RyanAir Mini Case Due Sept 25th

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Q1) Visit Ryanair's website.

Compare its website with one of its competitor, like Spirit Air,
and give recommendations on how Ryanair can utilize its website as a strategic marketing
tool to enhance its competitiveness. How can it improve the website to function more
effectively and enhance the company's efficiency in serving its potential customers?

I have visited Ryanair's website and I compare it with Spirit Air website. I noticed there is
a lot of difference between them, so from that, I will give my recommendations to make
Ryanair's website better. First of all, Ryanair's website should develop their website through
making the home page simple and well-organized and this will help the visitors or customers to
find what they need faster. Furthermore, it has to attract the visitors through display the offers or
the hotels that have been recommended in the home page of the websites. In addition, some of
the hotels don’t have enough pictures, like Phnom Penh hotel in Malaysia, so it should include a
lot of pictures and videos, and this will help the customer to imagine how the room will be. Also,
it should include a column for comments, so people can share their feedback. Moreover, it
should prominent live chat to the customers so they can ask their questions in anytime. In these
days, people like to use cruise lines more than flight airline, so I think Ryanair should include it
in their services, like Spirit Air’s website. These are my recommendations for Ryanair's website

Q2) Can you identify any strengths and weaknesses of Ryanair based on information
provided in the case and the data given in the table above?

In every airline, there are some strengths and weakness, and Ryanair is one of them.
However, Ryanair has lots of good offers with low prices, this made an increase in the total
operating revenue which means over the years will increase their profit. This is helped Ryanair to
have a good reputation. Also, it has increased in operating income, but in the year of 2014, it has
been decreased and that can affect the Ryanair in a bad way, so this one of the weakness. After a
year, both the total operating revenue and operating income have been increased in Ryanair
which means it has compensated for their cost that happened in 2014. So, these are the strengths
and weakness of Ryanair.

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