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Based on the result of manual calculation and ESTEEM output, we have made conclusion
and recommendation for future work. We have obtained a lot of knowledge and benefit from the
beginning until the end of work. Based on the comparison, it can be conclude that the utilization
of the computer software of ESTEEM in the analysis of the beam, slab, column and foundation
can produce accurate result than the manual calculation. It is able to determine the approximation
values by application of numerical analysis. In the term of accuracy, it will improve the designing
works, and reduce the errors.

For future research, the structural design should be more complicated in order to get
different output from the software, for example, a two-storey bungalow or a multistorey apartment
building. These complicated designs might results in different output from different software as it
involves a lot more calculation and arrangements. In terms of sizing, the member size for beams
and columns for example, should be minimized so that the load distribution is designed to be in
critical condition. When member size is minimized, the software will design for larger steel
reinforcement size, therefore this may be the starting point for differing output from various

The structural design should also include staircase design, concrete wall, and pile
foundation so that the project becomes more applicable and trustworthy. Raft foundation can also
be considered as the new elements for comparison. In terms of software, future research can be
done with more software that are used in the industry. This includes ESTEEM, TEKLA,
STAADPRO and so on. It is hoped that with more elements to compare and more software used,
the comparison of the respective structural design will be more complicated and therefore, will
have more findings and discussion parts.

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