Sense Organ

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Republic of the Philippines

College of Teacher Education

Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 493-0182; Fax No. (045) 982-0110
Re-accredited Level III by the Accrediting Agency of
Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines
(AACUP), Inc.

Name and Section: Aegiaille M. Lapuz BEED2A

Topic: Sense Organ

A. Show appreciation of the importance of the senses in our body.

B. Create a clay model of the five senses of the body.
C. Explain the function of the five senses of the body

Reference: The human body | Science lessons for grade 1 (

Materials: Laptop, Cellphone, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Presentation, Ms Teams,
Wordwall, Mentimeter, YouTube Videos


A. Preparatory Actvities
a. Prayer
The teacher will ask someone to lead the prayer and will start playing the video.
b. Greetings using Mentimeter
The teacher will greet the class and will hold an online kamustahan using mentimeter
c. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will check the attendance and the students will say their favorite color
instead of saying present.
d. Review
The teacher will ask the students what is the lesson last meeting and will elaborate the
students answer.

B. Motivation
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What is our weather today?
2. Why do you say so?
3. What did you see around you?
4. Do you hear a sound?
5. What part of the body is used in seeing and hearing those things?
Before the teacher will start the lesson she will play the video so that the student will have
a background on the lesson.

Before the discussion starts the teacher will remind the class about the CLASSROOM
1. Dress appropriately
2. No eating or drinking
3. One at a time
4. Be prepared
5. No toys or gadgets allowed during class
6. Raise your virtual hand
7. Respect and encourage each other
8. Have Fun

C. Discussion
Sense organ are specialized organs that help to perceive the world around us. They are
integral part of our lives and is the only way to that enables us to perceive the environment.

The five sense organs are your eyes, nose, tongue, ears and skin. The five senses are sight,
hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

a) Eyes – Sense of sight. You see with your eyes. Through the use of your
eyes, you learn how things look.
b) Ears – Sense of hearing. Your ears let you hear sounds. As humans get
older, their hearing abilities get worse. Your ears help you to learn how
things sound. Sounds can be loud like an airplane taking off. Sounds can
also be soft, like the whispering of a frien
c) Nose – Sense of smell. You smell with your nose. Your nose helps you
to know how things smell. We can identify thousands of different
smells. Some things smell good, while there are things that smell really
d) Tongue – Sense of taste. You taste with your tongue. It helps you to
know how food tastes. The tongue can a variety of tastes such as sour,
sweet, salty and bitter. Our tongue has taste buds that are sensory organs
that let us experience different tastes
e) Skin – Sense of touch. You touch things with your skin. Your skin helps
you to know how things feel. It is the largest organ in the body, and has
receptors that sense touch. Things can feel either soft or hard.
The teacher will play a video so that the students will understand the lesson more.

D. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students to take anything from their house (food, toys, flowers,
etc.) and will ask the students what senses are involved in their chosen object.

For example, the student chose a pizza (food) she will tell the class that the senses
involved here is the eyes since she can see it with her eyes Nose, the sense of smell, she
can smell how the delicious the flavors of the pizza. Tongue, the sense of taste, she can
taste the pizza and describe the taste of eat, how the food taste is it sweet or salty. Skin,
the sense of touch, the pizza touches her skin and she can feel that the pizza is hot and the
pizza is soft because of the dough.

E. Application
The learners will be grouped into 3 and were asked to make a simple clay art of the five
senses in our body and explain the different functions of it in the class.
IV. Evaluation

The teacher prepared a quiz to test the students understanding about the sense organs. The link of
the quiz will be posted and the students will have 20 minutes to answer.

I. Instruction: In the first column draw the 5 sense organ of the body. In the second
column you will going to name the sense organ you draw and in the last column give
the function of each sense organ. (15 points)
Sense Organ Name of the Sense Organ Function

II. Label the senses on the right. Draw a line to match each picture to a sense.

V. Assignment

The teacher will ask to post their essay on the website called padlet, it is an online bulletin
board. The link will be posted after class.

1. How are you going to take good care of your sense organ?

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