All About Chakras

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We can think of our unconscious like a deep pond. The surface of the pond is visible to
our conscious self and we can interact with it by swimming, fishing, or wading. We have
little awareness of what lies hidden at the bottom of the pond.

Things of a higher vibration, such as a leaf or a feather, float on the surface of the pond,
but things of a lower vibration, like a rock, sink to the bottom of the pond. However, even
the feather and the leaf may eventually sink to the bottom of the pond over time.

Our happy experiences and memories are of a higher vibration because they are filled
with love and can float on the surface of our consciousness. On the other hand, our
unhappy experiences and memories are of a lower vibration because they are filled with
fear. These fearful memories and experiences sink to the bottom of the depths of our
unconscious, our lower astral plane.

Just as the bottom of a pond is murky and obscured, so is our deepest unconscious. To
prepare for our ascension, we must enter the water of our unconscious to rescue these
portions of our psyche that are trapped.

However, too often we find that when we face that darkness of our inner pond, we turn to
walk away, but with our very first step we know that we must stay. If we cannot see what

is in the pond, maybe we could have to feel it. Maybe, we would have to actually enter
the pond and feel its dark waters upon us.

The thought of entering the murky water make us cringe. Should we keep our clothes on
as some meager attempt at protection, or should we enter the water as naked as the day
we were born?

We know the answer. We must face the depths without any external protection. We must
find our protection in the courage that it would take to enter the murky pond. Courage,
which is deep within my core, would be our only protection to face the darkness and the
secrets that it holds.

We shed our clothes quickly, before we lose our nerve, and jump into the foreboding
pond. We hold our breath and immediately dive down the bottom of the murky pond. We
navigate with our arms, as we are not quite ready to open our eyes.

When we touch the bottom of the pond, we know that we must open our eyes while we
still have enough air in our lungs to remain at the bottom. A vision of muck and grime
await our opening eyes. But what is that - just over there?

Something golden is sparkling against the surrounding filth. Oh it must be rescued, we

think. It does not belong here. This golden thing is different from the dirt that surrounds it.

We swim to the golden sparkle and wipe the mud from its surface. The dark mud hovers
in the water, waiting to again cover the golden object. We reach for the treasure with the
intention of bringing it to the surface, but find that it is held fast to the bottom of the pond.
We pull and pull, but it will not budge.

Finally, we stand on the silt-covered bottom to gather enough resistance to free the bit of
gold. Our toes squish into the sticky mud and our struggle fills the water with silt. We
have to close our eyes to protect them and pull upon the golden object while we push
against the floor of the pond.

Yet nothing works and we are running out of oxygen. Do we have to abandon the
treasure that lies hidden in the depths of murky pond? We stand still for a moment and
released our hold on the golden object. It instantly sinks back into the mire.

Only a small portion of it glistens through the filthy water. With shame, we realize that
we cannot not free the treasure. Then we remember that it had been our intention to “feel”
the water. Yes, now we feel it. It felt like shame, and guilt, and most of all, it felt like fear.

The fear permeated every rock and every atom of the pond. No wonder that which is so
beautiful cannot be freed. As we stop our struggle, the mud that had filled the water
begins to settle on the bottom of the pond and on us.

We feel it clawing at our skin reminding us of feelings that we had felt outside of the dark

pond. NO! we must leave these depths and the feelings that they arouse in us. We cannot
save the treasure. We would have to leave it in the murky depths.

Besides, we can no longer hold our breath. We must return to the surface. The thought of
escape feels good and necessary. We swim to the surface with a mixture of relief and
sadness, relief that we can free ourselves from the silt and sadness that we could not free
the hidden treasure.

As our heads bob above the surface of the pond, a cool rain rinses the dirt off our faces.
We swim to the edge of the pond and pull ourselves onto a rock. Standing, we allow the
gentle rain to cleanse our bodies. The feel of the fresh water upon our skin rejuvenates
and calms us.

The mud of the pond is easily cleared, for it was never ours. NOW, we realize that the
filth of the pond was something that we had temporarily taken on, temporarily

We look at the pond again. It seems clearer now. The mud that we had stirred up has
again to the bottom. We remember the bit of gold that is still trapped there. How can we
free it?

We would have to again enter the murky pond and swim down into its darkest depth.
Could we remember our own purity, even when the mud clings to our form? Could we
find the bit of gold hidden beneath the silt and bring it to the surface?

“Yes,” we cry to the sun that is breaking through the clouds. “We shall find what has
been lost. That which has been buried and forgotten shall be found and returned.

“Something of great value is lost in the depths of the darkness, and we must retrieve it.”

Each of our Chakras is a “pond” were we store all that we were, are and shall become.
Understanding our Chakras provides us with a means to more deeply KNOW our self,
so that we can CHANGE our world.


LOCATION: The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.

PETALS: This chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest
wavelength. There are four spokes, or petals. Four is the number of the square and
foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a “square deal, the four
energies of earth–earth, air, fire, and water, and the four directions. Four walls, four legs,
or four wheels represent a strong foundation.

NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is “lam” or “e” as in
red. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of
our body can enable us to more consciously access the first chakra.

COLOR: The color for this chakra is red, which is the lowest frequency of human’s
visible light spectrum. Red is the color of anger and/or vitality.

RULES: The first chakra rules our PHYSICAL energies. Also known as the root chakra,
it governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, job, and home. This
chakra aids us in our everyday survival.

SENSE: The sense of smell is related to this chakra. Our sense of smell is our most
primitive sense, and is the first sense that awakens upon our physical birth. The receptors
for smell are located at the base of our brain and feeds directly into our limbic system,
which is the area of memory and emotion. Therefore, aromas can immediately access
emotional memories stored in our unconscious.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: The astrological sign associated with the root chakra is
Taurus. The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Like our root chakra, the bull is a symbol of

masculine power and fertility. The bull roots in the earth with his front hooves and lowers
his nostrils toward the ground to warn any who would threaten his “herd”. There are
many cows in the herd, but only the strongest bull will be able to preserve the genetic
integrity of the group.

The first chakra is actually the basis of both our masculine and feminine energy. It
represents our masculine will and male sexual organs as well as the feminine energy of
the Goddess Kundalini. Therefore, a man can learn to integrate his feminine power and a
woman can learn to integrate her masculine power through the clearing and opening of
this chakra.

ELEMENT: Earth is the element associated with the first chakra and the mineral
kingdom is the top of that hierarchy. Crystals have been prized by humankind for eons
and have also been used in esoteric healing. Since it rules our first dimensional self that is
unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious.
This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of a “hive or species

Even though, the first chakra has many masculine qualities it is also the “seat of the
Goddess Kundalini” and is therefore often associated with our relationship with our
mothers and with Mother Earth. Our relationships with our mother set up our attitude
toward home, security, and money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from
the earth as well.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents
our deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the reptilian
portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life support. The brainstem
and the area immediately above it are called the reptilian brain because it is possessed by
all creatures from reptiles to humans. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for
humans it is the base, or stem, of their brain. In fact, part of this area is known as the

PERSONAL TIMELINE: The first chakra represents birth to two years of age. This is
the time before we have completed our process of individuation and still perceive
ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our struggle to come to terms
with our physical life and physical body. Our Multidimensional Spirits are new to the
limitations and separation of our new 3D reality, and we struggling to learn how to
control our physical earth vessel. Fortunately, we naturally travel into the higher
dimensions at this age and can return Home whenever we are desperately in need of
comfort and understanding.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the first chakra represents the time when
humankind was cave dwellers. At that time in our “civilization”, we lived from day to
day. To assist in our struggle for survival, we worshiped animals and other aspects of our
physical environment.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: Each chakra feeds prana into a different endocrine gland. Just
as there are seven chakras, there are seven endocrine glands. Both the chakras and the
endocrine glands are located along the spinal cord. The endocrine glands manufacture
hormones and supply them to the bloodstream. These glands are called “ductless”
because there is not a duct to any specific part of the body. Instead, hormones are
released into the bloodstream where they are carried by the blood to every organ and
tissue to exert their influence on all functions of the physical body.

Each gland is internally related to the other glands and also works closely with the
nervous and circulatory system. In order for the organs of the body to work efficiently,
the blood must contain certain chemicals. Many of these chemicals are secreted by the
endocrine glands, and this secretion is vital for the health of the entire system. Our bodies
can become diseased if there are too many or too few hormones.

The endocrine gland for the first chakra is the adrenal glands. There are actually two
adrenal glands located with one on top of each of the two kidneys. The adrenal glands are
the body’s call to battle. When adrenaline is released into the system our perceptions
become clearer, we have added vigor and feel more courageous.

The release of adrenaline activates the fight/flight syndrome, which prepares us for “fight
or flight.” Release of adrenaline and activation of fight/flight is brought on by real or
imagined danger. Therefore, our emotions can activate a release of adrenaline when we
feel extreme fear or even chronic anxiety. The first chakra is the “survival chakra,” and
the fight/flight syndrome is vital for the survival of every species.

NERVE PLEXUS: The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is
the nerve center, which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system, male
reproductive organs, and the prostate. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the
right, masculine, side of the body it can indicate issues of trust in one’s will. If there is a
problem with the leg or foot on the left, feminine, side then it can indicate issues with
trust of one’s emotional life.

CLEAR: When the first chakra is clear we feel secure, grounded, and stable. We can use
good “common sense” to balance our finances as well as our everyday responsibilities
and still initiate new activities and interest. Our eliminatory system functions well, neural
activity in our legs and feet is healthy, and our ability to initiate sexual encounters is
comfortable and natural. Our root chakra is the home of the Sleeping Serpent, our
Kundalini. When this chakra is clear and balanced the Goddess Kundalini Shakti can
awaken and begin her gradual rise towards reunion with Lord Shiva.

UNCLEAR: When the first chakra is unclear we feel insecure and fearful. We can also
become absent-minded because we are ungrounded. We may also have a difficult time
with our finances and day to day necessities. Whatever security we derive from material
things can become threatened. There can also be problems with our home, which is our
base of operations in physical life. We can become self-indulgent and self-centered and
suffer from depression and grief. We may suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica,

or prostate problems.

All of the above emotional, behavioral, and physical health issues have to do with the
ability to let go. We cannot let go of our sadness, let go of material sources of comfort
when finances require, or even let go of the waste material of our bodies. If we cannot
release what is holding us back, we cannot move forward. Difficulties with our sciatic
nerve and problems with our legs and feet display this dynamic. Prostate problems can
arise from frustrated sexual or creative drives.

EARTH’S CHAKRAS: Just as the first chakra represents our physical body, the Earth’s
first chakra represents Her physical body. The planetary first chakra is located at Mt.
Sinai in the Middle East. Lady Gaia is allowing Her Kundalini to rise to meet her Divine
Mate. It is TIME now that we hear Her call. Hence, this area of the planet is the center of
great unrest.

DIMENSIONS: The first chakra rules our first and second dimensional selves. Our first
dimensional self represents the genetic coding, cells, and minerals of our bodies. It also
represents our most primitive “animal self”, which is represented by the fight/flight
response that serves to assure the survival of the species. The root chakra also rules the
male sex glands and the testosterone that they secrete. This testosterone drives the males
in our society, and the male polarity of our psyche, to perpetuate and protect humanity.

SUMMARY: The body of Mother Earth and Her consciousness, Lady Gaia, is the third
dimensional planet that supports our physical body. Just as our physical body
communicates with our consciousness by its state of health, disease, comfort, and
discomfort, Lady Gaia communicates with us via the health of Her planet.


LOCATION: The second chakra is located at the navel. The navel was once our
umbilical cord that was our attachment to our first physical home, our mother and the
nurturing that she provided. The second chakra also represents our attachment to Mother
Earth as well as all the plants and creatures that call Her home.

PETALS: This chakra has six petals or spokes. In numerology, six is the number that
represents responsibility and nurturing for family and community as well as finding
balance and harmony with our environment.

NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is D and the mantra is “vam” or “o” as in
home. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of
our body can enable us to more consciously access the second chakra.

COLOR: The color of this chakra is orange. Orange is the color of emotion. In the Hindu
chakra system, the color orange is associated with death of the old. This “death” refers
not only to physical death, but also to death, or total liberation, of painful emotions that
have been repressed. This “death” also refers to the discharge of the defense mechanisms
that were created in order to survive those emotions, as well as the situations that caused

RULES: The second chakra rules our VITAL, SENSUAL body. This chakra governs
sexuality, reproduction, emotions, instincts, food, and general communication of the body
with the consciousness that lives inside it. The second chakra rules the feminine
component of sexuality, whereas the first chakra rules the masculine component of

sexuality. The second/navel chakra is more sensual than sexual. It tells us how we feel
about sex and having children, whereas the first chakra rules sex that is for enjoyment,
power, and/or procreation.

Besides reproduction, the second chakra also governs other kinds of creativity.
Swimming, hiking, and gardening make use of the second chakra’s connection to nature.
Sculpting and carving use materials and objects of nature as a medium, and nature is
often the “subject” of painters and photographers. With dancing and martial arts, the
navel area is seen as the base, the Hara Center, the area to be kept in alignment with the
earth so that perfect balance can be maintained.

Like the first chakra, the second chakra governs survival, but from the perspective of the
feminine polarity. The first chakra governs the fight for survival, whereas the second
chakra rules the instincts for survival. The first chakra would urge us to battle for and
protect, whereas the second chakra would aid us in using our instincts to find a safe place
to hide, to live, and to rear our young. Like the first chakra, the second chakra also rules
money, but again, in a different manner. The first chakra rules money and the power that
it holds, whereas the second chakra rules money and the security that it brings.

SENSE: The sense of taste is related to this chakra. The sense of taste is important for
identification of edible vs. non-edible food and for the enjoyment of eating, which is also
ruled by the second chakra. Taste is a very emotional experience and is the basis for the
nurturing and comfort that eating provides. Eating, more specifically suckling, forms the
important first bond between mother and child and serves as comfort as well as nutrition.

Preparing and serving food is often an act of love and community, and “family meals”
bind the family together. Eating and food is very culture specific. For generations after a
family immigrates to a new area, they maintain their preference for the food of their
culture because of the security and sense of belonging that it provides.

ASTROLOGY SIGN: The astrology sign of Cancer is associated with the second chakra
because Cancer rules emotions, receptiveness and fertility.

ELEMENT: Water is the element associated with the second chakra. Our first physical
home in the amniotic sac was one of water. This chakra reflects how we feel about being
in or near the water. Psychologically, water is the metaphor and symbol for emotion. The
second chakra deals with “gut instincts,” basic emotions such as fear, rage, and joy and
basic interpersonal emotions that are often unspoken.

The second chakra also rules the kidneys, which is where we eliminate our water. This
chakra rules our second dimensional self, which is represented by the plant kingdom and
less evolved creatures such as fish. Both plants and fish must have water to survive.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The second chakra depicts our emotional consciousness, our

“animal instincts” and our tribal consciousness. This chakra represents the mammalian
portion of our brain where the limbic system rules our emotions and short-term memory.

The limbic system is an important center for creativity and learning because it is where
emotion and memory combine. We all know that it is easier to learn when we are
emotionally engaged than when we are bored. Also, a deeply loving experience is usually
imprinted in our conscious mind. However, an extremely frightening experience is often
banished to our unconscious mind, as the memory of it is too painful.

Higher mammals such as dogs and monkeys remember what they are taught because they
have an emotional relationship with the teacher, or because the food that is given as a
reward makes them feel happy and nurtured. Humans also use emotions and food as a
means of reinforcement and reward.

PERSONAL TIMELINE: The second chakra represents ages 2 to 4 when the child is
going beyond basic survival and is beginning to develop his or her position in the family.
It is also a time when they are creating their own sense of individuality, but they are still
dependent on their “tribe”. It is at this age that children are beginning to associate their
emotions with specific events, but they are dependent on their caregivers for
interpretation and guidance. Emotional events that occur during this age are often
unconscious to our adult self, but they form the basis of many of our core beliefs about
our selves and our abilities.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the second chakra represents the time when
civilization advanced beyond living in caves and was able to settle into tribes. At this
time, many tribes began agriculture and animal husbandry. Since the people lived off the
land, they worshiped the Goddess with ceremony and sacrifice.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: The endocrine glands for the second chakra are the gonads,
which consist of both male and female sex organs. These include the ovaries, testes, and
prostate gland. The prostate gland is also ruled by our first chakra. Hormones have a
strong influence on mood, as any woman with PMS will confirm. What is not as often
noted is the interaction between testosterone and adrenaline. When a man’s fight/flight
syndrome is activated, the adrenaline in his system interacts with the testosterone to
create an explosive combination. Steroids also create strong emotional reactions.

Healthy male and female sexual organs make our personality radiant and magnetic, our
eyes sparkling and luminous, and give us an air of self-reliance. The inner warmth of
vibrant sex glands prevents the tendencies for inflexibility, hardening, and stiffening that
can come with aging. In fact, a healthy active sex life can bring a vitality and balance to
life even in our “old age.”

NERVE PLEXUS: The second chakra is located at the lumbar plexus, which rules the
reproductive system, abdomen, and lumbar region of the back.

CLEAR: When the second chakra is clear we feel patient, enduring, nurturing, and
secure. We feel intimate with our family, friends, neighborhood, and planet. We feel “at
home” in our bodies and are able to communicate with our “self.” Our emotions are
balanced, and we are able to trust our instincts and “gut feelings.”

Our sex life is natural and loving, and we are able to balance both the male and female
components of sexuality. We eat the healthy food in the correct amount for our bodies’
needs and enjoy the comfort and nurturing free of any addictive behaviors. Our
elimination of waste material is regular and our sex organs, bladder, and kidneys are

UNCLEAR: When the second chakra is unclear, we feel impotent, frigid, or over-sexed.
We may not be able to enjoy sex or we may use it as an addiction to cover what we are
really feeling. We may feel disassociated from our friends and family and ill at ease
within our home. Our eating and drinking can become addictive in that we eat or drink to
comfort ourselves and to cover emotions that we don’t want to consciously face.

Fear and anger are just beneath the surface of our awareness, which makes us anxious
and/or depressed. Old core beliefs of limitation and fear sabotage our behavior and keep
us in “survival mode.” Life feels like a day-to-day struggle, and we feel like we are living
hand-to-mouth because we are unable to make enough money to feel comfortable in our
home and secure in our family life.

EARTH’S CHAKRA: Although our Western minds have discounted it, the Earth is a
living being just as we are. In “evolving” beyond our tribal consciousness, we have lost
our association with and respect for the planet who is a Mother to us all. Mother Earth’s
second chakra is in the Brazilian Amazon. This is a fitting place for Her second chakra
for it is a paradise of fertility and growth. That is, if we humans do not continue to
destroy it.

DIMENSIONS: The second chakra rules our second and third dimensional bodies. This
chakra, more than any other, represents our humanoid “animal.” Animals have emotions,
just as we do, ask any pet lover. It is through conscious, third dimensional awareness of
our second dimensional emotions that we are able to become the protectors of Mother
Earth, rather than Her destroyers. If we feel the warmth and protection of a tree, if we can
honor the food that we eat and the water that we drink, we will not want to pollute or
destroy our planet that provided them for us.

However, if we harbor repressed emotions of terror and rage, we will see the world
around us as an enemy, which we must conquer. When we can heal our past pain, we can
feel our connection to the Earth and all Her creatures. It is vital that we love our own
bodies, for when we can truly love and respect our own bodies, we can love and protect
the Earth whose body we call home.

SUMMARY: The second chakra symbolizes our emotions and how they inform us of
our feelings about life and our selves. Unfortunately, emotions are often dominated by
the pain, guilt, anger, and fear from our past. This backlog of old negative emotions acts
like a full wastebasket, and one more piece of paper is enough to cause the contents of the
wastebasket to spill out. Our unconscious, specifically the unconscious which is harbored
in our second chakra, is that wastebasket. Our repressed emotions are the old pieces of

paper that fill it.

Too often we are operating at the edge of “overwhelm” and cannot allow ourselves to
“feel” too much for fear that the damn will burst. However, our emotions are important
gauges to guide us through both our inner and outer lives. If we can allow ourselves to
consciously “have our emotions” without losing our self-control so that “our emotions
have us,” they can serve us much like the gauges on the dashboard of our car. These
“gauges” tell us when we need repair, when all is working well, when we are in danger,
and when we are safe.

The brain centers for emotion and memory are intimately related. Our memory works by
association and memories filled with the same emotions are stored in the same “file.”
Therefore, repressed emotions from our forgotten past threaten to “tack onto” present
situations that activate the same emotion. At this point, the past emotions amplify our
present emotions to inappropriate levels.

For example, if we suffered a loss in childhood and never received adequate comfort and
support, we will be over sensitized to any losses that we experience as adults. In other
words, our “sorrow” file is filled. Since we have repressed our childhood experience, we
cannot understand why we feel such sorrow in reaction to what seems to be a relatively
insignificant event.

Fortunately, our child is alive and living in our unconscious mind. If we can give our
inner child what was needed before and never received, we can begin to heal our old pain.
In this manner, we will learn to discriminate between the pain of our childhood and the
pain of the present. Then, we can take a moment to reassure our inner child that he or she
is safe and that we, the adult, will handle the situation at hand.

One of the foundations for creativity is the sensual sensitivity of our physical body. If we
can clear the fear and pain from our past, we can begin to feel our emotions with the
same power and clarity that we did as children. When we can do that, we will awaken the
wonderful imagination that we “grew out of” as adults. If we can consciously
communicate and love inner child, we can be intuitively tuned in, as well as solidly
rooted in a mature understanding of how we create our reality.

LOCATION: The third chakra is located between the sternum bone and the navel.

PETALS: There are ten petals in the third chakra which, when spinning, may appear like
a vortex. In numerology, the number 10 is reduced to the number 1. Number one
symbolizes the beginning, as “In the beginning there was the word,” and every word
begins with a thought. Even if it is unconscious, thought precedes communication. The
third chakra also represents our communication with the fourth dimensional astral world,
which is too often unconscious.

NOTE AND MANTRA: The note for this chakra is D and the mantra is “ram” or “aum”.

COLOR: The color of this chakra is yellow to gold. When seen in one’s aura with astral
vision, the color yellow represents intellectual thinking. The color gold represents
identification with one’s Soul qualities. A predominance of yellow in one’s aura
represents one’s attachment to their ego’s rational thought. On the other hand, the
predominance of gold in one’s aura represents an ego that has surrendered its control of
the physical earth vessel to their Soul.

On a physical level, the color yellow stands for caution. Yellow is between the red of
“stop” and the green of “go.” Great caution is needed to integrate our physical and astral
selves. The road to spirituality is paved with cautious patience.

RULES: The third chakra rules the MENTAL portion of our consciousness and governs

thinking, both psychic and intellectual, and the power, control and/or freedom that is
gained by our minds. This chakra is the “power chakra.” It governs our sense of self, the
power that that we have within and over our destinies, the power that we have over others,
and the power that others have over us.

If a person is too yin, female energy, then he or she may feel powerless. On the other
hand, if a person is too yang, male energy, then he or she may have a tendency to be
aggressive or greedy. The third chakra, which relates to the liver, gall bladder, stomach,
spleen, and pancreas, regulates how centered we feel during the day in relation to our
mental facilities and our ability to be self-motivated.

The projections of our ego and our vital energies are both influenced by this chakra
because it rules how well we can maintain our sense of Self when in a power struggle
with another. The battle between egos is difficult to win if we are children and our
opponent is our parent. Therefore, this chakra holds the secrets of the many power
struggles that we fought and lost with our parents, and other authority figures, as a child.

The third chakra is known as the gateway into the Astral Plane of the fourth dimension. It
therefore rules our astral emotions. However, these emotions are very different than
physical emotions that are felt through our second chakra. Our second chakra rules
emotions of a survival, instinctual type; whereas, the emotions of the third chakra are
intertwined with our thought process.

These more “cognitive emotions” are felt as reactions to others, and as reactions to our
desires and goals. It is this combination of thought and emotions that opens our gateway
into the fourth dimension. Once opened, this portal can begin to blend out third
dimensional perceptions with the higher senses of our physic, intuitive consciousness.

The integration of our physical and astral bodies can create yet another control issue for
the third chakra. Besides the control issues of different egos attempting to assert their
personal power over another, there are the internal control issues of thoughts vs. emotions,
intuition vs. intellect, and yin vs. yang.

SENSE: The third chakra rules our sense of sight. It rules the physical sight of our third
dimensional consciousness as well as the “second” sight, or astral vision, of our fourth
dimensional consciousness.

ASTROLOGY SIGN: Leo is an astrological sign that is often associated with this
chakra. Leo, which is ruled by the Sun, symbolizes our warmth and strength as well as
our striving for recognition, power, and social status. Astrologically, our Sun represents
the ego system that we embody within this lifetime.

The third chakra represents the struggle of that ego system, first with others and then with
our Soul. When we find our power within ourselves, we no longer need to struggle
against others. Then our ego must learn to recognize the still, small voice of our Soul and
learn to surrender control of our earth vessel to this superior Captain.

ELEMENT: Fire is the element associated with this chakra. Fire represents the
electrical/neural portion of our third dimensional physical body. Electricity is associated
with our ability to consciously rule our behavior by our thoughts because it is the
electrical firing of our nervous system that allows our cortex to choose our behavior.

When we have gained the “will power” to choose our behaviors, actions, words, and
attitudes, we are consciously in control of our life. On the other hand, if our behavior,
actions, words, and attitudes are not consciously chosen then we are reacting rather than
responding. Then, do not feel like we are “in control” of our life because we were unable
to chose a response that empowers us.

The third, solar plexus chakra rules the animal kingdom of which humanity is said to be
at the top of the hierarchy. This determination is made by the size of our cortex and our
supposed ability to control our own destiny. However, that control is not based solely
upon the size of our cortex. Whales and dolphins have larger cortexes then us, and
dolphins actually have more speech mechanisms than humans. However, whales and
dolphins have been at the mercy of mankind’s violence for many years.

Humans have also harmed, killed, and enslaved other humans as well. The third chakra is
the chakra that deals with both inter- and intra-species’ struggle for power and dominance.
The ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings through speech has always been an
important factor in that struggle.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The area of the brain associated with this chakra is the neo cortex,
which is the beginning of higher mental functioning. The third chakra represents our third
dimensional consciousness, as well as how our fourth dimensional astral body influences
our physical world. If we disallow any conscious influence from our astral self, we limit
our reality.

PERSONAL TIMELINE: This chakra represents ages 6 years to adolescence. This is

the time frame when the child begins school and moves away from the constant influence
of the family. From the ages of 6 through 12, children are interacting with teachers,
friends, and their friends’ families, but their primary influence is still their home.

Children of this age are increasingly becoming aware that they are different from their
parents. Especially as they move into early adolescence, this awareness drives them to
find their own identity within the family. From 12 through adolescence, the focus
switches from the family to friends. If these young adolescents are able to develop a
sense of self while living in the family system, they will have an easier time when they
repeat that process outside of the home.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the third chakra represents the civilizations of

about 5,000 years ago when the great empires of Egypt, Syria, Greece, and Rome existed.
These societies became dominant through Power Over” their opponents. The rise and
peak of these civilizations marked the expansion of humankind’s cognitive abilities.

Within these civilizations, at least some members of the society had “time” to pursue
something beyond survival. Multiple Gods, and Goddesses, as well as animals, were
worshiped by most of these societies.

ENDOCRINE: The endocrine gland for the third chakra is the pancreas. The pancreas
plays an important part in the digestion of food. The pancreas secretes the hormone
insulin, which regulates the level of blood sugar in the system and metabolism needed for
digesting carbohydrates. Enzymes that are secreted by the pancreas are important for the
balance of fats and proteins.

This endocrine gland is thrown off when too much sugar is taken into the system. This is
often because the person wants more sweetness in their life and does not know how to get
it. Alcoholic beverages instantly convert to sugar, and diabetes can result from
alcoholism. Again, this person does not feel like they have the power within to face life
and must take a substance to comfort themselves.

NERVE PLEXUS: The solar plexus, which is located just beneath the ribcage, is the
plexus associated with this chakra. Areas of the body associated with this chakra are the
lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, and
autonomic nervous system.

CLEAR: When the third chakra is clear we have a strong sense of personal power and
self-motivation. Our power struggles with others are minimal because we accept
responsibility for the creation of our own reality. Therefore, we do not feel victimized or
controlled by others. If there is a problem in our life, we realize that “if it comes to me, it
is mine to deal with”. We have keen decision making abilities, a strong will power, and a
good self-image.

Since we take charge of our lives, we have good health and vital energy. When we can
balance yin and yang, thoughts and emotions, intuition and intellect, will power and
surrender to Soul, we can be conscious of the many messages that come to us from the
Astral Plane. We are able to shield ourselves from the “psychic pull” of others, as we are
able to discriminate our emotions from the emotions of others. We can do this because
we have listened to our own Astral World as it communicates with us through our dreams
and imagination.

UNCLEAR: When the third chakra is unclear, we feel powerless. Since we feel that we
have no ability to gather what we need when we need it, we can be reduced to greed,
doubt, anger, and then, of course, guilt. Our bodies respond to the constant tension by
developing ulcers, jaundice, hepatitis, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and gallstones. Our sense
of powerlessness in the world causes excessive worrying, hypochondriac pain, irritability,
and procrastination. We are overly sensitive, cry easily, feel fatigue, and are often
anxious and/or depressed.

Our inability to integrate the inner call of our Astral life with the outer world creates an
over sensitivity to the psychic world of others. Other people’s fear, which is the “loudest”

emotion to be felt in our third chakra, piggybacks onto our own fear. It then becomes
increasingly difficult to be with others or in groups. Our mind races against us with
obsessive thoughts and worries. Our negative emotions then amplify our negative
thinking and keep us in a constant state of turmoil.

The power that we lost in our past must be regained so that we can live in the present. We
must go back to find the negative core beliefs that we hold against ourselves. These
beliefs constantly remind us that we are inadequate to face life’s challenges, and that we
do not have the personal power to be happy and successful.

EARTH’S CHAKRA: The earth’s third chakra is Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa. Mt.
Kilimanjaro is one of the largest freestanding mountains in the world. The other largest
freestanding mountain is also in Africa, the heart of our first great civilizations. Mt.
Kilimanjaro reminds us of the power that we can gain to stand-alone by finding our
“power within.”

DIMENSIONS: This chakra represents our third and fourth dimensional bodies. The
third chakra is the gateway to the fourth dimension. Unfortunately, this “gateway” is
often first experienced in our bodies by uncomfortable feelings in the third chakra area of
our bodies. In order to avoid being a victim to the psychic world of others, we must
gather our own fourth dimensional power. When we have come to peace with our inner
world, as well as the thoughts and feelings that originate in that world, we will find our
true power to “stand alone” in the outer world.

SUMMARY: Our third chakra deals with digestion, synthesis, distribution, and
emanation of our personal power. Our stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and liver deal with
our digestion and synthesis, and our spleen and autonomic nervous system distributes and
emanates our power.

Our personal power was enhanced or limited in our childhoods. Third dimensionally, our
early environment either empowered us if our parents were kind, positive, and supportive,
or gave us opportunities to make our own decisions to experience success or failure. Our
early environment took our power away if our parents limited us with criticism, cruelty,
insensitivity, and unfair punishment.

Fourth dimensionally, our power was given or stolen by the thoughts and feelings of
those around us in our early years. Even though we may have disowned our fourth
dimensional powers by adulthood, it was a normal part of our childhood. Often, as
children we could see fairies, talk to our dog, and experience our stuffed animal or doll as
alive. The adults may then have said, “How cute. What a good imagination you have.”
OR “Shut up, there are no fairies and dogs can only bark.”

So what did we believe? What did we give power to, the “make believe” fairies, the dog
that loved us, or the parent that gave us a home and food? The rule of nature is survival.
We could survive without fairies and talking dogs, but we could not survive without a
home and food. Therefore, we listened to “them,” the ones who raised us. Their reality

became our reality.

If we were fortunate enough to have parents who felt powerful and gave us love,
protection, and encouragement, we had a happy safe reality in which we could blossom
into our fullest potential. On the other hand, if our parents were afraid, angry, powerless
victims to others or to the “system,” then we are in danger of recreating that world, as it
was our only model. We also created that reality because the gateway to our Soul, our
fourth dimensional astral world, had been dampened and discarded as “just our

As children, the fourth dimensional psychic “gateway” was still open, and we could
clearly receive ALL the pain, fear, anger, and sorrow of our family and others with whom
we were intimate. The main problem was that when we “psychically” picked up the astral
environment around us, which was the thoughts and feelings of others’, we did not
perceive it as the thoughts and feeling of others. We perceived it as our own. WE felt like
the victim, WE were sad, angry, or afraid, and WE believed that we could not create a
better life.

Therefore, we created core beliefs about ourselves that protected us from our
uncomfortable emotional world. These core beliefs were usually about our own
limitations, such as: “I am not good enough”; “I don’t deserve”; or “I am not worthy”.
Then we could keep the necessary belief that it was our inadequacy and not our parents’
inadequacy that was the source of our problems. The reality is, the core beliefs that we
created were probably the very same core beliefs that our parents created and psychically
passed on to us.

Nevertheless, these core beliefs did create an illusion of protection from a harsh and
foreign world. Yes, to our inner self who remembered that we are Golden Lightbeings,
the third dimension felt very harsh and restrictive. Therefore, most of us forgot about our
Lightbody because we could not return to that body, and it only caused us pain to
remember it.

In the above scenario, the child learned that power equals “Power Over” another. If their
own parents were victims, then so must they be. Also, because the child still had the
“second sight” of the Astral Plan, they could see and feel the fear and victimization that
was the foundation of their parents’ rage and sorrow.

How can a child learn about “power within??” How can a child learn positive core beliefs
like: “I am powerful, I am smart and I am lovable”? The parent can “act like” they are
loving, “act like” they are not afraid, and “act like” they are happy. However, the child
still “feels” the truth because he or she is still awake to his or her Astral Self.
Unfortunately, by the time the child has learned to close that gateway, the damage is done.
What can a parent do?

A parent can go back into his or her own childhood, find the cause of their own negative
core beliefs and heal them. Then the parent does not have to “act” happy and loving.

Then, the parent can “be” happy and loving. We cannot give what we do not have. If we
do not have money for our self, then how can we give it away? If we do not have love for
our self, then how can we give it away? Our society has seen the power in money and
will do anything to get it. But how many of us have truly experienced the power of love,
love from our SELF to our self.

LOCATION: The location of our fourth chakra is in our heart.

PETALS: This chakra rules the first of the higher vibrations. There are twelve spokes or
petals. Twelve in numerology reduces to the number three. Three is the number which
represents the relationship between Wisdom, Power and Love. It is this balance that is a
primary focus of the Heart Chakra. Wisdom without Love and Power would be cruel and
weak. Power without Wisdom and Love would be dangerous and selfish, and Love
without Power and Wisdom would be victimized and foolish. In our hearts we must learn
how to find and join all three of these virtues.

NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for this chakra is F# and the mantra is “Yam” or “a”
as in ah. Chanting theses mantras in the key of F# while focusing our attention on this
area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the Heart Chakra.

COLOR: The color for this chakra is green (and pink for the High Heart). Green is the
middle color on the light spectrum and represents healing, growth and health.

RULES: The Heart Chakra is the hub of our bodies, the center point where our internal
masculine and feminine and our human and divine energies meet. The fourth chakra rules
ALL of our intra- and inter-personal relationships. This chakra rules our perception of
love, our ability to give and receive love from others, our highest essence, and ourselves.
Our High Heart rules Unconditional Love and the lower Heart rules human love. It also

governs compassion, healing, lungs, breath, and our sense of time, which is tied into the
rhythmic cycles of our breath and heart beat.

SENSE: The Heart Chakra rules our sense of touch. Touch is the first intimacy that we
know as infants and remains our most powerful unspoken means of communication
throughout our lives. Touch can be the most loving or the most fearful means of
communication. It is in our hearts that we learn about touch and how we, in turn, wish to
touch others.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Libra is the sign of relationships and Venus, the planet of
love, rules it. Libra teaches us to balance our attention and love between our self and
those that we love. Venus urges us to strive for contact, love, harmony and the
augmentation of self.

ELEMENT: Air is the element that is ruled by this chakra. The fourth chakra also rules
our lungs, which is how we bring air—oxygen—into our bodies. The relationship
between our lungs and our heart is vital. Without the fresh oxygen that our lungs drive
into our hearts, our red blood cells could not carry vital life-force throughout our bodies.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The fourth chakra rules our everyday, conscious lives. However,
even in the most scientific person, some fourth dimensional aspects of empathy and
intuition arise. The Heart Chakra rules our family and community consciousness, and it is
through our hearts that we strive for unity consciousness with all life and with Mother
Earth Herself.

Our “human love” can often be filled with negativity, fear, hatred and cruelty. However,
if we can function from our “High Heart”, our love is Unconditional and we are accepting
and free of judgment. It is the challenge of our hearts to connect with and receive the love
of our spiritual SELF so that we can heal the harm that others have done to us. Then,
from the heart space of healing and self-love, we can love others as well.

PERSONAL TIMELINE: This chakra represents the adolescent stage of life. In

adolescence, a child creates his or her own identity, and to do this, they often rebel
against those who have loved and guided them. They then must find the qualities of
Wisdom, Power and Love that they have received from their inner and outer realities to
develop the persona they wish to live.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: The time era best represented by the Heart Chakra is the
Renaissance. It was during the Renaissance that art and beauty was reborn after a long
and painful dark age. The concept of “nations” began to replace the reality of “empires,”
and worship was focused primarily on one God.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: The endocrine gland for this chakra is the Thymus Gland,
which is the core of our immune system and vital for our healing. Often it has been said,
“love heals”. Both the psychological and the physiological centers of healing are in the
Heart Chakra. The heart is known as the symbol of life. In metaphysical literature it is

said that the Atma, which is the Three-Fold Flame of Life, is activated at our birth and
extinguished at our death.

NERVE PLEXUS: The nerve plexus for this chakra is the cardiac plexus, which is the
neurological hub for the heart, lungs and the blood circulatory system. Without the
circulation of blood and oxygen, we cannot live in our third dimensional world.

CLEAR: When our Heart Chakra is clear and balanced we can experience love,
compassion, acceptance and fulfillment. Our heart and respiratory system are strong and
healthy, we have a good immune system, and we feel calm and joyful. We are able to
balance our masculine and feminine aspects as well as our human and our divine aspects.
Our relationship with our SELF and with others is happy, and we have found our service
to our family, our community, our nation and our planet.

UNCLEAR: When our Heart Chakra is unclear, we have an immune deficiency, lack of
joy, heart problems, and bitterness in life. We are insensitive, emotionally closed, passive
and sad. We have cardio-vascular or respiratory problems. We may suffer from
hypertension, a stroke, a heart attack or asthma. Our lives often feel unfulfilled and we
have not found our position in our family and in our community. Our relationships are
unloving because we are as unable to receive love, as we are to give it. We are often
critical, judgmental, uncompassionate and joyless.

EARTH CHAKRA: Earth’s Heart Chakra is Haleakala, Maui. One visit to the verdant
growth and aromatic breeze of Maui is enough to understand why it is Mother Earth’s

DIMENSIONS: The Heart Chakra rules the Beta wave consciousness of everyday third
dimensional life and the Alpha wave consciousness which is the bridge to the higher
dimensions. When our heart is open, we can live the beauty of every moment, smell
every rose, create a reality of love and harmony and combine our superconscious
guidance with our mundane life.

Metaphysically, the Heart Chakra rules the areas of the brain that are the higher cortex
and abstract thinking. These areas are best activated when we are “in the groove” of
handling our everyday reality and when we have taken the time and focus to access our
creative self.

SUMMARY: Our Heart Chakra determines our ability to expand our consciousness.
There is no degree of meditation that will access the higher dimensions if we cannot open
our hearts to love. Without love we could not travel beyond the Lower Astral Plane and
our consciousness would be limited to the separation and limitation represented by our
ego self.

Above all else, it is LOVE that allows us to climb the stairs to our observer self and allow
true objectivity in our lives. From a perspective of objectivity, we can be free of the
desires and passions of everyday life. Then we can be free to find our meaning as we

progress through the development of our consciousness from dependent—to
independent—to dependable.

When our Heart Chakra is opened, our sense of self is not limited to our ego. When we
have learned to balance our masculine/feminine and human/divine energies, we expand
our SELF from individual consciousness—to family consciousness—to a community
consciousness—to national consciousness—to planetary consciousness. Then we are
ONE with the Mother, Lady Gaia, and we can realize that whatever we do to another
member upon the body of Earth, we do to ourselves.

LOCATION: The location of the fifth chakra is in our throat.

PETALS: This chakra rules creativity and is the first chakra where we can become in
touch with higher beings. The Throat Chakra has sixteen petals. In numerology, a number
16 reduces to a 7. Seven is the number of analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness
and meditating.

The number 7 directs an inner focus that is vital for creativity to germinate and to
communicate our deepest, honest self with others and with higher beings. The challenge
of the number 7 lies in the difficulties brought on by discomfort with our inner feelings
which cannot be expressed. The number 7 urges us to go inside and join our thoughts and
emotions to find a creative expression.

NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for the fifth chakra is G# and the mantra is “ham” or
“u” as in blue.

COLOR: The color for this chakra is pale blue or a greenish blue.

RULES: The Throat Chakra rules speech, hearing, communication, self-expression,

grace and listening to the Higher Self. This chakra urges us to find our “self”,

communicate it through our creativity, and use the creative force of our higher emotions
to move our consciousness into the higher dimensions.

SENSE: The fifth chakra rules the sense of hearing. Just as we must learn to hear our
inner self, we must also learn to “hear” others.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Gemini, and its ruler Mercury, focuses on communication.

Many people with their Sun in Gemini enjoy performing and other means of creative
communication. Geminis are also very analytical. Their dual nature makes them very
gregarious and, at the same time, quite reclusive.

ELEMENT: The ether is the element of this chakra. The fifth chakra is the first chakra
that is ruled by our higher senses, which calls for the force of this chakra to focus on the
members of the Angelic Realm.

CONSCIOUSNESS: The fifth chakra directs our attention towards the higher third and
fourth dimensions. It is still ruled largely by our conscious mind, but has access to the
collective consciousness. When this chakra is balanced, our individual consciousness has
progressed beyond personal and group consciousness to “national consciousness”.

PERSONAL TIMELINE: This chakra represents the stage of life of adulthood. At this
stage, a sense of self is established enough so that we are fully responsible and can build
long-term relationships. If we can use the power of this chakra, we can learn to go inside
of ourselves to determine the source of our emotions. Then we can effectively
communicate our personal experience to another. It is the ability to go inside to connect
with our inner guidance before we communicate with another that creates true intimacy
because it is based on our deepest inner truth.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: The time era best represented by the Throat Chakra is the New
Age—our present time. In this era it is our challenge to shift from national focus to
planetary focus. This collective consciousness urges the individuals in “national
consciousness” to expand their consciousness.

In order to face the challenges that lay ahead of us, like pollution and the ability to end
life as we know it with a nuclear war, it is time we realize that all of us are in this world
together. We are presently faced with many challenges that we could never even conceive
of in the past. We must all go inside and call upon our highest guidance so that we can
honestly, effectively and creatively express our solutions.

Worship through this chakra has expanded beyond the one male God with human
characteristics of anger and revenge, who safely lives far away in heaven to a concept of
God that encompass both the masculine and feminine polarities as well as all of creation:
God/Goddess/All That Is.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: The endocrine gland for this chakra is the thyroid gland. The
thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland which wraps around the front part of the windpipe just

below the Adam’s apple. It produces hormones which influence essentially every organ,
every tissue and every cell in the body. Thyroid hormones regulate the body’s
metabolism and organ function, affecting heart rate, cholesterol level, body weight,
energy level, muscle strength, skin condition, menstrual regularity, memory and many
other conditions. In other words, our thyroid communicates with our entire body and has
much to do with regulating our overall health and well-being.

NERVE PLEXUS: The nerve plexus for this chakra is the laryngeal plexus. This plexus
controls our throat, shoulders, arms and voice.

CLEAR: When this chakra is clear we have good communication, expression, creativity,
inspiration, and positive interactions with others. Our metabolism is healthy, our
cholesterol levels are good, we have vital energy and we feel strong physically and
psychologically. We are inspired to express our higher self and have a life enriched by
creative expression and entertainment. Our relationships are based on truthful
communication and true intimacy.

UNCLEAR: When our fifth chakra is unclear we often have hearing problems, throat
and/or voice problems, coughing, stuttering, poor metabolism, thyroid gland problems
and the flu. We feel unfulfilled creatively and may be bored and boring. We may have
problems speaking too loud or fear of speaking out. Our relationships may suffer from
poor communication and a lack of intimacy. We feel uninspired and disconnected from
our spiritual guidance.

EARTH CHAKRA: Mother Earth’s fifth chakra is in Mt. Shasta, California. Mt. Shasta
has long been known as a spiritual vortex and many retreats and seminars have been held
there. Metaphysically, the ancient Lemurians are said to have been living in the fourth
dimension of the area underneath Mt. Shasta. Mt. Shasta is the highest mountain in the
United States and is a pinnacle of inspiration.

DIMENSIONS: The Throat Chakra rules the higher third and fourth dimension. Our
tortured emotions can pull us into the nightmare of the Lower Astral Plane. Therefore,
before any of us can begin our inner travels through the inner planes of reality; we must
clear a “tunnel” through our own dark side that lies in the Netherworld of the Lower
Astral. Once we have accomplished that, we have opened our consciousness to a
wondrous inner world that is as real, in fact more real, than the world of illusions that is
our physical reality.

SUMMARY: The Throat Chakra is the first step towards acknowledging that we are all
Gods and Goddesses in training. Like a small seed dropping from a flower, we come to
the third dimension to learn to grow into our own flower. We find many hardships, as
often the soil is dry and unfertile. However, it is through facing our inner and outer
conflicts that we grow into our higher creative self.

Our personal creativity is not limited to what is socially identified as an art form. Every
area of our life demands communication of our creative force. How difficult is it to find a

way to lovingly guide a small child or deal with a dogmatic employer? Many people may
say, “I am not creative.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Our Throat Chakra
holds the force of creative expression that is our birthright. Everyone is creative. If we
have lost our connection to our creative SELF, it is one of the greatest losses we can

But of course, how can we lose our inner self? We cannot! The door to our inner self is
ALWAYS accessible. It is only our own unhealed pain and fear that shuts and locks the
door. If we cannot open that door, then our first action must be to find someone who can
help us to communicate with the SELF that waits within each and every one of us.


A circle surrounds the symbols for the first five chakras. This is not the case with the
sixth and seventh chakras because these two chakras represent the expansion of our
consciousness beyond the confining “circle” of our third dimensional self.

LOCATION: The location of the sixth chakra, also known as the Brow Chakra, is
between the eyes in the center of the forehead.

PETALS: There are ninety-six petals in this chakra. These turning petals accelerate into
a swirling vortex when the Third Eye is opened.

NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for this chakra is high A, and the mantra is “aum”,
“om”, or “mmm”. The mantra “om” is used by many traditions to achieve theta wave

COLOR: The color for the brow chakra is indigo. The children being born now are
called the “Indigo Children” because they are born with their Third Eye fully opened. It
will be our challenge to protect these children from our dangerous world until they are
old enough to become our leaders.

RULES: The sixth chakra rules our intuition and imagination and is associated with the
parts of our consciousness concerned with a spiritual view of life. This chakra is
sometimes known as the Home of Spirit, as it has the ability to inform us of the
motivation behind actions. Through the sixth chakra we can observe the outer theater of
life from an inner point of view. Inner vision is also ruled by this chakra. Through
meditation upon our brow chakra, we can gain great inspiration and the vision of our
purpose and destiny.

This brow chakra rules our sleeping dreams. There are three kinds of dreams:

1 Our unconscious dreams, which bring old issues up from our subconscious so that we
can gain a clearer understanding of how we really feel instead of how we “should”
feel. We can perceive these dreams as nightmares or as opportunities to be
conscious of our own darkness so that it can be healed and released.

2 Our conscious dreams, which are often dress rehearsals for what we are doing or trying
to do in our waking life. After having these dreams we may feel tired, as if we
have been working all night, and in a sense, we have been.

3 Our superconscious dreams, which allow us to have actual waking journeys through
the inner planes. It is important to write out these dreams and integrate them into
our everyday lives for they are actual, spiritual guidance.

Even if a dream is not remembered, it still releases psychic tension. Research has show
that people who have received adequate sleep, yet have been deprived of dreaming,
become disoriented and psychologically disturbed. It is even more beneficial if we learn
to remember our important dreams, because they give us important information about our
There are two effective ways to remember our dreams. One, we tell ourselves upon
falling asleep, “I will remember my dreams”. Two, before we open our eyes in the
morning, we tell ourselves what our dream was. This activity transfers the dreams from
our imagistic right brain to the language areas of our left brain. Then we can often
remember the dream long enough to write it down. Some dreams are not difficult to
remember and, in fact, haunt us until we process them until we fully understand their

SENSE: The last two chakras rule our higher senses. The sixth chakra rules our higher
sense of telepathy, empathy, ESP, and all the other abilities that are latent within the 85%
of our brain which we do not normally use.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: The holistic thought and realization of inner correlations of

Sagittarius/Jupiter, the divinely inspired thought, higher knowledge, and flashes of
intuition of Aquarius/Uranus, and the imagination, intuition, and access to inner truths
through devotion of Pisces/Neptune rule this chakra.

ELEMENT: The elements for the last two chakras are also metaphysical, or beyond the
physical. The sixth chakra rules spiritual vision and inner sound.

CONSCIOUSNESS: This chakra rules the expansion of our third dimensional

consciousness to encompass our conscious perception of the fourth dimension. This
conscious perception of the fourth dimension means that we remember our inner travels,
whether they are through sleep or meditation. It also means that we learn how to integrate
the inspiration, illumination and knowledge we have gained into our everyday physical


PERSONAL TIMELINE: The brow chakra represents the stage of life where we are
self-realized adults and have learned to live in harmony with our expanded SELF and
with others. Since we live in the third dimension, this does not mean that we never have
problems but rather that we don’t see them as “problems”. Instead, we experience life’s
difficulties as initiations through which we can grow and expand our consciousness. We
realize that our true self is a multidimensional being who has spun a hologram of its
essence into the lower dimensions to gather experiences. Our self-realized adult feels in
unity with All That Is and is aware of the responsibilities of that unity.

SOCIAL TIMELINE: The time era best represented by the brow chakra is the hopeful
near future. If we can survive the challenges of today and connect to the consciousness of
Earth, Lady Gaia, we shall experience the profound union of Planetary Civilization. At
this time, that possibility looks a bit grim, but we must remember that the darkest hour is
just before dawn.

We have been informed for many decades now that we are moving into a Golden Age
where we shall live in constant connection with our multidimensional self. There are
many of us who have that experience in this year of 2001, but there are many more who
do not. If we can consciously merge with God/Goddess/All That Is, and surrender to that
Oneness, we shall be free of the fear of this hologram and choose the reality where we
knowingly move onto fourth and fifth dimensional Earth.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: The endocrine gland for the sixth chakra is the pituitary gland.
This gland is discussed in depth in “Opening the Third Eye.”

NERVE PLEXUS: The nerve plexus for this chakra is the carotid plexus, which rules
the nerves of face, sinuses, vision and hearing.

CLEAR: When this chakra is clear there are enhanced intellectual and psychic abilities.
Our memory is good and our perceptions are accurate. Through our ability to consciously
travel into the higher dimensions of our inner reality, our ability to visualize is amplified,
our imagination is expanded and we are able to project our visions and imaginations into
our outer world. Our sinuses are clear and our hearing and vision is amplified by our
ability to use our innate inner senses to amplify the information gained by our five
physical senses.

UNCLEAR: When the sixth chakra is unclear we have difficult focusing in life, we can
have mental health problems, we may be detached and distant from others and we suffer
from intellectual stagnation. We may suffer headaches and fuzzy thinking as well as sinus
problems, headaches, and vision and hearing problems.

EARTH CHAKRA: It is fitting that the earth’s sixth chakra is located in the Himalayas,
Tibet, as this is an area that has always cherished consciousness expansion and travel into
the inner, higher planes of reality.

DIMENSIONS: The brow chakra rules the theta waves of our expanded awareness as
well as intellectual and psychic excellence. This chakra represents our conscious
exploration of the higher dimensions found within our SELF. Through meditation upon
the sixth chakra we can open our awareness to encompass the fourth dimension up to the
threshold of the fifth dimension.

SUMMARY: The sixth chakra represents the first step towards our journey Home. Once
this chakra is opened, our higher senses are activated and our perceptions of life expand.
We are no longer able to limit ourselves to the physical rules of separation from others
and from SELF. We will never again experience physical life in the same way because
we cannot limit ourselves to the “boxes” of mundane life.

Our journey has begun and Divine Discontent will overtake us if we try to turn away
from our greater life. Fortunately, the reward is that our creativity is greatly enhanced as
we tap into our inner storehouse of inspiration and illumination. We now seek within for
our answers, and we use outer resources for validation rather than as our only source of
information. The door to the fifth dimension stands ajar and we are tempted to enter.

Mundane life calls to us to continue as we did before, but we CANNOT. We are different
and this difference must be expressed in our outer world in order for us to find peace. We
search, inside and out, to find a life that fits this new resonance we have found within.
Jobs change, friends change and relationships change. Eventually, we find new jobs,
friends and relationships that can accept and appreciate our greater self, and happily,
there are those who remain our true companions. With our expanded resources we find
others to help us as we, in turn, help others.

We have stepped upon our Path to Soul and we are going Home—Home inside our SELF.

LOCATION: The location of the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is at
the crown of the head, the location of our “soft spot” as an infant.

PETALS: The crown chakra is known as the Thousand Petal Lotus. When it is clear and
open, it is our own personal Stargate, or vortex, into the higher dimensions.

NOTES AND MANTRA: The musical note for this chakra is B and the Mantra is “aum”
or “ee” as in bee.

COLOR: The color for the seventh chakra is violet. Red, which is the lowest color on
our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just above infrared light, rules the root chakra.
Conversely, violet, the highest color on our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just
below ultra-violet light, rules the crown chakra.

RULES: The crown chakra rules the cerebrum, top of head, entire brain, and nervous
system. It is also said to rule the right eye. In Egyptian mythology, the opened Third Eye
is called the Eye of Horus. The physical left eye rules the Moon and the feminine,
manifest physical world, and the right eye rules the masculine, unmanifest spiritual world.
Therefore, the Right Eye of Horus brings the Spirit down into matter and then feeds that
Spirit into the Left Eye of Horus. In this manner, the Third Eye remains open, grounded
in the physical world, and fully perceptive.

The more we “download” our higher dimensional powers into our physical body, the

more it is essential that we are centered and grounded. If we plug in a small fan we do not
need a third prong. However, if we are plugging in a powerful air conditioner we must
have that third, grounding, prong or we can burn out the electrical system of our house. It
is the same with our Soul’s house—our physical earth vessels—we must remain
grounded or we can burn out the electrical system (the nervous system) of our physical

The crown chakra rules, not only our brain’s control of our entire nervous system, but
also our Higher Self’s control of our entire physical incarnation. Once our crown chakra
is open, we can become aware of our true “brain” (control mechanism) that exists beyond
the limitations of the third and fourth dimensions. Our ability to perceive our physical life
from that higher perspective allows us to gain access to our multidimensional
consciousness. While in that multidimensional state, we have the ability to see the myriad
forms of our existence in the many different planes and realities.

The crown chakra governs Cosmic Consciousness that is our connection to spiritual
wisdom, aspirations, and knowledge of the Truth. From this perspective, we see ourselves
as a spark of consciousness creating all and, paradoxically, “Being” ALL. From our
Cosmic Consciousness, we are the dreamer dreaming a dream and realizing that all that is
perceived is an extension of our SELF.

Just as the root chakra represents our connection to Divine Mother or Mother Earth, the
crown chakra represents our relations with our Divine Father or Father Sky. Father Sky
and Mother Earth join together, Spirit into Matter, to create their Child of Love—
consciousness in a physical form. Mother Earth in our first chakra grounds our power and
sends it up from the earth to join Father Sky in our seventh chakra. This rising Kundalini
connects us with the energy that comes from the higher dimensions while it gives us the
power, and responsibility, to, in turn, ground that energy in the physical plane.

Our relationship with our mothers is associated with our first chakra. If our bonding with
our mother was not sufficient for our needs, we often feel cut off from our roots, and
from our very physical life, and our attitudes toward home, security, and money are
negatively influenced. Conversely, our relationship with our human fathers is associated
with our seventh chakra. Since the crown chakra represents our unity with all life, we feel
a sense of isolation from “God” and humanity if our bonding with our father is

SENSE: Our multidimensional and extrasensory senses are ruled by the seventh chakra.
Once this chakra is opened, our sense of empathy and unity expands. When we raise our
consciousness, we experience another person, place or object as if we are inside of them
or as if we are “being” them. It is important, then, that we remember that with this power
comes responsibility. We should activate these senses only to provide help or healing—
NEVER for mere curiosity or with any malicious intent.

Compassion is the main sense that develops as our crown chakra opens. We have two
kinds of compassion: Crown Compassion, which is more about perception and

communication, and Heart Compassion, which is more about emotions and empathy.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: The signs of Capricorn and Pisces rule this chakra;
Capricorn rules inner viewing, concentration and the essential perception of matter by
Divine Light, and Pisces rules dissolution of limits, devotion, and Oneness with ALL

ELEMENT: The element of this chakra is the Cosmic Energy, which is often
experienced as an inner light emanating from the deepest part of our being. This Cosmic
Energy, which rules the higher kingdoms and stems from the Source, feels like an
ultimate intelligence and a sense of all knowing. When our crown chakra opens we can
also experience the complete isolation and blackness of the Great Void.

This Void, which resonates just below the fifth dimension, represents the raw potential
for all that can, or will be. The total darkness is representative of the center of a seed
before it opens into the light of manifestation. when we can perceive from our crown
chakra, we can identify both extremes of all polarities.

The opening of the crown chakra expands our perception into the fifth dimension where
there are NO polarities. Therefore, there are many paradoxes associated with this chakra
as it represents the “end of all paradox”. As we travel through the higher dimensions, it is
important that we release all judgments associated with the polarities of light and dark.
We must instead consult our own inner knowing and higher consciousness to navigate us
through our inner worlds. Eventually, we will all be aware of our fifth dimensional
selves; they know no judgment and hold no fear. For what is judgment, if not a form of

CONSCIOUSNESS: Since our crown chakra represents our multidimensional

consciousness, as we open this chakra our reality will no longer be limited to the third
and fourth dimension. When our brow chakra, the sixth chakra, opens we begin to travel
into the higher sub planes of the fourth dimension. With the opening of our seventh
chakra, and the subsequent activation of our Third Eye, our consciousness can now enter
the fifth dimension. It is then that the many realities around and within us gradually
become consciously apparent to us.

The process of our awakening begins with expanding the consciousness of our physical
selves and working to clear our etheric bodies. Then the astral, the mental, the causal and
the spiritual I AM consciousness can align themselves in preparation to ascend into the
fifth dimension. Until we reach the fifth dimension we can “work” towards
enlightenment, but from the fifth dimension on, we must simply “BE”. “Doing” is not
important then; consciousness alone is important. And finally, in the sixth and seventh
dimensions even consciousness is not important as there is only the “Isness”, the
“Nowness” and the “Hereness.”

To experience the worlds beyond the lower fifth dimension, we must release ALL desire,
even for “good” or “right,” for there is no polarity. Therefore, there is no good or bad,

right or wrong. To travel the higher dimensions, an empty mind is needed, a mind that is
not longing for anything, not waiting for anything, even Truth or enlightenment. This
“empty mind” just IS. It is without longing, without desire, and without wish. Then,
suddenly, you are there, and even the cosmos is gone.

PERSONAL TIME LINE: The crown chakra represents the stage in our life when we
are SELF-realized. We no longer need the polarities of male or female, human or divine.
We understand that this physical reality is but one small segment of our total SELF, and
we realize that we chose to incarnate during this space and time to fulfill our Mission, our
reason for embodiment.

Riches and adulation from others is no longer a driving force because we know that
completion of our mission may or may not be recognized on the physical plane. We also
know that when we stay attuned to our inner guidance, our ego’s needs and fears will be
balanced with love, and all will be revealed to us within the proper Time.

This detachment does not mean that we are disassociated from our human self. So long as
we wear a physical form, there is a portion of us that remains limited to the rules of the
third dimension and separated from our total SELF. However, when the crown chakra is
open and our Third Eye is functioning, we can view our reality from the perspective of
our Higher Self. Then we can give our often struggling human self the unconditional love,
acceptance and forgiveness that is ALWAYS needed and deserved.

In this stage of our life, we realize that the third dimension is a hologram of our own
illusions set forth so that we can learn and grow. We are aware that the third dimension is
now collapsing into the fourth and then the fifth dimension and we are active in the
facilitation of this process. In fact, it is likely that we are now in the fourth dimension.
How this changes our experience of “life” is for each of us to discover and, hopefully,
share with others.

As we each awaken, it is our responsibility to assist in awakening others in the manner

that our Soul directs. In this way, the planetary ascension can proceed. We are all One,
and every time we help another we help ourselves. Paradoxically, every time we help
ourselves, we help others.

SOCIAL TIME LINE: When enough of our Earth’s population opens their crown
chakra and activates their Third Eye, Earth’s collective consciousness will reach the fifth
dimension. We then will become a Galactic Civilization with full awareness of the life
forms on other dimensions, planets, and worlds. We will no longer need to wage war
against each other, as we will realize that we are the United Peoples of Earth. We are one
family, not only on our planet, but also in our solar system, our galaxy, and beyond.

From this state of consciousness, we no longer need to worship any beings that we
consider “higher” than us, because we understand that we, too, have a “higher” portion of
our own being that we can constantly, consciously access. Therefore instead of worship
we commune and communicate.

ENDOCRINE GLAND: The crown chakra is ruled by the pineal gland. The pineal
gland has photoreceptor cells which regulate the secretion of the hormone melatonin.
Melatonin regulates our circadian body rhythms, which are our rhythms of waking and
sleeping, or consciousness in our outside world and consciousness in our inside world.
The pineal gland is also the primary link between our Soul and our brain. It is, therefore,
our gateway to multidimensional awareness.

Science and metaphysics agree that the pineal gland functions as a regulator of light and
that it also plays a role in our reproductive cycle. Scientific research suggests that the
pineal gland may function in converting neural information about light conditions into
hormonal output.

In other words, when there is less light, the pineal gland produces more melatonin, and
when there is more light, it produces less melatonin. This keeps us awake and functioning
in the daylight and facilitates our sleep at night. The pineal gland also plays a significant
role in sexual maturation as there is an abundance of melatonin in young children, which
is believed to inhibit sexual development. The pineal gland shrinks as we enter our early
teens and puberty begins.

Metaphysics teaches us that the pineal gland transduces Cosmic Light down from our
fourth dimensional bodies into our physical vessel so that we can “download” it into our
third dimensional consciousness. The pineal gland rules our biorhythms of feeling
high/light and feeling low/dark.

Because we live in the “land of polarities, the crown chakra and its pineal gland is needed
to blend the darkness of the Great Void with the Cosmic Light in order to integrate the
entire spectrum of the constantly streaming, higher dimensions into our physical reality.
Once the pineal gland has “downloaded” this energy, our pituitary gland can instruct the
other endocrine glands to assist us in raising the vibrational patterns of our physical form.

NERVE PLEXUS: The crown chakra connects us to our Unity Consciousness.

Therefore, this chakra rules our brain and entire nervous system.

CLEAR: When this chakra is clear we can receive cosmic energy to initiate the
development of our Galactic Consciousness. In this state of consciousness we can
perceive the Cosmic Love and the All-Knowing of our fifth dimensional SELF. This re-
awakens our ability to perceive the patterns of cause and effect, as well, and the light
matrixes that create the illusions of our holographic physical reality. This skill, however,
is usually not remembered until we are able to release at least 51% of our programmed
core beliefs in limitation and separation. The Path to Illumination is paved with patience,
so we must be patient with ourselves regarding this issue.

Most of us have worn physical bodies thousands of times over millennia of time.
Fortunately, with an opened crown chakra we can again access a sense of well-being,
unity with all life, open mindedness and faith in ourselves and in our higher directives.

We then can gain enough peace of mind to listen to our Higher Self more and more
frequently. It is our own Higher Self that will assist us in re-programming our minds to
the daily acceptance and integration of our own divinity.

When we change our selves, our relationships with others change as well. When two
people with clear crown chakras mix their energies, a soft golden light fills their auras as
both people experience a deep sense of unity and communion. The three upper chakras of
both people join in the communion/communication as the transference of wisdom is
carried from third eye to third eye. This mutual communication is understood via the
throat chakras and their heart chakras. This mutual language of love communicates in an
empathic, telepathic manner.

UNCLEAR: Depression, a feeling of confinement, closed-mindedness, intense worry

and anxiety, cerebral tumors, cranial pressure, headaches and migraines, mental disorders,
scalp problems, and sleep disorders can result from an unclear seventh chakra. There can
also be a fear of religion or spirituality, frustration and unrealized power, little joy in life,
fearfulness of things that cannot be understood with the physical senses, and even

When someone’s crown chakra is blocked, a very unpleasant muddy, dark curry color
taints their crown chakra and their entire aura. When communicating with them, we may
experience a tingling and prickling sensation in our crown, and we may feel a warning
that psychic protection is needed. When two people communicate whose crown chakras
are unclear, many misconceptions and misunderstandings are common. Their exchange
may become adversarial with no evident means of understanding or effective

EARTH CHAKRA: The seventh chakra of earth is said to be Mt. Fuji in Japan. Just as
the crown chakra rules both the sense of isolation and unity, Japan was isolated for many
years while the society was unified within itself. Mt. Fuji, or Fujiyama (yama means
“mountain” in Japanese) has provided a spiritual basis for Japan since ancient times and
pious people endured hardships for days in their quests to climb this sacred mountain.
This mountain is a 12,380 foot high dormant volcano which is world-renown for its
symmetry and serenity.

Mt. Fuji, as does the crown chakra, welcomes each new season in a beautiful and
dramatic way. In spring, cherry blossoms burst into bloom at the foot of the mountain,
followed by the flowering vermilion azaleas, which announce the coming of summer, and
by July, the Alpine Roses start to bloom. By late August, summer is over and the Fire
Festivals of Fujiyoshida celebrate the coming of winter and the end of all treks to Mt.
Fuji’s peak.

DIMENSION: All Dimensions are ruled by this chakra, as it represents our full
multidimensional consciousness.

SUMMARY: Just as many have climbed our personal Fujiyama to reach the peak, the

opening of the crown chakra represents the culmination of Kundalini’s journey from our
Root to the thousand-petal lotus in our Crown. This journey represents the completion of
one world and the commencement of a new one. That world, of course, was always there,
but we have forgotten it. We forgot where we came from, and we forgot the great glory
and complexity of our true SELF.

The opening of the crown chakra represents the termination of our ability to live as a
victim to the illusions of our physical life. Yes, we are still human. We still live within
our corporeal body and are, therefore, subject to fall into the dramas of our separate,
limited self. However, we are no longer live in it.

We have kissed the ONE and we are left with our Divine Discontent fully activated. This
“discontent” is like a homing beam that pulls us in the direction of our core energy
frequencies. Now our Homes in the stars, in other galaxies, and in other dimensions, call
us continuously and implore us to return. That is, to return and yet stay; return Home in
our awareness and in our consciousness, yet stay in the third dimension where we are
actively living our Mission.

Now that we remember who we are, we are beginning to remember why we came here.
There is one Mission that we all have in common, that is the mission to ground the
vibrations of our Homes in the higher dimensions into our daily lives. Each dimension
has a different resonant frequency. Resonant frequency is the base line frequency or
center frequency.

Within each dimension or personal consciousness there is a resonant or primary

frequency, or vibratory rate. This frequency is higher on days when we are filled with
love and lower on days when we are filled with fear. In other words, our third
dimensional self will fluctuate in frequency from “survival” to “peak experience”.

Our personal resonant frequency, or frequency signature, is often determined and/or

measured by our brainwaves. (Brainwaves are covered in length in the Physical Body
Door of the Conscious Section under “States of Consciousness.”) Opening the crown
chakra allows us to access our Delta waves while we are still somewhat aware of our
physical body. These brainwaves are the “homing beam” that allows us to access our
SELVES existing on other stars, galaxies and dimensions.

Once we access these portions of our total SELF, we can develop a relationship with
them. These higher SELVES permit us to see our world from their perspective. To
perceive the separation and limitation of the physical world from a portion of our SELF
that lives beyond just illusion is the beginning of our Galactic Consciousness.

As we communicate more with these higher dimensional portions of our SELF, the veil
between the words begins to thin, and our perspective of all life is raised above the third
dimension. That is how we become aware of the causes of our problems that have
stemmed not from this life’s childhood but from other third and fourth dimensional lives
(often known as “past lives”), as well as other parallel realities. Fortunately, by this time

we can also access our SELF to assist us in understanding and integrating this
multidimensional information.

Our connection to our greater SELF, our Soul, gives us the support and courage to
consciously remember the root life in which we first experienced the fear that has echoes
through many other lifetimes. This “first time” that we had an extreme negative
experience often creates an engram, which is like scar tissue in our Soul.

This engram programs our Soul to recreate that experience over and over until it is
resolved. Once we have journeyed in our consciousness into the realities in which these
patterns first began, we can call upon our Higher Self to balance that pain and fear with
Unconditional Love. Our Soul has recreated these situations in life after life so that we
can gain mastery over these emotions and situations.

Once love has balanced fear, our resonate frequency can rise through out ALL our lives
in all dimensions, times, and locations. We receive our connection to this Unconditional
Love, on a daily basis, once our High Heart is opened. Our physical heart resonates to the
color green. This portion of our heart chakra rules our human love. Human love can be
courageous and selfless, or fearful and selfish. On the other hand, our High Heart
resonates to unconditional love and compassion. Our High Heart is located just above and
in front of our physical heart in our fourth dimensional etheric body. Our High Heart
resonates to the color pink.

Unconditional love is based on compassion. With this compassion, we can

unconditionally love, unconditionally accept and unconditionally forgive all life. All of
us, no matter how spiritual or self-realized, have difficult times in our physical lives. It is
in these times that we are challenged to accept the unconditional love and compassion of
our Higher Selves into our physical awareness so that we may receive its love and
comfort. We have been trained that it is divine to suffer. Now we must rewrite that
limitation to the truth, which is that we no longer need to suffer because we ARE divine.

It is our open crown chakra that initiates this process of “releasing suffering.” The crown
chakra is the center of paradox—light and dark, known and unknown. The great love of
the Cosmic Light brings us Unconditional Love and the great darkness of the unknown
can bring Enormous Fear. From standing in the absolute center between light and dark,
known and unknown, in the center of the open thousand-petal lotus, we can see that they
all are merely different extremes in the illusion of physical life.

From the perspective of our opened crown chakra, we are in constant contact with the
assistance and understanding of our fifth dimensional selves. Therefore, they can give us
understanding, love and compassion to assist us when we become fearful or confused.
With their assistance we are able to see the big picture that allows us to remember that we
chose to enter our physical life to fulfill a Mission. We will still feel the emotions of fear,
anger and sorrow because we are wearing our earth vessel. However, even if no one in
our physical reality can help, we can ALWAYS receive what we need to complete our
initiation from our own inner guidance.

Multidimensional healing is the process of finding the original cause of all our “life
issues”. We have been reliving these issues over and over, in this life and in other lives.
These core beliefs in separation and limitation have keep us asleep and battling the
worlds around us as well as within in. When we can heal these issues at the core, that is
the first life in which they were experienced, we can change many of our realities at the
same time.

Once the first experience is healed, then the patterns that have resonated through out
many other lives can easily been seen. When we can consciously perceive the patterns of
our behavior, then we can begin to “catch our selves in the act” so that we can change.
However, even though these patterns will diminish, they will not completely leave
because it is these issues that are tied to our Mission. The issues that we have worked on
life after life are the core of our service to others, to the planet and to our Higher Self.

It is through healing ourselves that we can learn to heal others. Once we have faced our
Dark Side, our fear greatly diminishes. After all, is it not the “enemy within” that causes
the greatest threat? This release from fear gives us greater courage to continue our own
personal healing and to assist in the healing of others and our planet. We all chose to
come here from the higher dimensions to assist in this great time of transformation. Just
as we have had lives where we “fell into the darkness”, we have also had lives in which
we were Spiritual Initiations. Upon the completion of these spiritual lives we consciously
returned Home to a higher dimension.

Through connection, communication, and deep understanding of these “Initiate lives” we

can access and remember the innate power that we were born with. These powerful lives
will also introduce us to our higher-dimensional, intergalactic selves. Every time that we
interact with these higher portions of ourselves we download a bit of their frequency rate.
For example, if we have a bowl of ice (our densest physical self) and we subject it to
steam (our highest, formless self), the ice will turn to water, which is the pure essence of
both the ice and the steam and the midpoint between the two.

In other words, the two polarities working against each other will move us into the center
point, the fulcrum point, and the point of balance. This center point is the point of power
because it is the point from which we can see both sides. Being able to see both sides,
both extremes, allows the detachment that creates compassion. Compassion opens us up
to our higher worlds because it frees us from the dramas of our physical self. Compassion
lifts us out of the third dimensional matrix and into our multidimensional perspective.
Then we can view the third and fourth dimensional polarities around us without getting
stuck in them. We are then “in the world, but not of it”.

From this center point, we are free to experience the worlds below us (the ice) and the
worlds above us (the steam) while we remain in the center (the water). The center point is
the flow, the point of surrender—surrender to our Soul. This is the place without
emotional charge, negative or positive, that loosens us from the constraints of our old
beliefs in separation and limitation. From this place we can fall into the flow, surrender to

the NOW, unite with the Oneness, and allow our Soul to become the Captain of our Earth

The more individuals who are able to hold this center point, the more we all will
experience the paradigm shift out of materialism into spirituality, out of limitation and
separation, and into the Oness, Hereness, and Nowness of our true nature. Each time any
one of us communes with our Higher Self and downloads our higher dimensional
resonance into our physical bodies, we contribute not only to our personal ascension but
to the planetary ascension as well.

TOGETHER we will each discover our own personal puzzle piece, and then connect it
to the whole. Then, as a planet, and as a species, we can create Heaven on Earth.


click The Journey:


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