Nurs 451 Psych Clinical Presentation

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Diagnostic Recognizing

Signs & Generalized

Generalized anxiety disorder Symptoms Anxiety
(GAD) is characterized by
persistent, unrealistic, and Symptoms of GAD may include Disorder
excessive anxiety and worry for but are not limited to the
more days than not for at least 6 following:
Restlessness & Coping Mechanisms
The symptoms in GAD are more Muscle tension
intense than those in the general Avoidance of stress-inducing
population and tend to cause activities or events
clinically significant impairment in Increased time and effort
social, occupational, or other required to prepare for
important areas of functioning stressful activities or events
Procrastination in making
The individual often avoids decisions
activities that may result in Difficulty sleeping/insomnia
negative outcomes or spends
significant time and effort
preparing for these activities

The disorder may begin in

childhood or adolescence, but
symptoms can still occur after the
age of 20

This disorder is often chronic,

with frequent stress-related Everything you need to
exacerbations and fluctuations know!
Coping with See Your References
GAD Doctor!
Yoga & Meditation In addition to coping Holman, H. C., Williams, D., Sommer, S.,
Johnson, J., Ball, B. S., & McMichael, M. G.
Yoga and meditation have been proven strategies, your doctor may
through numerous studies to be beneficial in (2019). Content mastery series review module:
prescribe medications to
managing anxiety-related symptoms. This RN mental health nursing (11th ed.).
form of coping involves the use of reduce some of your anxiety
stretching and intentional thinking to symptoms.
promote a clear mind and awareness of
Morgan, K. I., & Townsend, M. C. (2020).
negative thinking.
Some of the most commonly Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing
Aromatherapy prescribed medications for (8th ed). FA Davis Company.
Aromatherapy consists of the use of essential GAD include:
oils, such as lavender and lemon oil, during Park, C. L., & Slattery, J. M. (2021). Yoga as
times of stress to decrease anxiety and Selective Serotonin Reuptake an integrative therapy for mental health
improve overall mental well-being. Keeping Inhibitors (SSRIs) such as concerns: An overview of current research
lavender oil or lemon balm with you at all sertraline or paroxetine evidence. Psychiatry International, 2(4), 386-
times can be comforting when anxiety-
provoking situations arise.
Serotonin-Norepinephrine 401.
Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
Deep Breathing such as venlafaxine and
Deep breathing is an integrative therapy that duloxetine Sakhpara, A. (2019). Box breathing technique.
promotes relaxation. If you feel anxiety Benzodiazepines such as Maimonides Emergency Medicine.
coming on, take a step back and perform the
diazepam are indicated for
box breathing exercise. This exercise breathing-technique-nbspnbsp
consists of exhaling to a count of 4, holding short-term use
your breath for 4 seconds, inhaling to a Anxiolytics such as buspirone
count of 4, and holding your breath again
that may be used for long-
for 4 seconds.
term managament
Guided Imagery
Guided imagery is a low-cost integrative
modality to improve symptoms of anxiety.
This approach consists of thinking of a
calming environment during times of stress.
Completely envision yourself in this
environment of choice by imagining the
sounds, smells, and feelings you would

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