 8.548 4.462
23:Alvin 12.896 24.398 7.276 11.013 5.430 8.548 .000 11.036
24:Dila 4.598 6.547 5.733 6.481 7.580 4.462 11.036 .000
25:Jihan 1.487 4.784 4.102 4.850 5.949 8.394 11.379 4.590
26:Rara 2.798 11.341 3.142 2.395 10.265 11.903 8.782 6.738
27:Bela 6.777 15.319 7.121 6.374 14.244 15.882 10.109 10.717
28:Citra 8.610 14.193 5.949 9.686 4.102 4.261 7.246 8.723
29:Viola 3.957 15.458 1.326 2.074 5.459 8.577 5.950 7.060
30:Tiara 8.610 20.111 2.990 6.727 1.143 4.261 4.287 8.723

Proximity Matrix

Case Squared Euclidean Distance

25:Jihan 26:Rara 27:Bela 28:Citra 29:Viola 30:Tiara

1:Sherly 2.798 1.487 2.813 4.645 3.288 7.604

2:Putri 11.906 5.939 4.612 19.028 9.070 19.028
3:Farhan 12.443 14.741 18.719 18.863 14.240 15.904
4:Aqilah 63.251 67.176 71.155 72.660 73.925 78.578
5:Syifa 17.126 24.699 28.678 20.556 27.800 26.474
6:Rian 13.643 13.348 14.675 9.510 14.133 12.470
7:Safar 9.219 10.492 11.819 18.629 17.241 24.547
8:Milda 8.118 9.757 13.736 15.241 16.506 21.159
9:Rehan 11.439 12.727 14.054 17.859 16.502 20.818
10:Syifa 15.352 12.389 11.063 14.208 16.148 20.127
11:Ayu 17.833 17.523 18.849 16.690 21.282 22.608
12:Yusuf 21.234 16.276 12.298 20.091 19.378 26.009
13:Wadia 15.352 13.972 12.646 24.761 20.721 30.679
14:Ida 12.458 8.016 6.690 11.315 10.296 14.274
15:Indra 11.303 16.851 18.177 20.009 18.652 22.968
16:Bunga 4.784 3.809 7.787 9.620 4.967 9.620
17:Lina 1.487 2.798 6.777 8.610 3.957 8.610
18:Diva 4.784 11.341 15.319 14.193 15.458 20.111
19:Dava 4.102 3.142 7.121 5.949 1.326 2.990
20:Kevin 4.850 2.395 6.374 9.686 2.074 6.727
21:Amel 5.949 10.265 14.244 4.102 5.459 1.143
22:Gigi 8.394 11.903 15.882 4.261 8.577 4.261
23:Alvin 11.379 8.782 10.109 7.246 5.950 4.287
24:Dila 4.590 6.738 10.717 8.723 7.060 8.723
25:Jihan .000 4.286 8.264 4.133 5.429 7.092
26:Rara 4.286 .000 1.326 9.122 1.816 9.122
27:Bela 8.264 1.326 .000 13.100 3.142 13.100
28:Citra 4.133 9.122 13.100 .000 7.275 2.959
29:Viola 5.429 1.816 3.142 7.275 .000 4.316
30:Tiara 7.092 9.122 13.100 2.959 4.316 .000

This is a dissimilarity matrix

Pada tabel proximity matrix menunjukkan jarak terkecil yaitu terdapat pada hasil responden
dava dan kevin dengan nilai 0.747. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa objek yang memiliki nilai
kemiripan tertinggi sehingga dapat membentuk sebuah kelompok. Sedangkan jarak tertinggi
yaitu hasil responden aqilah dan tiara dengan nilai 78.578, yang artinya objek tersebut jauh dari
kemiripan sehingga sulit untuk membentuk kelompok.

Average Linkage (Between Groups)

Agglomeration Schedule
Stage Cluster Combined Coefficients Stage Cluster First Appears Next Stage

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 1 Cluster 2

1 19 20 .747 0 0 5
2 21 30 1.143 0 0 9
3 26 27 1.326 0 0 6
4 17 25 1.487 0 0 11
5 19 29 1.700 1 0 11
6 1 26 2.150 0 3 12
7 10 14 2.893 0 0 14
8 7 13 3.480 0 0 15
9 21 28 3.531 2 0 13
10 16 24 3.588 0 0 16
11 17 19 3.809 4 5 12
12 1 17 4.431 6 11 16
13 21 22 4.642 9 0 21
14 10 12 4.655 7 0 20
15 7 9 4.781 8 0 17
16 1 16 5.570 12 10 21
17 2 7 6.061 0 15 22
18 6 23 6.210 0 0 24
19 15 18 7.207 0 0 23
20 10 11 7.833 14 0 24
21 1 21 8.427 16 13 26
22 2 8 8.738 17 0 25
23 5 15 9.225 0 19 25
24 6 10 10.736 18 20 27
25 2 5 11.435 22 23 27
26 1 3 14.263 21 0 28
27 2 6 15.472 25 24 28
28 1 2 15.947 26 27 29
29 1 4 59.486 28 0 0

Pada tabel aglomeration schedule menunjukkan pengelompokkan secara bertingkat dari jarak
terkecil hingga terbesar :
- Stage 1 : pada kolom cluster combined terbentuk kelompok 19 dan 20 (dava dan
kevin). Kolom next stage menunjukkan angka 5 yang artinya tahapan selanjutnya
lihat stage 5.
- Stage 5 : terbentuk kelompok 19 dan 29 (dava dan viola). Pada kolom stage cluster
first apperess terdapat angka 1 pada kolom cluster 1 yang artinya angka 19 sudah
pernah muncul di stage 1, maka kelompok menjadi 19, 20, dan 29. Next stage 11
- Stage 11 : terbentuk kelompok 17 dan 19 (lina dan dava). Pada kolom stage cluster
first apperess terdapat angka 4 dan 5 yang artinya angka 17 juga muncul di stage 4
dan angka 19 sudah pernah muncul di stage 5, maka kelompok menjadi 19, 20, 29,
17. Next stage 12.
- Stage 12 : mengikuti langkah stage sebelumnya hingga seterusnya.
Maka akan terbentuk urutan kelompok : 19 20, 29, 17, 25, 26, 27, 1, 16, 24, 21, 30, 28, 22, 3,
6, 23, 10, 14, 12, 11, 7, 13, 9, 2, 8, 15, 18, 5, 4.

Cluster Membership
Case 3 Clusters 2 Clusters

1:Sherly 1 1
2:Putri 2 1
3:Farhan 1 1
4:Aqilah 3 2
5:Syifa 2 1
6:Rian 2 1
7:Safar 2 1
8:Milda 2 1
9:Rehan 2 1
10:Syifa 2 1
11:Ayu 2 1
12:Yusuf 2 1
13:Wadia 2 1
14:Ida 2 1
15:Indra 2 1
16:Bunga 1 1
17:Lina 1 1
18:Diva 2 1
19:Dava 1 1
20:Kevin 1 1
21:Amel 1 1
22:Gigi 1 1
23:Alvin 2 1
24:Dila 1 1
25:Jihan 1 1
26:Rara 1 1
27:Bela 1 1
28:Citra 1 1
29:Viola 1 1
30:Tiara 1 1

Pada tabel cluster membership menunjukkan jumlah cluster beserta anggotanya :

- Cluster 1 : sherly, farhan, bunga, lina, dava, kevin, amel, gigi, dila, jihan, rara, bela,
citra, viola, tiara.
- Cluster 2 : putri, syifa, rian, safar, milda, rehan, syifa, ayu, yusuf, wadia, ida, indra,
diva, alvin.
- Cluster 3 : aqilah.

Pada diagram case menunjukka pembentukkan jumlah cluster dengan anggotanya yang dapat
diilustrasikan dengan vertical icicle.
Contoh kelompok cluster yang terbentuk jika diambil garis horizontal di nomor 5 pada number
of clusters. Maka akan terbentuk 5 cluster.
Cluster 1 = aqilah
Cluster 2 = ayu, yusuf, ida, sifa, alvin, rian
Cluster 3 = diva, indra, syifa, milda, rehan, wadia, safar, putri
Cluster 4 = farhan
Cluster 5 = gigi, citra, tiara,amel, dila, bunga, viola, kevin, dava, jihan, lina, bela, rara,sherly

Quick Cluster


Output Created 22-MAY-2021 21:51:45

Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 30
User-defined missing values are treated
Definition of Missing
as missing.
Missing Value Handling Statistics are based on cases with no
Cases Used missing values for any clustering
variable used.
Processor Time 00:00:00,02
Resources Elapsed Time 00:00:00,01
Workspace Required 1520 bytes
QCL_1 Cluster Number of Case
Variables Created or
Distance of Case from its Classification
Modified QCL_2
Cluster Center


Initial Cluster Centers


1 2 3

Zscore:    Sepeda Motor -.41547 4.57022 .83095

Zscore:    Mobil (skor) -.46783 4.21050 .70175
Zscore:    Angkutan Kota -1.03744 -1.03744 .69163
Zscore:    Bus (skor) 1.37618 -1.20416 -1.20416
Zscore:    Truk (skor) .81974 -1.31871 -1.31871
Zscore:    Asap Rokok (skor) -.84452 -.84452 -.84452
Zscore:    Diesel Generator -1.05145 1.24262 .66910
Zscore:    Pembakaran .78265 -2.15229 -2.15229
Sampah (skor)

 Sepeda motor
- cluster 1 : dibawah rata-rata total
- cluster 2 dan 3 : diatas rata-rata total
 Mobil
- cluster 1 : dibawah rata-rata total
- cluster 2 dan 3 : diatas rata-rata total
 Angkutan umum
- cluster 1 dan 2 : dibawah rata-rata total
- cluster 3 : diatas rata-rata total
 Bus
- cluster 1 : dibawaah rata-rata total
- cluster 2 dan 3 : diatas rata-rata total
 Truk
- cluster 1 : diatas rata-rata total
- cluster 2 dan 3 : dibawah rata-rata total
 Asap rokok
- cluster 1, 2, 3 : dibawah rata-rata total
 Diesel generator
- cluster 1 : dibawah rata-rata total
- cluster 2 dan 3 : diatas rata-rata total
 Pembakaran sampah
- cluster 1 : diatas rata-rata total
- cluster 2 dan 3 : dibawah rata-rata total

Iteration Historya

Iteration Change in Cluster Centers

1 2 3

1 1.699 .000 2.473

2 .387 .000 .372
3 .000 .000 .000

a. Convergence achieved due to no or small

change in cluster centers. The maximum
absolute coordinate change for any center
is .000. The current iteration is 3. The minimum
distance between initial centers is 5.359.

Pada tabel iteration history menunjukkan :

 proses iterasi/pengulangan yang dilakukan melalui 3 tahapan.
 Rata-rata jarak minimal antar pusat cluster yang terjadi dari hasil iterasi adalah 5.359
Cluster Membership

Case Number Responden Cluster Distance

1 Sherly 1 1.462
2 Putri 3 1.996
3 Farhan 1 3.163
4 Aqilah 2 .000
5 Syifa 3 2.766
6 Rian 3 2.708
7 Safar 3 2.034
8 Milda 3 2.411
9 Rehan 3 1.444
10 Syifa 3 1.899
11 Ayu 3 2.389
12 Yusuf 3 2.674
13 Wadia 3 1.833
14 Ida 3 2.270
15 Indra 3 2.670
16 Bunga 1 1.816
17 Lina 1 1.496
18 Diva 3 2.797
19 Dava 1 1.052
20 Kevin 1 1.524
21 Amel 1 1.857
22 Gigi 1 2.196
23 Alvin 1 2.312
24 Dila 1 1.736
25 Jihan 1 1.461
26 Rara 1 1.498
27 Bela 1 2.286
28 Citra 1 1.976
29 Viola 1 1.200
30 Tiara 1 1.779

 Cluster 1 : sherly, farhan, bunga, lina, dava, kevin, amel, gigi, alvin, dila, jihan, rara, bela,
citra, viola, tiara.
 Cluster 2 : aqilah
 Cluster 3 : putri, syiifa, rian, safar, milda, rehan, syifa, ayu, yusuf, wadia, ida, indra, diva.

Final Cluster Centers


1 2 3

Zscore:    Sepeda Motor -.33757 4.57022 .06392

Zscore:    Mobil (skor) -.17544 4.21050 -.10796
Zscore:    Angkutan Kota .09726 -1.03744 -.03990
Zscore:    Bus (skor) .73110 -1.20416 -.80718
Zscore:    Truk (skor) .41878 -1.31871 -.41398
Zscore:    Asap Rokok (skor) -.41266 -.84452 .57286
Zscore:    Diesel Generator -.72885 1.24262 .80145
Zscore:    Pembakaran .50750 -2.15229 -.45905
Sampah (skor)

 Cluster 1
- Variabel angkutan kota, bus, tru, dan pembakaran sampah memiliki nilai rata-rat
diatas total.
- Variabel sepeda motor, mobil, asap rokok, dan diesel generator memiliki nilai rata-
rata dibawab total.
 Cluster 2
- Variabel sepeda motor, mobil, dan diesel generator memiliki nilai rata-rat diatas total.
- Variabel sepeda angkutan kota, bus, truck, asap rokok, dan pembakaran sampah
memiliki nilai rata-rata dibawah total.
 Cluster 3
- Variabel sepeda motor, asap rokok, dan diesel generator memiliki nilai rata-rata diatas
- Variabel mobil, angkutan kota, bus, truk, dan pembakaran sampah memiliki nilai rata-
rata dibawah total.

Distances between Final Cluster Centers

Cluster 1 2 3

1 7.907 2.737
2 7.907 6.782
3 2.737 6.782

 Jumlah cluster yang terbentuk adalah 3 cluster

 Jarak antara pusat cluster :
- Jarak antar pusar cluster 1 dengan cluster 2 yaitu 7.907,
- Jarak antar pusar cluster 1 dengan cluster 3 yaitu 2.737,
- Jarak antar pusar cluster 2 dengan cluster 3 yaitu 6,782,

Number of Cases in each


1 16.000

Cluster 2 1.000

3 13.000
Valid 30.000
Missing .000

 Jumlah cluater yang terbentuk adalah 3 cluster yang mengelompok berdasarkan

kedekatan jarak kesamaan karakteristik, terdiri dari :
- Cluster 1, terdapat 16 responden,
- Cluster 2, terdapat 1 responden,
- Cluster 3, terdapat 13 responden.

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