Gratitude Meditation

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Sit in a comfortable position, relaxing your muscles.

Breathe in deeply through your nose and sit up straight.

Slowly breathe out and relax your shoulders.

As you inhale and exhale, bring awareness to your breath.

With each breath, feel gratitude rising in you for that breath.
Feel grateful for each breath as you take it.

Every breath is precious and valuable.

You are alive, which is a blessing.
Feel that blessing and gratefulness as you breathe in and out.

Now bring awareness to your heartbeat.

Notice its quiet rhythm.

Feel gratefulness with each beat.

Your heart is truly miraculous, pulsing with life.
Sit for a few moments in appreciation of your heart.
Now give attention to your body.
Your body truly is a wondrous and beautiful thing.

Feel the shape of your body with all its contours.

Fingers, toes, eyes, ears, skin.
Truly a wonder of nature.

Lungs are breathing.

Heart beating.
A body that can move and feel and do incredible and beautiful things.
A mind that is aware.
Allow your very existence to inspire you with feelings of gratitude.

Grateful for breath.

Grateful for heartbeats.
Love for your beautiful body.

When you feel yourself drifting from appreciation, come back.

Back to the wonder of breath.
The marvel of your heart.
The magic of your body.

You are here, present at this moment.

And that’s a beautiful thing.

Now remind yourself that just for today, for this moment, you can be mindful.
Life is a gift.

Spend a few moments just feeling the gratitude.

Enjoying its positivity.

Now thank yourself for taking the time to do this meditation.

Take a deep breath and slowly exhale, releasing any tension in your body.
Open your eyes when you are ready.
Next, bring your attention back to your surroundings and arise.

Mantra: “I am here, and I am grateful.” (repeat)

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