02 eLMS Activity 2 Dropbox) - ARG

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ANSWER: In giving an explanation in one particular object, we can have a different way like for example this

image presented above. Some of us may be confused in the true meaning behind on it that’s why we need to look for
a deeper meaning of it. There are three human faculties that we need to consider in analyzing art and those are level
of the sense level of the will and level of the mind if we analyze this art by the level of sense we can see is the
perceptual elements such as shapes lines and color. The first thing that can we see on that image is the circle at the
middle then the curve lines straight lines broken lines that helps the frame to be more look defined. Aside from that
we can notice the minimal color that is used next, in level of the will for me the emotional suggestion in this picture
is confident. I can see that there is no fear to be in center. To become a center of attraction just like the DOT on the
FRAME lastly, in the level of the mind, I think the message behind on this picture is confidence comes not from
always being right but from not fearing to be wrong don’t hesitate to lead and become unique to other because
being different does not mean you are imperfect but being different makes you beautiful.

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