7 Figure Copywriting - Sales Page Checklist

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❏ Open these files as the ultimate guiding principles before you start writing.
❏ Module 1: Quickstart Copy Formula
❏ Module 1: Market Research: Identifying Your Niche
❏ Module 1: Audience Profile Checklist
❏ Module 1: F.A.B. Principles
❏ Module 2: 10-Step Copywriting Framework

❏ Essentially, your sales page should follow the 10-Step Copywriting Framework. Write in a way
you’re comfortable with, regardless of having the sales page design template done first or after.


❏ What is this? About your product. Refer to your exercise in the lesson ​Market Research: Identifying
Your Niche.

❏ Who is it for? Decide your target audience avatar. Refer to your ​Audience Profile Checklist.

❏ Will it work for me? Refer to your ​F.A.B.


❏ The ultimate action you want your customers to take on your sales page.

❏ Length:​ If the offer is a high price point product → invest more time.

❏ Decide your product price points.


❏ Headline: ​Call out your audience.

❏ Subhead:​ Show them how you are going to solve their problems, infuse their wants, desires, and

❏ Problem Setup:
❏ Tell your story about why you create your solution in the first place, talk about the pain
you’ve been through, the costs you had to pay, etc.
❏ Show empathy to your audience
❏ Identify their problems, pick the MOST critical problem of your audience and start from there.

❏ Provide Solution: ​Introduce your solution, show the ease of use of your products/services, keep it
clear and straightforward.

❏ Show The Result: ​Show speed of the result, future-cast, the benefits.

❏ Detail The Benefits: ​Refer to the F.A.B. Principles — Features, Advantage, Benefits. Sell the

❏ Credential & Social Proof:​ Affiliations, awards, licenses, influencers who use it, official
studies/research, backers, team, stats, testimonials, case studies, pull-quotes, reviews, etc.

❏ Make your offer: ​Present it like an invitation (not a formal one).

❏ Add Bonuses & Stack The Value:​ keep it relevant, straightforward, and it adds value to your

❏ Reveal Your Price: ​Write down your actual price + the perceived value from stacking your bonuses.

❏ Inject Scarcity / Urgency / Warning: ​How many can they buy, how soon must they act, what
happens if they don’t act now.

❏ Give a Guarantee: ​Call out any fears or objections they might have at this stage in the sales
process, and position your guarantee around them.

❏ Final Call to Action / Close With a Reminder. ​What is the ultimate action you want your
customers to take on your sales page?
❏ Re-Summarize everything in the offer.

❏ Follow this formula:

“If you want to do X [DESIRED OUTCOME],

and achieve Y [LIST OUT THE BENEFITS],
then you need to [ACTION] before it runs out.”

❏ The CTA Button: Switch to the first person voice for your call to action button.

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