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Name Deepika Srivastava

Question 1

On the very first day itself, Lisa felt cold welcome from his immediate peers especially Linton
and Scoville. Also, the statement from Linton about her viewpoint of MBA holders, that she
doesn’t like Harvard’s MBA holder, made her little disappoint on that day. Similarly one day,
Lisa went to ask few question to Scoville and he responded in condescending attitude to her
questions and suggested she was a learner and should behave like learner and to not give her
opinions. She was given more of assistant work which made her disappointed and wait for
chance to explore.
Question 2

Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to Low He has conservative thinking of all MBA

Experience holders including Lisa and he commented he
was not impressed with MBAs.

Conscientiousness Low He was often disorganized while completing his

tasks and always asked Lisa to help on the very
last hour.

Extraversion High He always listened and answered Lisa’s

questions, acted friendly.

Agreeableness Low He is always mostly concerned with his own

interests, he is rational, brash and

Neuroticism High He is moody, last minute anxious worker.

2 b). Lisa could get along better with Scoville by:

1) Gently reminding his time schedule regarding any nearby completion of project.
2) Could help in organizing his schedule and keeping calm when he acts moody, and
remind him later that he acted such way which she didn’t feel accepted.
Question 3

3 a). The situation represents Hidden area or façade.

3 b). However, Lisa was told to act as a learner by Scoville and Linton also didn’t make time
to responding her queries. She could have done the following to improve her relationship with

1) When Linton told that she would respond her queries afterwards and at that time she
was busy, she could have waited and patiently approached her later even after getting
resolution with Scoville. Because conversation with your reporting manager will let her
know that you are working on something and trying to resolve something.
2) Although Scoville helped her, but she would always be trying to reach Linton for any
ideas that comes up or any reporting, just to let Linton know that she think this way
before going to any meetings. If Linton was not taking initiative taking her lunch, she
could have offered the same, thus would have shown she was eager to bond with

Question 4

While giving feedback Linton should been more considerate giving the negative feedback.
She could have used the ‘I like, I wish and I wonder’ technique or the ‘3-2-1’ technique for
giving feedback. As she said that Lisa is unassertive, instead it could be said like that I wonder
if you could be more assertive. Similarly for portraying Lisa as ‘she lacks in taking initiative
and confidence’ she could have said I wonder what are your thoughts about the project we are
working upon.
Question 5

Three engagement tactics that could have helped Lisa in feeling more motivated to work in

1) Encourage employees to speak their mind without fear of criticism or judgement.

2) Develop a sense of affiliation among employees to keep them connected.
3) Put everyone in a right role.

Question 6

6. a)2 soft tactics that Lisa can use:

1) Impression Management: She could have impressed Linton by having patience and
constantly persuading Linton to impress her and be trustworthy against Linton mindset
of not liking MBAs specially from Harvard.
2) Exchange: Lisa could have easily traded the work she was doing to help Scoville at the
last moment of his deadline with grabbing Scoville attention to let her accept her point
of view and impress him also.

6. b)2 hard tactics that Lisa can use:

1) Information control: Lisa could have accessed Scoville work in which she had helped to
meet the deadline and given her views regarding it during meeting suggesting she got that idea
while the presentation itself.

2) Coalition formation: Lisa could have grouped with similar opinion of Scoville as everybody
has indicated he is hard to work with, which could have helped her.
Question 7


There has been breach in Honesty and fairness in dealing with the new joined employee.
Instead of giving her honest opinion she was suggested to act as learner. There is no feedback
loop there to receive the perception of newly joined employee in the firm. She was not
communicated well about the job profile she has to work upon. No proper training and
guidance available if one gets stuck somewhere.

Question 8

No. I think Lisa should not quit. She should introspect where to get the answers to the question
she is having. She should approach Vernon her Product Manager regarding her unsolved
dilemma of what she is supposed to do as specified by the job profile she had given by the
company. She could ask for team change if she find it unable to work under Linton who has
not recognized her skill or unwilling to pay attention to her. She could ask Vernon to
individually handle any project and work upon to showcase her skills properly.

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