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CBSE English X

Sample Paper 10 Page 1

Sample Paper 3
Class X Exam 2022-23
English-Language and Literature (184)
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
3. Attempt question based on specific instructions for each part.


I. Read the passage given below. 10
1. Birds have been building nests for over 100 million years. Dinosaurs, the ancestors of birds, also built
terrestrial nests over hundreds of millions of years. The diversity we see in bird’s nests today is a result
of these thousands of bird species, evolving in different environments, creating diverse ways to house
and protect their families.
2. We think of architecture as a result of conscious design, purpose and aesthetic expression there is,
precisely, such architecture in avian nests. These are not unplanned constructions. These are shaped by
a history of selection and functionality. Also, the diversity of materials used by birds to build nests is
astonishing and birds arrive at this independently.
3. As adults, the birds go out into nature alone and gather materials to construct their nests which have
very specific structures. They have extraordinary building capacities which show both flexibility and an
innate way of interacting with the environment.
4. Interestingly, all nests perform a physical job to house and protect a bird’s eggs from bad weather and predators.
The nest is also often the location of the development of the young. Therefore, knowing the nest’s centrality,
birds have developed habitat-based strategies to meet these needs. Diverse species use sticks, twigs, webs or
mud, handled in specific ways to create the nest they require. Like human builders, birds choose materials
related to the actual structure they want.
5. Birds’ nests also have regular styles of construction - historically conditioned by circumstances, like
human communities which use bricks or stones. Birds have a similar historical investment in their
nests. For instance, a group of land birds, which includes kingfishers, hornbills, and woodpeckers, is
about 60 million years old. All of these nest in holes, from ground burrows to holes in trees, where
they can safely keep their eggs. None of them has created an alternative way. Nests are, therefore,
conservative structures - birds don’t change the designs much, unless they are sure they are improving
on the conditions required for breeding and protecting their young.
6. Now weaver birds are an extraordinary example of a group that makes impressive nests. These include
an egg chamber suspended from a branch, with a doorway. The complexity is amazing - the fibres are
interlaced, like weaves.
7. This creates very strong water-repellent structures. The weaver bird starts with a vertical ring, like a
hoop, and adds a back hemisphere to this. It then weaves on the front to create a small door. Some
species add a tubular passage to the back chamber - this can be up to five times the length of the nest.
 Continue on next page.....
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

i. Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1:

Different birds build their nests in different ways.

ii. Complete the following analogy correctly with a word from paragraph 3:
fuzzy : clarity :: rigid : _____
(Clue : Just like fuzzy means lacking in clarity, similarly rigid means lacking...)

iii. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE:

Diverse species use sticks, twigs, webs or mud, handled in specific ways to create the nest they require.

iv. Substitute the word ‘instance’ with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in the following sentence from
paragraph 5:
Birds have a similar historical investment in their nests. For instance, a group of land birds,

v. Birds also have aesthetic sense. They show it through

(a) the architecture of their nests
(b) their multi-coloured plumes
(c) how they protect their families
(d) the precision of their nests

vi. When the birds think of building their nests, the most important factor in their minds is :
(a) its beauty
(b) its purpose
(c) its design
(d) its colour

vii. List any two jobs performed by a bird’s nest.

1. __________
2. __________

viii. The materials all birds use for building their nests are
(a) sticks
(b) twigs only
(c) webs or mud
(d) any of the above, according to their specific needs
ix. A woodpecker lays its eggs
(a) in a nest made of mud
(b) in a hole in a free
(c) in a web made of twigs
(d) in a nest made of sticks
x. ‘Nests are, therefore, conservative structures’ means
(a) nests are modern in design
(b) nests have to be carefully constructed
(c) nests are traditional in design
(d) nests are flashy and gaudy in looks
II. Read the passage given below. 10
1. In addition to using libraries and visiting art museums, historic site visitation is another common form of
public engagement with the humanities. According to the National Endowment for the Arts’ Survey of
Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA). the percentage of people making at least one such visit fell steadily
from 1982 to 2012, before rising somewhat in 2017. Visits to historic sites managed by the National Park
Service (NPS) were substantially higher in 2018 than 1980, despite a decline in recent years.
2. In 2017, 28% of American adults reported visiting a historic site in the previous year. This represented
an increase of 4.4 percentage points from 2012 but a decrease of 8.9 percentage points from 1982. The
bulk of the decline in visitation occurred from 2002 to 2008.
3. The recent increases in visitation rates were statistically significant for the 35-44- and 45-54-year-old
age groups 1. The larger change was found among 35-to-44-year-olds, whose visitation rate increased
8.7 percentage points. Despite the increase from 2012 to 2017 for these groups, there was a net
decline in historic site visitation since 1982 for Americans of virtually all ages. Only among the oldest
Americans (age 75 or older) was the rate of visitation higher in 2017 than 35 years earlier.
4. From 1982 to 2017, the differences among age groups with respect to rates of historic site visitation
decreased. For example, in 1982, the rate of visitation among 25-to-34-year-olds (the group most
likely to visit a historic site in that survey) was approximately 11 percentage points higher than that
of the youngest age group (18-to-24-year-olds). and more than 17 points higher than that of people
ages 65-74. By 2017, however, the visitation rate of 25-to-34-year-olds had dropped to within five
percentage points of the younger cohort and was virtually identical of that for the older group.
5. While visitation rates are converging among the age cohorts, the differences by level of educational
attainment are still pronounced. In 2017, as in earlier years, the visitation rate among college
graduates was more than twice as high as the rate among those who finished their studies with a high
school diploma (43% as compared to 17%). Among those who did not finish high school, visitation
rates were below 10% throughout the 2008-2017 time period. Conversely, among Americans with a
graduate or professional degree, visitation rates were in the vicinity of 50% during these years. Data
from the National Park Service (NPS) indicate the types of historic sites visited most and also the
demands made of these sites’ physical infrastructure and staff. Visits to NPS historic sites rose from
approximately 59.5 million in 1980 to almost 112 million in 2018. Throughout this time period, visits
to historic sites constituted approximately a third of total NPS recreational visitation.
6. Since hitting a recent low in visits in 1995, total visits to historic sites of all types increased 58% to a
high of 120.3 million in 2016, before falling 7%, to 111.9 million visits in 2018.
7. Much of the recent growth in visits to historic sites occurred among parks classified as national
memorials and was driven by a particularly high level of visitation at sites that did not exist in 1995,
such as the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial (3.3 million visitors in 2018), the Martin Luther
King, Jr. Memorial (3.6 million visitors), and the World War II Memorial (4.7 million visitors). As
a result, visits to national memorials increased more than 300% from 1995 to 2016, even as the
number of sites increased just 26% (from 23 to 29). In comparison, visits to national monuments
increased only 3%, even as the number of sites in the category increased by 9% (from 64 to 70).
From 2016 to 2018, the number of visits fell in every category, with the largest decline occurring at
the memorial sites (down 10%), and the smallest drop at national monuments (3%).

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

i. Supply one common form of public engagement with the humanities.

ii. Which age group had a higher rate of visitation to historic sites in 2017 than 35 years earlier in America?
(a) 35-44 year-olds
(b) 45-54 year-olds
(c) 75 or more year-olds
(d) 25-34 year-olds

iii. After the year 1995, total visits to historic sites of all types increased 58% in the year _____.
(a) 2015
(b) 2016
(c) 2017
(d) 2018

iv. Name any two historical memorial in America.

1. __________
2. __________

v. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE:

The number of historical sites visits fell in every category from the year 2016 to the year 2018, with the
largest decline occurring at the memorial sites.

vi. Write full form of SPPA.

vii. The rate of visitation among 25-to-34-year-olds was approximately _____ points higher than that of the
youngest age group i.e. 18-to-24-year-olds.
(a) 11 percentage
(b) 20 percentage
(c) 15 percentage
(d) 7 percentage

viii. Substitute the word ‘attainment’ with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in the following sentence from
paragraph 5:
While visitation rates are converging among the age cohorts, the differences by level of educational
attainment are still pronounced.
ix. In earlier years the visitation rate among college graduates was more than twice as high as the rate
among those :
(a) who had a graduate or professional degree.
(b) who finished their studies with a high school diploma.
(c) who did not finish high school.
(d) who were employed individuals.

x. In America most of the _____ in visitation of historic sites occurred from the year 2002 to the year 2008.
(a) increase
(b) decline
(c) converging
(d) diverging


Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. 10

i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence.
At one time, Mr. Nigel _____ this supermarket.
(a) was owing
(b) used to own
(c) had owned
(d) owned

ii. Read the conversation between Nisha and Anjali. Complete the narration by reporting Anjali’s reply
Nisha : I want to improve my command over the English language.
Anjali : For that you need to do a lot of reading in English.

Nisha said she wanted to improve her command over the English language. Anjali said that _____.

iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line.
Principal to a student : You _____ with bad girls.
(a) must not mix
(b) cannot mix
(c) may not mix
(d) None of these
iv. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line:
We, here in India have so many religions, we eat so many different foods, we wear so much different
kinds of dresses.
Option No. Error Correction
(a) much many
(b) eat ate
(c) have has
(d) wear wears

v. Complete the given sentence, by filling in the blank with the correct option :
Two years have passed since he _____ here.
(a) has come
(b) come
(c) came
(d) had come

vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket.
They _____ (wish) me on my birthday every year.

vii. Report the dialogue between Parul and Nikhil, by completing the narration:
Parul : Where did you spend your holidays?
Nikhil : I went to many hill stations.

Parul asked Nikhil _____. Nikhil replied that he had gone to many hill stations.

viii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.
I like to drinking juice in the morning, and tea at lunchtime.

Use the given format for your answer:

Error Correction

ix. Transform the following direct speech into reported speech:

“Who now”, they had asked, “will listen to our troubles and protect us from the crocodiles ?”

x. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the sentence.
The father divided his property among his three sons lest they _____ quarrel afterwards.
(a) should
(b) shall
(c) will
(d) could
xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Arthur and Kevin.
Arthur : Kevin, are you going to the hospital again? Is your mother okay?
Kevin : My mother is now better. Thank God, she has been back to normal since Friday.

Arthur asked Kevin if he was going to the hospital again. He also asked him whether his mother was
okay. Kevin replied that _____ and thanking God, the boy said that his mother had been back to normal
(a) his mother was better now
(b) his mother had been better now
(c) his mother is better now
(d) his mother has been better now

xii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.
I walk 3 kilometres each day to reach my school.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction


All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely coincidental.

1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. You are Nitish /Nikita, the Head Boy/ Girl of Tagore Public School, Agra. Write a letter to Messers
New Star Sports, Kalkaji, New Delhi asking them to send sports equipment for the games and sports
department of your school.


B. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily complaining against the school-bus drivers for rash-driving
and overcrowding of buses causing risk to the lives of innocent school children. You are Dipti/Deepak
of C-156, Janakpuri, New Delhi.

2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. The following table gives information about some of the world’s most studied languages. Write an
analytical paragraph summarizing the given information by analyzing and reporting the main and
relevant information.
S. Languages No. of people Native speakers of a Speakers in
No. studying a language language
1. English 1.5 billion 527 million 101
2. French 82 million 118 million 51
3. Chinese 30 million 1.39 billion 33
4. Spanish 14.5 389 million 31
5. Italian 8 million 67 million 29
6. Japanese 3 million 123 million 25


B. Look at the given bar graph which shows the result of a survey conducted in the public and government
schools of Mathura. The graph depicts the types of activities the teenagers from the age of 14 years to
19 years are involved in during their leisure time.

Write an analytical paragraph highlighting the result of the survey, including all the main points and
relevant information.

V. Reference to the Context. 10
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5
1.A The baker made his musical entry on the scence with the ‘Mang jhang’ sound of his specially made
bamboo staff. One hand supported the basket on his head and the other banged the bamboo on the
ground. He would greet the lady of the house with ‘Good morning’ and then place his basket on the
vertical bamboo. We kids would be pushed aside with a mild rebuke and the loaves would be delivered
to the servant. But we would not give up. We would climb a bench or the parapet and peep into the
(Glimpses of India)
i. How did the baker make his musical entry?

ii. How would the baker greet the lady of the house?
(a) by saying good morning
(b) by saying hello
(c) by bowing his head
(d) by jingling the bamboo stick

iii. What is the antonym of ‘vertical’?

(a) slanted
(b) straight
(c) horizontal
(d) diagonal

iv. Choose an option that states the meaning of the word ‘rebuke’
(a) a backlash of using an instrument
(b) to investigate something to a great extent
(c) an expression of disapproval or a scolding
(d) a scream to ward off something

v. What did the author and the other kids do to look into the baker’s basket?


1.B It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned the meaning of courage. Time and again. I have
seen men and women risk and give their lives for an idea. I have seen men stand up to attacks and torture
without breaking, showing a strength and resilience that defies the imagination. I learned that courage
was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid,
but he who conquers that fear.
(Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom)

i. Who taught the real meaning of courage to Nelson Mandela?

ii. To author, the men and women risk and sacrifice their lives for:
(a) the sake of family
(b) the sake of an idea
(c) the sake of friends
(d) the sake of money
iii. The author defines courage not the absence of fear:
(a) but rather afraid of it
(b) but rather the triumph over it
(c) but presence of shivering
(d) but rather reject it

iv. The word ‘resilience’ means:

(a) the ability to deal with any kind of hardship
(b) the ability to conquer the foe
(d) the ability to dive deep
(d) The ability to keep mum

v. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE:

People risking and giving their lives for an idea, braving torture without breaking, showing strength and
resilience when faced with atrocities, simply defies one’s imagination.

2. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given.

2.A No use to say ‘O there are other balls’ :
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions. People will take
Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
(The Ball Poem)

i. What does the poet mean by ‘first responsibility’?

ii. Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word from the extract:
privy : secret :: sympathetic : _____
(Clue : Just like privy is sharing in a secret, similarly sympathetic is sharing in...)

ii. Which figure of speech is used in the above lines?

(a) metaphor
(b) personification
(c) anaphora
(d) simile
iv. Which of the following emotions does the boy feel when the ball goes into the dark water of the harbor?
1. Grief
2. Disbelief
3. Hope
4. Desperation
5. Excitement
(a) Only 1 and 2
(b) Only 2 and 4
(c) Only 2, 3 and 5
(d) Only 1, 2 and 4

v. Which of the following is NOT a meaning one can signify with the word ‘ball’ in this poem ?
(a) innocence
(b) irreplaceable memories
(c) precious things
(d) darker path of life


2.B He hears the last voice at night,

The patrolling cars,
And stares with his brilliant eyes
At the brilliant stars.
(A Tiger in the Zoo)

i. Select one word from the extract and fill in the blank:
To go around an area at regular times to check that it is safe is called _____.

ii. Who is ‘he’?

(a) a lion
(b) a tiger
(c) a jaguar
(d) a leopard

iii. At what does he stare?

(a) the visitors
(b) the bright stars
(c) the guards
(d) other animals
iv. What is the last thing the tiger hears at night ?

v. Why has the poet used the word ‘brilliant’ twice?

(a) to create a sense of rhyme in the poem
(b) to catch the attention of the reader
(c) to lay more stress on the brightness of the eyes and the stars
(d) there is no deeper meaning behind the usage

VI Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. 4 # 3 = 12

i. Mr. Keesing was a strict but kind teacher. Explain the truth of this statement.
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)

ii. What does Natalya say about the dog named Guess?
(The Proposal)

iii. How did the young seagull try to catch the attention of his family?
(Two Stories About Flying)

iv. How would a life on a tower be different from a life anywhere else for Amanda ?

v. Do you think the trees are justified in the revolt? State two values which man should possess to stop the revolt.
(The Trees)

VII Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2#3 = 6

i. How and when did Matilda find the borrowed necklace missing ?
(The Necklace)

ii. “The two boys stared in surprise at the fresh muddy imprints of a pair of bare feet.” What did the bewildered
boys observe while looking at these footprints ?
(Footprints Without Feet)

iii. Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh ? Support your answer with evidence.
(The Thief ’s Story)

VIII Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. 6

i. “So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the postmaster came up with an idea to answer the
What does this statement tell us about the postmaster? Was his idea successful ? How did the receiver react?
(A Letter to God)


ii. Being impressed by Custard’s feat, the young seagull’s sister wrote a letter to Custard seeking advice on addressing
the situation with her young brother. Write Custard’s response to this letter. Base the advice from his experiences.
You may begin like this:
Dear Ms Seagull,
Thank you for seeking me out. I am humbled. Based on my limited experiences I feel...
(The Tale of Custard the Dragon)
IX Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. 6

i. After reading the story ‘Bholi’ by the author K.A. Abbas, what impression do you form of the protagonist
of the story Bholi?


ii. “Horace had some hope because she seemed to be amused at meeting him.” Why did Horace feel so?
Did he consider the young lady compassionate towards him? Did he find her free from biases? Discuss
the values Horace should have imbibe understanding of the person.
(A Question of Trust)

CBSE English X Sample Paper 10 (Solved) Page 1

Sample Paper 3 (Solved)

Class X Exam 2022-23
English-Language and Literature (184)
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
3. Attempt question based on specific instructions for each part.

SECTION A- READING SKILLS 20 their eggs. None of them has created an alternative
way. Nests are, therefore, conservative structures -
I. Read the passage given below. 10 birds don’t change the designs much, unless they are
1. Birds have been building nests for over 100 million sure they are improving on the conditions required for
years. Dinosaurs, the ancestors of birds, also built breeding and protecting their young.
terrestrial nests over hundreds of millions of years. 6. Now weaver birds are an extraordinary example of
The diversity we see in bird’s nests today is a result of a group that makes impressive nests. These include
these thousands of bird species, evolving in different an egg chamber suspended from a branch, with a
environments, creating diverse ways to house and doorway. The complexity is amazing - the fibres are
protect their families. interlaced, like weaves.
2. We think of architecture as a result of conscious 7. This creates very strong water-repellent structures.
design, purpose and aesthetic expression there is, The weaver bird starts with a vertical ring, like a hoop,
precisely, such architecture in avian nests. These and adds a back hemisphere to this. It then weaves on
are not unplanned constructions. These are shaped the front to create a small door. Some species add a
by a history of selection and functionality. Also, the tubular passage to the back chamber - this can be up
diversity of materials used by birds to build nests is to five times the length of the nest.
astonishing and birds arrive at this independently.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer
3. As adults, the birds go out into nature alone and
the questions given below.
gather materials to construct their nests which have
very specific structures. They have extraordinary
i. Infer one reason for the following, based on information
building capacities which show both flexibility and an
in paragraph 1:
innate way of interacting with the environment.
Different birds build their nests in different ways.
4. Interestingly, all nests perform a physical job to house
Ans : Because of environmental differences.
and protect a bird’s eggs from bad weather and predators.
The nest is also often the location of the development
of the young. Therefore, knowing the nest’s centrality,
birds have developed habitat-based strategies to meet
these needs. Diverse species use sticks, twigs, webs or ii. Complete the following analogy correctly with a word
mud, handled in specific ways to create the nest they from paragraph 3:
require. Like human builders, birds choose materials fuzzy : clarity :: rigid : _____
related to the actual structure they want. (Clue : Just like fuzzy means lacking in clarity,
similarly rigid means lacking...)
5. Birds’ nests also have regular styles of construction
- historically conditioned by circumstances, like Ans : flexibility.
human communities which use bricks or stones. Birds
have a similar historical investment in their nests. iii. State whether the following statement is TRUE or
For instance, a group of land birds, which includes FALSE:
kingfishers, hornbills, and woodpeckers, is about 60 Diverse species use sticks, twigs, webs or mud, handled
million years old. All of these nest in holes, from ground in specific ways to create the nest they require.
burrows to holes in trees, where they can safely keep Ans : TRUE.
iv. Substitute the word ‘instance’ with ONE WORD II. Read the passage given below. 10
similar in meaning, in the following sentence from
paragraph 5: 1. In addition to using libraries and visiting art museums,
Birds have a similar historical investment in their historic site visitation is another common form of
nests. For instance, a group of land birds, public engagement with the humanities. According to
the National Endowment for the Arts’ Survey of Public
Ans : example. Participation in the Arts (SPPA). the percentage of
people making at least one such visit fell steadily from
v. Birds also have aesthetic sense. They show it through 1982 to 2012, before rising somewhat in 2017. Visits
(a) the architecture of their nests to historic sites managed by the National Park Service
(b) their multi-coloured plumes (NPS) were substantially higher in 2018 than 1980,
(c) how they protect their families despite a decline in recent years.
(d) the precision of their nests 2. In 2017, 28% of American adults reported visiting a
Ans : (a) the architecture of their nests historic site in the previous year. This represented
an increase of 4.4 percentage points from 2012 but
a decrease of 8.9 percentage points from 1982. The
vi. When the birds think of building their nests, the most
bulk of the decline in visitation occurred from 2002
important factor in their minds is :
to 2008.
(a) its beauty (b) its purpose
3. The recent increases in visitation rates were
(c) its design (d) its colour
statistically significant for the 35-44- and 45-54-year-
Ans : (b) its purpose old age groups 1. The larger change was found among
35-to-44-year-olds, whose visitation rate increased
vii. List any two jobs performed by a bird’s nest. 8.7 percentage points. Despite the increase from
1. __________ 2012 to 2017 for these groups, there was a net decline
2. __________ in historic site visitation since 1982 for Americans of
Ans : virtually all ages. Only among the oldest Americans
1. To house and protect its eggs. (age 75 or older) was the rate of visitation higher in
2. To protect its eggs from bad weather. 2017 than 35 years earlier.
4. From 1982 to 2017, the differences among age
groups with respect to rates of historic site visitation
decreased. For example, in 1982, the rate of visitation
viii. The materials all birds use for building their nests are
among 25-to-34-year-olds (the group most likely to
(a) sticks visit a historic site in that survey) was approximately
(b) twigs only 11 percentage points higher than that of the youngest
(c) webs or mud age group (18-to-24-year-olds). and more than 17
(d) any of the above, according to their specific needs points higher than that of people ages 65-74. By
2017, however, the visitation rate of 25-to-34-year-
Ans : (d) any of the above, according to their specific
olds had dropped to within five percentage points of
the younger cohort and was virtually identical of that
for the older group.
ix. A woodpecker lays its eggs
5. While visitation rates are converging among the
(a) in a nest made of mud
age cohorts, the differences by level of educational
(b) in a hole in a free attainment are still pronounced. In 2017, as in earlier
(c) in a web made of twigs years, the visitation rate among college graduates
(d) in a nest made of sticks was more than twice as high as the rate among those
Ans : (b) in a hole in a free who finished their studies with a high school diploma
(43% as compared to 17%). Among those who did not
x. ‘Nests are, therefore, conservative structures’ means finish high school, visitation rates were below 10%
throughout the 2008-2017 time period. Conversely,
(a) nests are modern in design among Americans with a graduate or professional
(b) nests have to be carefully constructed degree, visitation rates were in the vicinity of 50%
(c) nests are traditional in design during these years. Data from the National Park
(d) nests are flashy and gaudy in looks Service (NPS) indicate the types of historic sites
Ans : (c) nests are traditional in design visited most and also the demands made of these
sites’ physical infrastructure and staff. Visits to NPS iv. Name any two historical memorial in America.
historic sites rose from approximately 59.5 million 1. __________
in 1980 to almost 112 million in 2018. Throughout 2. __________
this time period, visits to historic sites constituted Ans :
approximately a third of total NPS recreational
1. World War II Memorial.
2. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.
6. Since hitting a recent low in visits in 1995, total visits
to historic sites of all types increased 58% to a high
of 120.3 million in 2016, before falling 7%, to 111.9 v. State whether the following statement is TRUE or
million visits in 2018. FALSE:
The number of historical sites visits fell in every
7. Much of the recent growth in visits to historic
category from the year 2016 to the year 2018, with
sites occurred among parks classified as national
the largest decline occurring at the memorial sites.
memorials and was driven by a particularly high
level of visitation at sites that did not exist in 1995, Ans : TRUE.
such as the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
(3.3 million visitors in 2018), the Martin Luther vi. Write full form of SPPA.
King, Jr. Memorial (3.6 million visitors), and the Ans : Survey of Public Participation in the Arts.
World War II Memorial (4.7 million visitors). As a
result, visits to national memorials increased more
than 300% from 1995 to 2016, even as the number vii. The rate of visitation among 25-to-34-year-olds was
of sites increased just 26% (from 23 to 29). In approximately _____ points higher than that of
comparison, visits to national monuments increased the youngest age group i.e. 18-to-24-year-olds.
only 3%, even as the number of sites in the category (a) 11 percentage (b) 20 percentage
increased by 9% (from 64 to 70). From 2016 to (c) 15 percentage (d) 7 percentage
2018, the number of visits fell in every category,
Ans : (a) 11 percentage
with the largest decline occurring at the memorial
sites (down 10%), and the smallest drop at national
monuments (3%). viii. Substitute the word ‘attainment’ with ONE WORD
similar in meaning, in the following sentence from
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer paragraph 5:
the questions given below. While visitation rates are converging among the
age cohorts, the differences by level of educational
i. Supply one common form of public engagement with attainment are still pronounced.
the humanities. Ans : realization.
Ans : Visiting art museums.
ix. In earlier years the visitation rate among college
graduates was more than twice as high as the rate
among those :
(a) who had a graduate or professional degree.
ii. Which age group had a higher rate of visitation to (b) who finished their studies with a high school
historic sites in 2017 than 35 years earlier in America? diploma.
(a) 35-44 year-olds (c) who did not finish high school.
(b) 45-54 year-olds (d) who were employed individuals.
(c) 75 or more year-olds Ans : (b) who finished their studies with a high school
(d) 25-34 year-olds diploma.
Ans : (c) 75 or more year-olds
x. In America most of the _____ in visitation of
iii. After the year 1995, total visits to historic sites of all historic sites occurred from the year 2002 to the year
types increased 58% in the year _____. 2008.
(a) 2015 (b) 2016 (a) increase (b) decline
(c) 2017 (d) 2018 (c) converging (d) diverging
Ans : (b) 2016 Ans : (b) decline
III. SECTION B- GRAMMAR 10 v. Complete the given sentence, by filling in the blank
with the correct option :
Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. 10 Two years have passed since he _____ here.
(a) has come
i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to
complete the sentence. (b) come
At one time, Mr. Nigel _____ this supermarket. (c) came
(a) was owing (d) had come
(b) used to own Ans : (c) came
(c) had owned
(d) owned
Ans : (d) owned

ii. Read the conversation between Nisha and Anjali.

Complete the narration by reporting Anjali’s reply
Nisha : I want to improve my command over the vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word
in the bracket.
English language.
They _____ (wish) me on my birthday every year.
Anjali : For that you need to do a lot of reading in
English. Ans : wish

Nisha said she wanted to improve her command over vii. Report the dialogue between Parul and Nikhil, by
the English language. Anjali said that _____. completing the narration:
Ans : for that she needed to do a lot of reading in Parul : Where did you spend your holidays?
English. Nikhil : I went to many hill stations.

iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the Parul asked Nikhil _____. Nikhil replied that he
given line. had gone to many hill stations.
Principal to a student : You _____ with bad girls. Ans : where he had spent his holidays
(a) must not mix
(b) cannot mix viii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the
(c) may not mix correction.
(d) None of these I like to drinking juice in the morning, and tea at
Ans : (a) must not mix lunchtime.

Use the given format for your answer:

iv. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies
the correction for the following line: Error Correction
We, here in India have so many religions, we eat so
many different foods, we wear so much different kinds
of dresses. Ans :

Error Correction
Option No. Error Correction
drinking drink
(a) much many
(b) eat ate
ix. Transform the following direct speech into reported
(c) have has speech:
(d) wear wears “Who now”, they had asked, “will listen to our
troubles and protect us from the crocodiles ?”
Ans : (a)
Ans : They had wanted to know who then would
listen to their troubles and protect them from the
x. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to IV. SECTION B- CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS 10
complete the sentence.
The father divided his property among his three sons All the names and addresses used in the questions are
lest they _____ quarrel afterwards. fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely coincidental.
(a) should
1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
(b) shall
(c) will A. You are Nitish /Nikita, the Head Boy/ Girl of Tagore
(d) could Public School, Agra. Write a letter to Messers New
Ans : (a) should Star Sports, Kalkaji, New Delhi asking them to send
sports equipment for the games and sports department
xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration of of your school.
the dialogue between Arthur and Kevin. Ans :
Arthur : Kevin, are you going to the hospital again?
Is your mother okay? Tagore Public School
Kevin : My mother is now better. Thank God, she has
5th January, 20...
been back to normal since Friday.
M/s New Star Sports
Arthur asked Kevin if he was going to the hospital Kalkaji
New Delhi
again. He also asked him whether his mother was
Subject : Order for Sports Equipment
okay. Kevin replied that _____ and thanking God,
the boy said that his mother had been back to normal I wish to place a bulk order for the supply of sports
since. goods and equipment for the school for the academic
(a) his mother was better now session 2020-21. The particulars of the goods/
(b) his mother had been better now equipment and their quantity to be supplied are given
(c) his mother is better now below. Kindly send them at the above address through
transport along with cash bill.
(d) his mother has been better now
Ans : (a) his mother was better now
S.No. Particulars Quantity
1. Tennis Balls 30 pieces
2. Tennis Racquets 22 pieces
3. Volleyballs 20 pieces
4. English Willow Bats 25 pieces
5. Batting Pads 20 pairs
6. Wicket-Keeping Pads 12 pairs
xii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the 7. Batting Gloves 15 pairs
8. Wicket-Keeping Gloves 05 pairs
I walk 3 kilometres each day to reach my school.
9. Practice Leather Balls 200 pieces
Use the given format for your response. 10. Practice Net 05 pieces
Error Correction 11. Skipping Ropes 24 pieces
12. Stumps 24 pieces
Ans : 13. Footballs 20 pieces

Error Correction All the items should be in good condition,

each every well-bound and packed properly. Any damage to
these items during transportation will be your
responsibility. The payment of these goods will be
made digitally. The items should reach the school in
10 days after the receipt of the letter; otherwise the 2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
order shall stand cancelled.
Thanking you A. The following table gives information about some
Yours sincerely of the world’s most studied languages. Write
Nitish/Nikita an analytical paragraph summarizing the given
Head Boy/Girl information by analyzing and reporting the main and
relevant information.
B. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily complaining
S. Languages No. of N a t i v e Speakers
against the school-bus drivers for rash-driving and No. people sp eakers in
overcrowding of buses causing risk to the lives of studying of a
innocent school children. You are Dipti/Deepak of a language
C-156, Janakpuri, New Delhi. language
Ans :
1. English 1.5 billion 527 million 101
C-156, Janakpuri
New Delhi 2. French 82 million 118 million 51
February 19, 20... 3. Chinese 30 million 1.39 billion 33
The Editor
4. Spanish 14.5 389 million 31
The Times of India million
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 5. Italian 8 million 67 million 29
Subject : Regarding reckless driving of school-bus 6. Japanese 3 million 123 million 25
Ans :
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I World’s Most Studied Languages
wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities The table highlights some of the world’s most studied
towards the grave issue of rash driving being done by languages and compares the data to the actual native
school-bus drivers which poses a threat to the lives of speakers (mother tongue) of each language and also
innocent school children and trespassers. tells how many countries have speakers of each of the
Driving in a zigzag manner on packed roads, crossing languages. As the table clearly shows, English is one
speed-limits, not following traffic lights has become very of the prominent languages in the world. There are
common. Despite such strict regulations regarding speed, 1.5 billion people studying the language as compared
none of these drivers seem to follow them. This shows to 82 million people studying French, the second most
that there is lack of implementation. This is a menace studied language, when there are only 527 million
to other road users as the bus drivers that drive at high native speakers of English as compared to Chinese
speed might crush down whoever comes in their way. which has 1.39 billion native speakers. We can also
By addressing this issue, it is hoped that the public see that English is spoken in 101 countries which is
awareness towards the threat of reckless drivers can double the number of countries where French is spoken
be raised. It is also the time for the traffic authorities and triple the number of countries where Chinese is
to take strong measures against the reckless drivers, spoken. But in terms of native speakers, Chinese has
which includes levying heavy fines and forfeiting of the most numbers at 1.39 billion, even if the people
their licenses if they are found guilty of breaching the studying it are only 30 million. On the other hand,
traffic rules. Waiting for your prompt response. Spanish has 389 million native speakers but only 14.5
Thanking You million people are studying the language, which is
Yours sincerely almost double the number of people studying Italian.
Dipti/Deepak Meanwhile, Japanese is the least studied language
with 3 million people. Thus, we can conclude that
there is no relation between how many native speakers
are there and how many people are actually studying
a language. But, there is a relation between the
number of countries where a language is spoken and
the number of people studying a language.
Or TV and using smart phone in their leisure time over
hanging out with friends.
B. Look at the given bar graph which shows the result
of a survey conducted in the public and government
schools of Mathura. The graph depicts the types of
activities the teenagers from the age of 14 years to 19
years are involved in during their leisure time.

V. Reference to the Context. 10
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5
1.A The baker made his musical entry on the scence with
the ‘Mang jhang’ sound of his specially made bamboo
staff. One hand supported the basket on his head
and the other banged the bamboo on the ground. He
would greet the lady of the house with ‘Good morning’
and then place his basket on the vertical bamboo. We
kids would be pushed aside with a mild rebuke and
the loaves would be delivered to the servant. But we
would not give up. We would climb a bench or the
parapet and peep into the basket.
Write an analytical paragraph highlighting the result (Glimpses of India)
of the survey, including all the main points and i. How did the baker make his musical entry?
relevant information.
Ans : The baker made his musical entry with the
Ans :
‘jhang, jhang‘ sound of his bamboo staff.
Difference in Leisure Activities of Teenagers
The bar graph showcases the difference in the leisure ii. How would the baker greet the lady of the house?
activities of teenagers from the age of 14 to 19 years in
(a) by saying good morning
the public and government schools of Mathura. As the
graph portrays, the public school teenagers seem to (b) by saying hello
be more tech-oriented in their leisure activities than (c) by bowing his head
government school teenagers. Around 49 percent of (d) by jingling the bamboo stick
teenagers from public schools prefer to surf the net Ans : (a) by saying good morning
in their free time, while only 7 percent of government
school teenagers attempt this, which is a big contrast. iii. What is the antonym of ‘vertical’ ?
Same way, 20 percent of teenagers from public school
(a) slanted (b) straight
use smart phones which is double the percentage of
teenagers from government school who use smart (c) horizontal (d) diagonal
phones. In contrast, 25 percent of government school Ans : (c) horizontal
teenagers prefer hanging out with their friends whereas
only 13 percent of public school teenagers tend to do iv. Choose an option that states the meaning of the word
so. Even watching TV in leisure time is an activity ‘rebuke’
that is preferred by government school teenagers than (a) a backlash of using an instrument
public school teenagers, though there is not a huge
(b) to investigate something to a great extent
difference in the percentage. Thus, we can say that
public school teenagers in Mathura are more tech (c) an expression of disapproval or a scolding
oriented than government school teenagers as they (d) a scream to ward off something
prefer indoor activities like net surfing, watching Ans : (c) an expression of disapproval or a scolding
v. What did the author and the other kids do to look 2. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given.
into the baker’s basket? 2.A No use to say ‘O there are other balls’ :
Ans : They would climb a bench or the parapet to An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
look into the baker’s basket. As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
Or His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
1.B It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
the meaning of courage. Time and again. I have seen He senses first responsibility
men and women risk and give their lives for an idea. In a world of possessions. People will take
I have seen men stand up to attacks and torture Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
without breaking, showing a strength and resilience (The Ball Poem)
that defies the imagination. I learned that courage
was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. i. What does the poet mean by ‘first responsibility’ ?
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but Ans : By ‘first responsibility’, he, means to look after
he who conquers that fear. his things properly.
(Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom)
ii. Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word
i. Who taught the real meaning of courage to Nelson from the extract:
Mandela? privy : secret :: sympathetic : _____
Ans : The comrades in the struggle against apartheid. (Clue : Just like privy is sharing in a secret, similarly
sympathetic is sharing in...)
ii. To author, the men and women risk and sacrifice their
Ans : grief.
lives for:
(a) the sake of family iii. Which figure of speech is used in the above lines?
(b) the sake of an idea (a) metaphor (b) personification
(c) the sake of friends (c) anaphora (d) simile
(d) the sake of money Ans : (a) metaphor
Ans : (b) the sake of an idea
iv. Which of the following emotions does the boy feel
iii. The author defines courage not the absence of fear:
when the ball goes into the dark water of the harbor?
(a) but rather afraid of it 1. Grief
(b) but rather the triumph over it 2. Disbelief
(c) but presence of shivering 3. Hope
(d) but rather reject it 4. Desperation
Ans : (b) but rather the triumph over it 5. Excitement
(a) Only 1 and 2
iv. The word ‘resilience’ means: (b) Only 2 and 4
(a) the ability to deal with any kind of hardship (c) Only 2, 3 and 5
(b) the ability to conquer the foe (d) Only 1, 2 and 4
(d) the ability to dive deep Ans : (d) Only 1, 2 and 4
(d) The ability to keep mum
Ans : (a) the ability to deal with any kind of hardship

v. State whether the following statement is TRUE or v. Which of the following is NOT a meaning one can
FALSE: signify with the word ‘ball’ in this poem ?
People risking and giving their lives for an idea, (a) innocence
braving torture without breaking, showing strength (b) irreplaceable memories
and resilience when faced with atrocities, simply (c) precious things
defies one’s imagination. (d) darker path of life
Ans : TRUE. Ans : (d) darker path of life
Or ii. What does Natalya say about the dog named Guess?
2.B He hears the last voice at night, (The Proposal)
The patrolling cars, Ans :
And stares with his brilliant eyes While arguing with Lomov, Natalya told him that
At the brilliant stars. her dog Squezzer was much better than Lomov’s dog
(A Tiger in the Zoo) Guess. She mentioned that Guess had become too
old and ought to be shot. Natalya also claimed that
Squezzer was hundred times much better than Guess.
i. Select one word from the extract and fill in the blank:
To go around an area at regular times to check that it iii. How did the young seagull try to catch the attention
is safe is called _____. of his family?
Ans : patrolling. (Two Stories About Flying)
Ans :
ii. Who is ‘he’ ? Seeing that his family was not paying attention to
him from the meadow below, the young seagull slowly
(a) a lion (b) a tiger came up to the brink of the ledge and stood on one
(c) a jaguar (d) a leopard leg while hiding the other leg under his wing. He then
Ans : (b) a tiger closed his one eye and then the other and pretended
to be falling asleep. This is how he tried to attract the
iii. At what does he stare? attention of his family.
(a) the visitors (b) the bright stars iv. How would a life on a tower be different from a life
(c) the guards (d) other animals anywhere else for Amanda ?
Ans : (b) the bright stars (Amanda!)
Ans :
iv. What is the last thing the tiger hears at night ? Life on a tower for Amanda would be very different
from her reality. Just like Rapunzel, even she desires
Ans : The voice of patrolling cars.
to live on top of a tower, away from everyday chaos.
Amanda suffers due to the constant nagging from her
parents. She seeks a place full of peace and serenity,
where there is no one to disturb her. Hence, she wishes
to live on a tower.
v. Why has the poet used the word ‘brilliant’ twice? v. Do you think the trees are justified in the revolt?
(a) to create a sense of rhyme in the poem State two values which man should possess to stop the
(b) to catch the attention of the reader revolt.
(c) to lay more stress on the brightness of the eyes (The Trees)
and the stars Ans :
The trees inside the house get suffocated as they grow.
(d) there is no deeper meaning behind the usage
They try to free themselves from the cracks of the
Ans : (c) to lay more stress on the brightness of the veranda floor and the leaves stretch out as if to move
eyes and the stars towards the glass. They are justified in their revolt.
VI Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 Men should learn the importance of trees.
words each. 4 # 3 = 12
VII Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50
i. Mr. Keesing was a strict but kind teacher. Explain the words each. 2#3 = 6
truth of this statement.
(From the Diary of Anne Frank) i. How and when did Matilda find the borrowed necklace
Ans : missing ?
Mr. Keesing was a strict but kind teacher. He punished (The Necklace)
Anne for her talkative behaviour by making her Ans :
write essays but he never took offense to the words Matilda went home from the ball at about four o’clock
she wrote. Moreover, he always took them in good in the morning. After reaching home, she removed the
humour and even appreciated some of her arguments wraps from her shoulder before the glass so that she
written in the essay. could have a final view of her glory. It was at that
time that she found her necklace missing.
ii. “The two boys stared in surprise at the fresh muddy Or
imprints of a pair of bare feet.” What did the bewildered ii. Being impressed by Custard’s feat, the young seagull’s sister
boys observe while looking at these footprints ? wrote a letter to Custard seeking advice on addressing the
(Footprints Without Feet)
situation with her young brother. Write Custard’s response
Ans :
to this letter. Base the advice from his experiences.
The two boys were surprised to see the fresh muddy
imprints of a pair of bare feet. They wondered what You may begin like this:
a barefoot man was doing on the steps of a house, in Dear Ms Seagull,
the middle of London. They even observed that the Thank you for seeking me out. I am humbled. Based
footprints were appearing from out of nowhere as they on my limited experiences I feel...
could not see a person. It is was a remarkable sight (The Tale of Custard the Dragon)
that bewildered the boys. Ans :
Dear Ms Seagull,
iii. Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh ? Support your Thank you for seeking me out. I am humbled. Based
answer with evidence. on my limited experiences I feel if we run away
(The Thief’s Story) from the difficult situation it becomes monstrous. A
Ans : courageous person is always ready to face the inverse
Anil did not make much money, so the amount stolen conditions without boasting of his bravery. Cowards
by Hari must have been very important. The situation run away when the real problem comes up and give
must have made him very angry. But when he found baseless explanations for their fleet.
out that Hari had made an attempt to change his The case with your brother is somewhat different.
habits, Anil forgave him. He thought that if Hari was he is not a coward but he is unable to muster up the
given a chance, it will help transform him. So, he courage for his first flight. He is worried about the
forgave him and gave him an opportunity to improve consequences of falling down. Try to explain to him
himself. He even gave him Rupees 50 and promised to that birds are born with innate flying skills and he
pay him regularly from then on. should not worry about falling down. If he focuses on
his aim, success will automatically follow.
VIII Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120
words. 6
i. “So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the
postmaster came up with an idea to answer the letter”.
What does this statement tell us about the postmaster?
Was his idea successful ? How did the receiver react? IX Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120
(A Letter to God) words. 6
Ans : i. After reading the story ‘Bholi’ by the author K.A.
When the postmaster saw the letter addressed to Abbas, what impression do you form of the protagonist
God, he broke out laughing, but almost immediately of the story Bholi?
he turned serious. He was amazed at the faith of the Ans :
writer and wished that he too could have the faith of Bholi was a neglected child in the family. Due to her
the man who wrote the letter. This shows that he was deep black pockmarks, impaired speech and lack of
an appreciative and amiable person. sense, she was considered backward and a simpleton.
He was kind, therefore in order not to shake the The day she was brought to school, she avoided other
writer’s faith, he decided to answer the letter. He girls, who made fun of her and she could not even
was empathetic also. But, when he read the letter understand their language.
he realised that only goodwill wouldn’t do. He would But due to her teacher’s encouragement
need money too. Still, he did not give up the idea and sympathetic treatment, she became a bold
of replying to the letter. He was determined and girl. Moreover, she turned out to be a good and
trustworthy and thus stuck on his resolution. He understanding person who was submissive to her
asked for some money from his employees and he even parents’ wishes. She yielded to the wish of her parents
himself gave a part of his salary. Several friends of his to marry her off to Bishamber, a man who was lame,
were obliged to give something for an act of charity. old enough to be the age of her father and had grown-
The postmaster was generous too. In the end, he sent up children. But later, she even had the courage
70 pesos to Lencho but he did not reveal his identity. to reject her marriage because she did not want a
He did not want to break Lencho’s trust, hence signed husband who disrespected her father.
the letter as God. This shows how selfless he was.
ii. “Horace had some hope because she seemed to be
amused at meeting him.” Why did Horace feel so? Did
he consider the young lady compassionate towards
him? Did he find her free from biases? Discuss the
values Horace should have imbibe understanding of
the person.
(A Question of Trust)
Ans :
Horace was a fifty-year-old man who used to rob only
to buy rare and expensive. This time he decided to
rob Shot over Grange. But as soon as he entered the
room, a young lady appeared. She posed to be the
lady of the house. She was very confident in her way
of mannerism. Then she tried to be polite and nice
to him. On hearing her, Horace felt that he had a
hope of escaping. He found her a bit compassionate
towards him. He was amused at Horace. She acted
in quite a subtle manner and showed her sympathy
and admiration towards a simple and honest man. He
could not judge her ace. She made Horace promise
that he would never commit the crime again. Horace
should have been clever, shrewd and witty like the

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