chinesepod E0185韩流

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Advanced - 韩 流 (E0185)

A: 你眼睛怎么红红的?昨晚没睡好吗?
nı̌ yǎnjı̄ng zěnme hónghóng de? zuówǎn méi shuı̀ hǎo ma?
How come your eyes are so red? Didn’t you sleep last

B: 哎,昨晚一点多才睡,早上又起得早,到现在还
āi, zuówǎnyı̄diǎn duō cái shuı̀, zǎoshang yòu qı̌ děi zǎo,
dàoxiànzài hái hūnhūnchénchén de ne.
Agh, I didn’t get to sleep until after one last night, and I got
up early. I’m still so fuzzy.

A: 你干嘛那么晚睡?熬夜看球赛吗?
UNKNOWN gànmá nàme wǎn shuı̀? áoyè kàn qiúsài ma?
Why on earth did you go to sleep so late? Were you staying
up late to watch a ball game?

B: 哪有!我和我妈一起看韩剧呢。中央8台每天很晚
nǎyǒu! wǒ hé wǒ mā yı̄qı̌ kàn hán jù ne. zhōngyāng bā tái
měitiān hěn wǎn cái fàng, wǒmen děng děi kě xı̄nkǔ ne.
Ha! I was watching Korean soap operas with my mom.
CCTV 8 only airs them really late. It was really hard for
us to wait.

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A: 天啊,你们还真是执著。不过现在好多频道都在
tiānā, nı̌men hái zhēnshı̀ zhı́zhuó. bùguò xiànzài hǎo duō
pı́ndào dōu zài fàng hán jù , érqiě shōu shı̀ lü
ù dōu hěn gāo.
hán jù dà yǒu fúlǔ quánmı́n zhı̄ xı̄n de tài shı̀ ā.
Good lord, you guys are really persistent. But these days a
lot of channels show Korean soaps, and their ratings are re-
ally good. They’ve captured the heart of the entire country!

B: 可不是嘛。记得九十年代末的时候还是日本偶像
kěbushı̀ ma. jı̀de jiǔshı́niándàimò de shı́hou hái shı̀ rı̀běn
ǒuxiàngjù de tiānxià. kěshı̀ shùnjiān “ hánliú” lái xı́, dà-
jiēxiǎoxiàng dōu hā hán, gèzhǒng hánshı̀ liào lı̌ , Hánguó
mı́ngxı̄ng, Hánguó xiǎoshuō, Hánguó fúzhuāng dōu yǔhòu-
chūnsǔn bān mào chūlai.
Ain’t that the truth. I remember at the end of the nineties
Japanese soap operas were on top of the world. But then
there was a sudden sneak attack from Korea, and now
“Loving Korea” is all the rage. Everywhere you go are Ko-
rean cooking, Korean stars, Korean novels, Korean clothes–
they’re popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

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A: 说起来“韩流”都已经风靡了整整六年了。年轻
shuōqı̌lái “ hánliú” dōu yı̌jı̄ng fēngmı̌ le zhěngzhěng liù nián
le. niánqı̄ngrén zhōng gèng liúchuánzhe yı̄ gǔ hánshı̀ xı̄ hā
fēng fēng , wúlùn UNKNOWN shı̀ xı̌huan, hái shı̀ fǎngǎn,
rénmen suǒ gǎnshòudào de láizı̀ Hánguó de shèntòu hé
zhuàngjı̄ què shı̀ shı́ shı́ zài zài de . “ hánliú” zuòwéi yı̄-
zhǒng dàzhòng liúxı́ng wénhuà, quèshı́ yǒu wàngshèng de
Now that you mention it, the fad for all things Korean has
already been going on for a good six years. It’s even more
widespread among young people. No matter whether you
like it or not, it’s a real fact that people are absorbing all
kinds of stuff from Korea. The fad for Korean stuff is a kind
of mass pop culture. It’s really powerful.

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B: 我作为一个忠实的哈韩族,对此还是有点了解
wǒ zuòwéi yı̄ ge zhōngshı́ de hāHán Zú , duı̀cı̌ hái shı̀ yǒu-
diǎn liǎojiě de. qı̌xiān shı̀ Hánguó yı̄nyuè de rùqı̄n, xiānqı̌
le yı̄ gǔ Hánguó wǔqǔ cháoliú. céngjı̄ng Ōuměi xiāngcūn
yı̄nyuè , yáogǔnlè yı̌jı́ rı̀běn de diànzı̌ lè zhànjù le Zhōngguó
dàduō wàilái liúxı́nglè de shı̀chǎng, ér Hánguó cǎijı́zhòng
guó zhı̄ cháng, rónghé R&B chàngfǎ, hiphop wǔdǎo
děng hēirén yı̄nyuèyuánsù suǒ chuàngbiān de hánshı̀ jiē-
wǔ, gāng yı̄ tuı̄chū jiù dàshòuhuānyı́ng. jiēzhe, Hánguó de
shı́shàng yě kāishı̌ zàiguónèi liúxı́ng. hěn duō niánqı̄ngrén
dōu tiāorǎn tóufa huòshı̀ chuānzhuó hánshı̀ kuò tuı̌ kù. suı̄-
shuō yǒu hěn duō rén pı̄pàn Hánguó yı̄nyuè mófǎng hēirén
wǔqǔ, diànshı̀jù mófǎng rı̀běn ǒuxiàngjù, bı̀ng méiyǒu zhēn-
zhèng shǔyú zı̀jı̌ de dōngxi, kěshı̀ wǒ dǎo juéde zhè dàibiǎo
le Hánguó liúxı́ng wénhuà néng qǔchángbǔduǎn, chuàng-
zàochū zı̀jı̌ de fēnggé.

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As a loyal Korea-phile, I can sort of understand it. First,
let’s talk about the onslaught of Korean music. It’s caused a
surge in the popularity of Korean dance. In the past, Ameri-
can country music, rock-n-roll and Japanese electronica oc-
cupied the market in China for foreign pop music. Now Ko-
rean music has gathered up a ton of fans, combining the
singing style of R&B, hip-hop dance moves and other ele-
ments from black music to create Korean style street danc-
ing. As soon as it appeared on the scene, it was popu-
lar. Next, Korean styles are becoming popular in China.
A lot of young people dye their hair or wear Korean style
wide-legged pants. Although a lot of people criticize Ko-
rean dance for imitating black dance, and their TV shows
for imitating Japanese programs, so that they don’t really
have anything of their own, I think that this represents Ko-
rean culture’s ability to complement its own shortcomings
with others’ strengths. It’s created its own style.

A: 这一点我支持你。我也觉得这体现了韩国文化具
zhèyı̄diǎn wǒ zhı̄chı́ UNKNOWN. wǒ yě juéde zhè tı̌xiàn le
Hánguó wénhuà jùyǒu hěn qiáng de bāorónglı̀ hé chuàng-
I agree with you on that. I also think this shows that Korean
culture has a great capacity for tolerance and innovation.

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B: 对啊。我觉得韩剧最大的魅力就在于它贴近生
duı̀ā. wǒ juéde hán jù zuı̀dà de mèilı̀ jiù zàiyú tā tiējı̀n shēng-
huó, jı́shı̌ xiàng 《 dà cháng jı̄n 》 zhèyàng yánsù de lı̀shı̌ tı́-
cái dōu sı̄háo méiyǒu chénmèn de gǎnjué. hái yǒu xiàng 《
kànleyòukàn 》 hé 《 Rényǔ xiǎojiě 》 zhèxiē féizàojù,
jı́shı̌ chángdá jı̌shı́, shàngbǎi jı́, guānzhòng réng shı̀ zhōng-
xı̄ngěnggěng zhuı̄ kàn, bànsuı́ jùqı́ng shı̌zhōng. wǒ hé wǒ
māma jiùshı̀ qı́ zhōng liǎng ge “ sı̌ zhōng fěnsı̄” . wǒmen jiā
hái yǒu yı̄duı̄ de DVD, quán shı̀ Hánguó liúxı́ng ǒuxiàngjù.
Right. I think the most attractive thing about Korean soap
operas is that they stay close to real life. Even a show with
such a serious historical topic as “Da Chang Jin,” isn’t at all
depressing or somber. And then there are soap operas like
“Look and look again” and “Little Fisherlady.” Even though
they go on for dozens or even hundreds of episodes, the
audience still watches them loyally. They follow the story
from beginning to end. My mom and I are two die-hard fans
like that. We have a big pile of DVDs at home. They’re all
Korean dramas.

A: 我就没耐心看这种几百集的电视剧。
wǒ jiù méi nàixı̄n kàn zhèzhǒng jı̌bǎi jı́ de diànshı̀jù.

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I don’t have the patience to watch TV shows like that with
hundreds of episodes.

B: 我敢打保票,你一旦尝试,就会着迷。韩剧里亮
wǒ gǎn dǎ bǎo piào , UNKNOWN yı̄dàn chángshı̀, jiù huı̀
zháomı́. hán jù lı̌ liàng yǎn de mı́ngxı̄ng, wéiměi de jùqı́ng,
jı̄ngzhı̀ de huàmiàn hé xı̀jié, dōu shı̀ xı̄yı̌n yǎn qiú de “ fǎ
bǎo” .
As soon as you try it, you’ll be hooked, I guarantee it!
Korean shows have good-looking stars, aesthetic stories,
exquisite scenes and details. They’re all magic charms for
grabbing your attention.

A: 这一点我很同意。韩剧中人物的服装和发型精致
zhèyı̄diǎn wǒ hěn tóngyı̀. hán jù zhōng rénwù de fúzhuāng
hé fāxı́ng jı̄ngzhı̀ piàoliang, yı̌jı̄ng chéngwéi hěn duō nián-
qı̄ngrén mófǎng de duı̀xiàng. jiù lián Hánguó xı̄nhūnfūfù suǒ
chuān de gǔdài Hán Fú, yě chéngwéi guónèi xı̄nrén men pāi
hūn shā zhào piàn de xuǎnzé.
I really agree about that. The costumes and hairstyles in Ko-
rean dramas are really exquisitely beautiful. A lot of young
people want to imitate them. Some Chinese newlyweds are
even choosing to wear the ancient clothes in Korean dra-
mas when they get their wedding pictures taken.

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B: 是啊,我觉得韩剧给人的感觉很东方,尽管场景
shı̀ a, wǒ juéde hán jù gěi rén de gǎnjué hěn dōngfāng, jı̌n-
guǎn chǎngjı̌ng dōu hěn xiàndài, dàn gǔzilı̌ què hěn chuán-
tǒng. zhèzhǒng xiàndài hé chuántǒng bı̀ngcún de “ pāocài
wénhuà” dàgài jiùshı̀ Hánguó liúxı́ng wénhuà shòu huān-
yı́ng de yuányı̄n.
Yeah, I think the impression you get from Korean dramas is
very Oriental. Even though the scenes are all in the mod-
ern world, they still have tradition deep in their bones. This
kind of “kimchee culture,” where modernity and tradition co-
exist is probably the reason Korean pop culture is so well-

A: 啊,说起泡菜,真是不能不提我最爱的韩国料理
ā, shuōqı̌ pāocài, zhēnshı̀ bùnéngbù tı́ wǒ zuı̀ ài de Hánguó
liào lı̌ “ shı́ guō bàn fàn” , kǒushuı̌ dōu yào liú xiàlai le.
Ah, hearing you talk about kimchee, I can’t help mentioning
my favorite Korean dish, stirred rice in a stone bowl. My
mouth is watering!

B: 我也被你说得饿了,什么时候一起去吃韩国菜

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wǒ yě bèi nı̌ shuō de è le, shénmeshı́hòu yı̄qı̌ qù chı̄
hánguócài ba, wǒ qı̌ngkè!
You’re making me hungry talking about it. Let’s go out for
some Korean food sometime. It’s on me!

Key Vocabulary

熬夜 áoyè stay up late or all night

收视率 shōushı̀lü
ù viewership rate

俘虏 fúlǔ to capture

天下 tiānxià everything under


雨后春笋 yǔhòuchūnsǔn to spring up like bam-

boo after rain

风靡 fēngmı̌ fashionable

反感 fǎngǎn to react against

渗透 shèntòu to permeate

融合 rónghé to fuse

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取长补短 qǔchángbǔduǎn to offset weaknesses
with one’s strengths

忠心耿耿 zhōngxı̄ngěng- devoted and loyal


打保票 dǎbǎopiào to vouch for

唯美 wéiměi aestheticism

新人 xı̄nrén newlyweds

Supplementary Vocabulary

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