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2022-2023 学年上海市致远高级中学高一上学期 10 月评估英语试卷

考试时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分

I. Listening Comprehension (25’)

II. 动词时态填空 (2’*10=20’)

21. This time last year, the bridge _______( build).
22. To our surprise, this kind of shoes ________ (sell) well.
23. It _________(rain) for a week; when will it stop?.
24. Great changes _______ (take place) in my hometown in the past few years.
25. By the time Juan gets home, his father ________ (leave)for London.
26. This is the second time you ____________ ( ask) to give a lecture.
27.When Li Ming hurried home, he found that his mother______to hospital yet( not
28. Don’t delay! Jack ___________ (wait) for you anxiously at the moment.
29. At this time tomorrow the doctor ________________(operate) on a patient.
30. I am not used to __________(treat) like this.

III. Grammar (10’)

As I stepped off the airplane, my adventure (历险) in the UK began.
The first time I (31)________ (hear) I could go to this country on a study tour, I
knew I was qualified (合格的) enough. I’m outgoing and like to communicate with
others in English. Meanwhile, my independence makes (32)________ easy for me to
adapt to ( 适 应 ) new environments. In my daily life, I always take part in various
activities to improve my social skills, which I believe play an important role in
(33)________ (deal) with problems in a foreign country.
I really had a good time in the UK, as I thought I would. (34)________ impressed
me most was the English classes we took. The teachers always created an atmosphere
(气氛) (35)________ ________ we could voice our opinions freely. The activities in

class quipped me with a vast range of knowledge about the English language, as well
as the customs in the UK.
This country, which is famous (36)________ its beautiful scenery, attracts tourists
from all corners of the world every year. During the trip, we paid a visit to many
famous tourist destinations, such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London
Besides from these popular spots, we found ourselves walking among nature
every day, with the sun shining all the way (37)________ midnight, and
(38)________ variety of beautiful flowers blooming (开放) in green fields.
Not only was I able (39)________ (create) new friendships on this tour, but it also
highlighted (点亮) ordinary school life in China. Thanks to the 20 days I spent in the
UK, my (40)________ (speak) English improved, and I got a better understanding of
British culture.

IV. Vocabulary (10’)

A. digitally B. capable C. provides D. digital
E. including F. inside G. experiencing H. classical
I. masters J. keep K. composer

Most museums ask us to ___41___ our distance from the artworks, but Atelier
des Lumieres, a new digital art center in France, allows visitors to set foot ___42___
the world of art.
Since it opened in April, the art center has been called Paris’ new “studio(工作室)
of lights”. its 16,000-square-foot hall ___43___ the perfect spot for the art center’s
projection-based(基于投影的) exhibits.
The main exhibition, for example, begins with a view of Vienna, Austria. Visitors
experience one of the biggest names in the history of European art - Austrian painter
Gustav Klimt(1862-1968). the best part is the digital pictures that cover the display
area, ___44___ portraits(肖像画) of women and girls.
After ___45___ Klimt’s most popular work, Brid Stenson from the Guardian

wrote, “Rather than searching for a spot near a ... painting, I find myself wanting to
reach into the space in front of me and touch the gold leaf ... of The Kiss and The Tree
of Life as they are ___46___ cast(投射) around the room.”
Apart from the video images, background music also adds beauty to the
exhibition. The art center includes soundtracks from many ___47___, including
Polish pianist Frederic Chopin, and German ___48___ Ludwig van Beethoven.
The exhibition is a new way to bring ___49___ art into the 21 st century. “Used for
creative purposes, digital technology ... is ___50___ of creating links between eras(年
代 ), increasing emotions, and reaching the largest possible audience,” said Bruno
Monnier, president of Culture-spaces, an operator of museums and art centers in Paris.

V. Cloze (1’*15=15’)
From using a smiling emoji in messages to saying “cheese” when taking photos,
most people believe that a smile is a sign of happiness. ___51___ some scientists
don’t think so.
The ___52___ between smiles and happiness was recently studied by researchers
at Brighton and Sussex Medical School(BSMS) in the UK. Their ___53___ found that
smiling doesn’t necessarily show a person’s gladness. Instead, it usually ___54___ a
tool in social contact.
In the study, 44 people aged between 18 and 35 took part in a quiz. The ___55___
had to answer nine difficult questions, while their facial expressions were recorded by
computers. The participants were then asked to rate( 评 估 ) their own experiences
when answering the questions. They were given 12 different emotions to ___56___,
including “bored” and “interested”.
According to Science Daily, people always ___57___ the experiences that made
them smile with “engagement(参与)”, ___58___ “happiness” or “interested”.
We normally associate a smiling person with cheerfulness. ___59___, a smile is
more likely to be caused by a feeling of ___60___, reported Indian newspaper The
Asian Age.
In order to ___61___ explain these results, the researchers checked the ___62___

of the participants answering each question.
According to the journal News Medical, the participants didn’t show any signs of
smiling in their images when they were trying their best to find out the right answer.
However, when they were told whether their answer was ___63___ or not, they
smiled. And more ___64___, they smiled more often when their answers were
incorrect. It showed “their enjoyment of this game,” according to Science Daily.
“This ___65___ could be explained by self-ratings of engagement, rather than by
ratings of happiness or frustration,” body language expert Harry Witchel told Science
51.A. But B.So C.Then D.And
52.A. difference B.connection C.similarity
53.A. report D.article
54.A. use as B.consider as C.look upon as D.serve as
55.A. participants B.people C.researchers D.members
56.A. describe B.choose from C.write down D.think of
57.A. thought B.believed C.matched D.considered
58.A. as well as B.except C.along with D.rather than
59.A. However B.Therefore C.Actually D.Generally
60.A. happiness B.engagement C.gladness D.cheerfulness
61.A. more B.double C.further D.right
62.A. results B.papers C.boards D.images
63.A. correct B.interesting C.doubtful D.good
64.A. seemingly B.surprisingly C.exactly D.amusingly
65.A. smile B.answer C.behavior D.engagement

VI. Reading (2’*14=24’)

Making great memories in US neighborhoods
Sometimes, we remember our childhood neighborhood just as well, or even better
than, our childhood homes. For both children and adults, neighborhoods are a place to

play, learn, and make memories.
In the majority of US suburbs, almost everyone knows each other on the block.
Coming home together on the bus is usually just the beginning of neighboring
children spending time together. Whether it’s playing soccer or chasing each other
around on bikes, kids often take advantage of the daylight to get some fresh air
outside. When it’s hot, children can jump in a pool together. And when it’s cold, they
can have a snowball fight with one another.
Adults also take advantage of living in a community by befriending their
neighbors. It’s convenient for neighbors to become friends, considering that they live
so close together. Neighbors are often the ones to babysit or dog-sit for each other.
If someone holds a party, neighbors might lend some space for guests to park
their cars in. And if the postman or woman mixes up the mail, neighbors are are more
than happy to return it back to its rightful owner. Having kind and caring neighbors
can make a world of difference in how a person views their home. To some people, a
home may not be just the house they live in, but also the community they’re a part of.
Besides from helping each other out, neighbors often get together for block
parties. Block parties usually occur in the summer, when the weather is warm, and the
sun stays out late. Kids can play games, and adults bring delicious treats and socialize.
There are even some occasions( 场 合 ) when local firefighters will bring their fire
trucks to the party.
Neighborhoods, just like homes, come in all different shapes and sizes. Some
neighborhoods may contain over 100 people, while others may only have a few
people. But whatever the size, neighborhoods can be a powerful and memorable part
of our lives, filled with neighbors we’ll always remember.
66.What do children usually do with their neighbors, according to Paragraph 2?
A.Play together outside. B. Do volunteer work.
C. Walk dogs together. D. Study in groups.
67. How would the author probably describe the relationship between neighbors in
US suburbs?
A.Serious. B. Friendly. C. Troubled. D. Cold.

68.What can we learn about block parties?
A.They’re held regularly throughout the year.
B.They’re mainly held to welcome new neighbors.
C.Fire trucks are always brought to the parties.
D.They’re good places to socialize at.
69.The author wrote this article mainly to ______.
A.introduce the daily life of US children. communities in the US and China.
C.explain why neighborhoods can be important to Americans.
D.share the good memories of her childhood neighborhood.

Happiness of dolphins
For those of us who’ve ever been to a marine( 海洋的 ) park, the best part was
probably seeing the beautiful and friendly dolphins.
And the luckier people among us may have even had the chance to swim with
these amazing creatures.
At the same time, however, we can’t help but think that these animals would be
happier in the wild, rather than be forced to perform for humans in captivity(囚禁).
According to a recent study though, we needn’t think like that.
The study, which was published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science,
was led by scientist Isabella Clegg, who carried out her research at a dolphinarium(海
豚馆) in France.
As the first of its kind, the study’s aim was to look at captivity from the animals’
point of view, according to BBC News.
Over the course of three years, Clegg and her team put together a series of
experiments to figure out how captive dolphins felt about their lives.
“We wanted to find out what activities in captivity they like most,” she told BBC
There were three kinds of experiment: one in which the dolphins were left alone,

one in which toys were added to their pool, and one in which a human played with the
It was found that of the three types of experiment, the dolphins seemed to enjoy
playing with humans the most.
“Their leaping(跳跃) from the water during training, and their curious approaches
to the edge(边沿) of the pool appeared to be enthusiastic(热情的).” wrote BBC News
science correspondents Victoria Gill.
However, this doesn’t necessarily mean dolphins are happier in captivity than
they are in the wild.
According to wildlife and nature platform One Green Planet, being raised in
captivity could actually be harmful for dolphins.
“By being born into captivity, they will never learn the skills necessary to survive
in the wild. This means that any animal that is born in captivity can never be sent back
into the wild,” it wrote on its website.
But while this may be true, at least it seems that captive dolphins still enjoy
happy moments with humans.
70. What can we learn about the study on captive dolphins?
A.It was carried out in a dolphinarium in the UK.
B.It was the first study on captivity’s influence on animals.
C.It compared the behavior of captive dolphins and wild dolphins.
D.It studied the feelings of captive dolphins.
71. According to the study, the dolphins were happiest when they were playing
A. with toys. B. with humans.
C. by themselves. D. with other sea animals.
72. What problems might dolphins have if they are born in captivity?
A. They may not be able to survive in the wild.
B. They may be less healthy than wild dolphins.
C. They may live an unhappy and lonely life among humans.
D. They might be unwilling to return to the wild.

Impressed by high-tech trains
One of the great things about living in China is how convenient it is to travel to
different places, either within a city or across the whole country.
China is especially famous for its high-speed trains, which are among the most
advanced(先进的) in the world.
Being from the UK, I’d never been on a bullet train( 动 车 ) before I came to
China, as my country has no high-speed rail service.
And as a fan of technology, I was excited to take a high-seed train in China for
The first time I took a bullet train was when I traveled from Beijing to Yueyang in
Hunan province for Spring Festival.
After I passed through security(安检), I stepped onto the train, which looked like
something from the future.
On UK trains, there isn’t much room to move about in your seat. This is why I
was surprised by all the space that passengers on Chinese trains have, even in second
Once the journey began, it was strange to hear about five different movies being
played through people’s phones and computers.
In the UK, most people don’t even answer phone calls on a train, as they don’t
want to disturb(打扰) other passengers.
But at least I had a chance to practice my Chinese listening skills during that
trains ride to Yueyang, I supposed.
Back home, trains are famous for being late or even canceled. And if a train does
show up, it’s almost impossible to find a seat on it during rush hour.
Some stations don’t even have security, meaning you can just get on and off any
train you like, and buy your ticket once you’re on there.
In China, however, things are a lot more efficient(高效的).
And because everyone has their own seat, there’s no need to rush once your train

Indeed, once your journey begins, you can just sit back and enjoy the beautiful
views through the window.
I arrived in Yueyang safely and on time.
And as I left the station, I couldn’t help but think that this simple train journey
summed up the talent, intelligence, hard work and efficiency of Chinese people.
73. What was the author’s first impression of high-speed trains in China?
A. Tidy. B. Safe. C. Crowded. D. Advanced.
74. What made the author uncomfortable on his first high-speed train trip?
A. There was not enough space for him on the train.
B. passengers on the train made too much noise.
C. the service on the train was terrible.
D. the internet connection was very poor.
75. Compared with trains in the UK, high-speed trains in China ______.
A. are often late or canceled B. have fewer security measures
C. are more efficient and convenient D. are cheaper and more comfortable

A twenty-three-year-old Dutch student has enjoyed a short but unexpected
holiday in Dubai. Mr Frank Vreede, a business student, had taken a part-time job at
Schiphol Airport to help pay for his studies. He worked as a baggage handler and was
responsible for loading the suitcases into the hold of passenger planes.
Last Friday night, after an exhausting day in the university library preparing for
his final exams, Frank was loading a plane at the airport. He was waiting for the next
baggage truck to arrive and he felt tired. He decided to have a quick rest, so he sat
down in the hold of the plane and shut his eyes—just for a moment.
However, while he was sleeping, the plane took off. An hour later, Frank woke
up and was frightened to discover that the plane was in the air. There was a terrible
noise from the engines, and he tried not to be afraid. Frank knew the flight would be
long because it was an airline from the Middle East. He also knew he could not

survive the freezing temperature. It was an impossible situation.
He decided to make as much noise as possible. He banged on the ceiling of the
baggage hold and shouted at the top of his voice. Luckily, a passenger heard the noise
and told the pilot. Once the captain understood what was happening, he ordered hot
air to be pumped into the hold.
When the plane arrived at Dubai International Airport, doctors examined him but
he was unhurt. The managing director of one of Dubai’s top hotels offered him a free
room for the weekend.
Frank explained that he was very lucky because it is possible to die of cold in the
hold of an aircraft. He apologized to his boss for sleeping at work instead of working,
and promised it would not happen again. “During the flight I was petrified. I thought
I was going to die!” said Mr Vreede. “I wouldn’t want to do it again. Next time, I’ll
catch a regular flight!”
76. Which of the following statements is the explanation of “It was an impossible
situation” (in paragraph 3)?
A. The long flight might not end as scheduled.
B. It was too cold to survive in the hold of the plane.
C. Frank was too tired to let others know what happened.
D. The noise would keep Frank awake during the journey.
77. What happened to Frank when he arrived at Dubai?
A. He was found seriously hurt.
B. He was sent back home immediately.
C. He stayed in a hotel for the weekend.
D. He apologized to his manager for his mistake.
78. The word “petrified” (in paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to ______.
A. shocked B. bored C. worried D. terrified
79. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A. A Free Flight to Dubai
B. A Short but Pleasant Journey to Dubai
C. A Successful Flight

D. A Smart but Unlucky Baggage Handler

Section C (8’)
Direction:Read the passage and choose the right sentence for the missing parts, and
there are two more sentences than necessary.
A. Both explain why the country seems to be weathering(经受) the pandemic better
than its European peers
B. The countries all over the world are short of medical supplies.
C. This often wastes medical resources, which are even more critical and precious
during a global pandemic
D. But their attitudes toward being sick and hospital visits vary from country to
E. Germany has expanded restrictions on social interactions to try to control the
coronavirus outbreak, banning public gatherings of more than two people.
F. There is a strong financial incentive(动机) to conceal (to hide) symptoms.

Getting sick is an invariable( 永 恒 的 ) part of people lives.

________80__________. This difference hasn’t been more pronounced since the start
of the start of the novel coronavirus epidemic—when a great number of people are
falling ill at all the same time.
The conditions in the US are getting worse quickly, which is largely due to the
fact that there is no universal healthcare system. According to the 2019 US Census, 28
million people are not covered or do not have adequate health insurance, meaning that
they would probably avoid getting tested for the virus, for fear of the cost of being
“__________81___________So many people have no alternative but to try to
keep working and caring for children so as to keep life going, and by consequence,
they are spreading the virus simply because they have no other choice,” wrote reporter
James Hamblin on the Atlantic.
Germany, on the contrary, has one of the world’s best-developed and most

expensive public healthcare systems that covers every citizen. People in Germany—
who have “high levels of job security”, according to the Los Angeles Times—are also
more likely to follow the quarantine measures and stay at home without having to
worry about losing their jobs._______82_______.
“The conditions to deal with the virus in Germany are among the best in the
world,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Japan also has universal public healthcare, but it brings another kind of problem:
People tend to seek more medical care than necessary. According to Yusuke Tsugawa,
a physician at Harvard University, Japan has three times more outpatient visits than
the US, and patients also stay in hospital for three times longer than in the
“It isn’t good to do tests just to ease public anxiety,” Kentaro Iwata, an infectious
disease expert at Kobe University. Japan , told Reuters. “If they test every one with
light symptoms, the medical system will puncture(破损).”
Indeed, a country’s healthcare system is the key to keeping its people safe---it’s
also the key to whether a country can survive a crisis like the novel coronavirus

VII. Fill in the blank with the given phrases.(22)

A. make comments on B.stare at ignorant of bored with E.
bear repeating F. shortage of G. be confused with H.under pressure I.make
sure J.find fault with K. throughout your life

84.It’s bad manners to ___________ others in public.

85.Don’t _________________ me. I have spared no effort to complete the job.
86.He will _________________ what happened in our classroom yesterday if you
don’t tell him the truth.
87.Many citizens are likely to______________ the fast pace of modern life.
88.Please_________you turn off all the lights before leaving the office.
89.The sugar must___________ salt, so the soup is sweet.

90.His mother’s expectation of his son’s success put him _______.
91.These well-known stories _________.
92.You can’t avoid making mistakes ___________.
93.Sometimes my classmates like to___________ my clothes,which always annoys
94.In some large cities of our country, ___________ water remains a severe problem.

VIII. Translation (3+3+3+3 =12’)

98.新的学校就是一个新的社会,在那里你将遇到很多真诚的朋友和敬业的老师 。


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