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Q.1.  Do you prefer relaxing at home or going out in the evening? [Why?]

-> i love going out to the coffee shop in the evening because i can meet and
talk to my friends after struggle days.

Q.2.  When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do?

-> i will go to coffee shop and talk to my friends or i can go food store to eat.
Otherwise, I can go shopping with my mother because my mother loves new

Q.3 How popular is this with other people in your country?

-> i think every Vietnamese people love to meet and talk with their friends at
the coffee shop. In Vietnam, we have a lot of coffee store model and our Ca
Phe Sua Da is very tasty and well-known.

Q.4 Is there any kind of entertainment you do not like? [Why/Why not?]

-> Yes, there are a lot of kind of entertainment I hate but i think the most is
racing on street. Because it is illegal and too dangerous. For us it may be not a
kind of entertainment, but for naughty kids in my country, it is one of the
most favorite activity of them.

PART 2 (1-2 mins)

Describe a TV Show that made you laugh

You should say about:

- What the show is;

- When it is/was aired;

- Why you laugh when you watch that show;

- And explain how it entertains/helps you.

Answer :

Family Fued is the TV show that i spend a lot of time to watch and it is the
most favorite TV show of mine. It is hosted by Steve Harvey, a famous and
talent MC. It is often on aired at 8pm on Sunday. This is a very funny and
entertaining show, so it has many funny scenes. I very enjoy when Steve has a
conversation with competitors or audiences. He is an arch man so he often
make the conversation more colorful and funny by his expression. This always
makes me laugh out loud so hard. I often watch Family Fued after school or
before go to bed. It helps me relax my mind and my soul. Beside, it also helps
me to train my English skills. I will be sad if the show ends in the future.


Q. 1. What forms of entertainment are most popular in your country?

-> In my country, there are many famous, talent and funny comedian, Kols or
celebrities participate in TV shows, reality shows, etc. But i think comedian TV
show is the most well-known in VietNam. It is the show that make viewers
laugh such as Thach Thuc Danh Hai, 7 Nu Cuoi Xuan,...

Q. 2. Do you think men and women have different tastes in entertainment?

In my opinion, that is yes. Men often like activities which are dynamic, useful
like watching football games or reading newspapers... For women, they would
like to go shopping to upgrade their appearance or to chat with their friends.

Q. 3. What kinds of entertainment do young people like?

With the development of technology, every teenagers do have their own

phone. They can do many things with their phone. But we all know that,
playing games is the most activity they love and do. They can play games with
their friends in their free time.

Q. 4. What kinds of entertainment do children ?

There are many kinds of entertainment for children like watching cartoons,
playing with toys, going to the zoo... For hyper kids, that can be playing

Q. 5. Do you think children (or young people) can learn anything from

Yes. All activities have useful lessons. Like playing football, they can learn
about team-work and tactical thinking. In cartoons, they all have life lessons,
it can be friendship, family love, animals love...

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