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      John G. Lake Ministries

                         GIVING  YOU  TOOLS  TO  CHANGE  YOUR  WORLD  

Heal the Sick

No. 2: The “Secret” That Makes It Work  
Date:  1-­‐13-­‐15  
Last  week  we  looked  at  John  G.  Lake’s  “Secrets”  of  Divine  Healing.  
If  you  put  those  “secrets”  into  practice,  you  will  see  an  increase  in  your  
effectiveness  in  ministering  healing.  But  what  makes  those  particular  “secrets”  
work?  Today  we  are  going  to  look  at  what  every  effective  minister  of  divine  
healing  knows  and  what  John  Lake  knew,  possibly  better  than  anyone  else  during  
his  lifetime.    
We  could  actually  turn  this  session  into  an  entire  series  of  its  own.  But  I’m  going  
to  attempt  to  get  it  to  you  in  one  session…  so  here  goes.  We  could  say  the  secret  
was  that  John  Lake  knew  and  was  fully  persuaded  that  physical  healing  was  
included  in  Jesus’  atonement.  And  that  would  be  part  of  the  Truth.  
We  could  say  the  secret  was  that  John  Lake  was  committed  to  overcome  and  not  
give  up  or  quit  until  God  won.  And  that  would  be  part  of  the  Truth.  
We  could  say  that  John  Lake  knew  and  practiced  every  one  of  the  15  “secrets”  
that  he  taught  his  divine  healing  technicians  and  that  we  taught  last  week.  
And  that  would  be  part  of  the  Truth.  
We  could  say  that  it  is  because  Jesus  paid  for  healing  at  the  whipping  post  so  that    
“by  His  stripes”  we  are  healed.  That  would  be  why  we  can  get  healed,  but  not  
necessarily  why  we  can  heal.  
We  could  say  it  was  because  He  gave  us  “authority”  over  all  sickness  and  disease  
and  over  all  devils  –  to  cast  them  out!  That  would  certainly  be  a  part  of  the  Truth,  
but  not  the  whole  Truth.    But  there  is  one  thing  that  wraps  it  all  up.  One  thing  that  
John  Lake  possibly  understood  better  than  anyone  else  of  lifetime.  

       Heal  the  Sick  Broadcast  Handout  –  01.13.15       1  

Col  1:27  &  29  
27  To  whom  God  would  make  known  what  is  the  riches  of  the  glory  of  this  
mystery  among  the  Gentiles;  which  is  Christ  in  you,  the  hope  of  glory:  
29  Whereunto  I  also  labour,  striving  according  to  his  working,  which  worketh  in  
me  mightily.  KJV  
It  is  because  of  His  death,  burial  and  resurrection,  that  Jesus  could  go  to  the  
Father  and  send  the  Comforter,  the  HELPER  back  to  dwell  within  us.  
Jesus  said  -­‐  He  is  with  you  and  shall  BE  IN  YOU.    (John14:17)  
It  is  Christ  IN  YOU.    Do  you  see  it?    Not  just  with  you.  God  was  with  all  the  Old  
Testament  prophets.  But  you  are  more  blessed  than  they.  God  is  not  just  WITH  
you.  HE  IS  IN  YOU.  He  has  joined  Himself  to  you  in  a  way  that  no  one  had  
experienced  before  Christ  came.  
It  is  Christ  In  You  that  MAKES  you  MORE  THAN  CONQUERORS!!!    -­‐  Rom  8:37  
It  is  Christ  IN  You  that  ALWAYS  CAUSEST  YOU  TO  TRIUMP.    -­‐  2  Co  2:14  
 IT  IS  CHRIST  that  causes  your  life  to  be  HID  WITH  CHRIST  IN  GOD  -­‐  Col.  3:3  
It  is  because  of  Christ  that  is  NO  LONGER  I  that  live,  BUT  CHRIST  THAT  LIVETH  IN  
ME!    It  IS  Christ  that  liveth  THROUGH  me.    -­‐  Gal.  2:20  
I  am  seated  with  Him  in  heavenly  places  (so  the  devil  can’t  find  me  to  hurt  me).  
Because  I  am  seated  with  Him,  He  is  here  walking  and  living  through  me.  
He  walks  in  me  and  He  talks  in  me,  I  am  his  and  He  is  MY  GOD.    -­‐2  Co  6:16  
This  is  the  secret  that  makes  all  other  secrets  work.  This  is  the  secret  of  all  the  
ages.  This  is  what  could  not  be  known  before  Christ  died  and  was  resurrected.  
But  NOW  –  it’s  known,  now  its  preached,  This  day  is  this  Scripture  fulfilled  in  your  
ears!  –  Luke  4:21  
I  teach  this  in  depth  in  my  “New  Man”  seminar.  Available  online:  

       Heal  the  Sick  Broadcast  Handout  –  01.13.15       2  

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