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Knowledge University

Bayar Hawar Rahman

Group: A1
Physiology lab

Table of content :
6-Answer of questions
The rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as
blood is forced through it is known as heart . The pulse can
be described in terms of its rate (number of expansion per
minute) its rhythm, strength and whether the blood vessel
feels hard or soft. The pulse determined by counting the
beats in a set period minimi 15 to 20 seconds and
multiplying to give the beats per minute. The pulse rate
usually corespondent your heart rate which varies
according to the person’s state of relaxation or physical
activity . According to this experiment we will be able to
measure pulse rate on the chest and neck by hand.

For this experiment lab stopwatch is needed to check the
time for pulse rate , with a pencil and a graph paper.
In the first test the person stood for two minutes , then we
count the number of beats for 30 second . For 30 minutes
the heart beats 33 time and multiples by 2 we got 66
beats/minute. The second test the person must recline
quietly and relaxing for five minutes . While recline we
took pulse rate. The pulse rate for reclining was 29 beats
and multiple by 2 will be 58 beats/minute. For third test,
after the five minute past the person stand up and directly
measure the pulse rate . After the person stood up the
pulse rate was 45 beats and multiply by 2 will be 90 . For
fourth test we determined the pulse rate during a stress
the person did 30 push-ups in rapid. After the completion
of this exercise immediately we measured the pulse rate
for 15 second 40 beats and multiply by 2 will be 160 . The
pulse after 1 minute was 27 and multiply by 4 will be 108 .
After 2 minutes was 124 beats/minute. After 3 minutes
was 120 beats/minute. After 4 minute 108 beats/minute .
And after 5 minutes was 104 beats/minute
Conclusion :
When you are in a condition state your heart beat is
normal as usual , and the difference between the heart
beat is due to moving, exercising, stress and relaxation. In
the tests the pulse rate in moving, standing up and stress
is increasing because the heart may not pump enough
blood to the rest of the body . But when the body is
relaxed heart beat slowly because the heart can’t pump
enough oxygen rich blood to the body .

Discussion :
At the stress test the person’s heart beat after 1 minute
decrease from 160 beats/ minute to 108 beats/minute and
then after 2 minute increased to 124 beats/minute. It
might be because of incorrect pulse rate sensation on the
what is your cardiac recovery time ?

Heart rate recovery is how much your heart rate drops

after you stop exercising. The most commonly measured
timeframes are 1 minute after peak exercise (HRR-1) and 2
minutes after peak exercise (HRR-2).

why heart rate (and blood pressure) differ when

measured in a reclining position and in a standing
When you are standing up, the heart has to work harder,
against gravity, to get the blood pumped through the body
and back to the heart. It beats faster to overcome the
effects of gravity. Lying down neutralizes gravity, so your
heart doesn't have to work as hard anymore. Your heart
rate slows down
Why is cardiac recovery time lower in a finely tuned
athlete than in a physically unfit person?
an unfit person has a higher resting heart rate than a fit
person. an unfit person has a higher heart rate when they
are exercising at the same intensity. a fit person takes less
time for their heart rate to return to resting values after
taking part in exercise.

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