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DUTIES OF AN INSPECTOR BS 4778 Ptl (EN 28402, ISO 8402) Quality Vocabulary — International Terms, defines inspection as “Activities such as measuring, examining, testing, gauging, one or more characteristics of a product or service and comparing these with specified requirements, to determine conformity”. ‘Documents available to an inspector could include, but not be limited to. a) Job Specification. b) Data Sheets for the paints/coatings. ©) Procedures 4) Quality Plans. e) Plant Drawings. 1) Site Plans. 2) BS’seg. 7079 PLA. hh) Waste Management, Duty of Care Document. i) Relevant Local Regulations. The job specification is the main tool of the inspector and should be observed at all times. It is not the inspector's responsibility to rewrite the specification and permission for any deviation should be given in writing and retained by the inspector. ‘An inspector should keep adequate and accurate records of all stages of the work being carried ‘out, materials used, ambient conditions ete. so that in the event of illness or any other situation requiring a replacement, the new inspector will be in full possession of all relevant information. Paint/Coatings Inspectors Daily Report Sheets need to be completed, and passed on to the engineer, containing all information requested, and a copy retained by the inspector. The format of Daily Report Sheets varies but in general will require the following information. 1 Details about the contract and contractor, including plant on site and number of personnel. 2 Ambient conditions applicable during the work period, to be monitored as near as possible to the task location, 3 For surface preparation activities the information required will include, method used, original substrate condition, abrasive type, degree of cleanliness achieved, profile achieved, identity of plant and times of starting and completion. 4 For materials, the information required will include manufacturer, product reference number, expiry date, batch number, colour, reference number of thinners, WFT and resulting DFT, time of application and identity of plant. In the case of labour only contracts it will be required to record quantity used. 5 The comment part is a space left for the inspector to report on any irregularities, non- conformance or deviation from specification. Painting Inspetion Grade 372. Rev 1 April 2008 TWI wompaaern Des ofan Tnspector 204 MATERALSJONNNG Copyright © 2003, TWILid CLM *eixotcce In addition to the daily reports it may also be a requirement to complete a weekly summary, detailing progress and any other information, such as repeated deviation from specification, for the engineer. Typical examples of situations to report would be, Substituting approved products with unapproved products. Substituting new materials with out of date materials. Using solvents other than those approved by the manufacturer. Not observing induction times when specified. Using untrained personnel. Re-using expendable abrasives. ‘Not observing recommended over coating times. Continuing with the next stage of operations without inspection of the substrate and approval. Painting/coating over areas of inadequate surface preparation, Working in conditions outside of specified requirements Painting Inspection Grade 3/2. Rev 1 April 2004 WORLD GHNTREFOR Dties af'an Inspector 202 -MATERLALE JORING Copyright © 2003, TWI Ltd ‘TECHNOLOGY W Transmission Department PAINTING INSPECTION FORM WALES GAS. NWY CYMRU Jobe Report No. Contractor: Date: | Location: Specification: No. of men: Start time: [Finish tim Weather a.m. p.m. Time ‘Ambient | Relative | Dewpoint | Steeltamp | Time | Ambient | Relative Dewpoint | Steel temp temp.°C_| humidity °C °C temp.°C_| humidity °C °c Surface preparation: Initial condition | Blast clean Abrasive: - Type: Profile Sa2, [Saz% [Sa3 Hand clean | Method St2 $3 Paint application: ‘Manufacturer's nam Coat No. | Nenufacturer’s description [Ref. No. | Colour | Wft Dit Quantity used-ltrs. ! Item coated Coat No. Ref. No. Batch No. | Tmeinterval | Wit | Total Dft Comments: Signature: _ ee Painting Inspection Grade 372. Rev 1 April 2004 “EWI worn cevmeron ties of an Inspector 203 MATERIALS JOINING Copyriaht ©2003. TWIL1 LLM rcivoi0c EXAMPLE PAINTING INSPECTION REPORT = m cere | (=e | (& Soar on Toca | |e im ad rar omen Connbxeron anu Sram Soe eet cena —— Sno war F [onswwcanos | __anmne | ica oe ee ee = : = == = = me [BS |e 3 me | is [Ba = crexer | rep | HUM | PONT | TEMP | work cen | tame | HUM | POINT | TEMP | work ‘wan San SORES TORT sa Bae aD Tone Painting Inspection Grade 3/2. Rev 1 April 2004 TWI wouncavmeror Copyright © 2003, TWILtd

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