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Group of two.

Members of the group:

1. Raiqa Biyan Sukmawijaya (2106311027)

2. Zain Sultan mahmudi (2106311028)
3. Putri Uniqa Hapsari (2106311038)
4. Talitha Felicia Anggraini (2106311046)
5. Salman Alfarisy (2106311047)

Once upon a time in a rainy afternoon day, there are three friends who chatting
casually in a cafe. They just met each other after a very long vacation.

Uniq : “Hi! long time no see, how are you guys?”

Raiqa : “Hi Uniq!!, Im good, how about you?”

Uniq : “I’m good too!. Btw, why you look so sad today Fel?”

Felicia : “Hmm, I’m not feeling so well guys.”

Raiqa : “Why Fel? you can tell us the reason. ”

Uniq : “Yeah Fel, why are you feeling so sad today?”

Felicia : “I’m not feeling so well, because I can’t go on vacation this year.”

Raiqa : “Aww, I’m so sad to hear that. May I know why you can’t take a vacation that day?”

Uniq : “If you want to, you can talk about it to us.”

Felicia : “I can’t go on vacation because I have some work to do.”

Uniq : “By the way, I invited my neighbor friends to come here too, is it okay?”

Raiqa : “Umm okay, I’m fine with that.”

Felicia : “Yeah, it’s okay.”

A few moments later, Salman and Zain came to the cafe. Salman went straight to the
table where Uniq, Raiqa, and Felicia were sitting and Zain immediately went to order their
drinks to the cashier.
Salman : “Hey guys, whats up yo!!”

Uniq : “Hey, calm down!!, my friend is not feeling well right now.”

Salman : “Oh I’m so sorry, is something bad happend?”

Zain just came after ordering some drinks, he looks so confused because the awkward
atmosphere at the Uniq table.

Zain yang baru saja datang setelah selesai memesan minuman terlihat kebingungan karena
situasi yang cukup mencekam di meja Uniq

Zain : “Hey guys, did I miss something?”

Salman : “I don't know, uniq hasn't explained anything to me what is going on here.”

Uniq : “My friend had something problem with her vacation.”

*Raiqa get her head closer to Uniq and whispered something to her.*

Raiqa : “Are they the neighbor friends that you're talked about?”

Uniq : “Yes they are!, sorry I’m forgot to introduce them to you guys. This is Zain and this is

Zain : “Hello guys, my name is Zain Sultan Mahmuda. I’m Salman and Uniq friends.”

Salman : “Nice to meet you guys. I heard your friends are having problems with their
vacations so maybe I think both of us, me and Zain have a solution for your problem.”

Zain : “Yes, I think so, because a few weeks ago we had a vacation to tourist some spot
which is quite our recommendation."

Salman : “for sure, because the place has a beautiful views, a cool atmosphere, and is highly
recommended for people who are having a personal problems.”

Zain : “the name of the place is Lombok, we vacationed for 2 weeks. At that moment, I went
to the beach, the air was very cool and a lot of tourists took a vacation there. We rented a
speedboat to enjoy the beautiful sea water and we also went to the Senaru Coffee Garden to
enjoy the coffee produced from the place directly.”

Salman : “So, what do you think about it Fel? Would you mind our recomendation?”
Raiqa : “Yeah I think it's a good idea for you Fel, I hope you think about their
recommendations carefully.”

Uniq : “I have the same opinion as Raiqa, you can think about their recommendations

Felicia : “Thank you so much for caring about me guys, I will think about it first”

After finding a solution for Felicia problem, they’re continued the conversation until
the late night, and saying goodbye to each other.

Raiqa : “OMG guys! time flies so quikly, it's already late night, I think I have to go.”

Uniq : “Ah that’s right! my parents seems looking for me.”

Felicia : “Yeah my parents already contacted me too, I think we should go home right now!”

Zain: “Umm before we go, can we make a group chat first?”

Salman: “That’s a great idea!, l will make a group chat and add you all to the group.”

Raiqa: “Thank you Zain and Salman for suggest and making a group chat for us! And also
thank you guys, it’s been nice talking to you all.”

Felicia: “Yeah, I’m glad we met, let’s talk again soon!”

Uniq: “Thank you guys, bye!”

Raiqa, Felicia, Zain, Salman : “Bye!”


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