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备战 2023 高考英语语法填空专项分类训练

语法填空名校模拟真题综合强化 13
(2022·黑龙江·佳木斯一中三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内
Luosifen(螺 蛳粉 ) became the most popular Chinese New Year’s snack this year on Tmall
and Taobao, as Chinese people prepare for ___1___ stay-at-home holiday due to the COVID-19
On the traditional Laba Festival, which ___2___ (fall) on January 20 this year, Tmall and
Taobao started a one-month-long “2021 Online Chinese New Year’s Goods Festival”
____3____(help) people across the country easily buy some seasonal specials.
____4____(tradition), dried fruits, sweets, and pastries are must-buy “three-piece set” snacks
for the Chinese New Year. ___5___ this year, Luosifen took their place. According to Tmall and
Taobao, on the first day of the online festival ____6____ sold Luosifen 15 times more than last
year, with the number of buyers ___7___(grow) nine times year on year. The ____8____(large)
group of buyers was the post-90s.
Self-heating hot pots were only second to Luosifen on the most popular goods list by Tmall
and Taobao. On Wednesday, nearly 200,000 buyers placed orders ____9____these pots, compared
to less than 20,000 last year.
People celebrate the Spring Festival by buying New Year’s goods, getting together and
sending greetings, _____10_____ may raise the risk of spreading the coronavirus. So the online
Chinese New Year’s Goods Festival helps people spend a happy Spring Festival at home.

(2022·河北沧州·模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词
The Jiaohe Ancient City Ruins, ___11___ (locate)10 kilometers west of Turpan, Xinjiang
Uygur autonomous region is the largest, oldest and best-preserved earthen architectural site in the
world, ___12___ holds great political, cultural, historical and artistic value.
Guri Bakri, a 39-year-old conservator of the Jiaohe Ruins, starts her daily inspection at the
site as usual, ensuring the safety of tourists and ___13___ (make) photographic records along the
way. She is the third generation of Guri’s family who have been working as local cultural
conservators, ___14___ (constant) guarding this historic site since her grandfather ___15___
(become) the only conservator in Jiaohe in 1961.
After graduating in 2013, Guri returned to her hometown and became one of her father’s
___16___ (colleague). Talking about Jiaohe, Guri said that she would always remember June 22,
2014, when the Jiaohe Ancient City Ruins ___17___ (name) the World Heritage Site. She was
proud of her participation in the application ___18___ the title.
In recent years, the state cultural protection department has invested more than 100 million

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yuan ($ 14.8m) in the ___19___ (protect) of Jiaohe Ancient City Ruins. This year, Jiaohe Ancient
City Ruins will take the fifth round of structural reinforcement ( 加 固 ). ____20____ team of
conservators has also expanded to 12. This old city of more than 2,000 years is gaining new

(2022·福建泉州·一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正
Running for more than 20,000 kilometers, the Great Wall is a historical landmark of
unparalleled glory, but climbing ____21____ is hard work. Not everyone has the strength or
____22____ (determine)to climb its tall steps and steep slopes (斜坡), while only a handful may
have the special skills to ____23____ (physical) participate in the restoration of this UNESCO
World Heritage Site.
However, a recently ____24____(launch) WeChat miniprogram is allowing every history
enthusiast to be a hero in a virtual world, ____25____ one not just climbs the Great Wall, but also
protects it. Great Wall E-tour, co-produced by the China Foundation for Cultural Heritage
Conservation and internet giant Tencent, among others, ____26____ (go) online on June 11 to
mark the annual ____27____ (nation) Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. Offering an almost
simulated ( 模 拟 的 ) experience of climbing the Wall and helping in preservation work, the
program has created a lot of enthusiastic ____28____ (response) in recent weeks and won a large
fan base.
Thanks ____29____cutting-edge digital technology, the virtual model is “detailed to
millimeters”. Around 50,000 high-definition pictures have been used ____30____(offer) users the
remarkable experience.

(2022·江西·南昌市八一中学三模)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3
Your career is a very important part of who you are. The career you have ____31____(define)
your life, so taking time to think about it is ____32____ essential exercise.
The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before
you make any choice about your ____33____(far) education. Some young people
know____34____ they want to do, but many others just have a few ideas ____35____(wander)
around in their heads. One way to get some insight on a career path is to complete a “career
aptitude test”, ____36____ results will tell you about your ____37____(strong) and interests,
suggesting careers that you may be suited to. Having this information will provide you
____38____ a better chance of finding a job you like. There are many free tests online, if you
don’t want to look back in years ____39____ (come) with regret, give one a try.
In conclusion, career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool. However, it is important to
remember that they _____40_____(mean) for guidance. The secret to a good career is finding

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something you are passionate about.

(2022·广西·柳州市铁二中学模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或
China is ready ___41___ (work) with all countries and regions ___42___ are committed to
the peaceful use of outer space to carry out more international cooperation and exchanges, Foreign
Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday at a ___43___ (day) news briefing.     
Wang said foreign astronauts ___44___ (welcome) to visit China’s space station and work
with Chinese astronauts to___45___  (joint) explore the mysteries of the universe and build a
community with a ___46___ (share) future for mankind.
China's achievements and openness in outer space explorations have been welcomed
worldwide and have produced win-win results.
China ___47___ (conduct) human body medical research in a micro-gravitational
environment with France during the Shenzhou XI manned spaceflight mission, and carried out
joint CAVES training and maritime rescue drills with the European Astronaut Centre.
China has completed the selection of the ___48___ (one) group of international space science
experiments to be conducted on Tianhe, and carried out technological cooperation and exchanges
___49___ Germany, Italy and Russia on space science experiments and the ___50___ (develop) of
space station sections.

(2022·湖北·恩施市第一中学模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或
A freight (货运) train loaded with 50 containers of machinery and equipment left southwest
China' s Chongqing Municipality Sunday for the capital of Ukraine, marking the launch of
Chongqing's new freight train route.
The freight train ____51____ (schedule) to pass through the border port of Erenhot in north
China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and will reach ____52____ (it) destination in mid-
Previously, exports from Chongqing to Ukraine had to go through Belarus or Poland rather
than heading ____53____ (direct) for Ukraine. The new route is the city's first direct international
freight train route to Kyiv. It is expected to further facilitate trade ____54____ Europe and the
western regions of China.
Chongqing is ____55____ primary hub (中枢) for China Europe freight trains. The Yuxinou
(Chongqing-Xinjiang- Europe) railway, ____56____ was the first China-Europe freight train
route, saw 1,359 trips in the first half of 2021, up over 50 percent year on year. Since the railway
was put into ____57____ (operate) in 2011, Yuxinou has launched more than 30 routes, with over
40 cities across 26 countries ____58____ (connect), and the routes have recorded over 8,000
freight train trips.

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Axel Mattern, CEO of Hafen Hamburg Marketing, said China was Germany's largest trade
partner for the ____59____ (six) continuous year in 2021 and became the largest trade partner for
the European Union for the first time in 2020, ______60______ (replace) the United States.

(2021·陕西咸阳·模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词
Science and Technology Change Our Life
In the past decades, with the rapid development of science and technology, our daily life
____61____(change) a lot. New technological inventions begin to play ____62____ essential role,
for example, the robot can help us clean up and finish much housework. As a result, we can spare
more time to be dedicated to our job, and we are able to be ____63____(full) exposed to our
Two Lithuania (立陶宛的)designers are to design a special fiber. They declared that clothes
____64____( make) of it can be used to transform the temperature of the human body
____65____ electrical energy, which can drive  ____66____(electricity) devices.
In spite of that, some ____67____(advantage) of technological inventions may appear. The
excessive use of high technology can also make our life passive, ____68____will make the
majority of us become lazier, and we are unwilling ____69____(explore) minds any longer. All in
all, the improvement of science and technology can smoothly increase the standards of people's
life. On the other hand, it may lead to the ____70____(lazy) of people's behavior and mind.

(2022·湖北·恩施市第一中学模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或
Chinese smartphone makers are focusing on foldable smartphones to wrap up the year of
fierce competition in the high- end market. Huawei Technologies Co unveiled ( 发 布 ) the P50
Pocket, its ____71____ (late) foldable handset, on Thursday. ____72____ (price) from 8,988 yuan
($1,411) in China, the model reflects Huawei’s intention ____73____ (sharpen) its technical and
foldable design capabilities, market insiders said.
Huawei is well on its way to maintain a solid presence. The P50 Pocket ____74____ (expect)
to go up against the Find N ____75____ Oppo unveiled last week. Smartphone brands such as
Xiaomi and Vivo are also rolling up their sleeves in the foldable market.
The number of devices equipped with HarmonyOS has been over 220 million units. The
Internet of things devices (物联网设备) from third-party ____76____ (company) that are powered
by the HarmonyOS Connect have exceeded 100 million units this year.
Huawei launched ____77____ (it) first foldable smartphone in 2019. Data from iResearch,
____78____ Market research firm, showed that Huawei accounted ____79____ 64 percent of
China’s foldable smartphone market this year. Foldable smartphones are turning _____80_____
(increasing) popular in China as they become more affordable while foldable display technologies

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continue to mature.
Pete Lau, chief product officer of Oppo, said earlier he believes foldable smartphones will
evolve (演变) from being novelties to necessities.

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