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Assignment- “Oh The Places You’ll Go” by Dr.

Seuss (/11)


Please answer the following questions in full, complete sentences and remember to explain in

1. What is the main message of the story? Explain.

The main message of the story is about taking the value of taking advantage of

new possibilities, maintaining an open mind, and attempting new things that jump


2. Do you feel “YOU” are the person “ who’ll decide where to go”?

I think that I will be the person to decide where I'll go because if I’m not the one

who’s decided that fact then I wouldn't be able to keep an open mind and I will not

have a chance to travel and explore and do things that stand out.

3. How does that shape your future?

Taking decisions on my own will make me learn more and more about life and

what happens in the real world and all the experiences that I have to explore.

4. Have you ever met the “prickle-ly perch” on your path?

I have met with my own challenges or a prickle-ly perch on my path; one thing I

have learned about things that happen when you take your own decisions are that

there is always going to difficulties and challenges that you’ll have to face when

you take the decisions, and the rest will be up to you on how you handle all those

challenges, because then only you’ll be able to explore and do things that stand

out and and do all these with an open mind.

5. What obstacles have you overcome in your life?

I have overcome many challenges some of them are finding a job and getting

through all the process of an interview; convincing my family about my personal

stuff that I value the most and to make them understand why I value it and why It’s

important to me.

6. What skills or strengths did you learn from overcoming these obstacles?

I have learned that when making your own decisions one of the hardest parts is to

get over those challenges and tough obstacles. Once you get through those

everything will be easy and you’ll feel as if you achieved something important in

your life. The skills that I have learned are what kind of obstacles I would be facing

if there is a problem and I would know what I can do to get over those challenges

and obstacles, I have also learned that if the goal that you wanna reach is

something you really want all those challenges that you're facing wouldn't even be

a challenge but a easy path.

7. If you got to “a place where streets are not marked” would you go in?

I will enter if I come to "a place where streets are not marked," as I want to attempt

something new in my life. I won't feel afraid. Studying abroad is a "risk" I've made

in my life; it could be harder than studying at home for a variety of reasons, but

I've never tried to conceal it or regret it.

8. What “risks” have you taken in your life and where did they get you?

I have taken many risks in my life, one for example would be me coming to

Canada to get a good life here. At first, I was sad about the fact that I had to leave

my hometown to come here but then I started to know in what ways coming here

is going to help. I would be getting a really nice job, my own family, and more

importantly a nice life.

9. Is your life currently balanced?

My life is currently balanced because I have a goal that I want to achieve in my

10. What steps do you need to take in order to find a balance in your everyday life? .

I will work hard for my objective, ensuring that I grow closer to it every single day.

If life without a goal is like sailing without a compass, I won't be able to move. A

goal is something important that you need in your life to focus towards it and to

make a clear path to yourself.

11. Is there anything from this article that you can apply or use for your own life?

I would start to take risks which I think are right and to start trying something new

always, and to be active and to take up any responsibilities that you have.

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