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Name: Lendie V.

Section: BS Biology (MCB) B5C56
Date: Nov. 8, 2022

1. Why are the lungs of frogs not as complicated in terms of structure as that of humans?
The lungs of frog are not as complicated compared to humans because humans
breathe through their lungs, however frogs use their lungs for only part of their
respiration. Frog lungs have thinner walls and are almost like balloons which they
often fill it to help them stay buoyant when swimming. Both species have bronchial
tubes leading to the lungs, but human systems are more complicated having many
branching bronchiole. Frogs do not have ribs nor a diaphragm, which in humans helps
serve in expand the chest and thereby decreasing the pressure in the lungs allowing
outside air to flow in. The lungs of frogs and humans have alveoli, tiny vessels that
make the actual gas exchange. But the alveoli in humans are more densely packed
because we breathe only through our lungs.

2. How do you distinguish the male from the female frog?

The male and female frog have plenty of differences and we can distinguish
the through different parts of their body system. In size, female frogs are larger than
male frogs—in order to accommodate the amphibian mating process called amplexus
where the male climbs on top of the female and she supports his weight as she
discharges eggs, and he spreads sperm on top of them. He is smaller so that his weight
does not crush her. Her body is larger also to provide ample storage and transport
room for the eggs. In reproductive organs, female frog produces the eggs internally,
and external fertilization by is made by male frogs, Female frog’s system is full of
ovaries and follicles and has large amount of coiled oviduct where the eggs move
down and mature which travels to a long tube where the oviduct shed through cloaca
and to the environment. Males has less organs on their system, they have small testes
where the sperm move down along the urogenital tract then to the cloaca and to the
environment. During breeding seasons, male frogs produce larger amount of sperm.

3. What are some of the behaviors of the frog that are considered as parental care?
Frog’s behaviors that are considered as parental care includes, Selection of site
where they lay their eggs in safe and moist land, very near to water. Frothing of
Water, which prevent the eggs from desiccation and escaping from the eyes of the
predators. Defending and guarding the territory where the eggs developing keeping
predators away. Formation of Nests where they build nests for deposition of eggs and
moving the eggs around or tadpoles around. Parental care in amphibians is evident as
it increased survivorship of the offspring.
4. How do you distinguish the testis from the spleen?
The spleen is much darker, it return to the folds of the mesentery, this dark red
spherical object serves as a holding area for blood whereas the testes is pale colored
and roundish and it is more associated with the fat bodies and closer to the paired


Harris, R. (2020, November 19). The differences in the respiratory systems of Frogs &
Humans. Pets on Retrieved October 31, 2022, from

Armstrong, A. M. (2020, November 19). Differences between a male & female frog. Pets on Retrieved October 31, 2022, from

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