Teks Dialog Bhs Inggris Group 7

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Teks dialog bahasa inggris wajib

Group 7
Class : XII MIPA 2

Name :

 Akhmad Latif Mustofa (03)

 Muhammad Riyadh (23)
 Ragil Ananda Octavia (30)
 Reyna Putri Prayogo (31)
Reyna : Hi, guys!

Tofa, Riyadh, Via : Hi, what’s up!

Reyna : Do you know essay writing competition held by Asean Youth Research Inovation

Riyadh : Wow, it’s so cool!

Via : I’ve heard it!

Tofa : Will you join it?

Reyna : I will. I like both reading and writing but i never feel satisfied with the result. Can
you guys help to to do a proofreading my writing?

Riyadh : Well, let’s see yours!

Reyna : Here I’d like to write about creative solutions to waste management in Doko Village
which is currently happening.

Via : Alright, Let me recheck the spelling of the vocabularies.

Tofa : To know whether the grammar of your sentence. If you want me to recheck I’d love to
use grammarly application.

Via : I see, i know it, There, when you want to type a sentence in English, it will
automatically correct grammatical errors and include a description.

Riyadh : I have more references to strengthen your arguments if you need it. I will share them
with you.

Reyna : So, what is the best solution for my essay?

Riyadh : It’s better to go to library and find the references so that you will get new insight in
developing your essay.

Via : I agree with you. Let’s go then!

Tofa : Wait a minute! We live in digital era right now. We can use smartphone and internet to
look for some examples of good essay.

Reyna : How to do so? I always find difficulties to find the good ones.
Tofa : In your essay, you take the topic of environmental science. This means that you can
find the latest creative solutions about the environment, such as making ecobricks.

Riyadh : If you use the internet, you can find references on the Google Scholar website.
There are many scientific journals, scientific articles, proceedings, etc.

Via : The first step is you have to type google scholar on google. Then, enter related
keywords such as “garbage” or “environmental issues”.

Riyadh : Don’t forget to paraphrase the results of your literature study, to avoid plagiarism.

Via : Oh, I remember something! I have a tutorial video in my smartphone. I’ll share it with
you. https://youtu.be/Nm7tXI00xAU

Reyna : Oh yes, my teacher said that my title was still mediocre. What title should I use to
attract the jury?

Via : It would be better if we create a solution by adding the branding of the solution, so that
our ideas seem new. Hmm, what’s an example?

Riyadh : https://youtu.be/Nm7tXI00xAU Based on the video, one example is HISKARBAG

doesn’t it?

Tofa : Besides, i suggest you not too worry about your essay. Be confident and believe in

Reyna : How to grow up the confidence?

Tofa : It is not that easy absolutely. But you can start it from small things, like changing your
negative thought that can block yourself.

Reyna : Thank you for your help, guys!

Riyadh : By all means. See you next week!

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