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Division: Career & College Prep

Course Name: Introduction to Post-Secondary Education

Units: 0

Course #: / Term Year: BSICSKL 005CE / Fall 2022

Section # 20408

Instructor Name: Iliana Limas/Roberto Perez School Website:

Class Day(s): ONLINE Address: 9000 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90230

Class Hours: 18 Class Location: CANVAS

Office Hours: CANVAS Instructor E‐mail:

Office Location: CANVAS

Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: None

Advisory: None

Course Description:
Student success begins with understanding one's current basic skill levels, post-secondary education
opportunities, educational and career goals and requirements, and developing a strategy for gaining the
necessary knowledge and skills to transition into and complete college credit courses with good grades.
Students will research and document their educational and career goals and requirements, develop an
action plan to achieve them in a specific time frame, and learn to self-evaluate and reevaluate their
progress in implementing their action plan and achieving their goals

Required Text:
None – all content will be made available via CANVAS Required


Course Objectives:

1. Identify and differentiate types of post-secondary institutions and systems

2. Identify and discuss the different opportunities and benefits of post-secondary education and
3. Compare and contrast salary and household asset differences based on education levels
4. Formulate questions and gather information on the academic programs, majors, job training
programs offered at targeted post-secondary institutions
5. Discuss and highlight careers students are interested in pursuing
6. Identify educational requirements and majors that are related to or support their desired careers
7. Compare education level requirements for different careers
8. Demonstrate an understanding of old habits of mind that sabotage success
9. Learn tools and perspectives on how to manage the stress of tests
10. Identify the purpose of the standardized test to assist in the assessment of one's knowledge and
11. Identify and discuss personal values, attitudes and behavior that help and hinder college readiness
and success
12. Formulate strategies and individual and family practices that encourage college-going culture,
growth mindset, and student success
13. Identify and examine how individuals deal with stress, formulate healthy strategies to reduce stress
14. Identify and evaluate financial aid opportunities, requirements and costs
15. Compile projected college costs and expenses
16. Demonstrate an understanding of how to access financial support through the FAFSA
17. Estimate projected financial aid packages
18. Identify various sources for scholarships and sponsorships that are appropriate to students’ life
experience and relevant to their goals.
19. Understand types of goals, steps in goal setting planning, implementation phases, and assessing
goal achievement.
20. Develop goals in a relevant timeline to overcome barriers of success such as basic skills gaps, lack of
GED or HS diploma, etc.
21. Rate self against the college preparation checklist
22. Formulate personal action plan for college readiness and success
23. Navigate and utilize college online registration, email and financial aid systems and tools
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO):

1. Evaluate the various levels of post-secondary education and document their educational and career
2. Analyze high-demand careers, career pathways and their requisite educational requirements and
evaluate them against their own interests.
3. Evaluate their values, attitudes and behaviors related to test-taking and academic performance and
utilize healthy strategies to reduce stress and improve their success.
4. Navigate the college campus and effectively utilize the college website, college email, student
portal, and access student services.
5. Develop an action plan with timelines to strengthen/refresh their basic skills, complete the
placement test, research and select their major, register for classes, and submit their FAFSA and
scholarship applications.

Course Requirements and Grading Criteria:

Students will conduct online research of high-demand careers, career pathways, and post-secondary
educational institutions based on their interests. Students will compare specializations and educational
requirements for the different levels of degrees. Students will also identify and research at least three
employers in their chosen field and evaluate job descriptions and educational requirements for
entrylevel jobs.

Students will be required to document their observations, feelings, and self-assessments of their
academic habits, research, and navigation of their college to identify gaps, needs, strengths and inform
their action plan. Students will learn to use the college email system and student portal for financial aid
and online registration. Students will learn to navigate the college website and utilize the online college
catalog and schedules. Students will use the course management platform to access course materials
online. Students will identify and understand accurate information about institutional policies,
procedures, resources, and programs to more effectively navigate the college and utilize their various
options. Students may be asked to use library resources.

Grading Scale:
Assignment Category # of Assign. Points Per Total
Assignment Points

Assignments: Proof of Counseling 1 10 10

Assignment: Enrollment 1 10 10

Assignment: CASAS Testing 1 10 10

Grand Total 3 30 30

30 = Pass 10 – 20 0 = No Pass

Class Policies:

For more information, refer to the link below: Student


Academic Integrity

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an
exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has
specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one
instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s

Student Conduct

Disruption of classes or college activities is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Refer to the catalog and
the Standards of Student Conduct in the Schedule of Classes for more information.

Recording Devices
State law in California prohibits the use of any electronic listening or recording device in a classroom
without prior consent of the instructor and college administration. Any student who needs to use
electronic aids must secure the consent of the instructor. If the instructor agrees to the request, a
notice of consent must be forwarded to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for approval (WLAC
College Catalog).

For more information, refer to the link below: Campus


Office of Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S):

Student Services Building (SSB) Room 320; (310) 287-4450;

The Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) coordinates academic accommodations for students
with documented disabilities at West Los Angeles College. If you have or think you might have, a
disability that impacts your educational experience in this class, please contact DSPS to determine your
eligibility for accommodations. If you are already registered with DSPS, please submit your
accommodation requests as soon as possible to allow adequate time to provide accommodation. All
information and documentation are confidential.

Library Services

Heldman Learning Resources Center (HLRC) 2nd Floor | (310) 287‐4269 & (310) 287‐4408

The WLAC Library provides instruction on how to use the online catalog, periodical and research
databases. In addition to a large collection of books, periodicals and videos the WLAC Library has course
textbooks which students may use while in the Library. Web access is available in LIRL as well as
meeting rooms. The upper floors provide a beautiful view ideal for study (WLAC College Catalog).

For more information, refer to the link below:

Learning Center (LC)

Heldman Learning Resources Center (HLRC) 1st Floor | (310) 287‐4404 |

All students are referred to and strongly encouraged to utilize FREE small group and individual tutoring
available in our Learning Resource Center, 1st floor of the HLRC building. The LRC is transforming and
expanding its services to include dedicated study group sessions with a tutor for specific courses at
specific days and times (before and after class). Please let us know what classes you want tutoring for
and the days and times you want it at.

For more information, refer to the link below:

Campus Sheriff’s Office (Emergency Preparedness)

C3 Building, Parking Lot 5 | (310) 287‐4311 & (310) 287‐4314

The Sheriff’s Office website includes information about drill or emergency building evacuations, Title IX
resources (if you have been the victim of Sexual Harassment; Sexual Violence and/or Gender‐Based
Discrimination), and what do to in the event of a lock‐down or active shooter situation.

For more information, refer to the link below:
Title IX

Title IX (of the 1972 Education Amendments) protects students and staff alike from discrimination based
on sex, including Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault, which are forms of Sexual Misconduct. Under
Title IX, all people in the educational environment must be treated equitably, regardless of sex, sexual
orientation or expression, and/or transgender identity.

If you have experienced or learned of a possible violation of Title IX and/or would like to know about
options, resources (including confidential services), the law, or District policy, please do not hesitate to
contact a Title IX Coordinator.

For more information, refer to the link below:

College Title IX Coordinator:

Glenn Schenk | (310) 287-4275 |

District Title IX Office:

Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | (213) 891-2315 |

Course Content and Schedule:

1. Introduction to the world of post-secondary education and the benefits of a college education

2. College readiness and success strategies

3. Career planning, major selection, and educational requirements

4. Cost of college and financing strategies

5. College preparation checklist and action plan strategies

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