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University of Santo Tomas

Faculty of Civil Law

Taxation Law
Questions Asked
More Than Once
(QuAMTO 2016)

*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as

suggested by UPLC and other distinct luminaries in the academe,
and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016
Bar Exams.

*Bar questions are arranged per topic and were selected based on
their occurrence on past bar examinations from 1990 to 2015.










GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION Q: Taxes were generally imprescriptible; statutes,

however, may provide otherwise. State the rules that
Nature of Taxation have been adopted on this score
(a) The National Internal Revenue Code;
Q: What is the nature of the power of taxation? (1996, (b) The Tariff and Customs Code; and
2005) (c) The Local Government Code Answer: (1997)

A: The power to tax is an attribute of sovereignty and is A: The rules that have been adopted on prescription are
inherent in the State. It is a power emanating from as follows:
necessity because it imposes a necessary burden to
preserve the State's sovereignty (PhiL Guarantee Co. vs. a. National Internal Revenue Code –
Commissioner, L-22074, April 30, 1965). It is inherently 1. 3 years - The statute of limitation for assessment
legislative in nature and character in that the power of of tax if a return is filed is within three (3)
taxation can only be exercised through the enactment of years from the last day prescribed by law for
law. the filing of the return or if filed after the last
day, within three years from date of actual
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: The nature of the power of filing. A return filed before the last day
taxation refers to its own limitations such as the prescribed by law shall be considered to have
requirement that it should be for a public purpose, that been filed on such last day. The period to collect
it be legislative, that it is territorial and that it should be the tax is within five years from date of
subject to international comity. assessment.
2. 10 years - If no return is filed or the return
Q: Why is the power to tax considered inherent in a filed is false or fraudulent with intent to
sovereign State? (2003) evade the tax, the tax may be assessed, or a
proceeding in court for the collection of such
A: It is considered inherent in a sovereign State because tax may be filed without assessment, at any
it is a necessary attribute of sovereignty. Without this time within ten (10) years after the discovery
power no sovereign State can exist or endure. The power of the falsity, fraud or omission.
to tax proceeds upon the theory that the existence of a
government is a necessity and this power is an essential Any internal revenue tax which has been
and inherent attribute of sovereignty, belonging as a assessed within the period of limitation as
matter of right to every independent state or prescribed hereof may be collected within five
government. No sovereign state can continue to exist (5) years following the assessment of the tax.
without the means to pay its expenses; and that for those
means, it has the right to compel all citizens and property b. Tariff and Customs Code - It does not express any
within its limits to contribute, hence, the emergence of general statute of limitation; it provided, however,
the power to tax (51 Am. Jur.,Taxation 40). that “when articles have been entered and passed
free of duty or final adjustments of duties made, with
B. Principle of Sound Tax System subsequent delivery, such entry and passage free of
duty or settlements of duties will, after the expiration
Q: Explain the principles of a sound tax system. of three (3) years from the date of the final payment
(2015) of duties, in the absence of fraud or protest or
compliance audit pursuant to the provisions of this
A: A sound tax system must be characterized by the Code, be final and conclusive upon all parties, unless
following: the liquidation of the import entry was merely
a. Fiscal Adequacy – which means that the sources of tentative." (Sec. 1603 TCC, as amended by R.A. 9135)
revenue should be sufficient to meet the demands c. Local Government Code - Local taxes, fees, or charges
of public expenditures; shall be assessed within five (5) years from the date
b. Administrative Feasibility – which means that the they became due. In case of fraud or intent to evade
tax laws should be capable of convenient, just, and the payment of taxes, fees or charges the same maybe
effective administration; and assessed within ten (10) years from discovery of the
c. Theoretical Justice or Equality - which means that fraud or intent to evade payment. They shall also be
the tax imposed should be proportionate to the collected either by administrative or judicial action
taxpayer’s ability to pay. within five (5) years from date of assessment (Sec.
194, LGC).
Doctrines in Taxation
Double Taxation
Q: Differentiate between double taxation in the strict
Q: May the collection of taxes be barred by sense and in a broad sense and give an example of
prescription? Explain your answer. (2001) each. (2015)

A: Yes. The collection of taxes may be barred by A: Double taxation in the strict sense pertains to the
prescription. The prescriptive periods for collection of direct double taxation. This means that the taxpayer is
taxes are governed by the tax law imposing the tax. taxed twice by the same taxing authority, within the
However, if the tax law does not provide for same taxing jurisdiction, for the same property and for
prescription, the right of the government to collect the same purpose. Example: Imposition of final
taxes becomes imprescriptible. withholding tax on cash dividends and requiring the
taxpayer to declare this tax-paid income in his income tax



QuAMTO for TAXATION LAW (1991-2015)
Q: Distinguish tax evasion from tax avoidance. (1996)
On the other hand, double taxation in the broad sense
pertains to indirect double taxation. This extends to all A: Tax evasion is a scheme used outside of those lawful
cases in which there is a burden of two or more means to escape tax liability and, when availed of, it
impositions. It is a double taxation other than those usually subjects the taxpayer to further or additional civil
covered by direct double taxation (CIR v. Solidbank Corp, or criminal liabilities. Tax avoidance, on the other hand,
436 SCRA 416 [2003]). Example: Subjecting the interest is a tax saving device within the means sanctioned by
income of banks on their deposits with other banks to the law, hence legal.
5% gross receipt tax (GRT) despite of the same income
having been subjected to 20% final withholding tax Tax Avoidance
(FWT), is only a case of indirect double taxation. The GRT
is a tax on the privilege of engaging in business while the Q: Mr. Pascual's income from leasing his property
FWT is a tax on privilege of earning income. (CIR v. Bank reaches the maximum rate of tax under the law. He
of Commerce, 459 SCRA 638 [2005]). donated one-half of his said property to a non-
stock, non-profit educational institution whose
Q: When an item of income is taxed in the Philippines income and assets are actually, directly and
and the same income is taxed in another country, is exclusively used for educational purposes, and
there a case of double taxation? (1997) therefore qualified for tax exemption under Article
XIV, Sec. 4 (3) of the Constitution and Sec. 30 (h) of the
A: Yes. However, it is only a case of indirect duplicate Tax Code. Having thus transferred a portion of his
taxation which is not legally prohibited because the said asset, Mr. Pascual succeeded in paying a lesser
taxes are imposed by different taxing authorities. tax on the rental income derived from his property.
Is there tax avoidance or tax evasion? Explain. (2000)
Q: X, a lessor of a property, pays real estate tax on the
premises, a real estate dealer's tax based on rental A: There is tax avoidance. Mr. Pascual has exploited a fully
receipts and income tax on the rentals. X claims that permissive alternative method to reduce his income tax
this is double taxation? Decide. (1996) by transferring part of his rental income to a tax exempt
entity through a donation of one-half of the income
A: There is no double taxation. DOUBLE TAXATION producing property. The donation is likewise exempt
means taxing for the same tax period the same thing or from the donor's tax. The donation is the legal means
activity twice, when it should be taxed but once, by the employed to transfer the incidence of income tax on the
same taxing authority for the same purpose and with the rental income.
same kind or character of tax. The REAL ESTATE TAX is a
tax on property; the REAL ESTATE DEALER'S TAX is a tax Q: Maria Suerte, a Filipino citizen, purchased a lot in
on the privilege to engage in business; while the INCOME Makati City in 1980 at a price of P1 million. Said
TAX; a tax on the privilege to earn an income. These taxes property has been leased to MAS Corporation, a
are imposed by different taxing authorities and are domestic corporation engaged in manufacturing
essentially of different kind and character (Villanueva vs. paper products, owned 99% by Maria Suerte. In
City of Iloilo, 26 SCRA 578). October 2007, EIP Corporation, a real estate
developer, expressed its desire to buy the Makati
Q: Is double taxation a valid defense against the property at its fair market value P300 million,
legality of a tax measure? (1997) payable as follows: (a) P60 million down payment;
and (b) balance, payable equally in twenty four (24)
A: No. double taxation standing alone and not being monthly consecutive installments. Upon the advice of
forbidden by our fundamental law is not a valid a tax lawyer, Maria Suerte exchanged her Makati
defense against the legality of a tax measure (Pepsi property for shares of stock of MAS Corporation. A
Cola v. Tanawan 69 SCRA 460). However, if double BIR ruling, confirming the tax-free exchange of
taxation amounts to a direct duplicate taxation, in that property for shares of stock, was secured from the
the same subject is taxed twice when it should be taxed BIR National Office and a Certificate Authorizing
but once, in a fashion that both taxes are imposed for the Registration was issued by the Revenue District
same purpose by the same taxing authority, within the Officer (RDO) where the property was located.
same jurisdiction or taxing district, for the same Subsequently, she sold her entire stock holdings in
taxable period and for the same kind or character of a MAS Corporation to EIP Corporation for P300 million.
tax, then it becomes legally objectionable for being In view of the tax advice, Maria Suerte paid only the
oppressive and inequitable. capital gains tax of P29,895,000 ( P100,000 x 5% plus
P298,900,00 x 10% ), instead of the corporate income
Q: What are the usual methods of avoiding the tax of P104,650,00 ( 35% on P299 million gain from
occurrence of double taxation? (1997) sale of real property ). After evaluating the capital
gains tax payment, the RDO wrote a letter to Maria
A: The usual methods of avoiding the occurrence of Suerte, stating that she committed tax evasion.
double taxation are:
1. Allowing reciprocal exemption either by law or by Is the contention of the RDO tenable? Or was it tax
treaty; avoidance that Maria Suerte had resorted to? Explain.
2. Allowance of tax credit for foreign taxes paid; (2008)
3. Allowance of deduction for foreign taxes paid; and
4. Reduction of the Philippine tax rate. A: The contention of the RDO is not tenable. Maria Suerte
resorted to tax avoidance and not tax evasion. Tax
avoidance is the use of legal means to reduce tax liability
Escape from taxation and it is the legal right of taxpayer to decrease the amount
of what otherwise would be his taxes by means which the

*QUAMTO is a compilation of past bar questions with answers as suggested by UPLC and other distinct
luminaries in the academe, and updated by the UST Academics Committee to fit for the 2016 Bar Exams.

law permits (Heng Tong Textiles Co., Inc. v. Commissioner, 249[A][B], NIRC). The parties may likewise be
24 SCRA 767 1968). There is nothing illegal about subject to criminal prosecution for willfully failing to
transferring first the property to a corporation in a tax pay the tax, as well as for filing a false and fraudulent
free exchange and later selling the shares obtained in the return (Secs. 254, 255 and 257, NIRC).
exchange at a lower tax than what could have been
imposed if the property was sold directly. Q: On August 31, 2014, Haelton Corporation (HC),
thru its authorized representative Ms. Pares, sold a
ANOTHER SUGGESTED ANSWER: 16-storey commercial building known as Haeltown
The contention is devoid of basis. To constitute tax Building to Mr. Belly for P100 million. Mr. Belly, in
evasion there must be an integration of three factors, turn, sold the same property on the same day to Bell
namely: 1) the end to be achieved, i.e. payment of an Gates, Inc. (BGI) for P200 million. These two (2)
amount of tax less than what is known by the taxpayer to transactions were evidenced by two (2) separate
be legally due; 2) an accompany state of mind which is Deeds of Absolute Sale notarized on the same day by
described as being evil, in bad faith, willful or the same notary public. Investigations by the Bureau
deliberate and not merely accidental: and 3) a course of Internal Revenue (BIR) showed that:
of action or failure of action which is unlawful. The
second and third factors are not present in the instant 1. The Deed of Absolute Sale between Mr. Belly and
case, hence there is no tax evasion that was committed. BGI was notarized ahead of the sale between HC
The means employed to reduce taxes being allowed by and Mr. Belly;
law, it was a case of tax avoidance that was resorted to 2. As early as May 17, 2014, HC received P40 million
(CIR v. Toda, 438 SCRA 290 [2004]). from BGI, and not from Mr. Belly;
3. Thee said payment of P40 million was recorded
Tax Evasion by BGI in its books as of June 30, 2014 as
investment in Haeltown Building; and
Q: Josel agreed to sell his condominium unit to Jess 4. The substantial portion of P40 million was
for P2.5 Million. At the time of the sale, the property withdrawn by Ms. Pares through the declaration
had a zonal value of P2.0 Million. Upon the advice of a of cash dividends to all its stockholders.
tax consultant, the parties agreed to execute two
deeds of sale, one indicating the zonal value of P2.0 Based on the foregoing, the BIR sent Haeltown
Million as the selling price and the other showing the Corporation a Notice of Assessment for deficiency
true selling price of P2.5 Million. The tax consultant income tax arising from an alleged simulated sale of
filed the capital gains tax return using the deed of sale the aforesaid commercial building to escape the
showing the zonal value. What are the implications higher corporate income tax rate of thirty percent
and consequences of the action. (2005) (30%). What is the liability of Haelton Corporation, if
any? (2014)
A: The action of the parties constitutes tax evasion
and exposes Josel to: A: Haelton Corporation is liable for the deficiency income
1. DEFICIENCY FINAL INCOME TAX on the sale of real tax as a result of tax evasion. The purpose of selling first
property in the Philippines classified as a capital the property to Mr. Belly is to create a tax shelter. He
asset. Under Sec. 24(D) of the NIRC, the final tax of never controlled the property and did not enjoy the
six percent (6%) shall be based on the gross selling normal benefits and burdens of ownership. The sale to
price of P2.5 Million or zonal value of P2.0 Million, him was merely a tax ploy, a sham, and without business
whichever is higher, i.e., P2.5 Million; purpose and economic substance. The intermediary
2. FRAUD PENALTY amounting to 50% surcharge on transaction, which was prompted more on the mitigation
the amount evaded (Sec. 248[B] NIRC); and of tax liabilities than for legitimate business purpose
3. DEFICIENCY INTEREST of 20% per annum on the constitutes one of tax evasion. However, being a
deficiency (Sec. 249[A][B], NIRC). corporation, Haelton can only be liable for civil fraud
which is a civil liability rather than a criminal fraud
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: which can only be committed by natural persons.
There is tax evasion because of the concurrence of the
following factors: Exemption from Taxation
1. The payment of less than that known by the taxpayer
to be legally due, or the non-payment of tax when it Q: Why are tax exemptions strictly construed against
is shown that a tax is due. It is evident that the parties the taxpayer? (1996)
that the tax due should be computed based on the
valuation of P2.5 million and not P2.0 million; A: Tax exemptions are strictly construed against the
2. An accompanying state of mind which is described as taxpayer because such provisions are highly disfavored
being "evil" on "bad faith," "willful," or "deliberate and may almost be said to be odious to the law (Manila
and not accidental." Despite the above knowledge, Electric Company vs. Vera, 67 SCRA 351). The exception
the parties deliberately misrepresented the true contained in the tax statutes must be strictly
basis of the sale; and construed against the one claiming the exemption
3. A course of action or failure of action which is because the law does not look with favor on tax
unlawful. This is shown by the preparation of the two exemptions being contrary to the life-blood theory which
deeds of sale which showed different values is the underlying basis for taxation.
(CIR v. The Estate of Benigno P, Toda, Jr., G.R. No.
147188, September 14, 2004). The tax evasion Q: As an incentive for investors, a law was passed
committed should result to the imposition of a giving newly established companies in certain
50% fraud surcharge on the amount evaded (Sec. economic zone exemption from all taxes, duties, fees,
248[B], NIRC), payment of the Deficiency Tax, and imposts and other charges for a period of three
interest of 20% per annum on the deficiency (Sec. years. ABC Corp. was organized and was granted



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