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Maranding, Lala Lanao del Norte

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics V

Prepared by: Angel E. Marquez

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) Identify the different kinds of polygons;
b) Differentiate a regular and irregular polygons; and
c) Participate actively in the class.


Reference: Mathematics for Dynamic Minds 5; Pages 244-248
Materials: Visual aids and Pictures
Values Integration: Appreciation of polygons, Cooperation, participation


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity


a. Opening Prayer Good morning ma'am!

Good morning class! Father God,
Please stand up for our opening Come be with us today. Fill our
prayer. hearts with joy, Fill our minds
with learning, Fill our classroom
with peace, Fill our lesson with
fun, fill our school with love.

b. Energizer
Okay class, do you know how to
sing and dance the song "The
Green Grass Grew Around"? Yes ma'am !
Alright! I'm glad to hear that, let's
do it all together.
"There was a tree, The finest
tree, you ever did see, The tree
was in the bush And the green
grass grew around, around,
around, And the green grass
grew around"
And on the tree, there was a
branch, The finest branch, you
ever did see, The branch was on
the tree The tree was in the bush
And the green grass grew
c. Checking of attendance
around, around, around, And the
Now, I will check the attendance,
green grass grew around.
say present when your name is

d. Imposing the Rules

Yes Ma'am!
Before we start our lesson for
today, I want you to know the
rules. First, listen attentively to the
teacher during discussion.
Another is to raise your right hand
if you want to excuse or to answer
Yes ma'am!
a question. Understood?
e. Review
Before we move on to our next
lesson, who can recall what did we
discussed yesterday? Yes Zoe?
That's right! Thank you zoe Yesterday, we discussed about
Another question, what is ratio? ratio and proportion.
Any volunteer? Yes Anna!
Alright ! Very good!
Do you have any questions about It is being stated that a ratio is a
our Last topic? comparison of two quantities.

f. Motivation None ma'am

Okay, before I will discuss our next
lesson let's have first an activity.
(Listens attentively)
Yes ma'am!

What have you noticed in the

shape of the biscuits?
Is it close or open figure?
What have you noticed about the
Very good!

g. Statements of the aim

So, class, based on our activity a
while ago, what do you think is
our lesson for today?
That’s right!
I want you to lend me your ears
because this afternoon, we are
going to discuss "Polygons"

B. Presentation
Ma’am it is all about polygons
What comes into your mind when
you hear the word polygons?
Yes , That's right!

Yes ma'am

Figures or shape ma'am

A polygon is a closed figure that has at

least three sides. The sides all line
Everybody, please read the segments
meaning of polygon
Very good!
Do you know that polygons can be
No, ma'am
regular or irregular?
Regular polygons are polygons
whose sides all have the same
length and whose interior angles
have the same measure.
Yes ma'am!
Otherwise, they are called
irregular Polygons.

Now, take a look at this figures.

The set B ma'am is the one
consists of regular polygons.

Which set contains regular


A. Because all of it's side have

B. fair/equal length ma'am

Why do you say so?

Very good!
Also, polygons are classified
according to the number of sides .
Look at the column below , it
consist of different polygons I
want you to describe the picture
and count each sides.
It's a triangle
It has 3 sides

What is the first figure? It's a square ma'am

How many sides does it have? It has 4 sides
Yes, that's right! A triangle is a A rectangle
polygon with three edges and
three vertices, also "tri" means 3.

Let's go to the next type of

What shape is it?
How many side do it have?
What other shape that has 4
sides? The next polygon is the
Very Good! A quadrilateral is a Pentagon, it has 5 sides
polygon that has four vertices or
corners. We can find the shape of
quadrilaterals in various things
around us, like in a chess board, a
deck of cards, a kite or board.
Let's go to the next polygon.
How many sides do it have? It is hexagon
Very good! The word “pentagon” It has 6 sides
comes from the Greek word
“pentagonos”, which means “five-
angled”. A regular pentagon has
five internal angles that form
corners. Another polygon is the
Let's move to the next polygon. heptagon.
What shape is it? It consist of 7 sides
How many sides does it have?
Exactly! Hex is a Greek prefix
which means 'six. ' A regular
hexagon has six sides that are all
congruent, or equal in
Let us go to the next type of
It is a octagon
It has 8 sides
How many sides does it have?
Heptagon is a polygon made up of
7 sides and 7 angles. The word
heptagon is made up of two
words, hepta meaning seven and
gon meaning sides.
Let's proceed to the next polygon.
What polygon is it?
It is nonagon
How many sides does it have?
It has 9 sides
Alright! An octagon is a polygon
made up of 8 sides. It has eight
angles. Octagon = Octa + gon
where octa means eight and gon
means sides.
It is a decagon
Now, let's go to the next polygon
What shape is it?
It has 10 sides
How many sides does it have?
Very good! A nonagon is a polygon
made up of 9 sides and 9 angles.
Nonagon = Nona + gon where
Nona means nine and gon means
Okay, next polygon . What
polygon is it?
It is hendecagon
How many sides does it have?
It has 11 sides
Yes, that's right! So the word
decagon comes from Greek roots,
deka, or "ten," and gōnia, "angle
or corner." Any ten-sided shape The last polygon in the table is
can be called a decagon. called dodecagon
Let's proceed to the next polygon. It has 12 sides
What polygon is it?
How many sides does it have?
Very Good! A hendecagon is an 11
sided shape with 11 corners, also
variously known as an undecagon
or unidecagon.
Let's go to the last polygon, what
is it?
How many sides does it have?
Thank you! You are all doing great.
So, a dodecagon is a 12-sided
polygon that encloses space.
Dodecagons can be regular in
which all interior angles and sides
are equal in measure. They can
also be irregular, with different
angles and sides of different

C. Activity Cut-outs Name of polygon

Now class, let's have an activity. I
1. Hexagon
will group you into two. I will flash
to you some shapes with a Octagon
different number of sides. 2.
You need to guess the name of
shape according to it's number of 3. Pentagon
sides,5 write your answer on the 4. Hexagon
board and raise it. The first group
who raise there answer first will 5. Quadrilateral
be having a points.

Cut-outs Name of polygon

Regular and irregular Polygons
2. ma'am.

(The students recite the different




(Sample of students output)

D. Generalization
Again, What are the two types of
That's right!
Can you again tell the different
kinds of polygon?
Always remember that polygon is
a closed figure that has at least
three sides. The sides all line
A polygon is a closed figure that
E. Application has at least three sides. The sides
I will group you into 2, I have here all line segments
2 manila paper for group 1 and 2,
Think of any object or things you It is important in the creation of
want to draw using the different drawings and paintings teacher.
polygons we tackle a while ago.
After that, each group will choose
1 representative to explain what
the picture is all about.

F. Valuing
Again, what is polygons?

Very Good !
Why is it important to learn about
polygons? 1. E

2. B
Yes that's right! Also , polygons
are important in the construction 3. D
of buildings, roads, river and other
things around us. 4. C

5. I

6. H
G. Evaluation
7. G
Directions: Match column A to
Column B. Write the letter in the 8. A
space provided.
9. J

A B 10. F

____1. A polygon A. Quadrilateral

with 8 sides

____2. A polygon B. Dodecagon

with 12 sides

____3. A polygon C. Pentagon

with 3 sides

____4. A polygon D. Triangle

with 5 sides

____5. A polygon E. Octagon

with 11 sides

____6. A polygon F. Hexagon

with 7 sides

____7. A polygon G. Nonagon

with 9 sides

____8. A polygon H. Heptagon

with 4 sides

____9. A polygon I. Hendecagon

with 10 sides

____10. A polygon J. Decagon

with 6 sides

H. Assignment
Directions: Complete the table
below. As you can see on the first
column there are images that
represents a polygon, in the
second column you will put there
the name of the polygon, in the
third column, identify whether it is
a regular or irregular polygon, in
the fourth column you will
indicate the number of sides of
the polygon.

Images Name of TYPES Number

the OF of sides
polygon POLYGO




12 sides




5. 4 sides

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