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Load Allowance = 10 %
Code of Ecd,
fck, (N/mm²) fyk (N/mm²) fyw (N/mm²) γc γs
Practice (N/mm²)
EC2 : 2004 30 27364 460 460 1.5 1.15

Cover (mm) Conc. Unit Weight (kN/m³) Steel Unit Weight (kg/m³)
25 25 7860


Loading Cases
Total Selected Loading Cases = 8
Selected Loading Cases Table
No Sourc Load Load Analysis
P My Mz T Vy Vz Myi Mzi
. e Case Comb. Type
1 G.L. Full LC1 Top 199.6 -65.5 -74.1 0.0 -27.4 -50.0 8.5 -4.1
2 G.L. Min LC1 Top 141.7 -65.5 -74.1 0.0 -27.4 -50.0 8.5 -4.1
3 G.L. Full LC1 Bot 203.6 -1.2 0.5 0.0 -27.4 -50.0 8.5 -4.1
4 G.L. Min LC1 Bot 144.7 -1.2 0.5 0.0 -27.4 -50.0 8.5 -4.1
5 N.L. 1 LC2 Comb. 202.1 -12.6 -8.4 0.0 -27.0 33.8 -7.0 -4.0
6 N.L. 2 LC2 Comb. 209.1 -14.5 1.1 0.0 -2.2 40.8 -7.8 0.7
7 N.L. 3 LC2 Comb. 205.2 -14.0 -8.8 0.0 -27.9 39.5 -7.5 -4.1
8 N.L. 4 LC2 Comb. 198.1 -12.0 -17.6 0.0 -52.7 32.5 -6.7 -8.9

Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity, N.L. for Notional Load)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional Load (Full or Minimum for Gravity), Load Comb. - Load
Combination Number
Analysis Type - Type of Analysis (Top or Bottom Column Part for 2D, 3D for 3D Analysis, P-D for P-Delta
P - Axial Force (kN), My / Mz - Bending Moment About Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kNm)
T - Torsion Force (kN), Vy / Vz - Shear Force in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kN)
Myi / Mzi - Initial Bending Moment in Mid Length of Column About Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kNm)
Load Allowance of 10% has been added to the loading for design purpose
My and Mz above are calculated using Load Allowance x M (from analysis) + M (nominal moment from beams)
Column Nominal Moment From Top Part Beam End Release For Column C77:(8,B)
Number of Beam with Beam End Moment Released = 2
No. Beam Mark Width Release Angle As Prov Mu Muy Muz
1 gb:gb11(300x600) 300 559.0 Yes 0.00 339 65.5 -65.5 0.0
gb:gb3(300x600) -
2 300 559.0 Yes 270.00 339 65.5 0.0 -65.5
Total : -65.5 -65.5
Width, Eff. Depth - Beam Width, Effective Depth for Top Bar (mm), Angle - Angle (Orientation) of beam to the
local Z Axis of Column (°)
AsProv - Top Steel Area Provided of Beam (mm²), Mu - Total Moment distributed from the Beam Top Bar (kNm)
Muz | Muy - Component of Derived Moment distributed to the local Z-Z | Y-Y Axis from the Beam Top Bar (kNm)

Sample Calculation for Nominal Moment using Beam gb11(300x600)

Back Calculate Beam End Moment from the Top Rebar of Beam
Mu / bd² = p × fyd (1 - k2 × p × fyd / k1)

fyd = 400 N/mm²

Steel Ratio Provided, p = As / (b × d) = 339 / (300 × 559.0) = 0.0020
Mu / bd² = p × fyd × (1 - k2 × p × fyd / k1)
= 0.0020 × 400 × (1 - 0.4160 × 0.0020 × 400 / 13.76)
= 0.7895 Nmm / mm³

Design Moment due to Beam Top Bar, Mu = 0.7895 × 300 × 559² / 1000000 = 74.0 kNm
Moment Muy = -74.0 × Cos(0.00°) = -74.0 kNm
Moment Muz = 74.0 × Sin(0.00°) = 0.0 kNm

Beam Relative Stiffness, kBeam = 0.00108m³

Angle of Beam to Column Local Axis, θ1 = 0.00°
Current Column Stiffness = |kzz × Sin(θ1)| + |kyy × Cos(θ1)| = |0.03600 × Sin(0.00°)| + |0.03600
× Cos(0.00°)| = 0.03600
Angle of Beam to Top Column Local Axis, θ2 = 0.00°
Top Column Stiffness = |kzz × Sin(θ2)| + |kyy × Cos(θ2)| = |0.00360 × Sin(0.00°)| + |0.00360 ×
Cos(0.00°)| = 0.00360

Moment Muy Transferred to Column/Columns = -74.0 × (0.03600 + 0.00360) / (0.03600 +

0.00360 + 0.00108) = -72.0 kNm
Moment Muz Transferred to Column/Columns = 0.0 × (0.03600 + 0.00360) / (0.03600 +
0.00360 + 0.00108) = 0.0 kNm

Moment Muy Transferred to Column C77:(8,B) = -72.0 × 0.03600 / (0.03600 + 0.00360) = -65.5
Moment Muz Transferred to Column C77:(8,B) = 0.0 × 0.03600 / (0.03600 + 0.00360) = 0.0
Braced/Unbraced Condition Table

Column Clear Height, h = 300 mm

No. P Vy Vz ∆y ∆z Qy Qz Cond.Y Cond.Z
1 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
2 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
3 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
4 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
5 202.1 -27.0 33.8 0.0 0.1 7.87e-004 0.002 Braced Braced
6 209.1 -2.2 40.8 0.1 0.1 0.024 0.001 Braced Braced
7 205.2 -27.9 39.5 0.0 0.1 7.65e-004 0.001 Braced Braced
8 198.1 -52.7 32.5 0.0 0.1 1.59e-004 0.002 Braced Braced
P - Axial Force (kN), Vy / Vz - Shear Force in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kN), ∆y / ∆z - Column Drift in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis
Qy / Qz - Column Stability Index in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (mm) (Q = P × ∆ / V × h)
Cond.Y / Cond.Z - Column Braced/Unbraced Condition in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (mm), Limit Value = 0.05
All Gravity Load Cases Assigned as Braced regardless the Stability Index

Design / Analysis Result

Selection of Moment for Design and Analysis

My Mz
No 2D/3 Selecte Slend 2D/3 Selecte Slend
N·ei N·e0 Mi Madd N·ei N·e0 Mi Madd
D d er D d er
1 -65.5 -0.1 -4.0 - - -65.5 No -74.1 0.1 -4.0 - - -74.1 No
2 -65.5 -0.1 -2.8 - - -65.5 No -74.1 0.1 -2.8 - - -74.1 No
3 -1.2 -0.1 -4.1 - - -4.1 No 0.5 0.1 4.1 - - 4.1 No
4 -1.2 -0.1 -2.9 - - -2.9 No 0.5 0.1 2.9 - - 2.9 No
5 -12.6 -0.1 -4.0 - - -12.6 No -8.4 0.1 -4.0 - - -8.4 No
6 -14.5 -0.2 -4.2 - - -14.5 No 1.1 0.2 4.2 - - 4.2 No
7 -14.0 -0.1 -4.1 - - -14.0 No -8.8 0.1 -4.1 - - -8.8 No
8 -12.0 -0.1 -4.0 - - -12.0 No -17.6 0.1 -4.0 - - -17.6 No
2D/3D - Moment values obtained from 2D/3D analysis process, kNm
N·ei - Moment due to additional eccentricity which covering the effects of geometrical imperfection, kNm
N·e0 - Minimum eccentricity moment, kNm
Mi - Column mid node moment, kNm, Madd - Additional Moment induced by deflection, kNm
Selected - Selected moment based on greater of 2D/3D + N·ei, Ne0 and Mi + Madd + N·ei, kNm
Design / Analysis Result and Status

No Process FCap FApplied MyApplied MzApplied Status Fail Mode

1 Design 706.7 199.6 -65.5 -74.1 Pass None
2 Analysis 425.2 141.7 -65.5 -74.1 Pass None
3 Analysis 5994.4 203.6 -4.1 4.1 Pass None
4 Analysis 5994.4 144.7 -2.9 2.9 Pass None
5 Analysis 4964.9 202.1 -12.6 -8.4 Pass None
6 Analysis 5024.0 209.1 -14.5 4.2 Pass None
7 Analysis 4862.7 205.2 -14.0 -8.8 Pass None
8 Analysis 4244.7 198.1 -12.0 -17.6 Pass None
Process - Indicated whether the load case is run through design / analysis process
F Cap - Maximum axial load capacity of the section (kN), F Applied - Applied axial load on the section (kN)
Status - Indicate the section Passed/Failed the process, Fail Mode - Mode of failure if the section failed


EC2: 04 Clause : Slenderness criterion for isolated members

EC2: 04 Clause : Slenderness and effective length of isolated members
Column Dimension in Plane of Bending (About Y-Y Axis), Hyy = 600.0 mm
Column Dimension in Plane of Bending (About Z-Z Axis), Hzz = 600.0 mm

Slenderness Calculation About Y-Y Axis

Clear Length, lo = 300.0 mmLateral Force, V = 0, Use Stability Index Q = 0 for Gravity Load,
The Element is Braced

Total Column Stiffness at Top, I/L = 39600000 mm3

Total Column Stiffness at Bottom, I/L = 36000000 mm3
Floor Element Type Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm K, mm^3
1b Column (8,B) 600 600 3000 3600000
gb Column (8,B) 600 600 300 36000000

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at top part of column, KbTop = 1080000.0 mm3
No Element
Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm Angle, ° K, mm^3 Cantilever
. Type
1 Beam gb11 300 600 5000 0.0 1080000 No

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at bottom part of column, KbBot = 0.0 mm3
Relative Stiffness at Top of Element, k1 = 10.000 (Governed by Maximum Relative Stiffness)
Relative Stiffness at Bottom of Element, k2 = 5.000
β = 0.5 × [(1 + k1 / (0.45 + k1)) × (1 + k2 / (0.45 + k2))]0.5 = 0.97 < 1.0
Effective Length, leff = 0.97 × lo = 291.0 mm
Slenderness Limit, λlim = 20 × A × B × C / √n
A = 1 / (1 + 0.2 × φef) = 1 / (1 + 0.2 × 2.14) = 0.700
w = (As × fyd) / (Ac × fcd) = (1608 × 460 / 1.15) / (360000 × 0.85 × 30 / 1.5) = 0.11
B = (1 + 2w)0.5 = (1 + 2 × 0.11)0.5 = 1.10
rm = -1.19 / -65.50 = 0.02
C = 1.7 – rm = 1.7 - 0.02 = 1.68
n = N / (Ac * fcd) = 200 × 1000 / (360000 × 0.85 × 30.0 / 1.5) = 0.033
√n = 0.181
λlim = 20 × 0.700 × 1.100 × 1.68 / 0.181 = 143.48
Radius of Gyration, iyy = √(Iyy / Ac) = √(10800000000 / 360000) = 173.21 mm
Slenderness Ratio, λ = leff / iyy = 291 / 173.21 = 1.68 ≤ 143.48
The Column Is Short About Y-Y Axis

Slenderness Calculation About Z-Z Axis

Member Clear Length, lo = 300.0 mmLateral Force, V = 0, Use Stability Index Q = 0 for Gravity
Load, The Element is Braced

Total Column Stiffness at Top, I/L = 39600000 mm3

Total Column Stiffness at Bottom, I/L = 36000000 mm3
Floor Element Type Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm K, mm^3
1b Column (8,B) 600 600 3000 3600000
gb Column (8,B) 600 600 300 36000000

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at top part of column, KbTop = 1080000.0 mm3
No Element
Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm Angle, ° K, mm^3 Cantilever
. Type
1 Beam gb3 300 600 5000 270.0 1080000 No

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at bottom part of column, KbBot = 0.0 mm3
Relative Stiffness at Top of Element, k1 = 10.000 (Governed by Maximum Relative Stiffness)
Relative Stiffness at Bottom of Element, k2 = 5.000
β = 0.5 × [(1 + k1 / (0.45 + k1)) × (1 + k2 / (0.45 + k2))]0.5 = 0.97 < 1.0
Effective Length, leff = 0.97 × lo = 291.0 mm
Slenderness Limit, λlim = 20 × A × B × C / √n
A = 1 / (1 + 0.2 × φef) = 1 / (1 + 0.2 × 2.14) = 0.700
w = (As × fyd) / (Ac × fcd) = (1608 × 460 / 1.15) / (360000 × 0.85 × 30 / 1.5) = 0.11
B = (1 + 2w)0.5 = (1 + 2 × 0.11)0.5 = 1.10
rm = 0.46 / -74.09 = -0.01
C = 1.7 – rm = 1.7 + 0.01 = 1.71
n = N / (Ac * fcd) = 200 × 1000 / (360000 × 0.85 × 30.0 / 1.5) = 0.033
√n = 0.181
λlim = 20 × 0.700 × 1.100 × 1.71 / 0.181 = 145.56
Radius of Gyration, ixx = √(Ixx / Ac) = √(10800000000 / 360000) = 173.21 mm
Slenderness Ratio, λ = leff / ixx = 291 / 173.21 = 1.68 ≤ 145.56
The Column Is Short About Z-Z Axis

Section Data
Code of Practice used : EC2 : 2004

Type of Section Selected : Rectangular Shape

Reinforcement provided : 8H16 (0.45%)

General Data
Concrete Area = 360000.0 mm²
Steel Bar Area = 1608.5 mm²
Steel Ratio = 0.4468 %

Concrete Cover = 25.0 mm

Link Diameter = 10 mm

Figure 1 : Section Dimension

Length of Edges: a = 600.0 mm, b = 600.0 mm, c = 600.0 mm, d = 600.0 mm

Angle of Rotation = 0.0 °
Material Data

Concrete Test Specimen Type : Cylinder

Concrete Cylinder Strength, fck = 30.0 N/mm²
Steel Yield Strength, fy = 460.0 N/mm²
Ultimate Strain of Concrete, εcu = 0.0035
Elastic Modulus of Concrete, Ecd = 27364.0 N/mm²
Elastic Modulus of Steel, Es = 200000.0 N/mm ²

Partial Safety Factor of Material for Concrete, γc = 1.50

Partial Safety Factor of Material for Steel, γs = 1.15

Loading Data

Mx and My is taken with respect to the geometrical centroid of the section

Applied Axial Load = 199.6 kN
Applied Bending Moment about X-X Axis = -74.1 kNm
Applied Bending Moment about Y-Y Axis = 65.5 kNm

Display Outer Vertex For Section Profile Polygon

Points x (mm) y (mm)

0 2700.0 20650.0
1 3300.0 20650.0
2 3300.0 21250.0
3 2700.0 21250.0

Design Status
Moment is taken at the plastic centroid
Axial Force(F) Applied = 199.61 kN
Axial Force(F) Capacity = 706.74 kN

Applied Bending Moment about X-X Axis = -74.09 kNm

Bending Moment Capacity about X-X Axis = -262.33 kNm

Applied Bending Moment about Y-Y Axis = 65.50 kNm

Bending Moment Capacity about Y-Y Axis = 231.89 kNm

Design Passed
Reinforcement provided: 8H16 (0.45%)

*Reinforcements are designed based on Minimum Steel Area Required = 0.40 % of steel
k value = 0.380
k value = √ ((AsReq) / (AsProv))
AsReq = Area of steel required (mm²)
AsProv = Area of steel provided (mm²)

Concrete contribution

Figure 2 : Neutral Axis Diagram

Equivalent compressive stress block area = 58508.16 mm²

Centroid of equivalent compression Area, X = 177.61mm
Centroid of equivalent compression Area, Y = -193.77mm
Reinforcement Result

Figure 3 : Steel Bar Arrangement Diagram

Reinforcement Bar Result

Stress,N/mm Mx,kN My,kN

Bar X,mm Y,mm A,mm² NA,mm Strain,1e-3 P,kN
² m m
1 2743.0 20693.0 201.1 108.3 -1.31 -262.0 -52.68 13.54 13.54
2 3257.0 20693.0 201.1 -228.6 2.77 400.0 80.42 -20.67 20.67
3 3000.0 20693.0 201.1 -60.2 0.73 145.6 29.28 -7.52 0.00
4 3257.0 20950.0 201.1 -34.6 0.42 83.6 16.81 0.00 4.32
5 3257.0 21207.0 201.1 159.5 -1.93 -386.0 -77.61 -19.95 -19.95
6 2743.0 21207.0 201.1 496.5 -6.01 -400.0 -80.42 -20.67 20.67
7 3000.0 21207.0 201.1 328.0 -3.97 -400.0 -80.42 -20.67 0.00
8 2743.0 20950.0 201.1 302.4 -3.66 -400.0 -80.42 0.00 20.67
Total -245.05 -75.94 59.92

Percentage of steel bar = 0.45 %


Verification of the output results for the Axial Load Capacity

Contribution from concrete = 58508.16*0.551*30.0/1000 = 967.8 kN
Contribution from displaced concrete force = (201.1+201.1)*0.551*30.00/1000 = 6.65kN
Contribution from reinforcement bars = -245.05kN
Contribution from composite steel = 0.00kN
Total Axial load = 1.00*(967.85-6.65-245.05+0.00) = 716.14kN

Verification of output results for moment X

The extra moment due to offset in plastic centroid = 0.00kNm
Contribution from concrete = 58508.16*0.551*30.00*(-193.77)*/10^6 = -187.54kNm
Contribution from displaced concrete = (201.1*(-257.0)+201.1*(-257.0))*0.551*30.00/106 = -
Contribution from reinforcement bar = -75.94kNm
Contribution from composite steel = 0.00kNm
Total Moment X(Plastic Centroid) =1.00*(-187.54+1.71-75.94+0.00) = -261.77kNm

Verification of output results for moment Y

The extra moment due to offset in plastic centroid = 0.00kNm
Contribution from concrete = 58508.16*0.551*30.00*(177.61)*/10^6 = 171.90kNm
Contribution from displaced concrete = (201.1*(257.0)+201.1*(0.0))*0.551*30.00/106 =
Contribution from reinforcement bar = 59.92kNm
Contribution from composite steel = 0.00kNm
Total Moment Y(Plastic Centroid) =1.00*(171.90-0.85+59.92+0.00) = 230.96kNm

Note for Verification Calculation:

Concrete Moment Capacity, Fcd = Fcc*Lever Arm
Concrete Axial Load Capacity, Fcc = Ac*σc,max
Ac = Equivalent compressive stress block area or concrete area
Maximum concrete stress, σc,max = k1/(2*k2) = 0.459*fck/(2*0.416) = 0.551*fck
k1 = Average Concrete Stress above Neutral Axis
k2 = Concrete Lever Arm Factor

Shear & Torsion Design / Checking

Main Bar Diameter, diaMain = 16.0 mm, Link Diameter, diaLink = 10.0 mm, Link Spacing,
SvLink = 175.0 mm
Cover for Shear and Torsion Design from Concrete Surface to Main Bar Surface = 35 mm

Shear And Torsion Calculation in X-X Axis

Section Width, Bx = 600.0 mm, Section Height, Hx = 600.0 mm
Section Effective Depth, dx = Hx - Cover(including link) - diaMain / 2 = 557.0 mm

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Clause 6.3.1 and Clause 6.3.2

Convert the rectangular section to an equivalent hollow box section
Beam area, A = b × h = 600 × 600 = 360000 mm²
Beam perimeter, u = 2 × (b + h) = 2 × (600 + 600) = 2400 mm
Thickness of box section, t = A / u = 360000 / 2400 = 150.0 mm
Area within centerline, Ak = (b - t) × (h - t) = (600.0 - 150.0) × (600.0 - 150.0) = 202500 mm²
Perimeter of centerline, uk = 2 × (b + h - 2 × t) = 2 × (600.0 + 600.0 - 2 × 150.0) = 1800 mm

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.6

Strength Reduction Factor for Torsion and Shear, v = 0.6 × (1 - fck / 250)
= 0.6 × (1 - 30.0 / 250)
= 0.528
fcd = fck / 1.5 = 30.0 / 1.5 = 20.0 N/mm²
Use θ = 22.0º
EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.30
Maximum Torsion Moment Resistance, TRd,max
= 2 × v × fcd × Ak × t × sin θ × cos θ / 106
= 2 × 0.528 × 20.0 × 202500 × 150.0 × sin 22.0º × cos 22.0º / 106
= 222.82 kNm/m ≥ 0.04 kNm/m
Checking for Maximum Torsion Resistance Pass

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.9

Maximum Shear Resistance, VRd,max
= b × z × v × fcd / (cot θ + tan θ) / 1000
= 600.0 × 501.3 × 0.528 × 20.0 / (cot 22.0º + tan 22.0º) / 1000
= 1103.20 kN ≥ 49.98 kN
Checking for Maximum Shear Resistance Pass

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Clause 6.3.2(4), Expression 6.29

Check ratio of Combined Torsion and Shear Force to Maximum Torsion and Shear Resistance
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.04 / 222.82 + 49.98 / 1103.20 = 0.05 ≤ 1
Checking for Combined Torsion and Shear Ratio Pass

Inner Lever Arm, z = 0.9 × 557.0 = 501.3 mm

Shear Stress due to Loading, νss = V × 1000 / (b × z) = 50.0 × 1000 / (600.0 × 501.3) = 0.17
Maximum Shear Stress Allowed, vRd,max = VRd,max / (b × z)
= 1103.20 × 1000 / (600.0 × 501.3)
= 3.67 N/mm²
νRd,max ≥ νss
Checking for Maximum Shear Stress Allowed Pass

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Clause 9.2.2(5)

Minimum Shear Link Area / Spacing Ratio, SAsv_Sv,min
= 0.08 × √fck × b / fyk
= 0.08 × √30.0 × 600.0 / 460.0
= 0.572 mm²/mm
EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.8
Shear Link Area / Spacing Ratio, SAsv_Sv = V × 1000 / (z × fyy × fyk × cot θ)
= 49.98 × 1000 / (0.9 × 557.0 × 0.87 × 460.0 × cot 22.0º)
= 0.101 mm²/mm

Design for SAsv_Sv = 0.572 mm²/mm

Since TEd = 0 kNm, hence no torsion reinforcement is needed
Torsion Steel Area Provided, TAsProv = 2 × Pi * diaLink² / 4 = 157.1 mm²
TAs_Sv Provided, C = TAsProv / Sv = 157.1 / 175.0 = 0.90 mm²/mm
Shear Torsion Combined Ratio, K = (LinkLoop × C - TAs_SvReq) / SAs_SvReq
= (1 × 0.90 - 0.00) / 0.57
= 1.570 >= 1
Checking for Shear & Torsion Combined Passed

Shear And Torsion Calculation in Y-Y Axis

Section Width, By = 600.0 mm, Section Height, Hy = 600.0 mm
Section Effective Depth, dy = Hy - Cover(including link) - diaMain / 2 = 557.0 mm

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Clause 6.3.1 and Clause 6.3.2

Convert the rectangular section to an equivalent hollow box section
Beam area, A = b × h = 600 × 600 = 360000 mm²
Beam perimeter, u = 2 × (b + h) = 2 × (600 + 600) = 2400 mm
Thickness of box section, t = A / u = 360000 / 2400 = 150.0 mm
Area within centerline, Ak = (b - t) × (h - t) = (600.0 - 150.0) × (600.0 - 150.0) = 202500 mm²
Perimeter of centerline, uk = 2 × (b + h - 2 × t) = 2 × (600.0 + 600.0 - 2 × 150.0) = 1800 mm

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.6

Strength Reduction Factor for Torsion and Shear, v = 0.6 × (1 - fck / 250)
= 0.6 × (1 - 30.0 / 250)
= 0.528
fcd = fck / 1.5 = 30.0 / 1.5 = 20.0 N/mm²
Use θ = 22.0º
EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.30
Maximum Torsion Moment Resistance, TRd,max
= 2 × v × fcd × Ak × t × sin θ × cos θ / 106
= 2 × 0.528 × 20.0 × 202500 × 150.0 × sin 22.0º × cos 22.0º / 106
= 222.82 kNm/m ≥ 0.04 kNm/m
Checking for Maximum Torsion Resistance Pass

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.9

Maximum Shear Resistance, VRd,max
= b × z × v × fcd / (cot θ + tan θ) / 1000
= 600.0 × 501.3 × 0.528 × 20.0 / (cot 22.0º + tan 22.0º) / 1000
= 1103.20 kN ≥ 52.67 kN
Checking for Maximum Shear Resistance Pass

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Clause 6.3.2(4), Expression 6.29

Check ratio of Combined Torsion and Shear Force to Maximum Torsion and Shear Resistance
TEd / TRd,max + VEd / VRd,max = 0.04 / 222.82 + 52.67 / 1103.20 = 0.05 ≤ 1
Checking for Combined Torsion and Shear Ratio Pass

Inner Lever Arm, z = 0.9 × 557.0 = 501.3 mm

Shear Stress due to Loading, νss = V × 1000 / (b × z) = 52.7 × 1000 / (600.0 × 501.3) = 0.18
Maximum Shear Stress Allowed, vRd,max = VRd,max / (b × z)
= 1103.20 × 1000 / (600.0 × 501.3)
= 3.67 N/mm²
νRd,max ≥ νss
Checking for Maximum Shear Stress Allowed Pass

EC2 : 04 Part 1 Clause 9.2.2(5)

Minimum Shear Link Area / Spacing Ratio, SAsv_Sv,min
= 0.08 × √fck × b / fyk
= 0.08 × √30.0 × 600.0 / 460.0
= 0.572 mm²/mm
EC2 : 04 Part 1 Expression 6.8
Shear Link Area / Spacing Ratio, SAsv_Sv = V × 1000 / (z × fyy × fyk × cot θ)
= 52.67 × 1000 / (0.9 × 557.0 × 0.87 × 460.0 × cot 22.0º)
= 0.106 mm²/mm

Design for SAsv_Sv = 0.572 mm²/mm

Since TEd = 0 kNm, hence no torsion reinforcement is needed
Torsion Steel Area Provided, TAsProv = 2 × Pi * diaLink² / 4 = 157.1 mm²
TAs_Sv Provided, C = TAsProv / Sv = 157.1 / 175.0 = 0.90 mm²/mm
Shear Torsion Combined Ratio, K = (LinkLoop × C - TAs_SvReq) / SAs_SvReq
= (1 × 0.90 - 0.00) / 0.57
= 1.570 >= 1
Checking for Shear & Torsion Combined Passed

Column Buckling Check

Minimum dimension within member = 600 mm

Link spacing allowed = 12 × Compression bar diameter = 12 × 16 = 192 mm or 300 mm
whichever lesser
Maximum link spacing allowed = 175 mm

Minimum column dimension to have minimum link diameter = 225 mm

Smallest column sectional dimension (or equivalent) = 600 mm > 225 mm
Smallest link diameter allowed by user due to minimum member dimension = 10 mm
Minimum link diameter required corresponding to main bar = 0.25 × 16 = 4.0 mm
Link diameter selected = 10 mm >= 4.0 mm
Link Provided H10 - 175, Internal Hook Provided 2H10 - 175

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