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Hsbrzad Sto © Unbke anclftical school, Are ator tel school devennticka gre exelent) foodie fren lage rastibottons 4 tha: oncot, cornrnuniten s The Jagniel nda ts fo dal eth he aah ; Ah cn weeds dewedarnase FI paincfles grey, Site We? and with Ahe dorky eden. arithropelagtk enquanine axe. disking Ron — lad approach “ho dee evelstion unde psn of lee pestical aeb-0ok nk deg Aslins: ana aided becomee Mae ge atoy, dan ele pout the Apelael saandee of ot iden 5 pn Hine olan hom Austria pos pobre my en cawnsTarwes aad fete sale. fre He greeter (ad ost UE_Iskeo coo fo ee ee a ee En Lye Aistry whe ace UR laget. cave beforante fran than pronto Ve! a boket defer and when At doffencd , bute An Aishrict Jurispriclince , v0. have As kmour © Aofpenurd pnk deat happensd, whet ee et . Fev exowfple, ty Hind, oncdaat mun Ma pedrsorthal wously and. Tonle olemodion, Rie pat pak 1g Kir fielek vf dagh islory » bak ity b s0ae Tip eciey ont dour Ma miftkshra opor comang. volied. . wrhow orornin ow net @ re 9 ee oe am eae Drath Selnel), Eom g ef pe ee ap ee cia 2 fon wl so how ot fied Fepean ations prom the de E fll. anal se. poner fra tie ff ee Ahssyies C Ucparticle 1p Aa aome hdy aul Pe bln tary) it EO cabynt p Hiod pridonce ed pharatur — Phase, 52d Rucklrysrrd— Vico C Laly), HantesqaenC From ont veawed law on & Legegpet best ond product of custom tvachioms Shas The prevelant Jon daffecentt Comms ‘ Aiolegiot ana erage A" thes fe jaw von “I stabs) sos canbe f cn a foe deep see IS ten tape neck em @ I Enoberote the continent (1-2. Goward, tho. woe am attempt h polale the Rom Le wilh the, byoblems existing 2 We period oil chook elaloen, ow eur of 18tr 2. Fende Revoluteon + Aye Frende hoy! He shut +f “Fmdiividual. Jpsedom galas in the: phabasephors , ro ware pheugit that froming unvtersal abpliication - smnushcor Contary, - Thinkers abating, waned tats A The Fence pew ‘me inglead a he onntemardi formed lta toclp} nln @ the Wistitical Sheol wes nel- a nea) Adhool, 4 ale 184, Canes phi got momento wees Bhove Couser, Aemetimes ao snfportioa and Aometare Os o hoaztien egainst a farticudar type of Atabinge bulk SA Henry Maine a nenermed jeaust of Fisbrdcot dchask copsilousk tan Tice Pst funsst_voho amt tthe fistovical meted - Montesquien( (694 FSS) rbsewed conte laws ane arrotion a eltynde Mthough he. did ook prode funthat. bub petnted out thst daar must keof free wie tha. chamging raadls of 0st” C1F6I— 1844) frormti owk hal Ma las) rh} Labils of th peopl ond. Joos taal. ond. derelps od burheol 6 He crtumsbnces The essence of law +4 VE nccoflona. Argubatton ond. ebsesanes by Aa membos fo the Sociol Bucke (1729-1797), who disk nol Like Mba promulgation of tha Consttilohaon affix. the French Hiveblatioy Revolchirs Load on ebstach nebeons of publice , preaches te lau! ia the produc 4. Dr Gemany, the Complact i le ani Ap Tibet rg91 (90) ond Sevigny (FH-MD Was Mi Course of the thesis of the Hecterital Sthook. Hibkaut 00 The Maen Ausfporlor of odufiation Me wns lnspineat by the French ode amdaditeated Ug Aa) shold be made enacterint and. a poould be bared one Ach rineips vkich wroaldol equine “4 modapustn andl. woulh be pupet amet. all compolonsisr, which Adalt he afpiabie fy all places and Firat, Sarigng, the salut dustical Atherl wes against codsfication at teak. time « He wor the View) * “Law Grows wit notion Ancrsars web it ond. dass l ith clissolattion orndia a Leruclant ot This Contrary. wads ripelred in (700 when. German Lard Draft war acceplls Fradnsch Kank Vom Sanigng ores bern AF Frankia: Ceaumong) cin FHA wae OA 16 6). Ferst he amrueck ao Prfesser am Ver’ Univer gitces hon appoint 40 Mintle op Toslice Ve Prustia + He hoe lin henearrp renmined alii rumbor tf the. berks amet cortinuad fis adichcg Al cis honth« Dr Hore desinibeot Soigry Od ably vrladiomaty prinshles 2 Adele ren yetem.- His Ineo: trohadinirel hanchon= On rr hae, it satibaeminapi fe ahuggle against preiyn dominatin bd-at the dame tien Onenaraged rset. and Gin in, Dhol and Germany whch evrrticnly ted. be disastrous Well Wars, Bor tum law 0 0 an. artepictal ee mntchomieel. olevica. He thoughts Mak the oAtgn Y. daw Lies vr the popular spiri | the ferple hick Ae Dime. as eg tris TPE fella: + pe) (2) Sakent Foatiues of Savigny's Thasry- ()) Law Develops Like lang. te Actondng. 0 fam, baw has a makinl thane, and cb deve Lops Hike danguage and binds people OMe el ‘ikale , because uf ther. Common. fait, bole ond denvielion . hedorcling 7 Goa aes ees as the ration Aoses i reTconabely,. 7 Namgnags,, Coplim, ond gor sment Aave 70 yee rise Yared fae OS "ds theory 1s Lemilod an one dente di Geno goby, Rin Ba ae gt snd. nambnd Ovkan. irilestio , tthe coup bk _ ond be Supe Ln wt be expined hy Ne Meer» we hove mang. aligns ey tm nara Hinds Can rns bap Bars 4 en is nok a. pungde or Homiled lomguases, mot oN ‘ ersily, = Wg pe tommeon fart ond conichion , olivensiby, vm ne Aen, Ww go oul Wee Apherso may, bate be (Auearpe, thasfove. Sovicnng's ue ery com nak han ou Legal Satin awd ttt (A) Shontaneous Develubmort a Law be Later Role of Ike Tunisls »— . peconbatg Fo Solty, An tea eai Alay Lous develohs portamesualy defending spor te ead 7 Ha commun, bud urhercthe Command, Peoathan to ov covbin LowLep velista, he differnt: Kinds of activities aga o Mean the cone op ally -for jel, linguist stir ncowntislé afc, - The lar-hants Hay a dual tobe bole Ay on a degen 4 geraal nian Hie — lice ple Ty ay a Aish seciline for Atody— which 4G) Atslingl ee digi alana: (3) Approach of Sevigny peeger olin Cadafitalon of German dau)! — Svlgny wros mak tated ages Aha Ceetifrtotion , puk no the Cenmomy “fy law wap prinaihie, , heeaneat ow aaved ctl 72 Atco pe Fn on hb a Germany wa ope L hy him. Since He Vollesgeise: thw _Cmrnen Consceusness Aod nok adaspastely Aualaped ok Ah Fimae, Krenpoye the codittokion weld Ame Aindanad fae evalstion ond greuith of law ~The Codehicohn wuld be ak Late Alege, when thee once Wren, te pe wo ee ST fe yerae op ‘el verbuoge, Dale gon 5 Mantle Oo legistitoss 1 - lal ory and Wervrvervoble Process te Froang from VOL esgeist C Peete spat oY Can Zion) Jack the, growth af leer! eae @) Contre bas growlk and Aheatfons Sb shwuts be Deserted whim the Legal Asplim has pully cleve doped and upabkshed » . &. Admission 4 Romen Law! wile. eurphari Ling. velkagiot! a, je ee oh Aaa te Considsnd Mee the Remar la’ inevitable Loot for dae dese lpr uy umifid Ayation 4 Aw Jr GEAMany! Prof Eilelhoran (of Bean univers) ak yt Kee cniltetseel Min om Fee fovek Tht How a droge low wold be a tue Vothagiott Chole will 4 Hee Ggtrenonr people ° ke bebarewn stun pile teaded Az. Sokgry Sots nowed Rowwmist Pree Gorynamist pupecbivaly) Could be Arselsec dey the Jyonale German Las Combinatim of German Thy and Eichhorn, (tre Dealt ae , which wer o& Las and Lorman Laws Now pow mukshelt we Mey Armin orsde the thomy of Sav ang Ud the law Aeo on Um conseveud odgomic. growl, Ub wy niellon frond roy ardifpctnly made a& ) @ The bows of Lau ig do be framd mn volhsgcat Which meant beoble’s consciowrags yank LensishS aL peadibion, cuslam Rabi pracites wid, dace es peal Laws rat wrmiventnl a wont ak EM Be age: “oe votes eat people Time at racks of the Commenscnttig (hy See lawn howd. aweye confi to foprlar- CenSCigusmess. |-2- vdksgizt, custom nat erly precedes . gisteteom bul 4 soporien te E- (5) The popobalar consciausress Prabregevted We _laipens yah one netlang, bak rmontinpicess_of Be Gusuisudnes TE fer Ais poavon that louwryrs MB ond gests ane TAAL empov Tone sian lenistolizns pow the, process. of eve deprnaek ob dagak aplon.- 3) ® ZB. The thee : ye A Volks ge ‘ Unpack of other. sored Ra be amd judicrol. brecedant: oie Lng, elation of Law? s : 2S In British India the lags . peepee avery demportont role an o ao the foundation of Liga dite whack. EAL exists 4. Customs saa alisnsp bose em bei t Lenscrensness 1s 9 aceapatnble< 3 Blase bonded daber; Caske System, lash op sat wre fo fue aalpshon oh tee persens on poe, §. Roseoa Prund ( Seerolaqical 4 ast) oe © Volkgesst prerry? “hin aga ae the, bresenk India’s Lage nalnms + : ‘ Sin Mamringe be, 1934, the Desselution af Muslin atnknge bey The tind land palannn ys deer tts ot ase S, P an bet Ie ty r0e4 ta fend S$ 4ce OS . Foden me eT wo Thee Dornctie Vrolene— Ack, ete. 6. Seme customs > be cosrmetpalitn, Vin baka 5 fa onde incom War not Vonks he Oe oh am partion nation ov Race. Thusn}ere or ee cans Sk nck clear whe Is the “ype and vohuse Geist dotmeminer the law #. Mamy. nakons wee. Aebped by. (ke theory of Savigng, fon ng be sxhamist Wdeolagias . Nogis [visas give racial colour - Uorxist used ot Fo economne nbs pye tation of dislery » Til, ised Ub be fuctthy- faseism. ac cat its _ nee Asciple of Savigny and nat— md f Aabperter of Kistinical jis — dence Accerduing Zo tum nat. shite nov the people alone. are dource af daw , but lave comes tito axictena a» a rasubl of conflicl Saban genoa amd individual UE tmbended. thal yale men alareys dike G Lie ix perfect Uni bol sperrtind and ” lyst | teaitim omong Mia Trembers of aeciely ore certain bovis sua condliteli- thein, general will: Tha Self trident of andidad out com pack behven ts dndivilual vit and tho gp will, and ear nb oxislince for seluing these, covplel, The Stale. Hrreugh Abe PstI, of Lan) astiaine the inckericata. form cE as the state uthick regulates human Cond~ Ack ty Amplamert Gomrol wall, seca Arcrificing individual wilenaat Savgny thak the govana amd unfeloling of I law out of Spit of the pedfle mm was an iwisda process, ust to visthle te we & q only the pradact law, an it ad smorged | from dark Anboraltery.. in which ct oe | ‘ . | prebored ond dey. hid t became Asal. tes | abprvask 2 thal customary las» i The | mesh genuine exprassum of the commen Conviction of the people amd for ths Sth. Hen Meine €1622— 1668 He wea es ecm a Faglih. str ATuisprudence> He wos re Poles et ow cual haw a Conable frm (8h fe UES fo ures aloo the Law) Manber_of the isle craneil in Indie frm ica be (864, a destaaer 1 Lord Moscone we ated ametent haw of Tad a wile jaw western Souidlina - He occa bet tha chard 4 tgs ok rte te a ca oe ge fi OST jy Bald te bee oh odo Toit. efor eal cambnpe ate eee ete AEE kes "Vlg Commasitish, “Foal Histay of Enshitokons , Cpisguictain em Eig Main fond tak Hindi , Roman Harden, Benga saxon od Gonainic. Comma @ Ore LaseA on pabiorcal patton whe, Ae alles male. podon tolled an patordpmilce de inated | the evtinefenrly sinchadeng wit deal oval fernale members , chal ama slavery. Hewevr— O ome Compurition which Aoblewed fa. mabriondeal RAIS fhe Lak prmeleap tie faomsly wer tae conta autres 4 mawcge alt olfina of the Sante bs petause of, Ais kinship namaly flood retatin— K ship with Ale family thnk & bercon acquined, Cow Alzlth- (We map doe dk end gaint foreily_ we cedrallad. by “Kensie whe wher Ee rae. ebdoat fuse foonilé wre reoulke of alataateblood H2-C : in “cna ti epi oe tbe RIS eee | atin leans i. tks he accardowee the propor rool) @@ . Foy moti af Common, Wealth frome Pen Famili Lommon wealth Ft Fae Tbe Tybed Tribes Trey -- > Trrbe | , tf fF t 4 Gens | ‘Gens Gens3 Gens} eect Gans oS _ — LB Uanilygrnhy (Spy & ee Ay 00000-~ 00T000**" 9 0660.-- o0080 o!..-- Poor familias Palen familia ( tn modu. archah System. malo. emilin) 1g the Smallest Unt cathe primdtive ov omcient nocintien ,vsbich is As a of a doit farily wit. ome aman’s antral ond Ae Gamespy 2 welaked thorough! blood tLe} ‘ Tr Ha vext ada We of pabrtamste rapier wows ae Son y te ell farm p gress So Dawe weull be cyan poly one uribds These ahe namasees GENS. Funny thn ro end, grand which vere Unied anc became a Taibe, SUL have boar mang anh Teamy THbes Sa poe om Te SS ———— 7 =a — Tr this Manno +he avalon, | say ONE P : Accel, evolved 3 ‘Hees be ationship bern ek by the Leow of. Stabis which orws alge Collet Aan af frson , obviously Ho. ndisidaal membuc hod no Individual existence. than fies atatas 0 Aon, wi , Aaughlr 5 Aeryant ee. Sonido The avant ond aves Rad no Night dv the early lour fem Stodus te Coritvact >— a with the passing af tume, vnsti— f tation of baton harwilta withered away md y 4 es | became dependant on Individual contac | | | andl tree negotiation hetwooe persons Tr other weds now Ae Kindivicsal (ould take fponed decision Aemsedl without dlopending whom the heodman. of the famtly. Thecheedern op indivi be exovernie ant ee cae ay faire’ which struck o blew do He notion of alas on the basa 4 daw» Maine denon. hus Change on the movement. of the progress Actialies fur alalas ho contyack - “pa teamalpeaton of Engl os well a4 Tndsan noah fram fee pen fo iach mA vend a 8 im the Sakis at agricaltun — tok Ipbowwr, prsaons ele. Tn the pron —tae pocatios > ended Labowrs , whe wa. beep bebe A bonds sf fendel OO @ Reversak of Trend fy on cosine: tp Status s— aciBecenes o Wott the advancement of Henne: Ie \npact of nds Industriabinakion urpancoalien, and Amn moodle tantee a fe nels en ts Ko Ae ot a ths ea bengening « ‘ts Roh bo wh fu 7 Gre Unscrabuleur Uydushedolaals anh Cobitalisl Now tue Sa iso wellarr state, £ haa assumed Sire Sanctions th repeal bis pecans paced onion Word an postin, ep iy Rowby (tC. ebsoued~ Ce musk ak forget Aeak Wee TAT srg Bing ne ot EOS Y “ no danger one ante v hy banat 9 Contribution: = @ He iwkcoved bow. Sautensp because he explarred te pabateonship of Community, and the bw and aloo necogniaed tha role of laget fokiors, sequal, und Legis llom fp tan ev otro > Joos aoa Bie tnd, ely. 7e EO Jas amd vs aniplccabilely, we Gener y * Maone- an byondie prspedie by examiners chan Jor We cernpanctive. Meme ned devedopnet of a, Pott amt ettass Were Maine's differnt conn th o* ey etosy adland, yenogretelt y das. thaory F SH Hemme giactly inspied be Mame O The. Dovetoprnent A Law — Hilvtal Tunest Abbroach. ‘i The Law lew an for alages ond ‘then iF venches ks US ae , i. DivineLaw — Lt war Aeliewed Ate King 2 ca stainn of sin once Were he. divine. inspiration of goles oF Juste ( Themes) - The Keng, nas maunaly. the anecetPe of Gushice of tee poagemert A Good CoPs tie Hinde Community tha Kang hod Mia Axpport of Ha ae por cool con sinned Somalenly, Pha. Mashin 4 &od)) Spoitoal fee teashas ovr Aw tie elescandome ol peme Goae-r pulers were Called Zible Thaha? (1-2. Shadows Tu Customanp Law — Sim Haney Madea, darted trad caslsin A Aocie’y, o* no Castomarg. Law fe be fetowed tn the prtmittve Actrolies: @ Td: Sole Rabosilang @ f customary Law, thes Prices Class— In the nat alage of dascleh —mewe a Eastomanrg har the authority. of akg, wes ub L by the | Ru class, who charvnek themechas to be Laornod So 2bizion- soa Prceskly class rmemon ioe | fae nular of exstorn eho! because, ha ont wang heat \ Jraok. mt hes! pea fee teplaeen oniltine FH Wy 2 Codipention — tea tte edification °°" ae Fon buf wath (a mon and. furs denounend. Are autharily sf the Prissk os the law givoramA Arg aduocatid the Codikication (1-2. peducomg ov Conmeting ik it fe Wilken foun as tn tnd law Digna Subs amb “Dhavma Shasfrn ? Nets ally she monopoly ef (tha Pricatly clase nro broken On the aduninisteton of low, Tro. amrienk Mind codes of Manu, Twelve Tall Ly Rowe, Leben Code ore & few aeanbler. —s —EEw © With ia Cmdeticntain (im thie Tine Stage) , | according to Sir Henry Marw ta shentancoud evelopment of lat 13 abebped and these commu— ANU exe ‘ibibic: Socisbics In pyagressive Sovetien new the | desing by. using, the follswing thraa “a theds:— (1) Legal Pickton @> Equity amd @ Legis laken (1) Legal Gietion — Tk a davica to -erbond mens Prales “etbotl sttustions te nen Artuumn sland weit o minimum iwtellectial eled-eq- the, \nconporetia bool boobies ane. tranked om Lega person “wy the eye of ay Bike a Living Person eg om. idol io aw Living boson. Semilerly am adgpled child means teed he io born im nm adepiive oe on tue day of adoption « Bepove— (li Hinde Adeftdod £ Maintenance keh IG, (tre docks A. halation back wsan applitaile, which consiieed the oskoptcen a ern by He vosdow ment aati OL the olecensed rushanl and Alt — Arlates back fe tae sranntate of tha death dlecoaned Iushond 2-4 + A wrelow, whose juaaband nd W 1988 adopted aed i asa, afb isons SL deal of ty hushed, the don i ‘actzally ben tm 1A, but by Ais dagal ection dao Constduad adopted im 1439. sobs A agel fection pre serppeied contain Assumpbions rade om Me bands 4 whitch tte law) assumen cortin Abarga 7 2xish welt ole nal Beh in Dealt anak Aus adept itself ctr tna Prcuavostoonens (2) Eyplly— Te consis of Anose prince Tre perpose dt the egull was Xo rrmove Aafecte Mm Commen Law enicting atthe Give . Ov the paolle dcasalifird with the rigic c 7 acd. Grd tha (Cing raenadccd Morag bord charehlot, whe Wao the head of the. Exchageer ° Sak Henvy Mains olahined eguely an a bady. of rales existing Aida by Aide of A priya Coroner Laid rund on dakenet Prvete cer plehress anh Hprally. TM TJudtatuse A, 1243 mated We Cormeen lava Courts ond Chancery ounbs (aconintslaning, AAG). The het, 72 prvited thet sys case Hf. conflch Aan 2g SM Fran om Common Law - fete nbly Aaa eq, come ank ook be Aub b the commen (asd ub Tn D 7 vie save. maar oe ase eek, bot stant Me ie te beret et OO aah © rigid ts of dew by Perchle rules ond desing the shit ob lau amd mot ovty. The lettans of law - dle, Eegfish ate Dodie, the whelr law of ust in based om eguily, Semilerly le sale Ba veundim oe BAO Speccfce Relish tet proving inyumehion 27 © axdeuk wad issnack fee the potest aod is dame Sr checaelin Hee dod ought

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