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1. Most people do xyz…

2. Here's why they're wrong...
3. Here's why this will hurt you...
4. Here’s what to do about it…

4 variations that maintain the core power of the formula

1. Yes, And.
This is when you're confirming something the audience believes, but extending it even further to make that
belief even truer/righteous/valuable. Confirms and extends bias in the direction you want.

EXAMPLE: Yes carbs are making you fat... AND they can cause diabetes.

2. Yes, But.
This is when you need to violate the status quo to present your information. You confirm a belief the audience has, but
you present a case that violates that conventional wisdom. Your information presents the cure for that exception that
restores their belief to the universal.

EXAMPLE: Yes, cutting fat can be healthy for you... BUT not if you cut out the good fats with the bad!

3. No, And.
You take a belief that the audience has and show how they've been tricked into believing it, and then you
agitate it to be even worse. This is to be used when you need to totally shatter their beliefs or blow their
mind. This is the "pull back the curtain" metaphor at its purest.

EXAMPLE: No, fatty foods do not make people fat... AND the right kind of fats can actually cause weight

4. No, But.
This is when you have to redirect a belief they have that is wrong, but you can re-harness it in a new
direction. Which is like, you're wrong, but you're close to the truth. Here is the nudge my info will give you.

EXAMPLE: No, high fat/low carb diets are not dangerous... BUT you have to plan your meals correctly!

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